The boys had been holed up in North Caroline for three weeks

The boys had been holed up in North Caroline for three weeks. All the demon leads were drying up, it seemed that the ever growing number of kills racked up to the Winchester name had done something generations of hunting couldn't: taught the monsters a little bit of stealth. Sasha was handling the bit of vacation fairly well sitting in the corner playing his guitar, stealing random half-forced snuggles from Dean, and watching every zombie movie the local Blockbuster had. Sam too was doing well, he was enjoying spending the days with his brother and friend even if they never said a word each engrossed in their own busy work, he mostly enjoyed being able to slip back to his own room for bed and avoiding the sound of Dean and Sasha's make out sessions. Dean…well Dean was getting itchy…he didn't like sitting around doing nothing and as much as his favourite incubus' ministrations were satisfying he really wanted to kill something.

Sasha had been playing Metallica all day attempting to soothe his lover's frustration and for the past few hours it had seemed to be working. Dean had been lying on the bed watching the incubus play. Now he was on his feet pacing and it was beginning to wear Sam's nerves thin. Finally after fifteen minutes of pacing he put down the book he'd been reading and pounced on his smaller big brother. Dean fought back gallantly but still ended pinned the course hotel comforter with his little brother while Sasha's laughter filled the room.

"Dude, what the hell!" Dean said squirming in the larger man's grasp.

"You were bored, I was irritated. Now you're not bored and your not pacing…everyone's happy." Sam replied pressing his wrists deeper into the rough material.

"Sammy, let me up."

"Not until you agree to sit still and be good."

"Let me up, Sam!" Dean growled pressing back trying to escape.

"You gonna be a good boy now?" Sam asked effortlessly holding Dean to the mattress. An indiscernible look crossed the smaller man's face and he went limp.

"I think I'd rather be naughty." Dean growled quietly bucking his hips up against his brother.

"Ah hell! Christo!" Sam shouted releasing the older Winchester and getting away from him. Dean's laughter filled the tiny hotel room and Sam turned to him with an incredulous look.

"That was so wrong. Sasha, tell him how wrong that was." Sammy said turning to the incubus.

"Huh?" The red headed man asked turning half glazed eyes to the younger Winchester.

"I've had just about enough of you two perverts today. I'm gonna go take a walk." He grunted at Dean who was still on the bed heaving from laughter. Sasha moved to pounce on the prone man just as Sam slammed the room's door and walked down the street towards town.

It was all fine and good for Dean and Sasha to joke around about stuff like that, they were getting laid on a regular basis…well actually their regular basis put porn stars to shame, but still. Sam hadn't had sex in a long damn time and despite Dean's opinion he still wanted sex…the holes in the bathroom stalls were starting to look tempting. Sam had made it into downtown wherever and was debating on going to the video store to pick up something…seedy when the sounds of a struggle drew his attention to a nearby ally. The young hunter's white knight instinct flared up and he went dashing into the ally fully intent on saving someone. A quick sweep over the cramped, dirty area revealed two straggly looking men backing an old woman into the corner behind a dumpster.

"Leave me be, I've done nothing to you!" The figure in the corner wheedled through a thick Irish accent. Sam examined the victim more closely the voice had sounded more like a young man than an old woman. The person in the corner's hair was flowing down their back and what Sam had first thought was grey now looked more like a light washed out purple.

"We don't like monsters in our town, little boy. We asked you to leave but you wouldn't listen now you have to pay the price." Sam was absorbing what he'd heard when the unmistakable ratcheting sound of a zipper sliding down came from one of the men. Monster or not Sam wasn't going to stand by while the gruff looking men raped the teenage boy. Sam had moved further down the ally when a wind lifted the boy's hair away from his face revealing his bright green eyes which had began to glow brightly in the dim ally.

"You called me a monster what are you to use your manhood as a weapon?" The boy asked, his voice had changed from the pleading tone now it sounded dangerous…not to mention it echoed unnaturally in the close confines of the ally. Sam knew bad when he saw it and it was getting pretty bad he reached behind him and pulled his gun from the waistband of his jeans where it staid…even during a dry spell. Just as he pulled the pistol into aim the young man with the long purple hair opened his mouth. A high pitched, mega decibel scream filled the ally. The two men fell to their knees on the filthy ground and the force or the sound rocked Sam back against the brick wall behind him. The two men fell sideways from their knees and lay twitching with a small trickle of blood coming from their ears.

Sam pushed against the wall rocking forward onto his feet and drew a bead on the young man at the end of the ally. Normally he would have shot but the look on the boy's face stopped him, it wasn't triumphant or gloating: it was horrified. Despite the look or horror etched across the delicate man's face Sammy knew better than to drop his aim. The boy's attention shifted to Sam as the ground crunched when he took a step forward. The look of horror quickly shifted to surprise then fear.

"Please don't hurt me mister, I tried to be good but they wanted to hurt me!" Sam gauged the person in front of him as seventeen or eighteen. He really didn't wanna shoot a kid, especially not one who had barely escaped rape…even by unconventional means, but the two men on the ground had yet to move from where they lay and he didn't want to follow their example.

