f What if Hogwarts was more then it seems and Harry was introduced to the magical world earlier then he was supposed to. What if a brown bushy haired girl moved into the house opposite Harry. What if the four founding members of Hogwarts were more then they let on as well. Hp/stargate Harry X Hermione
"" Speech
'' Thought
Summer was always the best days for the residents of number four private drive for the owners of the house that looked the same as every other one. It was a time for enjoyment, playing with friends, and the most important thing of all the lawn competition especially for the Dursleys. For seven year old Harry potter it was the worst days as it meant him outside all day with little food weeding and tending to the lawn. Harry always felt out of place his guardians abused him and when ever a strange thing happened like Dudley flying into the wall he was blamed for it. There was even a time when he was five that he was caught talking to a snake that his aunt Petunia threw him in his cupboard and would not let him out for a week mumbling about freaks. Looking around the neighborhood he could see his nosey neighbor miss Fig staring out her window as well as a moving van pulling up to the house across the street into the house that had been empty for the last few months.
Curiosity getting the better of him Harry watched as a man women and girl around his age got out. The man and women both were dressed in white overcoats with their names on it. The little girl with bushy brown hair carried a book with her as she walked to the end of the lawn before sitting down and opening the book. Looking up so see the black haired boy staring at her she let out a little smile before returning to her book.
Harry gave one of his first true smiles before returning to the work at hand not even noticing his aunt and uncle in their nicest attire walking over to the house and introducing themselves.
Four hours later Harry found himself being thrown into his cupboard after a explanation that they were having guests over and he was not to make a sound while they were her or he would not be let out of his cupboard for a week. Sighing and giving a nod he saw the door close ad lock before the door bell rang and two new voices that Harry assumed was the mother ad father entered the house.
"Greetings I am George Granger and this is my wife Sarah and this is our daughter Hermione." Came the voice of the male as the Durleys introduced themselves. Dinner was a calm event as the Dursleys and grangers talked about their various skills and professions. "Me and my wife are dentists we have our own office and make a fair share we would need a good amount for the number of books Hermione reads she soaks up knowledge like a sponge and I swear we have a little library already not that I am complaining she is the best in her class." Mr. Granger explained causing Hermione to blush in embarrassment. "Dad!" She squeaked out before bearing her face in her hands.
"Well I work with a company that manufactures drills I am almost up to vice president and petunia here works at a garden that grows some of the best roses around. Dudley is in third grade and does fairly well ant that right Dudley?" Vernon explained getting a grunt as an answer and Dudley in hailed his food.
"What about the other boy?" Hermione squeaked out getting petunia's attention "What boy dear?" She ask. "The one that was working in on your flowers with the black hair and green eyes?" She asked before getting red in the face fro embarrassment and hiding in a book. "Aww our little mione got a crush?" Her father teased causing the girl to become more red in the face. "Who Harry?" Dudley blurted out before his mother could stop him getting the Grangers attention. "Oh um him he is our nephew he was helping me out but he went home." Petuna explained throwing out the first excuse she could find the Grangers seamed to buy it except Hermione 'But I never saw him leave the house.' She thought. As they finished dinner.
Moving on to dessert a chocolate cake was the first time Hermione put down her book. Letting out a little thank you she decided to enjoy the heavenly stuff (she is a girl after all). After cake the Grangers decided to go and said their goodbyes at the door. "Oh no where is my book?" Hermione asked as she noticed it was gone for the first time. That was before it shot it self off the table across the hall and into her hands getting looks from everyone there. "That was weird." She mumbled out. The Grangers shrugged it off while the Dursleys were having a panic attack. 'She is one of them a Freak just like the boy and my sister!' Petunia screamed into her head as the Grangers left closing the door behind them and Petunia fainted right after that.
Deep in another plane of existence
Four figures stood around each other in chairs that seamed to glow. They where wearing tan and golden close of an unknown material. The first was a man with big arms and a tan almost gold beard. The second was a woman with jet black hair and blue eyes. The third was a man with silver hair ad green eyes that seamed to have a superior look to himself. And the fourth was a woman kind of a bit plump with brown hair and tan eyes. Hardly moving they looked into an orb that seamed showed the events of number 4 private drive. "Hmm" The muscular man mumbled out only to be stopped by the black haired woman. "Don't even think about it Godric you know the rules we are not allowed to interfere with the lower planes you lucky we got away with all we did when we were down there before. You know what the others think about us using our knowledge to effect the development of the wizarding world."
