AN: Yes your eyes aren't deceiving you this really is an Update. I know it's been ages but life just got in the way and there was a death in the family. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please let me know what you think. I promise to UD again soon!! Laura.

Disclaimer: I do not own One Tree Hill or its characters they belong the Mark Schwahn and the CW.

Neither do I own the song used for the title of this story it belongs to Gavin De Graw.

Chapter 26

Can You See The Lights

"Nathan are you sure you want to do this? Coz I mean we can just keep driving and head back to your apartment if you like?" Haley asked looking over at Nathan, a concerned look on her face.

"Hales is this about you being nervous about going out or is it about you wanting to jump my bones?" Nathan asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"I mean I know I'm looking pretty hot right now and if that was the reason you wanted to give the party a miss then I guess I couldn't really blame you." He continued with a smirk, his arm snaking around his gorgeous girlfriend pulling her more securely to his side and leaning in to press a kiss against her pouting lips.

A kiss that, as usual, quickly turned heated.

"Do you think they remember we're here?" Peyton whispered to the two brunette's sitting either side of her.

"Umm apparently not." An amused Jake said shaking his head.

"Do you think we should stop them before this turns into a live sex show?" Peyton asked.

"Shh this is just getting good." Brooke said with a smirk

"Hey nymphos you two do remember you're not the only two in this limo right? I don't really feel like watching porn at the moment. So put some ice on it will ya." Peyton said shaking her head slightly as the couple opposite her reluctantly separated.

"You're no fun P Sawyer." Brooke told her with a pout, disappointed at her entertainment being taken away.

"Sorry." Haley told her friends sheepishly.

"Yeah sorry guys she just can't resist me." Nathan said with a smirk, causing Haley to blush furiously.

"Nathan." Haley admonished slapping him on the chest.

"What? It's the truth." Nathan reminded her.

"Still here guys." Peyton reminded them waving her hands to capture their attention.

Before anything else could be said the limo came to a stop outside Static, the new club who's launch party they were attending.

There were people everywhere, some were there to be seen, other's were there just to see what stars turned out for the launch party.

Then of course there were the paps, who were out in full force ready to take the photos that would make them a lot of money. The unflattering, the big scoop, the unexpected and the ugly and with the guest list reading like a who's who of the film, music, fashion and sports industry there was bound to be any disappointment.

Despite Nathan's earlier claim that the reason she wanted to skip the party to 'jump his bones,' Haley was actually nervous about their first 'official outing' as a couple since their return to New York. Although neither Nathan nor Haley had confirmed or denied their relationship it had created a lot of interest in the press and their arrival here tonight along with Haley's two best friends was bound to create a media feeding frenzy and Brooke had been determined that they all look 'fabulous.'

Brooke had gone all out when she'd chosen Haley's outfit for the party, a black strapless figure hugging dress that finished well above the knee that was of course a Brooke Davis original. Coupled with Haley's new silver peep toed Christian Louboutin heels and matching clutch, her hair was left down with its natural curls, with her lips scarlet and her eye's smokey. Haley had to wonder if Brooke had advised Nathan what to wear as his black dress pants and grey shirt, open at the collar matched her outfit perfectly.

Brooke of course was wearing her signature fire engine red and her favourite black Jimmy Choo's, her dress tonight was strapless and clinched at her waist with a black belt, was part of her new winter line and she'd finished the dress just in time for the evening.

Peyton for once was not wearing black which probably had a lot to do with Brooke's refusal to 'let her out of the house looking like Morticia' after some door slamming, tears and yelling, all by Brooke and some negotiation they had settled on the 'gun metal grey' dress that had a sweetheart neckline and wide straps and in true Brooke Davis style finished well above the knee. A dress that in the end they all agreed looked good on Peyton even if her 'chicken legs were on display,' Brooke had told her.

"You guys ready for this?" Peyton asked Nathan and Haley.

"As we'll ever be." Haley said tightening her hold on Nathan's hand.

"Let's do this then." Nathan said as the chauffer opened the limo door for them.

Nathan got out first assisting Haley out, followed quickly by Brooke and then Peyton and Jake.

