Ha ha ha. I decided to start a ShinoTen fic because I was so restless. I really wanted to write something Naruto-related, but the ShikaTen one was on hold for a moment while I got my lovely friend (BETH) to help me out. See, I'm great at writing at everything, but there's only so much I can do with a show I don't watch. Therefore, I've commissioned her (since she's also making a comic out of it and will have to end up drawing it anyway) to come up with a fitting fight scene. I'll be writing it, still, but she'll be figuring out how it all plays out. I've got how it starts and how it's going to end, but she'll be working on everything in between. So, I've been restless and since she's coming over tomorrow (she's got no work today, so if I'm lucky, after my driving lessons, (19 and not able to drive yet. Sad.) she'll be able to stay the night and help devote some time to it with me. (She has no work tomorrow, you see.)

But, until then, you get this little fic to keep you company.

I hope you all like it. They start out neutral and wind up HOT for each other. Ha ha.

The title of this fic is named after a song by Tea Party (the best Canadian band I've heard…yet.). Speaking of Canada, there was this one girl in my sociology class (in high school) from Canada. She terrified me because I am so awkward when it comes to social situations, and you know how there's some people that everything they say sounds like an insult to you? She was one of those people. I never knew what to say to her, and I was sure she was a nice enough person, it's just she was so stand-offish I wound up too frightened to say anything to her…

Oh well. For all I know, she probably was a complete bitch. Whatever. I guess I'll just have to try harder when it comes to getting to know people.

As for the chapter titles, they're also song titles from Tea Party. I think this one fits because this brings in the conflict between the two and Shino seems like the type of person who'd see not a glass half-full or half-empty but COMPLETELY empty.

This fic is going to wind up a bit adult. Maybe. It all depends on what I want to do with it. Just as a precaution, if it winds up adult, they'll both be like…seventeen or something. I dunno. Just know they aren't children.

(I know. Everyone's used to my Naruto fanfics being nice and innocent, right? This one might turn out raunchy. Just a heads up.)

I've noticed I have an uncanny knack for refusing to go by the dictionary and making up my own words. Not really my own WORDS, but, rather, changing nouns to verbs and the like. For instance, this one takes the word "moss" and changed it to an adjective or even a verb. Thus, "mossed" would mean something along the lines of "the act of being covered in moss". It would be more suited for an adjective in the instance I use it in. Thus it's meaning would be, "covered in moss". Or, if you wanted to be especially fancy, you could say the definition was something like, "a light dusting of moss". Oooh! Fancy, fancy!

I mean, how annoying is it that "disgruntledly" isn't a word? I'd like to be like Shakespeare and bring some new words into existence. I'd never be able to do something as major as inventing the word "eyeball" or something like that, but I'd like to think that people would start using my phrases in conversation. Such as:

"Hey, Sharon, look at Kevin over there. See how he's banging on the keys of his keyboard disgruntledly? I wonder what crawled up his butt and died…let's go bother him!"

"Okay, Stacey! But the second he starts blurting out his feelings, we're outta there! I don't want to listen to him whine about how his internet decided to blow up on him! He's such a comper-complainer!"

Okay. So maybe comper isn't the best word. I was thinking something like a computer or something, but put in front of an adverb to become the act of involving oneself with a computer in some way. (Yeah. This probably makes no sense to any of you. I don't blame you. It makes no sense to me, either…)

I hope you enjoy this. Check out the songs, too. I'm totally pimping out my (one of my) favorite band(s). Because I know there's other people out there who'll fall in love with them. (The song that got me interested in Tea Party was Stargazer. And Stargazer isn't even as strong as their older stuff.)

One Step Closer Away
Part One – Empty Glass

Shino grumbled, sitting against the giant tree in the square and trying to make himself invisible. It wasn't too difficult; after all, his coat was the exact same colour as the mossed bark. Of course, he knew the one person he wanted to hide from would still find him, considering the fact that Kiba's nose was better than a bloodhound's. It would just take Kiba a bit longer ever since he'd left that bug-copy out there to throw him off his trail. The one thing he wanted to do was get at least a few minutes peace from the over-energized dog-person. It was like being comrades with a giant, oversized puppy. And Akamaru–that dog just wouldn't stop growing! He was now almost as tall as the Academy's roof on his hind legs!