"I know Rowena but little hints and dream visits won't get us in trouble. I know Salazar can sense that this boy has a lot of potential not to mention he has our gene among other things." Godric whispered loud enough for only the four to hear. "True perhaps if we direct him to the vaults. What do you think Helga?" Salazar asked the plump women. "Ya I can see where you are going it would work I know Dumbledore would not know what to do and it would change the wizarding world a lot but with it I know he can fix a few of the mistakes left by the rest of the Alterans. We can't leave our peoples mistakes to be solved by our former allies the Nox are pacifists and the Asgard are becoming weaker by the moment unless something is done soon and the Furlings have gone into hiding. Lets step as close to the line as we can." Helga said. "I agree but don't you think that is a lot for one person to do. Especially someone so young?" Rowena asked.
"Yes it is a big task but I am sure he will have some help I don't think he would do it alone and Fawkes will probably be there as well we did give him a job and he has fallowed it to the dot. But I do think he will need a parental figure." Godric answered. "What about the godfather?" Salazar asked. "Yes he could work I am sure that if he helps then it could work he does not have the gene but a child does need a good role model." Helga answered. "Yes so let us start the messing with the lesser planes." Salazar mumbled out as the four disappeared from their spot.
Back on earth.
In the ministry of magic Lucius Malfoy was having a pissy day he was at work for four extra hours everyone seemed to be losing crap left and right and he some how put his left arm in itching powder and he could not do much or risk showing off his dark mark that would cause to many questions to be asked. Walking through the halls to his final stop for the day before his return home he entered the unoccupied magic tracking room. Quickly looking over the monitor hmm accidental magic from a muggleborn on private drive finally something to relieve my stress on he mumbled. As he strode out of the ministry before dissapparateing home and putting on a black robe with hood and silver mask.
Sirius Black was not having the best day but then again the last six years had been hell so it was hard to find the worst day. Using as his might he blocked his mind as best as he could before drifting off to sleep.
Dream world
Sirius gave one of his first true smiles in a while as him Remus and James were back at Hogwarts stringing old Snivellus to a tree upside down by his knickers. Letting out one more chuckle he looked to the right noticing how the ground to the left of him was getting darker. Letting out a sigh he let a tear drop from his eye as he knew soon the Dementor's charm would destroy this happy memory as well. Shrugging his shoulders and trying to make the best of it he returned to the dream at hand only to have everything else stop. Looking around in confusion he noticed how James was a foot of the ground in a jump for joy and not moving. Hearing the sounds of feet the turned to behind himself to see two figures approaching picking his brain he knew he had saw these people before.
"Hello Sirius how are you today still using dreams to escape from reality I see." The plumper brown haired women spoke as they came to a stop in front of him.
"Well I don't have much choice dementors keep you limited. The question I should be asking is who the hell are you two?" Sirius mumbled causing the two women to look at each other. "Well I see you let your must have sleep in history class like most people. My Name is Helga and this is my friend Rowena" Helga explained causing Sirius to fall to the ground laughing. "Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw of that's rich they have been dead for hundreds of years!" Sirius cried out from on the floor. "We never died the four of us moved on the bigger and better things. But anyway that's not what we came here for anyway. We need your help." Rowena explained causing the man below them to stop laughing. "There is a boy that has a big future ahead of him and destiny is huge that is being abused by his guardians and we need you to help him I believe you know him well his name is Harry Potter." Rowena said in a serious flat tone causing Sirius to go red in the face. "What!? Who is abusing my godson?!" Sirius yelled out in rage causing Helga to flinch a bit as she started to speak gain. "I believe they are known as the Dursleys." She answered causing Sirius to get angrier. "What he was placed with those magic hating muggles what the hell was Dumbledore thinking?"
Harry's dream.
Harry stood along his new friend and a faceless man and women that were his mom and dad. Letting out a little laugh he looked at the adults wondering what they looked like before the car crash. Little did the young boy know that two figures heard this and a smile grazed on their features. As if by magic the man and women changed. The man grew spiky messy black hair and glasses while the women gained green eyes and long red hair with a caring face. The two smiled at their boy as he looked up wide eye at his parents. Nothing could ruin this moment. Sadly it did as a figure appeared behind his parents raising a wooden stick before hissing the words Avada Kedavra and a bright green beam struck the two causing them to scream before collapsing dead on the floor. Harry watched in horror as the snake like man turned to him laughing. "I will find you Harry and when I do ill kill you for what you did to me." He hissed out before lunging at him only to be stopped in mid lunge along with everything else.
