This chapter is a tad off the wall, take it with a pinch of salt - I know she wouldn't really act like this it just made it amusing.

Day 3 – Confessions of a red head

McGee turned the page in his book and looked up quickly; Gibbs had been staring at the bed post for over an hour, Abby had curled up under her sleeping bag with her I-pod and Ziva was polishing her knife, no one spoke as Tony checked his watch and picked up his jacket. 'I'm going to go and find Jenny.' McGee nodded to show he had heard and turned back to his book.

Tony closed the cabin door behind him and looked around the main camp, he checked the toilets, the mess hall was locked, and he looked around the seating areas. He noticed a branch had been snapped beside one of the nature trails and set off down the mud track; he spotted footprints in the mud and hoped she had gone this way.

He had been walking some way when he saw the figure beside a fence, her red hair shone in the moonlight. As he reached her he called her name softly, 'Jenny,' the figure moved slightly, 'what?' she slurred, he noticed the bottles on the ground, he realised two were empty. He settled himself on the mud beside her and tried to remove the third bottle from her reach; she reached out and grabbed it back with a strength he didn't know she could possess when this inebriated.

She downed the remaining alcohol and dropped the bottle in his lap, 'You'll regret that in the morning,' Jenny shook her head, her body swaying, 'won't,' she flopped onto his shoulder and put her hand down to steady herself, 'oops' she giggled realising her hand was on his inner thigh. 'If you didn't want to kiss Gibbs you should have just said so,' he spoke softly knowing this was the reason for her drunken state.

'But I did Tony, I did, I do, I do want to kiss him,' she told him her eyes wide as she nodded, 'okay, so why hesitate?' 'Scared,' he looked down into the disturbingly innocent face watching him, 'why?' 'Cos I hurt him, I wrote him letter and got on a zoom, off, whoosh, gone.' She brought her knees up to her chin, she stroked the rim on a fourth bottle and raised it to her lips. Tony didn't know what to say but it turned out he didn't need to worry, 'shouldn't have left, stupid, stupid woman, stupid, stupid, stupid Jenny,' she bashed herself around the head as she continually called herself stupid.

Tony grabbed her hand and stopped her from hitting herself again, 'you're not stupid,' she nodded at him, 'am, shouldn't have been stupid, should have stayed,' she started to cry again and Tony tried to comfort her, 'it's okay, it's all in the past,' her sobs worsened and Tony realised maybe the past wasn't what she wanted to hear, 'you told Gibbs this?' 'Can't,' Tony rolled his eyes as she launched into another explanation, 'broke his heart, broke my heart, hates me,' 'he doesn't hate you,' 'and I hate me, I hate me, he hates me, he wants stupid Lemtenon Curler.' She took another huge swig and shuddered at the bitter taste.

Tony smiled, 'You think Lieutenant Colonel Mann is a rival? You'd win hands down any day, the way he reacted when you were kidnapped. He cares for you, now enough of this silliness, you are going back to the cabin to sleep this off.' Tony lifted her to her feet, 'Better?' he asked noticing she wasn't crying anymore, she looked at him and then looked around them, 'secret?' she asked, he nodded not sure what she meant, she put her lips to his ear, 'I love Jethro,' she giggled and blushed, biting her lip as she waited for his reaction, 'I think I already knew Jenny.'

She smiled and started rambling as he directed her along the path, 'I love his eyes, blue, pretty, eyes, and his bourbon,' she smiled widely, 'and his soft lips, they're yummy, and his cute butt,' she giggled like a school girl, and continued through all parts of Gibbs anatomy drinking more vodka between sentences, 'and he's amazing, he's a great lay, he does this thing with string…' Tony was beginning to lose the will to live; his boss's bedroom skills were not something he needed details on. 'And,' she giggled loudly, 'he likes,' she flickered her tongue at him, noooooooooooooo his head screamed, I'm never gonna get this out of my head.

'He's so good at it,' she continued to flick her tongue around like a snake tasting the air, Tony was beginning to feel ill when he spotted the cabins, 'we're here, no more of this talk,' he put his hand over her mouth an directed her towards their cabin, 'need pee,' she told him. He led her to the toilets and ushered her into a cubicle, removing the vodka from her hands.

She opened the door again, her face taught with urgency, 'can't undo the button,' she fumbled with her jeans, 'you have to, I can't do it,' her bottom lip trembled as she clamped her legs together, 'really really gotta go,' 'I'll go get Abby to help,' 'can't wait,' she squealed dancing around. If anyone saw this he was gonna get killed, 'come here,' she put her arms on his shoulders to steady herself, he carefully unbuttoned her jeans and pulled the zip down. 'What do we have here?'

He looked around and found himself looking into Diane's triumphant face, 'um,' he stuttered, 'really gotta pee,' Jenny told them reversing into the cubicle, she pushed the door closed and began singing to herself.

