Hey guys, I thought I'd do a different take on my OC and Grimmjow meeting, so it'll be a slight AU. Set before Aizen kidnaps Orihime so only Ichigo and Rukia are the only ones who have seen him.

Discalimer: I don't own any characters apart from my OC but if i did Grimmjow would be all mine!

Summary: Grimmjow's on a mission to spy and gather information for Aizen, really a rouse to get him out of Hueco Mundo for disruptive behaviour. Tsukiko, a princess from a different dimension is sent to the Human World accidentally. Their paths eventually cross but it's proved awkward to hide their true identities from one another, especially with Ichigo lurking around every corner.

Chapter 1: Sent to Earth with a Bang

Las Noches, Hueco Mundo

Aizen was sitting patiently on his throne, looking down at Grimmjow. He had really outdone himself now. His fierce temper and violent ways were famous all over Hueco Mundo and usually his pointless fighting did not concern Aizen but his latest outburst was just one too many and now Aizen had a solution for it.

"Grimmjow, I have an important mission for you."

'Finally a chance to finally kill that Kurosaki! About time if you ask me.' Grinned Grimmjow mentally.


"This mission will test all your skills and requires cunning and stealth."

'Stealth? Why sneak up on him? I wanna make sure he sees it coming.'

"I want you…"

'Yes! Here it comes!!'

"To spend some time in the Human World and gather as much information as you can about Kurosaki Ichigo and his friends."

'Yes…WHAT?!' Grimmjow's face dropped in shock and disappointment.

"Is there something wrong with what I said, Grimmjow?" Aizen stared at him intensely.

'What's wrong with what you said? What's RIGHT with it more like?!'

"No, Aizen-sama, nothing's wrong." He said through gritted teeth

"Good, I have prepared a special gigai for you, which you must remain in. I don't want you getting into any unnecessary fights and your presence must not alert Kurosaki Ichigo, so you must be discreet in collecting information."

'This cannot be happening…'

"So to blend in with society, Gin has found a place for you to stay and I suggest you get a job to pay for everything. From now on, you'll be an ordinary normal human."

'Damn you Aizen!! What I wouldn't give to cut that condensing smirk right off your face and shove it-'

"Do you understand?"

"Yes." Grimmjow grumbled. He could see out the corner of his eye Ulquiorra looking at him with- was that amusement in his eyes?! Before Grimmjow went over to Ulquiorra to rip his stupid green eyes out, Gin suddenly came into the room, dragging Grimmjow's gigai across the floor.

"Here ya go, Grimm-chan." Gin dumped the lifeless body at Grimmjow's feet

"What did you say?!" How he hated it when Gin called him that cutesy nickname.

"And here's ya assignment brief and cell phone so we can contact ya." Gin then handed Grimmjow a couple of pieces of paper and a blue flip phone, which he shoved into his pocket.

"This gigai is specially made to hide your reiatsu so it will be difficult for people to find you. And in case of extreme emergencies, here is this Soul Candy. Its standard shinigami equipment but I had Szayel modify it for espada uses." Aizen said, tossing him a candy dispenser to him. It was very colourful with a duck's head ontop. Grimmjow huffed and placed that in his other pocket.

"That will be all, you shall leave immediately."

Same time in a different dimension

"HIME-SAMA!! HIME-SAMA!!" A frantic servant was rushing around a giant palace, searching high and low for the elusive princess but she was nowhere to be found.

"Oh no, I'm in big trouble now." Wailed the poor woman, her hands to her face in despair. Suddenly a teenage girl came out of a room, flattening down her elegant purple flowered kimono.

"Hime-sama!" The woman bowed down in front of the girl.

"Where have you been?! The Emperor wishes for your presence immediately." The girl sighed.

"I only went to the bathroom."

"But you must have someone with you at all times!" Exclaimed the woman, trying to express the seriousness of the situation but the young girl didn't care.

"What a silly rule that is. Anyway let's go."