"Well you hair always seams to mess everything up doesn't he Salazar" Godric sighed out as they approached Harry who was looking at them with a bit of fear amazement and curiosity. "Don't worry we won't hurt you we were help you with you parents till he had to interfere." Godric explained as he pointed to Voldamort causing Harry to relax a little. "Who are you?" Harry asked as the two arrived to him the both hunched down to Harry high. "Why I am Godric and this is Salazar we just a couple of wizards, as well as much more." Godric explained causing Harry's eyes to go big. "Wizards like magic?" He asked getting a nod. "Yep wizards like that as well as like you parents and you." Godric explained causing Harry's eyes to get bigger before they got sad. "But that cant be right if my parents were magic then they would not have died in a car crash." Harry mumbled out causing Salazar to make an hmmp noise.
"You were lied to They did not die like that they were killed by another wizard that man to be precise hey gained supporters because he is from my family. You parents went in to hiding because you were supposed to be some prophesied child that could kill him and he would kill you first chance he got. But your parents were betrayed by a friend named peter and he killed them before he tried to kill you only you blocked the green spell he just used and hit him with it killing his body." Salazar explained causing Harry to show numerous emotions from angry to sad to happy to a bit of hope.
"You godfather was thought to be the person keeping you parents safe and so he went to jail after he was caught when really it was there other friend Peter." Salazar finished. "But if that green spell hit you and you die why did he not die?" Harry asked. "Well aren't you a smart kid." Godric laughed out. "He used some dark magic to split his soul into items that meant something to him his diary, a family ring a cup Salazar's locket, his snake, a tiara, and you by mistake till the souls are removed or the items destroyed he wont die." Godric explained causing Harry to get scared before Salazar went up to him and whacked him on the forehead. Harry watched as a dark mist cloud was removed from his head before it disappeared. "Now that's one less. I removed the soul but allowed you to keep the ability to talk to snakes. Now we are allowed to help a little bit but not a lot sadly the items of his soul will be found in my vault in the wizarding bank we will remove the souls of the ring, tiara, cup, but that's as much as we can interfere the other items can be destroyed by a sword found in a old talking hat in a castle. If you can destroy them then we can make sure he has a little accident when he returns causing him to die maybe a little push of a cliff. Now when you get the chance got o the bank and ask to claim the inheritance of the vaults of Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff and take everything in the vaults then we will instruct you from there but we must go we already are close to crossing a line we can not good luck Harry." Godric quickly mumbled out before the two punched the man causing him to disappear before they both turned into two being of light before disappearing. Harry looked at the spot for another minute before waking up to a scream. Quickly opening the cupboard he walked to the living room before peering out the window.
Sirius's dream.
Sirius had finally calmed down enough for the founders of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff to speak again. "As I was saying Harry has a task we need him to do that only he can accomplish. We need you to get out of prison and help him he will need to go to the bank he should know what to do we will give him more instructions like we are doing for you after he accomplishes that step." Rowena explained. Sirius had a face of confusion on his face. "We can't explain too much there are others who feel we should not interfere with others life and they can over power us in numbers Godric and Salazar probably said more but I can risk it." Rowena mumbled out. "Ok I get that but one problem no one has even escaped from Azkaban it is not possible the Dementor will get to be to fast." Sirius explained to the two who laughed. "Now I know why you were never sorted into Ravenclaw!" she laughed out getting a scowl from Sirius. "Dementors can sense human life but not animals. Animals can enter and exit the prison when ever they want." She explained as if teaching a five year old his first words. Sirius had a blank look on his face before hitting himself on the head. "Oh animagus I get it ok." He mumbled out before the two disappeared similar to Godric and Salazar. With a jolt Sirius woke up before turning into a dog and slipping through the bars and running as fast as he could. Quickly running into the unoccupied equipment room he grabbed the wand of a newly acquired prisoner that was not snapped in his mouth before running out of the prison and starting to swim past the wards before dissapparateing to private drive.
Hermione let out a scream as a man appeared behind her mother mumbling the words Avada Kedavra twice causing both her mother and father to collapse dead in front of her. Letting out a chuckled and cracking his neck he raised his wand again muttering "Crucio" and pointing it at Hermione causing an orange beam to fly at her that she jumped out of the way of before running out of the house. "Run little mudblood I still have some stress to relieve and this is so much fun." Lucius roared out as he gave chase. Running across the street she could see the door to the Dursleys open as well as the young black haired boy poked his head out of it. The lights turned on as well as the faces of the Dursleys poked against it see the black figure they turned off the lights before closing the blinds. Looking at the door again she could see the boy mentioning her to come fast and with that she doubled her speed before running straight into the boy and crying. As she watched the strange man approach the Dursley's front lawn.
