"Since the dawn of existence, there have always been moments when the course of history shifted. Such a moment is upon us now. The conflict between the better and worse angels of our very nature, who's outcome will change our world so greatly, there will be no going back. I do not know if victory is possible. I only know that great sacrifice will be required, and because the fate of many will depend on a few, we must make the last stand."


A Rolls Royce approaches the Grey household. It pulls up outside and parked along the curb, and out step Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr...younger, more vibrant, and still closest of friends.

"I still don't know why I'm here." Erik began as Xavier smiled and they walked their way up to the house. "Couldn't you just make them say yes?"

"Of all people, I would expect you to understand my feelings about the misuse of power." Xavier responded.

"Ah, yes. Power corrupts, and all that. When will you stop lecturing me?"

"When you start listening, perhaps?"

They both chuckle as they walk up towards the door as Xavier then got serious.

"You're here because I need you."

"We're not going to have to meet every one of them in person, are we?" Erik asked.

"No. This one's special."

Xavier then rung the doorbell and after a few seconds it was answered by Elaine Grey, the mother of the girl they were here to see.

"Oh, are you-"

"Yes." Xavier interrupted. "We spoke on the phone two days ago. I'm Charles Xavier and this is my associate, Erik Lehnserrh."

"Please, come in."

Xavier and Erik both smiled as they walked in, Elaine leading them to the living room. Her husband John was waiting and stood up when the three of them came in.

"Have a seat." Elaine said as Xavier and Erik sit on the sofa and Elaine and John sit on the couch across from them. Elaine then looked at her husband. "This is them."

John nodded as he looked at the other men.

"You think you can help her?"

"We need to know when it all started." Xavier responded. "But, before anything, be careful with your words. She's listening to everything we're saying."

Canvas on the wall then rumbles, a flower vase falls from a piece of furniture to the ground, shattering. Elaine jumped and becomes more nervous.

"You see? It's like that all the time. And to know that I can't help her is frustrating..."

"Usually, these events are triggered by extreme stress."

Erik, in his ever imposing, prideful and softly sarcastic way towards humans responds;

"Has she received any kind of...mistreatment?"

John noticed the way he speaks, and is not flattered.

"No. Jean is the most precious thing we have in our lives."


"Erik-" Xavier began, he wanted this to go as smoothly as possible.

"Wait...John, it all started when...when her best friend died."

Now looking at Erik and Xavier;

"A car accident. She saw the whole thing."

"How is she, right now?" Xavier asked.

"She knows something's wrong, that something's different about her."

John then spoke up again.

"Jean is a good girl...she has never given us trouble until...this."

"May we speak to her?"

John and Elaine exchanged worried glances.

"All right."

John then went to call over his shoulder but Jean, his thirteen year old daughter walked into the room. He smiled as he got up and gently led her to the couch.

"Jean, this is Mr. Xavier and Mr. Lehnsherr. They would like to speak with you for a minute."

Jean took a seat in between her parents and in that instant, both John and Elaine freeze, becoming living statues. Xavier looked at Jean and smiles.

"Hello Jean."

Jean didn't answer as she looked from Xavier to Erik.

"It's very rude you know, to read my thoughts or your parent's without our permission." Xavier then said, telepathically.

Jean's brows furrow in confusion.

"You were in my head." Jean said.

"Just as you were in mine." Xavier said, out loud this time.

"Did you think you were in the only one of your kind, young lady?" Erik asked, a smirk on his face.

"What kind?"

Xavier smiled.

"We're mutants, Jean. We're like you."

"Really?" Jean smirked. "I doubt that."

Outside, all of the cars on the street begin to levitate high into the air. Mr. Lee watches in awe as his hose begins to snake up, the water pouring up into the air, and Mr. Claremont chased after his lawnmower, which has taken on a life of its own. A mailman's bag was opened up and letters began littering the air as neighbors began to slowly come out of their houses to see what was going on.

Charles and Erik looked through the window at the phenomenon.

"Oh, Charles." Erik began as he looked over at the other man with a grin on his face. "I like this one."

Xavier took one last glance outside before looking back at the girl.

"Jean, you have more power than you can imagine." Xavier then spoke.

However, Jean showed no sign of strain, or even of listening to him. She just stared at him with lifeless eyes.

"The question is, will you control that power…"

Jean suddenly lost control, and the cars come crashing down all at once.

"…or will you let it control you?" Xavier finished.