The pair stood in front of yellow sliding doors, awaiting the announcement of their arrival.

"Princess Sasaki Tsukiko is here to see the Emperor!" Shouted a royal guard. The doors slide open and the women entered and bowed low in front of the Emperor. The Emperor looked at Tsukiko and then turned to everyone else.

"Everyone is dismissed!" All the royal subjects bowed before scattering out the room, closing the doors behind them, leaving Tsukiko still bowed low in front of the Emperor. As soon as she heard the doors slam shut, she jumped up from her bowing position and sat crossed legged on the floor.

"Why have you called me here, Kenji-Nii?" She asked, quite annoyed because she wanted to go outside.

"I've been getting reports that you are frequently roaming around without your personal guard and causing them trouble."

"But I do not need one, can't I just go somewhere without someone breathing down my neck, telling me that 'Hime-sama can't do this' and 'Hime-sama shouldn't do that'. Can't you just tell them to back off a bit and give me some space?" Kenji looked at his little sister deep in thought.


"Why?" She exclaimed, getting up off the ground and walked over to him, standing in front of him.

"Because you are a princess and one day will be running this land, this is preparing you to be empress one day."

"But I want to be free, exploring this land, see what is actually out there instead of sitting around here bored. If I was back-"

"Enough." He said.


"That's enough, Tsukiko! As your Emperor, I am telling you that that is enough out of you!" Tsukiko narrowed her eyes at her emperor brother.

"Ever since you became emperor, you've been nothing more than arrogant and inconsiderate. Can't you see? I don't want to live inside these walls without ever seeing what is on the other side! Father wouldn't allow that if he was alive!"

"Well he's not now is he?! And since he's not here I'm looking after you and your interests!"

"But you're not looking after my interests at all!"

"I am and you know it! What would happen if I let you see what is on the other side? You'll be an easy target for kidnappers and murderers!"

"I can take care of myself!"

"No you can't! Now stop acting like a spoilt brat and go to your room. I have nothing more to say to you." She gasped as her lip quivered but not in fear but in anger. She gave him one last glare and murmured "I hate you." And ran off.

"Tsukiko! Tsukiko!" She ignored him and carried on running. She ran past all the guards through the corridors and out of the manor into the gardens. There was chaos in the palace as everyone was searching for her but she didn't care as she climbed up into the trees using her long claws on her hands to help her and flipped over the tall wall and ran. She didn't know where but she ran and ran.

'How could he be interested in my best interests? He's so busy being emperor that he hardly knows what I want at all. I just want to spend time with him like we used to when we were small, but all that's gone now.' She thought sadly. Too busy with her thoughts, she didn't notice a giant hole in the ground and in she tumbled, screaming in fear and screaming for her brother as the hole mysteriously closed itself up.

In an apartment somewhere in Karakura Town

"I have to admit, Gin has really proved his worth." Said Grimmjow, impressed with his new apartment which he will be living in for god knows how long. It was modest sized, got all the necessary stuff he needed to survive. He looked around the kitchen, small but clean. Opening the fridge, he saw it packed to the brim with food he had never seen before in his life. He moved his attention to the bedroom. Nice double bed, wardrobe, mirror and small television perched on top of some chest of drawers. Sighing he sat down on the bed and looked over at the papers Gin had given him. The aim of the assignment was written down on one piece of paper, he placed that on the bed and looked over the next paper. His cover story. He began reading it.

"Grimmjow Jaegerjaques, Spanish national. Born August 3rd 1986. 22 years old. Good age. Let's see. Came to Japan 10 years ago to live with father blah blah blah, completed high school and had several jobs blah blah blah. This is a lot of crap."