The only good thing about his team was one person and one person only–Hinata. There wasn't anyone else he wanted to see more fulfilled than her. Why, she'd already gotten over her little crush with Naruto and was eyeing Kiba now! He figured if she liked him so much, she could keep him. Good riddance, he thought.

He heard a crunch behind him and turned his head, fearful Kiba had already found him. There were a few hurried whispers behind him and he paled. Crap. He'd forgotten this tree was frequented by people who wanted some place private…

"Shit, it's Shino…"

"Oh, who cares about him. Neji, I didn't bring you here to make out with you. I brought you here to break up with you."

Ah. TenTen and Neji were having a fight. It was better than them making out against the tree. That was the last thing he wanted, considering the fact that this was the only place he could camouflage not only his body but also his odor for a little while: it was summer, and the tree was giving off more scents than a dump-site.

"What!? You're breaking up with me!? Who the hell do you think you are!?"

"Look, Neji, it's great we've got some sort of chemistry…but that's about all we have."

"What are you talking about!? We're on the same team! We go out on missions together! I've saved your life too many times to count! How can you say all we have is chemistry, you bitch!?"

TenTen laughed, and Shino could hear something impact Neji; hear Neji make sort of an "oof!" sound. "Get off me, Neji. The next time you call me a bitch, I'm going assassin on your ass." She patted her hands together, tossing Neji away from the tree. "Now then, let's just break up and call it over. I'd rather this didn't interfere with our whole team effort thing going on. That's actually the main reason I don't think this can work between us. Sorry Neji. I'll see you on the next mission, maybe?"

"Yeah, sure. The next mission. I can see when I'm not wanted." Neji stormed off, hurt and embarrassed and pissed off all at once. He shot Shino a glare, daring him to tell someone what had just happened. Shino figured there was really nothing worthy of gossip going on, considering there hadn't been any gossip of the Neji and TenTen together going around in the first place. Besides…he wasn't the gossip type.

TenTen came out from behind the tree, leaning against it next to where Shino had taken his seat. She crossed her arms over her chest, shaking her head. She glanced at him, smiling a little. "Sorry you had to overhear that. I take it you're hiding from Kiba again?"

He looked up at her, puzzled as to why she could have ended a relationship without any remorse at all and how the hell she even knew why he was there. "Yeah…but…"

She waved her hand at him, laughing. "Come on, Shino! Everyone knows Kiba's been getting on your nerves lately, and I doubt you're the type to come here to make out."

He grumbled, cheeks turning slightly pink, though she couldn't see it. "I could if I wanted to…"

"But you don't. It's because you're a prude." She sat down next to him, observing all those layers. She cleared her throat, leaning over and messing with one of the buttons of his coat. "You know, it's hot out. I'm sure Kiba wouldn't even recognize you without all these coats on. It's not like any of us have seen your face since you turned fourteen."

He shuddered, flattening himself to the tree, knocking her hand away. "What are you doing!?"

She sighed, holding her hands away, showing him she wasn't trying anything. "I just thought…"

Shino glared. "No way! I'm not taking off my clothes! There's no need to be lewd!"

She laughed, wiping a tear from her eye. "Who's being lewd? I just thought Kiba wouldn't recognize you without all of those layers… You don't even have to take them off… Just as long as they aren't covering your face…"

Shino looked unconvinced, though she couldn't see any hint of emotion on his face because it was so covered. "I don't…"

"What, do you have a bad case of acne or something?"

He turned red. "It's nothing, okay!?"

She sighed, rolling her eyes. "Whatever you say, I suppose…" There was a long moment of silence before she looked at him, cocking her head a little, her hand underneath her chin. "…Me and Neji had been dating for about four months."

Shino looked at her, nonplussed. "Do you think I care how long you and Neji were dating?"

TenTen shrugged her shoulders. "Most people are curious when they see something like that. I guess you're different." She looked away, turning pink. It was like talking to a brick wall…a giant brick wall with clothes all over it… Her curiosity got the best of her and she looked over, slightly amused.

"Are you a vampire?"

He looked at her, resisting the urge to hiss. "A what? Don't be ridiculous. If I were a vampire, I'd–"

"Cover yourself out in the sun, right?"

