Bloody Hope

Chapter 34:…Only Makes You Stronger

It wasn't until the next day that anyone from the Resistance saw any sign of Chris. When he finally made his presence known, he was distant. Not only to the members, but to the whole world itself.

It was like his mind was on another world, millions of miles away.

But it was obvious that he was conscious of everything. He avoided Prue, Cole, Billie and the sisters like a plague.

"Christopher Perry Halliwell you turn your ass around right this instant!" For a second, Chris swore his mother was back from the grave. It wasn't the same voice or the same tone, but it was enough to make him freeze. Maybe it was the feeling that came with it.

Turning around slowly, his eyes slowly turned void of all emotion. "What?"

His voice was sharp and fast, leaving room for no argument. He wanted to know what they wanted from him, nothing more nothing less.

Eyes narrowed, lips thinned. "Don't you take that tone with me mister! Do you want me to summon your Aunt Paige? I can do it! Trust me; nothing will stop me from doing it! And once she finds out how you are acting, you can bet your ass she will be down here as fast as she possibly can be!"

Chris stared blankly at the woman in front of him, his lips didn't twitch at the thought of his aunt fighting God knows who just to keep him in line. His eyes didn't fall to the floor, full of guilt at the thought of acting rudely to them.

Billie gulped, her hands starting to sweat. "Chris…"

"I have to go." And he was gone.

The adults who had raised him, along with the past versions of his mother and aunt, stayed in their spots. No one could move. They could barely breathe.

"W-what the hell was that!" Piper practically screeched.

No one answered her. A cold, sick feeling crawled up the spines of the adults in the future. This wasn't a good thing, Chris acting this way.

It was a bad thing.

A very, very bad thing.


Piper, with Wyatt securely in her arms, made her way back to the room that she and her sisters had been assigned. She wanted to go home. She wanted to sleep in her own nice, comfy bed. She wanted to wake up in the morning and have a good breakfast that she knew would stay with her until lunch. She wanted to spend the day shopping and goofing off with Paige and Phoebe. She wanted to take Wyatt out to the park and have a picnic with him. She wanted her father to come by and spend time with her and Wyatt. And most of all, she wanted this whole thing to be a nightmare.

But it wasn't.

And she was being selfish for wishing these things…but she didn't care.

She couldn't help but wonder…Would Chris go back with them when they were returned back to their time? Would he at least come to make sure they made it okay? Did he care? Did she?


Yes she did care. She cared more than anything. She wanted him to come back home with her. She wanted to know that when they got back to her time, he was going to go straight to his room to his nice, comfy bed. She wanted to know that he was going to wake up and eat the breakfast she was already planning for that morning. She wanted to drag him to the mall with her sisters, so she could spoil him and buy him tons of clothes and whatever else he needed. She wanted to lay out the picnic at the park and watch as he played with his little big brother. She wanted her father to teach Chris things that he had never had the chance to teach her. And most of all, she wanted Chris to forget this place. To forget all the nightmares this place had caused him.

Then the subject of Cole comes to mind. What was she going to do about that?

She didn't love him. And he didn't love her. Or at least not this version of her. He definitely loved her future self, it was easy to spot. But mostly…he loved Chris. And so did she.

And she could see herself loving him. It wasn't hard to see.

Actually it made sense.

There had always been something between them.

She couldn't help but wonder…what would have happened if Phoebe hadn't been the first to meet him. What if it was her? What if she had met Cole first? Would they have fallen in love? Would he have still fallen for Phoebe? Would she have married Cole, whether she knew he was evil or not? Would they have become pregnant? Would the baby have been Chris?

How selfish…

How awful…

If she had met Cole first, had married him instead of Leo…Wyatt never would have been born.

'And your youngest son and daughter, along with the rest of the world, wouldn't be in this mess…'

Shaking her head, she banished the thought. She loved Wyatt. Wyatt loved her. Chris loved Wyatt. Him going back in time proved that. Wyatt loved Chris. The kid would stay attached to his hip if he could.

A thought stayed with her though. That one thought plagued her mind. She knew the answer. She didn't need to worry.

Would the baby have been Chris?

Yes. He would have.


"Chris I'm here to help you." The man sighed, frustration dripping from his voice. "I need you to trust me."