He tossed it on the bed and flicked through other documents and tossed those on the bed as well. Here he was; the 6th most powerful espada in Aizen's arrancar army and he was reduced to doing menial work and disguised as a human. Why didn't Aizen's personal ass kisser Ulquiorra do it? That's his expertise. Grimmjow ran a hand through his blue hair and suddenly touched the side of his face. It was so weird not to have his hollow jaw mask piece stuck to the side of his face. All he could feel was human skin. His abdomen now filled with organs and flesh instead of just being a giant hole. It was a weird feeling. Getting up from the bed, he walked over to the window and looked out. It was night and the town was alive with bustling people and shiny bright lights, a far cry from the dead depressing world of Hueco Mundo. He had a few things on his mind, mostly what he could do for fun here but the next thing was how he was going to survive here. He didn't know the modern cultural details, no money, well he had been given some money but only enough for a week, no clothes but he can work with this. It was in his nature to be able to survive in the toughest conditions. He needed a job if he was to be able to keep food in the fridge and clothes on his back. The assignment can wait, he was determined to have some fun.

Kurosaki Household, Karakura Town


"NO! I HAVE THINGS TO DO!" Ichigo could hear his father's wailing from all the way in his bedroom.

"THAT HURTS, MY SON! YOU WOUND DADDY'S HEART SO!!" A loud thump was heard and Karin's voice berating her overacting father.


"BYE!" He shouted back to them. The door was slammed shut. Ichigo lay back on his bed and sighed.

'Finally some peace and quiet.' He hadn't had a proper rest in quite a while. Hollows have been popping up less frequently, but he was more concerned about the arrancar. They have been quiet recently too, making Ichigo feel uneasy about what they might be up to next but one person he wanted to see again was Grimmjow. That blue haired bastard who randomly attacked the town and beat him to a bloody pulp. How he wanted to get his revenge on him and show him just how powerful he really was, since he was training with the Vizard. Rukia, Renji and the others occasionally show up from time to time but they were busy now preparing for the winter war but he couldn't think about stuff like that now, right now all he wanted to do was just stretch out on his bed and relax. He slipped his eyes closed and began to delve deep into a pleasant dream world. A sudden crash was heard as his ceiling caved in. He jumped from his bed in surprise as debris littered his bed and someone lying face down on his bed. At first he thought it was just Renji because he had a tendency not to use a thing called a window when visiting him but the person wasn't wearing a typical shinigami uniform, instead was a decorated purple kimono. Ichigo cautiously approached the bed.

"Errrr…are you alright?"

"Ow, that actual hurt." Said a soft female voice. Ichigo just watched in amazement as the girl struggled off the bed and dusted herself down, coughing from the dust. She looked around the room and gasped.

"Oh no, where am I?" she said frightened.

"Excuse me?" Ichigo thought it was best to make his presence known. She gasped, backing away from him.

"W-Who are you? Where am I?"

"I'm Kurosaki Ichigo and this is my room." He said clearly annoyed but who wouldn't be when a strange girl crashes through your bedroom ceiling. He looked at her properly now and noticed she was definitely not human. Cat like ears on her head and a white tail poking out behind her.

"Who the hell are you?" Demanded Ichigo. The girl bowed in front of him politely.

"Sasaki Tsukiko, princess of the Starlight Sky Panther Demon clan, nice to meet you…wait how come you don't know who I am? And why are you wearing such bizarre clothes? I have never met one of the loyal subjects before." Ichigo's mind was boggled at this information. Definitely clear she was not from this world but he doubted she knew that.

"So Tsukiko… where do you think you are now?"

"That's obvious, the Demon Realm of course." Oh dear, she really didn't know where she was.

"Well, hate to break it to ya but this ain't the Demon Realm."

"Of course it is, I fell down a hole in the Demon Realm and…" She stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"Ichigo you said your name was?"


"Where…is here?" She asked nervously.

"Karakura Town. This is the Human World." Her eyes were as wide as saucers.

"Oh not again."

Hope you like it so far, trying to set the scene. Reviews please. The pair will cross paths soon but just not yet. You'll just have to keep reading.

Next Chapter: Grimmjow gets a job but where?? Tsukiko explains all and sees a familiar face and Ichigo has got his work cut out hiding a princess in his house.