"I don't want to hurt you. I heard what they were going to do, but I can't put down the gun until I know you're not going to hurt me, okay kid?" Sam said quietly fixing the other man with an understanding gaze.

"I won't scream, I promise, just don't shoot me. I don't wanna be shot, it hurts." The boy replied his voice shaking slightly.

"What are you?" Sam finally asked curiosity getting the better of him. "I know you're not human and I'm actually pretty used to dealing with things that aren't human." He added when the boy looked at him fearfully.

"I am a bean sahde." The other said a tear slipping from the corner of his eye.

"Banshee?" Sam asked letting his gun drop a little.

"Yes, that's how you yanks say it." He replied a sob shaking his throat, Sam was trying to absorb the fact that the kid in front of him was a harbinger of death but the small sobbing sound was distracting him. Sam knew better than to fall for fake tears but the kid really didn't look like he was faking, he tucked the gun back into his waistband and stepped over the…well he assumed now that they were bodies.

"What's wrong, why're you crying?" He asked placing a hand on the small man's shoulder only to be surprised when he turned and buried his face into Dean's chest.

"I never wanted to kill anyone, but I couldn't let them do it, I couldn't let them do that to me." Sam felt sorry for the boy and wrapped his arms around the thin shaking shoulders.

"Shh, shh it's gonna be okay. Lets get you out of here." Sam felt the other nod against his chest but the banshee didn't move away. Sighing Sam lifted the small form into his arms where it buried its head into his chest.

"You have a name?"

"Collyn, Collyn Bell," came the muffled reply.

"Alright, Collyn, do you have a place to stay, people here in town?" The only reply was a small shake of the boy's head.

"Alright, I'll take you back to my place." The thin form in his arms stiffened. "I don't wanna hurt you; I'm not like those men, okay?" A moment passed before Sam felt a nod. He felt odd carrying the younger man through town and people gave him odd looks but Sam ignored them and carried Collyn back to Dean and Sasha's room.

He knocked before entering because he really didn't want to expose the shocky kid to the sight of a naked incubus or worse a naked Dean. After a few moments the door cracked to reveal a sliver of Dean's face. Seeing Sam Dean opened the door and Sammy could tell from the look in Dean's hooded eyes that he was going to say something stupid so he quickly shook his head and fixed the older Winchester with a baleful look. Dean shrugged and stepped back holding the door open for his brother. Sam was going to set Collyn down but the boy had fallen asleep during the short walk to the hotel so he sat down in one of the soft hotel chairs and rested the gently snoring banshee in his lap.

"What do you have there, Sammy boy. You shouldn't bring home strays without asking." Dean cracked looking at the sleeping person on his brother's lap. "Isn't she a bit young for you anyway?"

"She's a he, he was almost raped, and he is a banshee." The smirk fell from Dean's face and he looked more closely at the sleeping boy.

"Is it dangerous?" He asked, Sasha walked up beside him and punched him in the arm.


"Is that how you talk about me when I'm not around? 'It'!" Sasha grunted kneeling down to get a closer look at Collyn.

"You're not a monster." Dean said simply. Sasha's back went stiff before he turned to fix Dean with a full red eyed glare accompanied by a fangy grimace.

"He's less of a monster than I am. Remember, incubi are half demon, bean sahdes are full faye." He said gingerly stroking the boy's long lavender hair. Dean shook his head chagrined and sat down in the chair across from Sam.

"He's a fairy?" Sam asked gazing down at the small man sleeping in his lap.

"Uh huh, a cousin just like the brownies and the lutin, he's a pretty isn't he. I forgot how beautiful the faye were, even the ones who keen for the dead." Sam nodded at Sasha's comment; the peaceful face was beautiful with full lips, strong jaw, and shocking emerald eyes when they were opened. He knew Dean would flip but he looked up and spoke to Sasha.

"I think he killed the men who were trying to rape him."

"Dude, he killed people and you brought him here!?" Dean said jumping up out of his chair.

"He screamed?" Sasha asked ignoring his jumpy boyfriend.

"Yeah, Dean they had him backed into a corner in an ally and were going to hurt him. He just defended himself. He was so broken up afterwards he couldn't stop crying." Sam spoke tiredly to his brother.

"That's what they do, wail and weep for the dead, even if they were the killers. That scream was just a defense mechanism" Sasha answered standing and taking Dean's seat.

"He still killed someone."

"If it were Sasha or I, would you expect us to sit back and take it instead of using our powers?" Sam asked leveling a hard glare at his brother.

"You need to get laid and Sasha can take care of himself without killing someone." Sam chose to ignore the first comment.

"But he probably can't, Dean, he's very young. If I can remember correctly banshees come into their full powers on their sixteenth birthday just like we do. I don't expect him to be any older than nineteen." Sasha said.

"Well what are we supposed to do? We can't keep a teenaged banshee like a pet." Dean stated earning a glare from Sam. "What? We can't."

"We wait until he wakes up. If he's allowed to go home I can send him there, but I doubt he would be running around bum fumbled, North Carolina if he was allowed to go home."

"Home?" Sam asked finally lifting his eyes from the sleeping teen.