He turned to her, his jaw dropping, though she couldn't see it through his layers. "Wh-What?" Oh, she was good. "I am not a freaking vampire!" If there was one thing he'd been afraid people would call him due to the fact that he wore all these layers during the summer, it was the V-word.

She shrugged her shoulders again, laughing. Her hands moved to her ankles, clasping them, and she leaned over to him, too close for comfort. "Well then, why do you wear so many layers? It's obvious you're hiding something… Or are you so used to the heat by now that you don't even realize it's over 90 degrees?" She shrugged her shoulders. "I know how upset you get when people call you "Bug-boy". How'd you like to be called Bat-boy now? I'm sure that'd piss you off something fierce…Bat-boy."

He glared at her, standing up. "I am not a vampire, alright!? I wear these layers because I want to turn invisible! It's camouflage!"

TenTen looked at him, her face falling, her eyes flickering with something he couldn't place. She stood up, sighing. "Why would you want to turn invisible? You're pretty important to a lot of people, and I'm sure they'd enjoy seeing you more often…" She smiled, winking an eye at him. "Tell you what, you let me see what's behind those coats and I'll let you see what's behind mine…"

He stuttered, stepping back. "Okay, now you're being lewd!"

She laughed, shrugging her shoulders. "Fine. You want it that way? I'll take your coats off by force and see what you're hiding. Except you won't get anything in return from me."

He sighed, removing his sunglasses. "Fine. We'll have it your way. But I get to see you with your hair down instead. Is that fine? It's not so much taking off your clothes than showing a different side of you most people don't see. That's about the same, without the implications involved."

She pouted a little, ignoring how intense his eyes were. "Fine. If you want to be a prude."

"I'm a gentleman. There's a difference."

"In this day and age? Guys like you are a dime a dozen."

"Don't you mean one in a million?"

She shrugged her shoulders, looking back at him. Their eyes met, and she flashed him a smile. "Yes. One in a million. Now then…let's see what you're hiding…"

He gulped, looking around. If there was one thing he wanted, it was for no one to see what he was hiding. He was embarrassed about it, and it was all his dad's fault. He removed the hood first, and she just about died. She burst out laughing, and his cheeks went even more red.

"You…you're…" She wheezed for a while, finally finding herself after a good two minutes. "Half of your head is shaved!"

He glared, running his hand through the side without stubble. It was deep brown and unruly, and he had liked it a lot. He was pissed when his dad had accidentally cut it a bit too short. He'd called it off, ignoring the fact that both sides weren't even. Instead of poking a mean comment, she went over to him, running a hand through the hair that was left, smiling.

"All you'd have to do would be to shave this side a little and you'd have a pretty sweet mohawk…"

He slapped her hand away, pouting. He liked his unruly hair the way it was. The last thing he wanted was to try and look like some sort of punk. "It's good to see someone who doesn't find it something worthy of poking fun at…" He sighed, looking up at the sky. "And it wasn't my choice, either. My dad said he wanted to give me a haircut and cut it too short… I'm hoping it'll grow back pretty fast…"

She rolled her eyes. "Don't count on it…" She smiled again, grabbing the collar of his coat. "Now let's see what's behind Door Number Two!"

He spazzed, swiping her away and nearly falling backwards. "Wait, wait, wait! If you want to see my face, then–"

But she was too fast for him. Before he could even finish his sentence she was all over him, throwing off his overcoat and working on the buttons of the one underneath. She snickered a little, finding the task entertaining, but all it did was make him highly uncomfortable. It was bad enough he hated people getting within two feet of him…but now there was a girl touching him! It was a major violation of his personal space!

She finally unbuttoned the entire thing, throwing it off as well. When she caught sight of his chin, she nearly fell over, laughing so hard. He grimaced, rubbing the chin-fuzz he had. It was practically a goatee. Another thing he could blame on his dad. Ever since he hit puberty and started growing facial hair, his father had insisted on him keeping it. He had said it made him more distinguished.

He thought it made him look like some kind of creepy mountain man, despite the fact that his father always cut it fairly short.

"That's…my Dad's fault again…"

After a good four minutes, she wiped a tear from her eye and placed a hand on his cheek, pursing her lips. "Oh…it's not so bad…" She smiled, rubbing a finger against the hair, poking her tongue out a little. "I think it makes you look distinguished…"

"Distinguished!?" He threw her off of him, crossing his arms over his chest. "I look like some kind of freakish bear!"

