Since Itachi wouldn't help clear his ignorance in the matter, Deidara decided to approach the next best thing; Hoshigaki Kisame. The blonde found him throwing shuriken at trees by the koi pond.

"Oi! Fish-face!"

The shark nin looked up from his spot in the grass, a scowl on his face. "What do you want, Deidara?" His tone carried a hint of annoyance. Ignoring that, Deidara walked over and sat next to the blue man.

"There's something I want to talk to you about, un . . ."

Kisame let out a sigh and put his shurikens away, turning to give Deidara his full-attention. "I'm listening."

Deidara cleared his throat, just a smidge uncomfortable with what they were about to talk about. "It's about Itachi-san . . ."

Kisame rolled his eyes. "Yeah?"

"Does he, um . . ."


Deidara fidgeted a little. "Um . . . Sasori no Danna thinks that it's possible--no, probable, that Itachi-san . . . uh . . . likes me--" Kisame raised an eyebrow. "--but I think that's total bullshit, un! I mean, Itachi-san hates my guts! . . . right?"

After the few seconds it took for the blonde's fast paced speech to sink in, Kisame started chuckling. This irked Deidara.

"What?" he demanded. "I know it sounds ridiculous--"

"Completely ridiculous," Kisame agreed, snickering.

"--but I just wanted a confirmation that Uchiha has no interest in me, un." Deidara looked up at Kisame, his eyes pleading the blue man to tell him that he was right.

"Well," started Kisame. "if that's what you want, Deidara, I'm afraid you can't get it from me."

The blonde blinked. "What?"

The fish nin smirked slightly. "I wouldn't be able to confirm that statement without being a liar, and as an S ranked missing nin, I pride myself in one of the few virtues I have left."

Deidara blinked a few more times. "So . . . So what you're saying is . . . is that . . . Itachi-san . . . un . . . un . . . me?"

Kisame laughed loudly, rising from his place in the grass. "I have to be going now, Deidara. I'm sure Pein's got a mission I can do somewhere around here." With that, he walked off, still laughing to himself.

"But . . . but . . . WAIT, un!!!" Kisame was already far, far away.

--------------------Somewhere else--------------------

Sasori burst through the doors to the base, somewhat of a smile on his face. He enjoyed going on walks. AND he was confident that he would find out what had happened with Deidara. "I'm home!" he called out to the entire Akatsuki.

"Go away," replied the Uchiha from upstairs.

Kisame laughed.


Alright. I'm going to do it. I'm going to make myself vulnerable to that brat by telling him how I feel. I don't care what the result is.

Itachi frowned to himself in the mirror, knowing that this wasn't entirely true.

Oh well.


Sasori ascended the first flight of stairs, taking his time.


Deidara wiped the mud of his shoes before stepping through the back entrance of the base. He didn't want to think about it. He just wanted to do something mind numbing, like watching tv or sex.

He was at his room's door in a matter of minutes. The blonde flipped the television on and plopped onto his bed. On his door he had written a big 'Fuck off' in black Sharpie.

--------------------Outside Deidara's room---------------------

"Well," said Itachi to himself, "this proves as a problem."

---------------------In the staircase----------------------------

Sasori made it to the second flight of stairs. One more and he would be there.

----------------------In Deidara's room---------------------

"I need food, un." He rolled of his bed and opened the door. His thin eyebrows rose in surprise. ". . . Itachi-san?"


Sasori frowned. What's that Uchiha doing in front of my Dei's room?

-------------------------Outside of Deidara's room------------------------

Itachi stepped back a bit, startled, but then regained his nerve. "Deidara," he said slowly.

"Yes?" replied the blonde, who was rather dreading this encounter.

Instead of replying with words, Itachi stepped forward and captured the pyromaniac's lips in a gentle kiss. This only lasted a couple seconds until Itachi pulled away and said, in a totally serious tone, "I love you."

Sasori burst out laughing.