Harry held Hermione tight before they watched the weirdest thing happen. Just as Lucius foot was about to touch the grass he ran into a invisible wall of sorts causing him to fly back a few feet behind as well as knocking his mask off. Getting up he tried again only to meet with the same effect. "What? Warding?" He asked himself out loud in surprise before looking at the Muggle girl and the boy the boy with green eyes black hair and a lightning bolt scar. "Oh Harry Potter that explains it all can have the world's little savior unprotected can they!" He taunted as he began examine the ward as the Dursley flew down the stairs just as a loud crack was heard. Lucius turned to might the sight of a man in a black wizarding cloak with long black hair ad a murderous expression on his face. "Stay away from my godson Lucius!" He barked out as Lucius had a look of shock on his face. "Sirius!" He squeaked before he was blasted off his feet with a beam of yellow light making him fly twenty feet away. Lucius got to his feet and sent a tan spell at Sirius that he flicked away before charging at the man and turning into the black dog again when he was feet from Lucius and pouncing at the surprised death eater tackling and breaking the Malfoy's wand in the process as well as giving the man a nasty bite mark. Lucius let out a grunt in pain as he kicked the dog away before getting u and disappearing in a crack of black smoke.
Sirius transformed back before picking up his discarded wand and pocketing it. Looking to the left and right he began walking to the Dursley's house passing the wards as they recognized him as not a threat. As he was feet from Harry and the girl he was met with a shotgun to his face. "Not one more step freak!" Vernon bellowed causing the man to look him right in the eye. "Shut your mouth and lose a few hundred pounds Dursley you old prune." He said in a clam voice as he waved his wand causing the shotgun to turn into a can of proscription diet pills. The three Dursleys ran into the house locking it completely not caring at what happened to the two children outside.
Hermione looked at her savior with a weird face. 'He did stuff with that stick just like the other man but he did not hurt anyone. What kind of weapon is that? Who was his godson he was talking about.?' She thought before she remembered her mother and father dead on the floor. She began to cry again in the boys shoulders.
Sirius seeing the girl crying looked around before noticing the open door across the street quickly walking to it he walked in side and was greeted with the two body's of the Grangers. Sighing to himself he walked back over to the two children. Quietly kneeling down he rubbed the girl on the back while looking at the boy he had not scene in years. "Hello Harry my names Sirius I am your godfather." He mumbled out causing the boy to go wide eyed before he found himself tackled by a crying girl and his godson. Sirius stood there for a few moments before he was greeted by a few more cracks looking around he could see three ministry aurors as well as the forms of Albus Dumbledore, Remus, Mad Eye Moody, and Snape. All had their wands pointed at Sirius. Remus went wide eyed at see his childhood friend out of prison while Dumbledore was more curious at the forms of a girl and Harry Potter holding on to him one crying while the other looked like he was attempting to get seven years of hugs out of his godfather.
"Sirius Black you are going back to jail step away from Potter you murder!" Snape yelled out causing the aurors to tense. Sirius tensed at he thought of the task he was given and he could hear his godson mumbling for him not to go sighing he stood up while holding both Hermione and Harry in each arm. "Sorry Snivellus can let you near my godson." He yelled loud enough for the others to hear before he raised his wand causing a bright flash of light before dissapparateing to his old house with Harry and Hermione in tow.
Walking in to the house and tip toeing past the sleeping portrait of his mother Sirius brought the two kids to his old room before placing the two children who fell asleep on to his old bed before collapsing into a chair and falling asleep himself. As the three began their peaceful sleep none noticed the golden locked down the hall disappearing in a flash of light.
In another plane of existence
Godric, Rowena, Salazar, and Helga stood in their meeting spots again with calm calculating faces. "Well I did not see Lucius going so far but that can be of some use did any of you sense anything about the girl?" Rowena asked. "She does have the gene but she is not as advanced as Harry. But a parental figure is not enough Harry does need some one his age or he could grow up too fast we need Harry's help but we don't need to ruin his life." Helga mumbled out before Godric turned to Salazar "did you do you task?" He asked getting a nod from the silver haired man. "It was a little hard I had to spread out my work but the locket, tiara, ring and cup are now back to the way they are and in my vault as well as the dairy and snake. The snake did not like it though and I saw it slam its head in to a few items and one of those sharp pieces of metal on the vaults inside door wound up impaling it so it died. Luckily you three kept the other busy and they are ignorant or keeping an eye on the Ori or I might have been stopped from moving the items." Godric gave a nod "Agreed we need to be more careful with the four of us we can step over the line but barley we can't do too much or we will get caught and punished. We might be able to pass ourselves as recording to give Harry hints. But we will wait till they accomplish the first task before moving on they cant be rushed too fast especially Sirius all he learned is nothing to what is out there in the galaxy." With that final sentence they went off to entertain themselves.
