This is the intro of a story that I've been wanting to post for awhile. It takes place after KH2. Let me know what you think of it, if you could. I'd appreciate it.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything from KH2 unfortunately.


Darkness. Endless darkness.

Crushing waves of despair and hopelessness. The depths of an eternal abyss full of pain and agony.

What was this feeling? It was familiar…too familiar. And his senses…they were being overwhelmed by it. It was darkness. A force he thought he had put behind him.

Eyes flickered open, taking in no other sight than the darkest night. The eyes belonged to a silver-haired teen, who surveyed his surroundings nervously. The teen, Riku, was currently trying to figure out where in the world he was. The last thing he remembered was falling asleep in his bedroom.

Riku cast his gaze side to side warily. Unable to see anything, he was able to feel wispy tendrils of darkness flowing lazily around him. Where was he? It was...unnerving him.

Darkness. Endless darkness.

But…hadn't he chased away the darkness? What was going on? What was it doing in his dreams?


Riku spun about, squinting through the darkness, as if he'd be able to see something that hadn't been there before. The voice sounded disturbingly familiar.


The voice was louder this time, and had a low tone to it. And it had come from a different direction.

Riku turned again, realization sinking in. It was Ansem! Or rather, Xehanort's Heartless. But that didn't make any sense. Hadn't he defeated and gotten rid of him before? Riku shook his head. "This is a dream. You're gone," Riku murmured more to himself, fairly confident in his statement. This just had to be a nightmare.

Ansem a.k.a. Xehanort's Heartless, laughed, "Is that what you really think?"

Riku twisted around again. He was still all alone in the dark. Where was the voice coming from? Was he just hearing things?

Ansem seemed to have read Riku's mind, "You're not hearing things…" Ansem suddenly appeared in front of Riku a few feet away, smiling evilly.

Riku instantly attempted to move away, but it was in vain. No matter how much Riku tried, Ansem seemed to be getting closer and closer, closing the gap of darkness between them.

"Stay back! Keep away from me!" This wasn't happening.

Ansem continued to approach slowly, seeming to enjoy the other's discomfort, "You will never escape me…" He reached out a hand towards the immobilized teen…


Riku awoke with a gasp, bolting upright in bed. Glancing around wildly, Riku let out a low, shaky laugh. It had just been a dream after all...more like a nightmare though...

Riku stood up and stretched, and began to pace around his room. Since he had gone to bed in his regular clothes, Riku decided that he was too high strung and nervous to go back to bed. There was no way he could go back to sleep after that dream. Especially since now, at the moment, Ansem was popping into his mind with that creepy molester smile.

Riku held back a shudder, again telling himself that it had all just been a dream. Looking around his room once more, Riku shook his head and left through a window.

Once outside in the cool night breeze, Riku passed by other homes, every occupant more than likely asleep with peaceful dreams. Riku sighed miserably as he headed for the shoreline. So many things had happened over the past few years, but now, everything was pretty much back to normal.

He, however, was having the hardest time adjusting back to island life. Again, he felt as though he was trapped, but was learning to deal with it. There was no way he would give into the darkness again, not even to escape to other worlds. Even though it was tempting, Riku knew nothing good would come from it.

Riku paused in his walk, before heading over to the docks, were many small boats were anchored. Riku unbound one of the boats, and paddled over to the island where he, Sora and Kairi had built a raft over two years ago.

Sora and Kairi...

Those two were acting as though nothing had ever happened. It probably helped them adjust back to regular life...

Riku arrived at the island, and, after securing the boat to the island's dock, hopped off and wandered along the shore. The breeze was slowly claming his nerves, but Riku was still on edge for some reason. The peaceful night was helping to offset the feeling...


The silver-haired teen lost his nerve when he heard his name being spoken. It sounded like Ansem. Riku dashed over to a shack and locked himself inside, his heart racing. It took several minutes for him to clam down. After awhile, Riku huddled down in a corner of the shack with a shuddering sigh.

His imagination had to be playing tricks on him. What was he so worried about? Nothing bad had happened after returning to the island. Only his dreams.

'It was just a dream...nothing more.' Riku thought to himself wearily, again trying to convince himself that Xehanort's Heartless was gone. Riku had been having constant nightmares involving Ansem since he returned to his island home after defeating Xemnas with Sora. But lately, the dreams were becoming longer, more nerve racking, and worst of all, more and more real.

Riku finally began to doze off, many other worries plaguing his mind, none of which he could focus on.

All he knew was that Ansem seemed to be getting closer and closer to him.

And as he finally drifted off, he heard what sounded like Ansem laughing.

Riku didn't know what to do, and wasn't sure that telling Sora or Kairi about his dreams would help.

And that was what scared him the most as he drifted back into dreams of endless darkness, and the looming presence of someone he thought he had banished away.