Summary: Hacker has done the unthinkable, and it threatenes everything. But as the Cybersquad rush to once again stop Hacker before it's too late, they wonder one thing. How?

Rating: T (much darker than past fanfics, and potentially more violent)

Author's Note: Here is the next fanfic in my Cyberchase saga. This is a big one, all the other fanfics have been pretty much been building up to this point. This is also a sequel to my first Cybercahse fanfic "The Time Traveler." First chapter is a prologue, used to kind of recap past events, and the next chapter goes on with the story itself. I think you'll all like this one, so enjoy. ;)





"Well, I guess my job here is done." Future Matt announced once the festivities at Control Central had ended.

"So, where are you going to go now?" Inez asked, curious. "Back to the future?" she paused for a moment. "I can't believe I just said that." she said dismayed.

"No, I don't think I can go back to the future now." the time traveler said.

"Why not?" Digit asked. "Why can't you just do the opposite of what you did to get here in the first place? Just add a heat-tant, thing."

"We can't." Marbles interrupted. "The only chemical that would work would be Lynitrogen, and adding it to a portal would be even more dangerous than adding Kryoxide to a portal."

"So I guess I'm stranded here." Future Matt ended. "So I'll have to find some place to stay right here in Cyberspace."

"You could stay here in Control Central." Jackie suggested.

"Can't, that would put too much at risk." the time traveler stated. "Hacker never did figure out just who I am and how I got here, and by staying here, we risk him figuring that out."

"So if you can't stay here, where will you go?" Matt asked.

"Well, I suppose I could go to cybersite Mount Olympus to live." Future Matt guessed. "Always did want to live in ancient Greece. Can you give me a lift there, Motherboard?"

Motherboard nodded, and a moment later, a swirling pink portal formed.

"So I guess it's goodbye now." Future Matt said, looking into the portal. He turned to Jackie. "Bye Jax."

"Goodbye, then." Jackie said. "Thanks for you're help."

"Sure thing." Future Matt said, then turned to Digit.

"Do you have to go?" Digit asked. "I was just getting used to you being here."

"Sorry Didge, can't be here forever." the time traveler said, then patted Digit on the head. "Bye, you tin turkey."

Future Matt turned to Inez.

"Hey, uh, thanks for, well, saving my life." Inez said, nervously

"I'm glad I could make a difference." Future Matt answered. "Of course, Matt helped, so partial credit goes to him."

"Which is you." Inez pointed out good-humorly.

"Don't confuse me." Future Matt requested. He turned to his double. "Be seeing you, friend." He said, holding out his hand for Matt to shake.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay?" Matt asked, taking the hand to shake. "We could work something out, and you could stay and be a part of the Cybersquad."

"I think one Matt's enough for this group." Future Matt pointed out. "Besides, the only other course of action for me is the return to the Real World, and I don't think our mom would be too thrilled when she suddenly discovered that she had twins."

Grinning, Future Matt walked up to the portal. He stopped just before crossing the threshold, turning back around to the group behind him.

"Farewell everyone." he said. "But remember, Cyberspace is only so big. We'll all meet up with one another again, I'm sure."

And with that last phrase, he walked through the portal and was gone from sight...

Inez awoke with a start. Panting slightly, and sitting up, she reviewed the dream in her head, surprised there was nothing to it but past memories. She had odd dreams before, and her adventures in Cyberspace usually aided in that regard. And sometimes it did replay past memories.

But usually there was something mixed it that made the dream contrast from the actual memory. In this case, it was nothing but pure, true-blue, memories. Specifically from the time that a Matt from the future traveled back in time so to save Cyberspace in the future from falling to Hacker's rule.

And they succeeded. Thanks to Future Matt's help, they were able to stop Hacker, find the lost cybersite, Cyantis, and retrieve the Encryptor chip, which eventually enabled Motherboard to be cured of the virus Hacker had given her. And today still, they were holding off Hacker's campaign of chaos, preventing the future the time traveler had escaped from becoming a reality.

But for how much longer was unknown. Hacker knew his campaign was coming to an end, and each evil plan that followed became more and more desperate. Now everyone was pretty much convinced that Hacker had broken under all the stress, and had lost it to a certain degree. How much was uncertain. But it didn't really matter anymore. All that mattered was making sure that Hacker didn't blow up himself, taking Cyberspace along with it.

Inez shuddered at the thought of Hacker's last evil plan a few days back. It was a plan to build a kind of superweapon with Cyantian power crystals that could turn whole cybersites evil. And Hacker had almost succeeded, leaving Inez herself and her cyborg and wizardess friend Shari to save the day. And they cut it very close, far too close for comfort.

Inez knew that sooner or later, something big was going to happen. Either Hacker was going to finally succeed one of these days, or she and the rest of the Cybersquad would finally beat Hacker, once and for all. But at what price?

Inez thought back to Future Matt again, and remembered that the time traveler had been through the worse case scenario, and had suffered through far worse things, though. He had even witnessed Inez's own death in his timeline, and it was because of him that Inez was even alive today.

It was scary to remember how close to death she had come back then, but she quickly told herself that she was, indeed, alive, and safely tucked away in bed at home in the Real World, where she belonged. Taking comfort in this thought, her mind again thought back to the time traveler, and she wondered why her mind was so bent on thinking about him, a person she had never seen since he had stepped through that portal to Mount Olympus.

Thinking of that, she decided she should plan to go visit him the next chance she got and, at the very least, thank him again for saving her life. But later. Glancing at her alarm clock, she saw it was still very late at night, and laid back down and was soon sound asleep again...