Back on earth.
Dumbledore was having a hard day. He was hoping on curling up with a good book only to be alerted to a magically emergency at private drive. Quickly gathering a few order members he quickly appearing at the disturbance only to find Sirius Black mass murderer holding a young girl and their savior Harry Potter. After the traitor to the potters escaped again they found the bodies of two muggles. Quickly walking to the Dursleys to hopefully get answers. That only confused him even more as they told them of the young girl running out of her house fallowed by a figure in a black cloak with a silver mask or a death eater only for the blond haired man to run face first into a invisible wall then moments latter another black haired man appeared talked about his god son and fought the man off before insulting them and turning their gun into a bottle of pills. This only confused him more as to why a death eater was here and why Sirius had saved the son of the family he betrayed and more importantly how he escaped from Azkaban. Rubbing his temples he looked back down at the map of Europe checking for possible locations of Sirius.
Hermione awoke to a feeling of warmth as she squeezed her teddy bear more causing it to let out a groan. 'A groan? Teddies don't groan.' She thought to her self as her eyes snapped open to see a face of a young boy with black hair and a lightning bolt scar on his head. 'Harry? What is he doing here? Why is he in a bed with me? Where is here?' She thought as memories from the night flew back into her head causing her to shed a few tears that she had left. "Mom, Dad" she mumbled out as she grabbed on to a pillow hugging it tight as she looked around the dusty room from Harry sitting next to her to the man that saved her sitting in a big chair asleep. Drying her tears she got out of bed still clutching the pillow and walked out of the room to explore.
Looking around in wonder at the weird heads on the wall and the weird alive creature that was mumbling while whipping a dirty window on the first floor. "Um excuse me." She mumbled out causing the creature to stop working. "Hi I was wondering where are we?" she asked in a quiet voice causing the creature to starting talking about little girls bothering poor Kreacher. Sighing she turned around only to bump into an umbrella holder causing it to fall over. Rubbing her bottom she turned around only to jump back as a drape opened up revealing the most old and ugly women she had ever say. The women seamed to came alive as she looked at the girl in front of her. "Hello what is your name?" she asked in a grandmotherly voice causing Hermione to clam down a bit. "Hermione Granger." She mumbled out as the women looked at her strangely. "Granger I don't remember that name is it a new pureblood family?" She asked causing Hermione to get confused. "What is a pureblood?" She asked as time seamed to stop as the women's eyes got big. "MUDBLOOD A FILTHY MUDBLOOD IN MY HOUSE OH MY ANSESTORS MUST BE ROLLING IN THEIR GRAVES WHY ME! WHY MUST THE BLACK FAMILY FACE SUCH PROBLEMS!" the women screamed out in the loudest voice she could manage causing Hermione to curl up in a corner before the black haired man and Harry ran down the stairs. The women seamed to get even louder at seeing the man. "OH MY BLOOD TRATORIOUS SON WHAT DID I EVER DO TO DESEIR THIS YOU CAUSED YOU FAMILY NOTHING BUT SHAME YOU HAVE SIRIUS AND BRINGING MUDBLOODS IN THE HOUSE IS EVEN WORST WHY HOW COULD SOMETHING SO HORRIBLE COME FROM ME!" She screamed out as the man grabbed both sides of the drapes yanking at them "Shut up you old hag!" He yelled before reaching the drapes closed when Harry helped pulling on them as well causing the yelling women to stop instantly.
Sighing Sirius let go of the drapes before turning to Hermione bringing his finger up to his mouth he made a "shush" noise and mentioning for the children to fallow quietly as they walked up stairs to the room again before Sirius closed the door and waved his stolen wand at the door casting a silencing charm. "Well now that you al met my mother I think we should take our relationship to the next level." He laughed out only to stop dead at the blank looks the children were giving him. "Ok bad joke I get it." He mumbled out as he looked at the two kids. "I am sorry." Hermione mumbled out causing Sirius to shake his head. "No no its ok she does that all the time I want to get her off the wall but she seems to have stuck her self there with a powerful sticking charm." He explained causing confusion to sweep the faces of Harry and Hermione. "What's a charm?" Harry asked causing Sirius to fall over. "I forgot you were raised by muggles a charm is one of the many branches of magic. The most common are charms, transfiguration, and potions." Sirius explained get a look of understanding form Harry that surprised him that he would not want more. Hermione on the other hand had her hand up in the air like in school. "So wait are you telling me magic is real?" She asked. "Well yes how else would you explain talking pictures and turning something in to something else?" Sirius mumbled out causing Hermione to blush a bit in embarrassment. "Sorry I was just wondering." She whispered causing Sirius to move over and sit between the two putting his arm around each of them.
