Disclaimer: Don't own nothing

Authors note: This story is based off the song ' I pray ' by Amanda Perez, it's one of my absolute favorite songs out there. If you havn't heard it, I seriously recommend it.

Summary: If you had only three months to live, what would you do with them? Haley James Scott always thought she would live long enough to see her children grow, for her to grow old with her husband and spend time with her friends, unfortunately, fate had a different idea and now all she has is three months.

Rating: T

Chapter one:

It was one o'clock in the morning. Every normal person was sleeping but she wasn't. She had crawled out of bed thirty minutes ago with another one of her near blinding headaches and made her way to the down stairs bathroom, so she wouldn't disturb her sleeping husband. The headaches had started almost a year ago, coming far and few in between but now they were so frequent she was having them a couple nights a week. The pain was so bad, she'd often vomited, tonight was one of those nights. She'd taking 3 tylanol but that wasn't even coming close to touching her pain.

Using the counter tops, she hoisted herself off the bathroom floor, gripping the marble surface as she waited out the dizziness she was feeling. Quickly realizing it wasn't going to pass, she gently placed herself back on the floor, laying down against the cool tile. She was thankful she had mopped the down stairs bathroom that morning. Closing her eyes, she prayed for the headache to go away and fell into a restless slumber.

She next woke up to Nathan's voice calling for her. Opening her eyes, she saw that it was five-thirty, time for her to start getting ready for work. Once again, she pulled herself back up on her still unsteady feet, opening the bottle of tylanol, she popped three more pills before splashing water on her face. Hearing her name being called once more, she opened the door and responded with one word ' bathroom ', wincing in pain as she did so. Hearing him grunt in reply, she moved away from the still open door, and sat down on the closed toliet sit lid.

" What'cha doing in here? " He asked, concerned evident over his still sleepy face.

" Thought I'd catch a ball game. " She smiled as he smirked.

" You had another headache. " It wasn't a question and the only reply she gave was a simple nod of her head. " We need to get you into the doctors. "

" I already made the appointment honey. " She informed him, and he stepped into the bathroom and kneeled in front of her.

" I don't like seeing you like this, Hales. " He told her truthfully, running a soft hand over her forehead and through her hair.

" I don't like feeling like this. " She admitted, closing her eyes against his touch.

" Maybe you should just call in? " He suggested in a soothing voice. " I can go get you some chicken noodle soup with extra noodle and we can lay in bed all day and watch all the lord of the rings you like. "

" As wonderful as that sounds, I have a parent/teacher conference with Quintin Fields mother. " She replied, groaning at the thought of having to deal with that woman today.

She hadn't met the woman yet, only spoken with her on the phone and she had a feeling that Ms. Fields would be the cause of some serious headaches.

" Reschedule. " Nathan simply said.

" If only it were that easy honey, I'll be okay I promise, just let me get a quick shower. " She said, standing up. " Do you think you could get Jamie ready for school? "

" Yeah no problem, I'll even drop him off. " He offered, frowning at how tired she looked.

Seeing his concern, she leaned up softly kissing his lips.

" Thank you. " She said, stepping away from him.

Nathan stood at the kitchen stove, scrambling some eggs for breakfast. He couldn't keep his mind off his wife, he couldn't hide the fact that he was concerned. Hearing the upstairs shower cut off, he instantly pressed the power button on the coffee maker, knowing that by the time it was done brewing she would be downstairs. Taking the pan off the stove, he divided the eggs onto three plates and set them all out of the breakfast bar.

" Jamie, breakfast is ready! " He called out, smiling warmly at the sound of his son coming down the stairs.

He often wondered how someone that small could make so much noise.

" Daddy, can I take my basketball to show and tell? " Jamie asked excitedly, as he hopped up on his stool.

" Jimmy Jam, you take it too school all the time. How about taking your guitar today? " Nathan suggested, and his sons blue eyes lit up.

" I could play the song momma taught me. " He thought out loud.

" Yeah you could. " Nathan told him, grinning at his little boy.

Good morning. " Haley greeted, walking into the kitchen and kissing Jamie on top of his head.

" Guess what, Momma. " Jamie ordered his mother, still grinning wildly at his father.

" What? " She asked excitedly, and Nathan could tell her excitement was forced, she'd never disappoint their son.

" Daddy said I could take my guitar to school for show and tell. " Jamie announced proudly. " And I'm going to play that song you taught me. "

" That's awesome. " She told her little boy, smiling too.

He watched as she opened one of the cabinets, pulling out a bottle of pain reliever and opening it. He saw her deposit three pills in her open palm before closing it. She'd been doing that a lot these days and Nathan was growing more and more concerned. Taking a coffee mug out of the cabinet closest to him, he poured a cup of coffee, placing it next to one of the plates.

" I fixed you a plate of food. " He told her, watching her swallow the pills without any fluid to chase it with.

" Thanks baby but I can't eat. " She told him, and he frowned.

He'd been noticing her lack of appetite too, she'd lost some weight. Normally he'd argue with her about eating but he knew her headaches had come with vomiting.