As soon as they were spotted the noise level increased as did the flash of the cameras.

Nathan wrapped his arm around Haley and smirked down at her thinking how lucky he was to be with such a gorgeous girl.

"Are you two finally admitting you're a couple?"

"Did you really meet in rehab?"

"Haley, word is that you and Nathan are expecting?"

"Have you guys set a date yet?"

"Haley any comment on your former manager?"

"Nathan is it true you're in hot water with the Knicks over your relationship with Haley?

Question after question was shouted at them and most of them boarded on the ridiculous.

Nathan and Haley just continued up the red carpet, Haley waved to a couple of reporters she recognised and Nathan chatted to a couple that he knew.

"I'm here tonight with NBA bad boy Nathan Scott and singing sensation Haley James. Anything you'd like to tell us guys?" A reporter asked them.

"It's a good night for a party." Nathan told the reported with his trademark smirk.

"Who are you wearing tonight Haley you look gorgeous?" The reported asked

"She does doesn't she." Nathan said before Haley could reply.

"I'm wearing a dress by my best friend the very talented Brooke Davis." Haley told her

"Anything else you can tell us tonight? I know a lot of people were surprised about your relationship." The reporter asked.

"They weren't the only ones." Haley said with a laugh.

"Yeah I have to agree with Haley. I never knew going back to Tree Hill with a bum knee would end up so well." Nathan told the reporter with a smirk.

"So should we be expecting to hear wedding bells in the near future?" She asked determined to get the scoop everyone else there would kill, or at least maim for.

"Well seeing as we've only known each other a bit over a month. I don't think so." Haley said.

"Yeah, I but how about when Haley and I have anything to announce you'll be the first to know." Nathan told the female reporter with a wink just as they got to the club entrance.

"Nathan – " Haley squeaked out as soon as they got inside the club.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"I can't believe you just said when not if. She thought you were serious." Haley said.

"Who said I'm not." Nathan told her before leaning in and capturing her mouth.

"Here we go again." Brooke said as she spied Nathan and Haley locked in another passionate embrace.

"I'm starting to think I liked her better as a virgin." Brooke muttered to Peyton and Jake causing the other couple to laugh.

"P Sawyer, you and I will get Tutor Slut and head to the bar. Jake you grab Boytoy and find us a table, preferable close to the dance floor." Brooke said and then drug Peyton along with her.

Once they had successfully separated 'Naley' as Brooke had dubbed them, they headed for the bar.

"Don't pout Tutor Slut or people will think there's trouble in 'Naleyland'" Brooke told her as they waited for their drinks.

"Why is Bitch being a Brooke tonight?" Peyton asked.

"Brooke I told you I was joking about your bed last night on the phone." Haley told her thinking she might be pissed at her and Nathan.

"It's not that." Brooke said rolling her eyes. "Although I think I will get you to buy me new sheets just in case.

"What's up then?" Haley wanted to know.

"I miss my Broody." Brooke said with a pout.

"Oh my God Brooke are you in love with Lucas?" Haley asked her.

"No. Maybe. I don't know." Brooke answered clearly confused. "He's just different from every other guy I've been with. He's actually a nice guy, kind considerate. And he's really smart, he's even writing a book." Brooke told her two best friends.

"What's the problem then? He sounds perfect." Peyton asked a bit confused.

"That's the problem. He is perfect. Anyway girlies enough of being all broody lets hit the dance floor. I think they're playing our song." Brooke said putting an end to the discussion and heading for the dance floor her drink forgotten about.

"I'll talk to her later." Haley told Peyton, knowing that Brooke wouldn't say any more on the subject unless she wanted to.

After dancing for a few songs the girls finally made their way to where Jake and Nathan were seated on one of the plush leather couches the flanked the dance floor, in deep conversation with a couple of other guys.

Nathan suddenly looked up couldn't stop the smile that crept onto his face at the sight of Haley heading towards him.

"Yo Nate man, you totally spaced on us." Skills said elbowing Nathan after noticing his friend and team mate was no longer paying attention to the conversation.

