Disclaimer: I do not own One Tree Hill or its characters they belong the Mark Schwahn and the CW.

Neither do I own the song used as the title of this story it belongs to Gavin De Graw.

Chapter One

Come Undone

Twelve months ago Haley James was just like any other 19 year old, taking classes at UNC, hanging out with her friends and playing a few gigs at local bars. Now she was touring the country to sold out crowds, had a record that had reached the top ten on the Billboard charts. Her life now consisted of early morning radio and tv interviews, and a manager who insisted she attend as many a-list events as possible, and of course, then there was the constant attention of the paparazzi. Who suddenly found the life of Haley James fascinating.

Haley could not pin point the exact moment she lost control of her life, all she knew was that she had. For the last 9 months she had been touring non-stop, playing three or four nights a week, which when she did the math, is over 150 concerts.

Haley loved performing and playing for her fans, but her relentless schedule was beginning to take its toll both physically and emotionally.

Sitting in her dressing room looking in the mirror, she hardly recognised herself any more. She was pale with dark circles beneath her chocolate brown eyes, and she had lost weight. Weight she could not afford to loose in the first place, making her clothes now looked like they were hanging off her. She pushed her dark blond hair off her face, noticing her once lustrous long curly locks were now hanging limp. To put it bluntly she looked like shit.

"Well," she thought at least she looked like she felt. She was having trouble sleeping and as a result she was exhausted and she had completely lost her appetite, where she normally loved her food and lots of it. Haley leaned her head down in her hands willing the pain behind her eyes away, she wasn't sure how long she stayed that way, when she heard a tap at her dressing room door.

She turned and smiled wanly when she saw who was walking through the door, Brooke Davis, her best friend.

Brooke and Haley had met the day they started kindergarten, and they had been inseparable ever since. Brooke and Haley had seen each other through both good times and bad, the break-down of Brooke's parent's marriage, first love, and broken hearts. Haley had been the one to encourage Brooke to follow her dream of becoming a fashion designer, and had helped her set up a web site to sell her clothes. And it was Brooke who told Haley what a fantastic voice she had, and hassled her until she finally gave in and performed for the first time to an audience, and got Haley to where she was today.

Together the two girls were a sight, Haley with her long dark blond hair and brown eyes, stood at 5 foot 2 inches, with a normally curvy figure. While Brook was slightly taller at 5feet 5 inches, with shoulder length chestnut hair, green eyes, and a killer figure. They had fast become a favourite of the paparazzi's, Brooke the 'up and coming fashion designer' and Haley the 'rock star.'

"Hey Brookie, I wondered when you would get here," Haley said to her best friend as she entered the dressing room.

"Hey Rock star, how you doing today," asked Brooke Davis. Her green eyes narrowed in concern as she took in the sight of her best friend.

"Not too bad, just trying to relax before my sound check," replied Haley tiredly, but feeling a bit better just having her friend with her.

"Hate to say it Tutor girl, but you look like something the cat threw up," Brook told her.

"Brooke, I think you mean 'something the cat dragged in,' Haley retorted.

"Haley, don't go all tutor girl n me try and change the subject. What's going on, your as white as Peyton's chicken legs, your so skinny that if you turned sideways you'd disappear, again can we say Peyton, and I don't even want to get started on those hideous bags under your eyes," Brooke replied, and almost got a smile out of Haley when she mentioned Peyton, their other best friend's legs, but then ruined it when she screeched, "Oh my god, you're not pregnant are you, please tell me there's not a tutor baby on the way," she ranted while pacing the dressing room.

"Brooke, I'm not pregnant, that would require me to actually be having sex," Haley retorted back.

"Well thank the lord for that, coz I don't think I'm ready to be a God Mother quite yet and…," Brooke stopped by a glare form Haley, finally took a breath.

"Well if you're not pregnant then what the hell is going on," Brooke wanted to know.

"I'm just tired Tigger, but I only have another 6 weeks left of the tour , then I'm going to take a break for a while," Haley told her, not sure she could actually last another 6 weeks, but she had to because she refused to disappoint her fans, well, that and Victoria her manager would kill her. (AN: Victoria is not Brooke's mother in this story, she is Haley's manager and yes she is still a bitch)

The conversation between Haley and Brooke was cut short by another knock at the door.

"Haley everyone's ready for you for the sound check," Steve the stage manager said through the door.

"Thanks Steve, I'll be right there," Haley told him, pushing herself slowly out of her chair. But when she made it to her feet she had to grasp the dressing table until a wave of dizziness past. Brooke was immediately at her side when she noticed how unsteady on her feet Haley was.

"Hales are you sure you're up to this, I mean it's just a sound check and everyone already knows how great you sound."

"Is there a problem here,' asked a new voice from the now open doorway.

Both girls looked over and saw Haley's manager Victoria, or Bitchtoria as Brooke had dubbed her.

There were times when Haley questioned her decision to hire Victoria as her manager. She was good at her job and had done a lot for Haley's career so far, but she was relentless in making Haley do promotions, attend parties, movie premieres, and generally get as much exposure as possible. In fact Haley was sure Victoria had tipped off the paparazzi's to Haley's whereabouts on more than one occasion. And, Brooke has told her she would not be surprised if Victoria was behind a few stories the tabloids has run about Haley's supposed relationships with guys she had never even heard of, let alone met or dated.

"Yes Victoria there is," Brooke started only to be cut off.

"No, no problem," Haley told her, "I was just heading off to do the sound check," Haley told her making her way to the door.

"Good, just remember I need you looking fabulous tonight for Ice Vodka launch party tonight," Victoria told her, "Oh and I arranged a date for you with one of the hottest new names in the NBA, so make sure to play nice," she continued, "Oh, and by the way at least make it look like you are slightly interested in this one, we can do without the press thinking your into girls not guys," she finished with as she sashayed out the door.

Haley and Brooke just stood there for a moment with their mouths hanging open. Haley could not believe she had just said and done that, and clearly neither could Brooke. "That woman has to go Haley."

"Yeah I know, just another 6 weeks then she's gone," Haley agreed.

Haley made her way along the winding hallway that led to the stage, where her band was already testing out their various instruments. Steve the stage manager spotted Haley, and directed her to centre stage, so they could check the lighting. He handed her a microphone and she began the song that she would open the concert with that evening.

This day probably tore me apart
And I didnt even know it
This day probably ate up my heart
And I got nothing to show for it
Why, why is it so, so, so easy to compromise

Haley started to feel very warm under the intense spotlight as she sang the first verse, and lifted her hand to mop the perspiration the dotted her brow and continued This fog is like strawberry pie
But it keeps you keep on reaching
Here I am just watching me die
Just uh watching death that uh coming up
Coming up creeping
Why, why dont you start
Calling me ungrateful
Oh yeah

By the end of second verse she started to feel slightly short of breath and the dizziness form earlier had decided to make reappearance. Again Haley put her hand to her head hoping to stop it from spinning. She took a deep breath ready to launch into the chorus.

Keep me away
I've got no will to fight
Keep me away
I'm running to the light

When her world when white, and then black as she collapsed to the stage.


AN: This is my first fan fiction, so I hope it was ok and you enjoyed it. I would love to hear any constructive criticism, or anything else you would like to write.

So please R&R

Songs used in this chapter are

Devils Archerist by the very talented Bethany Joy Galeotti

Come undone by Jackson Water