"No no its find its just six years of prison can cause your people skills to dwindle a bit I forgot when I was young and learned of magic." Hermione's head picked up after that. "Why were you in prison?" She asked causing Harry the speak t last. "He was framed." He blurted out causing Sirius to look at him in surprise. "How did you know that?" He asked causing Harry to sit a bit straighter and trying to organize his answer. "My new friends told me Salazar and Godric." He mumbled out causing Sirius to jump. "Your telling me that dream I had was not a hallucination!" He squeaked out causing Harry to look at him strange. "What dream?" sighing Sirius explained the dream he had in prison of Helga and Rowena. Hermione and Harry stood in silence as they soaked in every detail. "So then what did Godric and Salazar have to say Harry." Sirius asked as the boy looked up to him with his green eyes that reminded him so much of Lily. "I don't know how much I can say they told me they could get in trouble for what they were doing but they said that I had to go to a bank and claim the vaults of Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor. I would also find some items that I would need to destroy that will make the man who killed my parents' mortal again. I was also to take what ever was in the vaults and wait for more instructions." Harry explained causing Sirius to be dumb struck for multiple reasons. "Voldamort is alive, they want Harry to claim to be Heir to all four founders." He mumbled out he stood up. "Well I think we all need answers so lets go to the bank." Quietly the three waked down stairs to the kitchen where Sirius took out his wand causing Hermione to take a step back. "I wont hurt you I just need to change our appearances again. If the wrong people see me they will take me to jail and you two will be sent who knows where." He explained as Harry gained blond straight hair with blue eyes and little makeup covering his scar. Hermione's hair became black and straight as well. Sirius went for simple brown hair while copying most of the face of a mixture of Lucius and Remus. Together the three walked out of the house that soon disappeared in between two houses much tot eh amazement of Hermione. Letting out a chuckle Sirius grabbed the Hands of both kids before they disappeared with a small crack before reappearing only feet from the first steps of Gringotts the wizarding bank.
Harry and Hermione looked around in wonder as they walked up the marble steps to the bank only to be eve more amazed at the creatures operating the bank. Calmly walking up to the closest teller Sirius was about to talk only to be stopped by Harry Who tugged at his robes. Clearing his throat Harry looked into the eyes of the goblin. "I would like to claim the Vaults of Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin." He spoak in a calm voice causing the goblin to look at him before bursting out laughing only to stop at the serious face Harry was making. "Your serious? Well then fallow me." He spoke in a surprised tone as they walked in to the head Goblins office as the two goblins began talking to each other in a language no one could under stand. Grunting the Head goblin mentioned for the three to fallow as he pressed a stone in the back of his office causing a passageway to open up. Nodding the three fallowed the goblin to a large stone before stopping. "Is the Vaults here?" Sirius asked only to stop as the Head Goblin shook his head. Before he could answer more the goblin touched another rock causing the rock to fall at an increasing speed. Screaming the three hugged each other in a comical fashion as the rock increased more speed causing as they where thousands of feet under ground. As just as quickly as it started it stopped as the rock started to slow down and stop as the Goblin walked of the stone and the others fallowed after gaining the ability to walk again. Quickly fallowing a small hallway they arrive at a circular room with four doors one with a Gryffin, Raven, Snake, or Badger on each. Sighing as if he did this a million times the Goblin spoke. "I gave this speech to many times if you are the true heir to one of the vaults then if you look into the glass balls at each door it will tell us it will either do nothing or open its as simple as that." He explained before walking over to the middle o the room and sitting down.