"Huh?" Nathan said coming out of his daze, he turned to look back at Skills, Tim and Jake and saw them all smirking at him.

"What?" Nathan asked innocently.

"Man you are so whipped." Tim told him with a shake of the head.

"Yep I think he's got it bad." Jake said with a grin.

"Yeah I never thought I'd see the day Nathan Scott was hooked on one girl." Skills added.

"Very funny guys." Nathan said with a shake of his head in response to his friends teasing, then getting to his feet as girls came to a stop beside them.

"So Nate are you gonna introduce us to your girl?" Skills asked Nathan while smiling up at the girls

"Guys this is my girlfriend Haley." Nathan said with a smirk his arm around Haley's waist.

"Hales these two idiots are Skills Taylor and Tim Smith they're on the team with me and are pretty good friends too, well most of the time." Nathan said making the introductions.

"Good to meet the girl who has finally tamed my man Nate." Skills said kissing Haley's hand, causing Haley to giggle and Nathan to roll his eyes at his friend's antics.

"It's great to meet you Haley, I'm a big fan of your music." Tim said and proceeded to pull Haley into a bear hug.

"Ok Tim you can let her go now." Nathan said prying Haley out of Tim's grasp.

"Um it's great to meet you both too." Haley told Skills and a star struck Tim.

"Don't mind Skills he sees himself as a bit of a ladies man. And um Tim tends to get a bit enthusiastic." Nathan warned Haley as they sat down in the plush leather couches after introducing Peyton and Brooke to the guys.

After sitting for a while and chatting Haley couldn't believe how many girls kept on coming over to talk to Nathan, Skills and Tim.

Haley tried not to let it bother her but as the night wore on and the attempts to attract Nathan's attention got more brazen it started to anger her.

It angered her because she was so obviously with him and didn't believe for one second that these girls weren't up on all the latest gossip and therefore would know that she and Nathan were together. It also worried her because some of these girls were practically throwing themselves at him, girls who were gorgeous and wearing as little as possible.

After the latest 'skank attack' Haley excused herself from the group under the guise of going to the bathroom. Once there she locked herself in the stall and took a deep breath and tried not to let her old insecurities take over. That she wasn't pretty enough, that maybe she wasn't enough for Nathan.

"TG are you ok in there?" Haley head Brooke call out.

"Yeah I'll be out in a second." Haley told her, took another deep breath and opened that stall door.

"Are you sure?" Brooke asked her.

"I guess I just didn't really think about all the fact that all these woman would be constantly throwing themselves at my boyfriend." Haley told her, " Especially while I was sitting next to him."

"Hales I don't think you have to worry about any of those skanks. Nathan has hardly taken his eyes, hands and lips off you all night." Brooke told her reassuringly.

"And besides none of those skanks is Haley James." Brooke said and led Haley back out into the club.

Brooke grabbed a couple of glasses of champagne of a circling waiter and handed one to Haley.

They'd walked a few steps in the direction of the others when someone called Haley's name.

"Well, well Haley James what are you doing here."

Turning Haley saw Julian Baker.

"Hey Julian, can't say I'm surprised to see you here." Haley said giving him a hug.

"Yeah I've heard it's not a party if I'm not there." He told her.

"So I haven't seen you since the whole Victoria thing are you doing ok? He asked her.

"Yeah I'm doing ok thanks." Haley told him.

"I've been hearing nothing but good things about your new songs." Julian told her.

"Have you now." Haley replied.

"Maybe you could give me a private performance." He asked her with a grin.

"Julian you are a terrible flirt." Haley scolded him.

"I know sorry. I was talking to Peyton yesterday and she mentioned that you were interested in doing the concert Elizabeth is organising." Julian said.

"Yeah I'm definitely interested." Haley told him with a smile.

"Interested in what?" Nathan asked as he came to stand next to her a frown on his face.

COMING UP: Jealous Nathan, a reunion and a goodbye.

TITLE CHAPTER: Can You See The Lights By Butterfly Boucher

AN: Hope you liked the chapter!!

Please let me know what you thought.

PS. I hope to update SEHC by the end of the weekend.

Thanks Laura.