"Yeah, the banshee's have a home plane just like the incubi and succubae; actually they're the same plane, different neighborhoods."

"You think he got banished?" Dean asked leaving the "like you" unsaid.

"Most likely, we'll know when he wakes up."

"Why would he be banished?" Sam asked glancing up at Sasha.

"Well, I had a friend who was banshee when I was younger. She got banished for being gay."

"Why would they banish her for being gay?"

"The banshee's are fairly religious for faye, their religion revolved around duality and the reproductive cycle, being in a relationship that can't produce children is a great sin."

"That's a stupid reason to make a teenaged boy leave home." Dean said finally looking at the kid with some sympathy.

"People here do it all the time." Sam said stroking the boy's hair. He quickly removed his hand when the banshee woke up. For a few moments the boy's wide emerald eyes stared up at Sammy in surprise and fear before his memories caught up with him. Sasha spoke a few words in a language Dean didn't recognize, the boy started and burrowed into Sam's lap. Sam could barely hear the muffled reply.

"I'm not an enforcer, I'm a banished incubus. You're safe here." Sasha answered him in English.

"We won't let anyone hurt you, Collyn, sit up I want you to meet my brother and his boyfriend." Sam said rubbing soothing circles on the banshee's back. The boy sat up then became uncomfortable as he realized he was sitting in the big human's lap. He slid from the chair and sat beside the large man's leg in the floor.

"Collyn, this is my brother Dean and his boyfriend Sasha, we're hunters, but we know you didn't mean to kill those men, we won't hurt you." He said itching to pat the young banshee's head.

"What is your name?" Collyn asked turning to look at the largest man.

"Oh, I'm Sam; I guess I forgot that you didn't know."

"You said you were banished too?" The banshee asked turning his attention to Sasha.

"Yes, I am a kinslayer my aunt was here in the mortal world killing young women so I had to stop her. You're banished?"

"Yes, the elders found out that I was sinful. I promised not to do it again but they made me leave…my mother said she had no son." He whispered his lip trembling on the last words.

"Another boy?" Sasha asked. Collyn merely nodded.

"Where is he? Wasn't he banished too?" Dean asked crouching in front of the banshee.

"He was innocent; I didn't touch him, I just…." The boy grew quite as if too ashamed to finish. Sasha leaned down and whispered in his ear. Dean listened and his eyes widened while his jaw dropped.

"Now that's just a fucking stupid reason to banish someone. I caught Sammy doing it when he was 14 and I just made fun of him for the next ten years."

"I'm twenty-four, Dean." Sam muttered.

"I know I still can't figure out why your eyes haven't fallen out yet." He said smirking at his little brother. He instantly regretted his words when a look of abject terror filled the banshee's face. "I was just joking, kid, that doesn't make your eyes fall out, it's a natural thing."

"How old are you?" Sam asked.

"Last June was my seventeenth summer." Collyn said his voice still quiet.

"How long have you been banished?"

"Two moons after my sixteenth summer." He replied barely stifling a yawn.

"Why don't I take you into Sammy's room so you can finish your nap?" Sasha asked holding out his hand to the young man. Collyn nodded but avoided the incubus' hand. Sasha turned and walked towards the door and the banshee followed behind him.

"Poor kid got thrown out because they caught him jerking off." Dean murmured shaking his head sadly. Sasha came back into the room and sat down in the extra chair patting his lap and looking at Dean. Dean rolled his eyes but sat down across the incubus' legs anyway. "What're we gonna do with him?"

"He's gonna stay with us." Sam said simply. "With me," he corrected.

"We can't babysit a seventeen year old boy, Sam." Dean said his voice filled with an old irritation.

"Dean, he doesn't have anyone else, he thinks he's a monster, he'd just be another freak for our show. You were younger than he is when you started hunting."

"Why are you fighting so hard for this kid, you just met him."

"I like him, okay? He needs friends and he needs someone to show him that he's not…sinful."

"He's seventeen years old, Sammy! That's a felony in most states."

"He'll be eighteen in five months, Dean, don't give your brother a hard time, you said he needs to get laid."

"Why is everyone assuming I'm going to have sex with Collyn? I never said anything about sex I just said I like him."

"You understood all that, the moons and the summers?" Dean said glancing at Sasha

"It's an archaic year marking system. The banshee are kind of like the Amish of the fairylands."

"Ew, growing' up gay among the Amish, that can't be fun." Dean said wincing.

"No, I really don't think so. Sammy's right the boy needs someone to teach him that he's not a filthy monster. I'm afraid if we leave him he might hurt himself, most banished banshees don't last this long, I know Niobe didn't. She had already committed suicide before Aunt Shi could find her." Sasha said his eyes filling with sadness and his voice growing thick.

"Alright you can keep him, but you change his diaper and keep him from killing people." Dean said smirking. "And if you get arrested for corrupting a minor or statutory rape I'm not busting you out."

"I'm not going to have sex with Collyn!" Sam snapped colour rising in his face.

"Well you need to have sex with someone, Sammy boy, you got a Mister Happy when you pinned me this morning…and that just ain't kosher."