" Do you want me to drive you into work? " He questioned. " I mean I gotta go there this afternoon for practice, so I'll be there to pick you up. "

" No, I'm good to drive. " She told him, smiling at him.

The day went by agonizingly slow and all she wanted to do was take a hot shower and crawl into bed but she couldn't. She had to meet with Quentin Fields mother and she was anxious to get it over with. Haley knew exactly what was going to happen, this woman was going to walk into the room, see how young Haley was and try to bully her into doing what she wanted but Haley had news for this woman, she wasn't the bullying type. The woman was 20 minutes and Haley was about to leave when the woman strolled in.

" I'm Tameka Fields, Q's mother. " She introduced herself, sizing Haley up and down. " I'm looking for Mrs Scott. "

" I'm Haley James Scott, Quentins teacher. " Haley replied, holding out her hands.

" Are you sure you're old enough to be a teacher, you look like your in high school yourself. " The lady told her, rather cooly.

" Let's get right to the point Ms Fields, you've wasted enough of my time by being late. " Haley told her, not having the patience to even try to be polite.

" You're going to ruin my sons chances of getting into a good college by flunking him in your class. " Ms. Fields declared, placing her hands on her hips.

" I'm not failing Quentin, he's failing himself by not showing up for class or doing any of the work. " Haley countered

" If he fails your class he will be kicked off the basketball team, he'll have no chance at a scholarship. Mrs, Scott we don't all come from rich families. I can't afford to pay for Q's education." The womans attitude softened, and Haley motioned for her to take a seat in one of the desks.

" First off, I'm not from a rich family, I had to pay for my education and all while raising a baby. Secondly, Q going to college will be pointless if he doesn't build his foundation now. The no pass no play applies for college and if he fails a class in college he loses his scholarship. He will fail those classes if he doesn't learn all that I am teaching now. " Haley said, trying to make her point perfectly clear.

" Can't you just let him slide? " The lady pleaded but Haley stood firmly.

" No. If I let him slide then I will be failing him as a teacher and I won't do that. Either Quentin returns to my class and starts doing the work assigned to him, or he fails. It's that simple Ms. Fields. " Haley replied, earning a scowl from the lady sitting across from her. " I can make an offer though. "

" What's that? " The womans ears perked up.

" I can tutor Q in the mornings before school, give him some make up work and extra credit and if he passes all his assignments he'll still be eligible for the season. "

" I'll let him know. "

" Tell him I am here every morning by seven that'll give us an hour to tutor. I can help him with his other classes too. "

" Thank you for your time, Mrs Scott. " Tameka Fields said before exiting the class room.

Haley wasted little time walking over to her desk, pulling out a drawer and grabbing the pill bottle she had stashed there.

" When is that appointment again? " Nathan asked, and she looked up to find him leaning in the door way.

" Wensday afternoon. " She told him, closing the bottle and placing it back in her desk drawer.

" Skillz is going to keep Jamie over night and take him to school in the morning. " Nathan said, walking into the classroom and towards his wife. " And Lucas suggested that I go get some of this herbal tea crap that supposed to help with headaches. "

She couldn't help but chuckle at that, it was such a Lucas thing to suggest. Karen had lived off the stuff for awhile after she had Lilly. She would suffer from headaches caused by stressed and didn't like popping pills, Haley couldn't blame her, she hated it herself.

" I swear he's such a girl sometimes. " Nathan added, smiling gently over at his wife.

" Did you get it? " Haley questioned, with a slight smirk resting on her face.

" Yeah I stopped off and got it on my way up here. " He admitted, watching as her smirk turned into a playful girn.

" So, whose the girl now? " She questioned, his face dropped in mock surprise.

" Mrs Scott, I go out of my way to get something for you because I hate seeing my beautiful wife not feeling good and this is how you repay me, by teasing me? " if she didn't know him so well, she'd really think his feelings were hurt.

She shrugged a shoulder.

" You're used to it by now and if you're not, then I guess you really are a bit girlish. " She replied, biting back a smile.

" Fine. " He said, throwing his hands up in playful annoyance. " I gotta go drop off Jamie some clothes and stuff for school tomorrow. Meet you at the house? "

" I'll be there. " She told him.

She walked into the house and let out a sigh of relief. Her meeting with Tameka Fields was difficult but it wasn't as bad as she expected it too be. She just couldn't get over how they thought Quintin would be able to survive college without his high school education, then she remembered how Nathan used to be. Nathan had changed so much since the beginning, she wasn't sure if she'd told him lately how proud she was of him but she made a mental note to do just that.

Walking into their bedroom, she had to fight temptation to lay down on the bed, if she did, knew she would fall asleep right away but she wanted to take a quick shower first. Going over to Nathans dresser, she pulled out a pair of his old basketball shorts and one of his old t-shirts before going to hers and pulling out a pair of plain cotton panties. Stepping into the bathroom, she took in her appearance in the full legnth mirror and she noticed just how tired she looked.

