Howdee-do, and welcome to the one-year anniversary of the completion of this fanfic! It was my second time of writing a fanfic (see the original intro below), but I think I done pretty well. Though I admit that some characters were unnecessary, and making the Ring of Acorns talk was a bit much, and I might've gotten the comic book's history wrong for some parts, etc. etc. But like I said, it was my second time of writing a fanfic and posting it. So, read this fanfic before it gets buried forever in newer fanfics!

Hello, everyone! Welcome to my first fanfic! Actually, this is my second fanfic. My first fanfic, Super Jackle Party, was never finished due to a lack of reviews. I supposed people got turned off when I said in the summary, "And the only people that arrive are... Scourge the Hedgehog and Fiona Fox?" Just to let you know, I didn't make those two characters as insane as Jackle the Nightmaren; Scourge and Fiona got an accidentally changed invitation and thought they should kill everyone there. But enough about that fanfic; I will complete this fanfic as long as you review!

PS. If you hate characters like Sally or Chris and want them to die, don't go here. I portray them like the heroes they are. Now, to begin...

A Flower in Time

Chapter 1: Troubled

Tails was working in his workshop, as usual. Most of the time, he longed for another adventure with Sonic and the other Freedom Fighters. But now, Tails just wanted to build machines that didn't do anything useful at all. He turned to look at the one thing that reminded him of her. The flower was growing taller every day, just like other plants... just like other animals... like plant and animal hybrids... like Cosmo. Who knows how long ago she sacrificed herself to defeat the Metarex (a couple of years, actually). Around the time she was alive, Tails was secretly torn between Cosmo... and Fiona. Before Cosmo, Tails found out that Fiona was a robot when he led her to water, but he vowed to repair her so that he can be with her. Then when Cosmo came, Tails started having doubts. When Cosmo perished, Tails felt very heartbroken. He started to repair the Fiona robot until a couple of months later the Freedom Fighters met the real Fiona Fox. Tails sought out to win Fiona's heart until she told him that she prefers guys that are her age, like Sonic. Later Tails was seeing more of Sonic and Fiona together than of Sonic and Sally. Tails became even more upset when he found out that Fiona was in fact pretending to love Sonic, and was in fact with Scourge the Hedgehog. Now, Tails lost both loves, and kept wondering, "What went wrong?"

Sonic had defeated Dr. Eggman Robotnik many, many times. He got blasted to Earth and managed to go back to his home planet, Mobius. Sonic travelled to different planets in order to save the galaxy. He claimed his good name, rescued other people, rescued civilizations, defeated enemies of all kinds, robots, evil twins, ghosts, enemies from the future, enemies from the past, and blasted through every obstacle that went in his path. The only thing Sonic hadn't done, was finding his longlost mother. His mom wasn't like any other mom; she was in fact the queen of Mobius! They got a prophecy that Sonic, along with his siblings Sonia and Manic, were to inherit the throne and, with their mother, become the Council of Four. However, for the prophecy to be fulfilled, their mother, Queen Aleena, had to seperate her children when they were young and escape before Robotnik took over Mobotropolis. Years later, Sonic met his siblings with their special necklaces and set out to find their mother. But now, Sonic had his head full of the things he needed to do and the things he already done.

"Hey, Sonic! You ready?" Sonia called out from one room. The three of them were preparing for a concert. Sonia was the pianist, Manic was the percussionist, and Sonic was the guitarist. "Sonic, you didn't answer!" Manic called out.

"Uh, yeah, bro! I'm ready!" Sonic replied. He got his guitar set up and headed to the rehearsal room.


Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I'll give you a week to review, then it's on to the next chapter! See ya next week!