"I do trust you." Chris whispered, "That's the problem." Standing up, he made his way to the door. He didn't need more people trying to take care of him. He was just fine taking care of himself. He didn't need anyone. He wasn't weak. Not anymore.

"Chris…" The man called out as Chris reached the door. He continued to have his back to the man as he said, "You need to be careful…"

Chris' grip on the doorknob tightened, his eyes narrowing and turning a dark green. "I―"

"Chris!" The man snapped, "He's stronger than Chris Perry…and Chris Halliwell. It won't be hard for―" He stopped, they both understood.

"Got it." Chris sighed and made his way out of the room, his mind trying to block out the man's words.

The man sighed, "I'm afraid Chris…" His voice was soft as he spoke to the empty room. "I'm afraid he has already won."


"You're the child of a Charmed One, a good witch!" A young witch screeched, her lips curled in disgust. How could someone born of pure good, not care. People were dying, left and right. And he was doing nothing about it.

"Why should I care anymore?" His eyes dull, the look of remorse the farthest thing from his face. He didn't care. His wrist flicked carelessly, snapping the neck of a young woman. His eyes a dark, almost black, green. A twisted smile slithered its way onto his lips.

"You're a Halliwell you bastard!" A Leprechaun screamed. He had dealt with many witches, many Halliwell witches. They were always good. And yet, this one seemed to not care.

A creepy, happy giggle escaped his lips as he watched the magical creature's burn. A sick joy ran through his veins. He bit his bottom lip, which was upturned in a twisted smile as he tugged on a lock of hair. "But don'cha kno' Leppy…", the smile slowly curved into a grin, sending shivers down everyone's spins. "I'm no Halliwell." His eyes turned completely black with a ring of fire as his iris.

"Demon!" A wood nymph screamed, pointing an accusing finger at him. The remaining magical creatures all either cowered behind one another or put on a brave face.

He snorted in amusement, "I hope you all burn," just as fire erupted around the rest of the people.

His lips were twisted into a grin, the joy he felt as he watched the innocent magical creatures' burn grew.


"I see the rumors are true…" Chris stiffened his whole body growing cold at the voice. "The Demon's come home." The voice sneered out, making everyone flinch.

A slow hiss floated through his mind, "Uh oh, Chrissy…" He bit his lip, that voice… "Looks like someone wants to play?" His eyes flashed before returning to normal, his breathing became labored before he slowly brought it back to its normal, nonchalant speed.

Chris slowly turned to face the newcomer, "Hello Leo."


Redrobin – Thank you for your review! Lol yeah alots been explained by that chapter. Haha, yeah poor Leo. I feel bad sometimes cause I don't like him in season 6 at all. Same with the others though. Yeah it has been awhile since I updated, sorry bout that. I am trying to hurry!

Nosside – Thanks for the review! Aww thank you! Oh wow thank you very much! Hmm yeah I need to write a chapter dedicated on how they react to everything.

Chris's Adorer – Yeah it took him long enough to admit who he was hmm. Yes, Leo of course has to know. Yep, that should be next chapter for the confrontation. I'm hoping at least. Thanks for the review! Oh and also, I'm glad you were able to find the story!

xxBlueEyedDreamerxx – Heh, yeah sorry it took so long! Lol yeah I was pretty happy with his demon side too. Its not perfect, but I'm working on it. Chris just seems to fit Cole. He could have easily been Cole's son. And this was the perfect chance to show that. And yeah, it was messed up how the sisters, and Leo and even Wyatt, treated Chris. Thank you for the review!

C Im Am Dragon – Thank you for the review!

(A/N): Man I don't have very many reviews anymore. But I suppose that would be my fault. Anyways! Please R&R! I hope everyone enjoys this chapter! Lol so I finally realized, or at least somewhat realized, how I want Chris to be. I must admit, when I started this story, I never had Chris as Cole and Piper's son. He was just supposed to be someone who deserved to be treated better, to be treated like the hero he was/is.

P.S. I am writing a story about Teen Wolf – couple is Sterek (Derek/Stiles), if anyone likes that couple. I haven't finished or posted anything yet. I want to write a few chapters before I start posting. Oh and also! I have another story I'm trying to write that involves Chris. It's slash though, so if you don't like then ignore the rest of this. It's going to be a cross-over, but I'm waiting for the tv show to finish so it can follow the story line.