Authors Note: This story uses Stephanie Meyer's Characters. I only own the plot. Alice's POV.

'That idiot' I thought to myself. Jasper was always one to act stupid with Emmett. I think it has something to do with how he was in the army and he never got to fully experience teenage stupidity. Not that I really did either, whatever. Actually, come to think of it Carlisle and Esme were the only ones who actually got to experience it. Interesting.

"Alice, you think way too much" Edward said smiling. Good grief his power was annoying sometimes. He heard that and just laughed.

"Emmett, Jasper, calm down, you're going to break something" Esme scolded in her motherly tone. Emmet made a face which caused Rosalie to go into a fit of giggles, making Emmett pretend to attack her, which grossed Edward out, which caused him to put Bella on his back and run out the front door. Carlisle had just gotten home and went up to his office and Esme followed. I rolled my eyes and walked out to the garage. Jasper followed.

"Hey Ali," He said leaning up against my yellow Porsche. "Want to go for a walk?" He asked.

"Ali? You haven't called me that in... a really long time, but sure" I said confused. HE grabbed my hand and we walked out the garage door. We walked for a while; the forest was wet, really wet. It was raining. My head started to get cloudy; I knew that meant one thing: a vision.

"Alice? Alice Sweetie?" Esme was saying. "Can you hear me? Alice?" Her voice sounded panicked.

"Carlisle what's wrong with her? I thought Vampires couldn't get sick." Jasper said stroking my hand. His eyes were full of tears. "this isn't a vision; she doesn't spaz out like this during a vision." Jasper was scared.

"I don't know Jasper it's like she's …sleeping?" Carlisle said confused.

"What? Vampires can't sleep what are you talking about?" Jasper's voice cracked. Rosalie bent down next to Jasper and Emmett next to her. Bella and Edward were on my other side next to Esme and Carlisle was at my head.

"She'll be fine Jasper, right Carlisle?" Rosalie asked in a worry-stricken voice.

I came out of my vision. I was on the ground and Jasper was kneeling beside me. His forehead creased with worry, confusion, and wonder.

"What did you see Alice?" He asked. What did I just see? was I dying? No I had already died, how did that work? "Alice, are you okay?" He asked again worried this time. I shook my head and stood up.

"I…uhh…my car…someone is going to break the window." I lied. His face relaxed.

"Oh, you want to go back to make sure it won't happen?" He asked softly squeezing my hand. I nodded and he put his arm around me. "Alice, even if your car window does break we can always get it fixed. It's nothing to get worked up about." He rubbed my arm. I nodded and tried to lighten up. I was going to be fine. …what was going on?

A/N: Well how do you like it? Any comments? Should I continue?