Shinji/Hiyori – Methods of Flight
Rating: K

Hiyori decides to ask Shinji, akin to the way a child asks an old man of trivial things, what it must be like to fly.

Shinji's lips are pursed together in careful thought, drawn into a thin line as he stares outwards at the limitless sea from the cliff they're standing on.

Hiyori's repeating her question, unhappy when Shinji doesn't answer back after several calls of his name.

When Shinji suddenly hoists Hiyori over his shoulders, ignoring her maddening screams of protest, the way her cheeks are burning, Shinji explains, lifting her up to the big blue,

This is what it's like to fly.

Hiyori's looking up at the sky, at that glorious blue, feels the wind brush pass their skins, an expression of wonder on her face as her gold hair dances in the wind.