This is the epilogue. I have nothing else to say.


Journal Log #44

It's been a week since I was reunited with my children, and already so much had happened! I, Queen Aleena of Mobius, had written inside this journal the incidents throughout my escape of Dr. Eggman Robotnik's tyrannical reign, and I shall write what happened in the aftermath.

One of the most important problems that arose had to do with my son Sonic and his girlfriend Sally. Before Eggman's reign, I was very good friends with the King of Acorn and his family. I wasn't worried about whether Princess Sally would be right for Sonic (I got to know Sally when she was very young); the problem was that the prophecy stated that we were to rule as the Council of Four, and ruling complications would arise if Sonic marries Sally. So then all of us had a meeting and discussed the problem. In short, we decided that since Princess Sally is of a kingdom that's part of our reign, she still is part of that kingdom even if she does marry Sonic. Both kingdoms settled on this and it was resolved.

Speaking of the council, we had also determined that the Council of Four wouldn't be in action until all three of my children become adults. This means that Sonic and the others can continue their world saving until they come at the right age. We also decided that since Sonic always will be on the move, we won't restrict him when he is part of the council.

My other good friend, Knuckles, still protects the Master Emerald, with Julie-Su helping him.

Rouge still runs her own tavern with Shadow living with her.

Amy runs a Sonic the Hedgehog fanclub, and seems to have gone over the fact that Sonic loves Sally.

Vanilla and Cream are still living contently in their own home.

The Chaotix Detective Agency had rebuilt their headquarters and are now active once again.

Chris Thorndyke and his friends and family visit Sonic regulary. I even have chats with his mother.

Antione, Bunnie, and Rotor still contently work as Freedom Fighters, in case anything else happens.

Dr. Eggman Robotnik and his minions are still alive and still cause no good, but Sonic and his friends defeat them every time.

The same goes for the Suppresion Squad. Sometimes, I think that villains in our lives make excitement for us, but duty calls.

I had covered everyone I knew except for Tails. Since our day of triumph, he hasn't been participating in some of the events much, and often sulks in his workshop. I think he misses Cosmo too much.

Noneoftheless, things had been finally looking up for all of us. And for me, that was enough.


Tails had been looking at the place where the flower used to be. Without it, the workshop seemed uncertain, and a little depressing. He slumped into his chair and couldn't think of anything else but Cosmo.

There was a knock at the door. Tails silently walked over to the door and opened it.

"Hi Tails." said Cosmo. Tails had never smiled so wide.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndd BULL'S EYE! The fanfic is completed! Hope you liked it! Stay tuned for more of my fanfics! I'm already thinking about my next work...