'Er hello?' McGee asked looking at Tony questioningly, 'Timmmmmmy!' Tony stared at the ceiling as Jenny flew out of the toilet with her pants around her ankles. McGee's eyes widened in horror as she threw herself at him, Tony came up behind her 'Jenny, cover yourself up,' she slowly pulled shirt lower to slightly cover her bum. She stepped out of her pants as she skipped over to the sink to wash her hands, 'I'll leave you two and the slut to it,' Diane huffed as she stormed out, 'I wonder if Jethro knows about her extra curricula's.'

McGee glared at Tony as Jenny flew towards him half dressed, 'Tony says I gotta go to bed but I don't want to,' she looked at him wide eyes a horrified expression on her face, 'that's mean of Tony,' McGee replied, 'but he's right,' Jenny pouted and stomped outside, I'm not going to bed!' she snatched the vodka from Tony's hands and drank the remaining half of the bottle. 'Was that Abby's Russian vodka?' 'Yep, the last bottle.'

McGee pushed open the cabin door with Jenny's pants in his hand and the others all looked up, 'Get, in, that, cabin, now,' came Tony's angry voice, 'don't like you,' 'good, get in there,' Jenny was forced through the door sulking, Tony slammed the door behind them and locked it. Gibbs stared at her as she stuck her tongue out at Tony and pulled a childish face at him, 'get into your bed and go to sleep,' he told her, she shook her head. Tony's face was turning red with anger; he grabbed her t-shirt and shorts from her bunk and tossed them at her, 'put these on and go to bed.'

Jenny ranted about being told what to do as she dropped her shirt on the floor, she undid the clasp on her bra, 'er Jenny,' Gibbs muttered, she ignored him and allowed her bra to fall to the floor. He found himself rooted to the spot, the swell of her breasts visible beside her slim frame. She leaned forwards slightly to pick up her t-shirt and noticed Gibbs watching her, 'see something you like?' she asked him seductively.

He allowed a small smile to grace his lips as she turned slightly more towards him, giving him a better view as she raised her arms over her head to release her hair from her ponytail, she shook her head lifted her arms to run her fingers through it.

'Stop embarrassing yourself and put some clothes on!' Tony shouted at her, 'now, or do you want Jethro hearing about what you did in the toilet,' as Jenny pulled her t-shirt on Gibbs stared at Tony, 'what did she do?' McGee squeaked under the sleeping bag, 'one of you tell me now,' 'first she made me undo her pants cos she really needed to pee, then she charged at McGee with her pants round her ankles, in front of Diane I might add, then she wouldn't stop staring at us when we tried to use the urinals, every time I told her to turn around she looked closer, then started making very personal comments.'

Tony stopped to breathe and turned away from the door, Abby snorted into McGee's head. 'What do you have to say for yourself Jenny?' Gibbs asked calmly, Jenny wiggled her butt in his face, 'kiss my ass,' she blew him a kiss and played with her hair before she awkwardly climbed onto her bunk.

She giggled a little then and sat bolt up-right, 'and I'm not a slut!' Gibbs laughed, 'who called you a slut?' 'Diane, she's a bitch.' 'You did have your pants around your ankles,' Tony ranted changing his jeans for sweats.

'Jenny!' Gibbs shot indignantly poking the mattress above him, 'hey, this bed is lumpy,' a pair of legs and a sleeping bag slipped over the side and onto the floor. 'I want this one,' she jumped onto Gibbs bunk and squeezed herself between him and the wall, 'that's better.' 'Promise you won't fidget or vomit,' 'I won't,' came the innocent reply. He pulled the sleeping bag away from her face, 'and no touching me,' he whispered she stared at him, her eyes wide and her mouth slightly open, 'why would I do that?' his eyes creased at her sudden innocence, 'because last time you got this drunk you spent twenty minutes trying to get my jeans off me,' he hissed.

When everyone had clambered into bed and the lights were turned off a grin spread over Jenny's face, she waited until Gibbs breathing had slowed and slipped her fingers between his skin and waist band, she heard his breath hitch as she found him and ran her fingers down his length.

A smile spread across Gibbs face as he dreamed of the last time he had shared a bed with Jenny after she had drunk so much, he dreamed of her touches and her breath on his, wait a minute, she hadn't kissed his stomach or stroked his chest like that, his eyes jerked open and he forced back a groan. 'Jenny stop that, stoooop it nahooow,' big green innocent eyes looked down at him. She had straddled him and was leaning over him, her slender fingers hovering over his stomach, tickling him. He glared at her, 'stop, now,' she pouted as she slipped off him and curled up by his side. He watched her fall asleep praying none of the others were still awake.

P.S My head is killing me from walking into a door