Hey guys! Sorry this took so long! Angel Whirlpool... yikes!! Okay enjoy this last chapter.

Although they appeared to be working at separate ends of the office, the eye contact and smiles that they sent each other from across the room told a different story. There was no reason as to why Agent Booth was working on his paperwork in Doctor Brennan's office, and if one had asked him about his presence there, he would have told you that it was just incase he needed any information from her that he either didn't know or didn't remember. And of course he needed her signature on the files anyway and it just made sense to be near her when he was completing it.

Doctor Brennan was supposed to be working on her novel but she sat in front of her computer screen "re-reading" the previous chapter, but only managing to re-read the same sentence numerous times. She now had this sentence memorized. Every time she had completed reading it she would glance over at her partner to find him glancing over at her. A smile coming to her face that she felt the need to bite back because of the professional environment that they were situated in. She wanted nothing more than to fake an illness and spend the rest of the day in bed, but since he was in her office it would seem a little odd if they both played the sick card and left together.

No one at the Jeffersonian, the FBI or for that matter in the world besides the two of them knew about what happened over the weekend. They decided to keep it their own little secret and thus far the knowledge of their secret relationship made them feel delightfully sneaky. Booth liked to think of the two of them as enemy spies of love, keeping their relationship secretive was like having some super confidential government information on happiness and he wasn't about to share the secret ingredients with anyone. Of course, he kept that scenario to himself because Brennan would most likely mock him for it.

The twentieth time Brennan looked up from her computer screen Booth caught her eye and began laughing, "Booth! That's not funny!"

"You can't keep you're eyes off of me!" he whispered.

Brennan sat up straight in her chair, "That is not true! You're staring at me and it's causing me to loose my concentration."

Booth laughed again, "How can you tell I'm staring at you if you're looking at your computer screen?"

Brennan looked at her screen and then back at him, "I can feel you watching me."

Booth's eyes grew wide and a flush came to his face, "Oh." He said, then clearing his throat, "I'm sorry."

Brennan smiled when she saw Booth look away, "It's okay." She said turning back to her screen, "I kind of like it." She looked back at him and he was now smiling at her. She shook her head and turned to the screen again.

"Sweetie!" Angela said walking into the office.

Brennan swiveled in her chair to look at her friend, "What's up Ange?"

"I need to talk to you." She said grabbing her friend's hand and pulling her out of her chair.

Booth stood up and placed the file he was holding on the coffee table, "I'll go and give you all some privacy." He said making his way toward the door.

"No!" Angela said abruptly, "You're working. Don't be silly. Bren and I can talk a short walk around the lab or something."

Brennan looked at Angela quizzically, "Um, yeah. Okay." The two women walked out of the office, "Is everything okay Ange? You're acting kind of weird."

"Oh yeah… hormones and what not." She said rubbing her stomach.

"How is the baby doing?" Brennan asked, "We haven't had much time for one another recently with the case and everything."

"Oh, Sweetie, don't worry about it. The baby is fine. It's a girl." Angela said beaming.

"Ange, that's so wonderful!" Brennan said truly happy for her friend.

"Yeah. Hodgins and I are so happy."

"I'm really happy for the two of you."

Angela stopped and faced Brennan, "Thanks Bren, that means a lot to me. That's why it makes this so hard."

"What is so hard?" Brennan asked. Just then, Angela pushed her and she felt two sets of hands pulling her from behind.

Twenty minutes later Booth was sitting in the same spot on the couch. He realized that with Brennan not in the room, the case files were finished much quicker than he had anticipated. Booth stood up off the couch to stretch his legs and arms and made his way over to the door. He looked around the Medico Legal lab to see no Brennan in sight. Angela was walking toward him with a smile on her face.

"Where did she go?" Booth called to Angela as she neared the office.

"Oh, she went to go get some coffee she asked me to come get you and send her down to the café for a break."

Booth cocked his head to the side, "She couldn't just bring me back one?"

"Don't be such a pooper, Booth. You two have been cooped up in that office all day. If I didn't know any better I'd say there was more than just paperwork going on in there."

Booth laughed, "Well I guess it's a good thing you know better."

"Angela always knows best!" she said.

Emma stepped out in front of the pair, "Hey!" she said excitedly.

Booth stopped abruptly, "Hey Emma." He suddenly felt a cold metal on his wrists and the sound of… handcuffs, "What the hell!" he said turning to see Hodgins with a malicious grin etched across his face. He was pushed towards a door by Hodgins, Sweets and Angela and pushed inside. It wasn't a violent attack so much as a forceful one. He was then sat down on the floor next to and irritated looking Brennan. Sweets, Hodgins, Angela and Emma stood over them looking down on the pair and smiling.

"What the hell are you doing?" Booth yelled at them.

"Pay back's a biz-natch." Sweets said laughing.

"Pay back?" Brennan asked.

Emma laughed, "This is for transferring me to your department without asking me first. Not that I mind really, but you should have asked me first and the fact that you didn't makes me mind."

"You transferred her without her consent?" Brennan said turning to Booth.

Booth got defensive, "So sue me if I like the kid. Jeez, I was trying to do something nice for her so she could date Doctor Geeks over here."

"You should have asked her!" Brennan huffed, "Wait… so why am I in here?"

Angela stepped forward, "That was actually my idea. When Emma told me about the Booth plan, I decided to throw you in as a bonus. Now you two can sit in here, work out your issues and hopefully kiss and makeup. Preferably more of the kissing."

"What is going on in here?" said a voice from the door of the utility closet. Everyone turned around to see Cam at the door.

"Cam!" Booth called, "Get us out of here!"

Cam laughed at the sight of Brennan and Booth tied up in the closet, "I would… but… I… uh… have a meeting…and I'm late."

"CAMILLE!" Booth yelled after her.

"Hey!" she said turning toward him, "Far as I see it, I loose you two for the afternoon but gain years of no sexual tension in the office. Win win." And cam walked away.

Angela and Hodgins both turned and left the closet and Emma and Sweets turned towards the door.

"Doctor Sweets." Brennan called, "What exactly do you get out of this. I mean you could loose you're liscense."

Sweets turned to look at them, "Well, we turned off the camera that feeds in here so there is no proof that we did anything to you. I also have clearance for a trust exercise today with the two of you and well… this involves trust doesn't it?"

"So you're not in this for some sort of pay back like everyone else?" Brennan asked.

"Are you kidding? You guys put me through a lot of crap over the past year. I don't think that pay back would be an appropriate term for my feelings on this. Let's go with… revenge." Sweets said.

"Revenge? You do realize that I will shoot you when you get out of here?" Booth yelled.

Sweets put his hand to his heart, "I feel the love Agent Booth." He said. Sweets turned to the door and laughed. He turned back to the couple and grabbed the door handle, "This is Sweet Revenge! Get it? Sweet Revenge? I crack myself up!" he said. He turned off the lights and closed the door leaving Booth and Brennan in the dark.

Brennan slid her head over to Booth shoulder and closed her eyes, "I hate him."

"Well… At least we can make out." Booth said laughing.

Brennan laughed and then bumped his shoulder with her own, "Men…"