Harry nodded as he slowly walked over to the nearest Vault door Hufflepuff. Taking a deep breath and got on the tips of his toes before staring into the ball as the multiple colors before they seamed to train on him before the colors died and the vault creaked open causing the Head Goblin to fall over in surprise. Jumping up and don't he walked into the vault and gasped at what he saw. It was empty except for the small orange crystal that seamed to hover in the center quickly walking over he snatched the crystal before walking out of the vault that closed right after words. Shrugging his shoulders he moved to the Gryffindor vault as it opened just like the other causing Harry to find a bright red crystal and an old trunk with three compartments one for books, one was a normal trunk, and the third was like a safe. The strange thing was it opened by touch but did not matter as Harry quickly put the two crystals in the safe compartment in to little slots that seamed to be meant for them. Quickly walking the Ravenclaw it opened to reveal a blue crystal as well as a few old tattered books. One seamed to be a converting book from one strange language to English the others seamed to be on spells that were on subjects and written by Rowena herself. It was the Final vault that was the weirdest and Hermione and Sirius walked in with Harry to find out what got him wild up. In the Center was the Green crystal just like the others but it also had a dead snake that looked recently killed as well as a ring, locket, tiara, diary, and cup. Quickly shaking himself out of his surprised state he walked in stuffing the items into the trunk except the snake and walked out of the vault to meet the surprised Head Goblin who bowed to Harry. "Sorry for the mistake Lord Potter Heir to the four founders. Let me take you up the better way this time" He muttered out before snapping his fingers causing the four to appear in his office on the first floor. Thanking the goblin the three walked out of the bank and were about to leave when Sirius remembered something and dragged them to a shop Ollivander's. The man who seamed to know all three of their names while Sirius quickly thought up of an excuse of why he was out of prison and the three walked out with new wands. (Same as in the story.) With that the three went back to the house of black with a small crack.
The house of black was quiet as the clock stroke midnight. All but the bed room was covered in darkness as Hermione was asleep in the king sized bed while Sirius was asleep in his comfy chair. Harry sat at the edge of the bed with the old translation book open skimming through it. He did not know why but it seamed to intrigue him. The language almost seamed to call to him. Giving of a long yawn he looked at the last random word. 'Ego means I' He thought before turning the light off and curling up in the bed. Taking one last look at his godfather and his new found friend he let sleep claim him.
Harry let out a smile as he found himself at a strange castle filled with kids in black robes with a badge of one of the four animals of the founders on their chest. Beside him he found his Godfather and new friend Hermione. "Well this is one strange dream." He laughed out as the other two turned to him. "You said it kiddo." "Yes" came their responses before they all looked at each other. "What are you doing in my dream?" Sirius asked only to be stopped by the kids. "This is my dream what are you talking about!" they both yelled out only to look at each other with confusion on their face before the whole world seamed to stop.
They all looked at each other in confusion before the sound of clapping could be heard. Turning to look down the corridor they could make out the forms of Rowena, Godric, Salazar, and Helga walking up to them clapping their hands together. "Well done Harry you did what you were asked and I can say we could have hardly done better ourselves." Rowena cheered out. "But like always we are limited on time so here is the next step come to the castle make sure no one sees you and hold the four crystals over each corresponding spot at the same time and enter the room the spears and using the book as a translator find out how to activate process Alpha one and two and Beta one and two. Just remember that for the Beta processes you and your little girlfriend must be in the two chairs you Harry must go in the higher chair and no one is to interrupt the process until they are finished." Rowena explained while pointing to a picture on the wall that held the Hogwart's crest.. "But what is the process?" Harry asked only to be answered by Salazar. "We are not allowed to say we are pushing it as it is all I cans ay is once the processes are over with seek out old allies in Ida you know the whole you scratch their back they will scratch yours." Salazar explained getting weird looks from the two kids. "It means you help them they will return the favor." He mumbled out getting recognition from the two kids who made the "ah" noise. Helga turned her attention to Sirius "You must keep them safe and teach them magic both of them when the process is finished." She explained before the four disappeared in a flash of light and the dream continued.
Harry, Hermione and Sirius stood around in a circle in an abandoned construction sight as they looked at the Diary in front of them the one that contained a piece of Voldamort's soul. "Any idea on how to destroy it?" Hermione asked as Sirius stood panting with his wand out. They had tried a verity of spells that Sirius knew but none earned to do more then scuff the cover. "There has to be some sort of super powered spell that hurts a lot." Harry mumbled out as a light bulb appeared over Sirius head. (Not really) "Of course stand back." He announced as Hermione and Harry took multiple steps back as Sirius mumbled out some unheard words and fire leapt from his wand hitting the diary causing it to turn into black mush before it dried up a scream echoing through the air before Sirius canceled the fire. "Fiendfyre some of the most powerful fire in the world." Sirius explained before grabbing the kids and returning to their home. Quickly the three began packing their few processions into Harry's truck. For tonight was the night they would go for step two it was much easier to sneak in to Hogwarts at night under the light of the full moon.