" I'll drink some of that miracle tea and get a good nights rest. " She told herself, peeling off her close.

Once she had disrobed, she took looked into the mirror once more and was able to see the weight loss. She'd lost some of her curves and had to admit she didn't like the way her body looked. Most women worry about not being skinny enough, but Haley was worrying about being too skinny. Turning the nozzles on the shower, she used her hand to guage the tempature before stepping into it. Letting the warm water run over her body, she adjusted the shower head, turning it onto the massaging setting, inwardly thanking Nathan for the purchase she'd initially been against.

Nathan stepped into the house and listened closely for his wife. Hearing the upstairs shower running, he entered the kitchen. Pulling the box of tea out of the plastic shopping bag, he then pulled the tea kettle out of the cabinet, he filled it with water and put it on the stove. He busied himself gathering up all the goodies he'd take upstairs to make his wife feel better.

He hated seeing her feeling so badly and like always, would gladly take over her pain if he could. All he could do was be an attentive husband and do everything he could for her. Most people would get annoyed having to wait on their spouses hand and foot but Nathan loved it. He could easily remember all that she had done for him after his accident, the countless nights she sat up with him, holding his hand while he tried to deal with pain, the many times she'd cleaned his wounds all the while never complaining. She didn't start getting angry with or annoyed by him until he began pushing her away and drinking himself in a stupor. He had to count himself lucky that she hadn't left him and would spend every day of the rest of his life making it up too her.

Since Karen had closed the cafe, choosing to travel the world with Andy and Lilly, the only good place to get chicken noodle soup was from the can. He rummaged through the drawer, looking for the stupid can opener which seemed to never be in the same place twice, he finally found it. Holding it up, he couldn't help but do a small victory dance, for once he found the damn thing and without having to ask Haley where it was. His cell phone ringing cut his celebration short. Looking at the caller id, he flipped it open.

" What's up, Luke? " He asked, placing the phone between his shoulder and his ear, cockng his head to the side to keep it in place.

" What'cha doing? " Lucas asked, from on the other end.

" Making Hales some soup and some of that tea you told me about. " Nathan answered, opening the can and dumping the contents of it into a pot.

" She still not feeling well? " Lucas questioned, concerned for his best friend.

" Nope but she's got a doctors appointment the day after tomorrow, so hopefully she'll feel better soon. " Nathan replied, going back into the drawer and pulling out a spoon to stir the soup up with.

He and Lucas talked for a couple more minutes, mainly about nothing of any great importance until he heard the upstairs shower cut off. He'd told Lucas he'd call him back later and finished preparing everything. He carried the heavy tray up the stairs, careful not to spill a drop of anything. His heart broke when he entered their bedroom, there laying in the middle of the bed, with tears running down his face, was his wife curled into a ball. He rushed over, laying down next to her and gathered her into his arms. He held her close until the tears had subsided, running his fingers through her dark brown hair and just whispering things to her.

" You hungry? " He asked, looking over the tray he'd forgotten about.

" Not really. " She answered, sitting up.

" You need to eat something Hales, your gonna tear your stomach up taking all those pills without any food in it. " He told her, getting up off the bed and grabbing the tray. " It's cold but I have more on the stove I can heat up. I'll also make you another cup of hot tea. "

" I'll come downstairs with you. " She told him, also climbing off their king size bed.

After she had eaten and taking more pain relievers, she'd fallen asleep and actually slept through the whole night. She'd giving Karens miracle tea the credit and had a cup the following morning before leaving for work. She only half expected Quintin to show up for tutoring but was still disappointed when he didn't. Her disappointment stretched further when he didn't show up for class either. She guessed she wasn't able to reach him through his mother as she had hoped she would.

Aside from those two disappointments, tueday went by uneventfully and without a headache. She was thankful for that. She got to pick Jamie up from school, listen as he told her all about his day with his loud, youthful excitement and didn't have to wince once. She'd made dinner for her family and she and Nathan had even made love that night.

Wensday, she went ahead and went to the doctor anyway, at Nathans insistence.

" On a scale of one to ten, ten being the highest, how bad would you say the pain is? " The doctor asked, writing something down on the chart.

" Umm, usually and eight or a nine. " She answered, feeling that saying ten would be a little over dramatic.

" What's you day to day like? He questioned, looking up at the young woman sitting in front of him. " Are you stressed a lot? "

" I teach high school, have a four year old son and my husband is still recovering from a career ending spinal surgery, what do you think? " She responded, trying not to sound the least bit sarcastic.

" Sounds too me like your headaches are stress related, I'm going to prescribe some Viccodin for you to take when they get bad. " The doctor told her, scribbling on the prescription pad before tearing it off and handing it too her. " I'm allowing three refills, after that you'll need to make another appointment. "

" Thanks. " She said, taking the paper out of his hand and walking out of the room.

She wasn't a hypochondriac but she figured he would at least take her concern seriously and maybe run some test. She shook her head, thinking to herself that he was the doctor, clearly he knew what was best. Without questioning it further, she got in her car and drove home.