Tiptoeing down the hall of Hogwarts was an interesting event when it was pitch black in the castle. Quickly slipping into Filch's office for a minute Sirius returned with a map of Hogwarts that he and a few friends created when they were younger. With quick use of the map they were able to quickly make it to the top floor of the castle to the picture of the crest. If you looked closely enough you could see the tiny jewels representing the eyes of each of the animals. Quickly pulling out the trunk Harry removed the four crystals. Quickly giving Sirius the crystals of Slytherin and Gryffindor while handing Hermione the Hufflepuff and himself taking the Ravenclaw one. They quickly looked at each other before nodding and holding the crystals of the represented houses to their spots.
The Picture seamed to disappear into the floor before revealing a metal door with a clear panel to the side. "What?" Sirius mumbled as he touched the panel only to jump back as the door slid open revealing a well lit room. Quickly stepping inside the three could make out numerous counsels with strange clear crystals on each with huge screens that turned on once they entered the room. In middle of the room sat two chairs one looked like a small metal recliner while the bigger had a gel like substance on the arm rests and the chair seamed to be suspended on a platform of dark blue glass. As the three fully entered the room the door closed and more systems lit up a map of Hogwarts appeared showing a few bright dots that were moving around. "Wow" Harry mouthed out before his hand hit another scanner causing the left wall to move away revealing a much bigger space with a giant ring device in the middle of it. Quickly regaining their surprise the three quickly went to the nearest control counsel and took out the translation book before starting the process.
"Well it seems that the founders left the list of programmed process up so that they could be access quickly." Hermione mumbled out as she pointed to the list of symbols in a row on the screen. "It also seems that once Beta one and two are activated then Alpha one and two will activate at the same time so all you have to do is push this crystal thing when me and Harry are in our chairs and we will see what it does." She explained as the two got in to their spots. Harry sat on the large strange chair while Hermione sat in the smaller metal chair before nodding to Sirius who slowly clicked the button. Time seemed to slow down for a second before a bright light flew from the crystal on a metal stick that appeared in front of the two (one for each). On two monitors various diagrams appeared of their bodies as well as brains as more symbols appeared in a long line before two metal black disks were lowered from the ceiling in front of the faces of the two children. The two stared at the disks in confusion before metal arms grabbed their heads and they lost conciseness. Sirius stared in more confusion as he fought the urge to try and stop what ever Beta one and two was. As he looked at the diagrams again the brain images seemed to be changing colors in a few select spots of Hermione's while Harry's whole brain diagram was flashing. Weirded out Sirius looked as another screen lit up showing the planet earth as the diagram showing the dots of the people started to blank out. Looking at the Maruder's map he watched stunned as Dumbledore disappeared all humans where gone from Hogwarts. Scanning the map only one name in a random room seamed to remain "Remus Lupin" he mumbled out as the whole castle started to shake.
Dumbledore stood in shock as he appeared in the town of Hogsmade as well as the entire Hogwarts staff including house elves and the several thousand portraits in a flash of light. Looking at Snape they both nodded before walking back towards the school that seemed to be shaking a little only run face first into an invisible wall a few hundred feet from the school as it seamed to start rising from the ground. The teachers could only stare in confusion and wonder as after a few hundred feet f rising Hogwarts revealed a shiny metal bottom the seamed to be shooting out fire before it accelerated out of sight through the clouds. 'I am getting to old for this.' Albus thought as he fainted.
Lupin whimpered out as he in his wolf form hid under his bed as the whole castle shook and after seeing the ground leave from out of the window.
Sirius laid on the ground after falling out of the chair as he watched on the screen the Castle leave the planet earth and enter space. Letting out a cry he fainted from in that position.
In another plane
The four founders stood smiling as their plan had fallen into place. Hogwarts had worked and would join its place among the stairs in the galaxy like the tiny Alteran City ship was designed to do.
Authors notes
Remember to review the more the better
Well this idea popped into my head a few days ago and I could not get it out so I had to write it down. I always wanted to do a Stargate/harry potter cross over with Hermione in it. Some might wonder why Remus remained on the Hogwarts. Well I was not going to originally but I decided Remus would be to lonely with his friends dead and no Harry so I made up that the scanner did not view him as a human since he was in wolf form.
K on the my other stores I am working on a friend In need's next chapter but I hit a snag I got the beginning and end done and connected but its four pages two short so I am trying to fill it out.
K time to rant.
Who else noticed that Oblong deleted his story Knowledge is Power with out any warning. I am disgusted at his actions if you don't want to continue writing them keep the work up and offer others to finish it. It was a amazing story so many chapters and one of the best Harry smart storys I knew. I can not believe him. K done ranting