She chuckled again, leaning towards him, her hands in her pockets. "You don't look like a bear at all… Maybe a bear whose skin was taken to make a rug, but an extremely hairy one…not at all…" She smiled, putting a finger to her chin and looking up, deep in thought. "But…if it bothers you that much…you might as well shave it off… Unless you're the type of person who listens to everything their parents tell them…" She laughed again, her hand moving to her mouth. "You really are a prude, aren't you?"

He glared, looking away. "I told you…I'm not a prude!"

"Oh yes, a gentleman, wasn't it?" She shrugged her shoulders. "I really don't see the difference. I'm sorry…" She put a hand back on his cheek, causing him to look back at her. "Listen, Shino…I'm sure if you…" She fought back laughter. "I'm sure if people saw this side of you more often, they'd–"

"Laugh? Call me even worse names than "Bug-boy" and "Mr. Cockroach"?"

She shook her head. "No. They'd probably recognize you easier…" She smiled. "I actually like this side of you better."

He couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Sure. I look like someone who got into a fight with a barber. But the worst part is the fact that my dad looks like a male stripper! And it doesn't help with the fact that he likes wearing next-to-nothing around the house! I can't even invite my friends over! I wish I were an orphan, for crying out loud!"

She narrowed her eyes. "Don't ever wish for that. At least people know you have a dad. For all you know, I could actually be an orphan."

He gulped, a wave of guilt washing over him. "A-Are you?"

She smiled, patting him on the shoulder. "Nope. But I got'cha, didn't I?"

He groaned, feeling stupid, until he heard the last thing he ever wanted to hear…ever.

"Akamaru! I smell him over here!"

Shino swore, running behind the tree, dragging TenTen along with him. They sat there in the shadows, listening to Kiba argue with himself. There were loud sniffing sounds, and Shino couldn't help but feel the hair on the back of his neck prickle and his very spine induce a shiver. He hated that about Kiba. Sure, Kiba was his friend, but he didn't think he'd ever get over the fact that Kiba recognized him more by his smell than by how he looked. Kiba wasn't even blind, damn it!

"Ah…here's his clothes…but where's…" There was a kick to the ground. "Ah, damn it! I thought for sure I'd find Shino here! Akamaru, it's just his clothes! Where could he have gone to!? He couldn't have gone far…his scent is so strong around here…"

Shino's skin began to crawl when he heard what Kiba said next…and it wasn't the bugs.

"Maybe he's behind the tree… I'm sure his little bug pals would love it here…"

Shino gulped. The last thing he wanted was for Kiba to see him like this. He would never hear the end of it! They'd be on a mission and Kiba would shoot something Hinata's way, something she wouldn't get but he knew his friend would. He'd bug him about it until it wasn't funny anymore and then some!

That's when TenTen shot up, walking back around. He stood, trying to stop her, but she slapped his hand away, shooting him a look. He sat back down, hoping she'd come up with a good cover story.

"Hey, Kiba…"

Kiba's response was instant–he swarmed her, sniffing her hair and clothes. "Hey, TenTen!" Sniff Sniff. "Why do you smell like Shino so much!? Is he back there or something… …Oooooh…I think I get it…" Shino could just see the smile on Kiba's face. "I see what's going on… Why do you smell like Shino, TenTen? " He chuckled. "I see it all clearly…the tree…the smell…the fact that Shino's clothes are right here in the middle of the street… I'll…leave you two alone…"

Shino's ears perked when he heard Akamaru bark, heard the dog's paws leave the ground in a giant leap. TenTen walked back behind the tree, looking stunned.

"Wow. I didn't even have to come up with something…" She laughed, nudging Shino's shoulder with her knee. "It's safe to come out now, Shino…" He sat there, refusing. Knowing Kiba, he'd probably do something stupid and come back to see if his friend was getting any.

Sure enough, they heard something up from a roof nearby, very faintly.

"I wonder if Shino's actually getting some… He seems like such a prude, right Akamaru?"

There was a bark, and Shino swore again, jumping into a bush. TenTen looked up in time to see Akamaru and Kiba's heads poke out from the roof, looking down into the shadows of the tree. Kiba swore, standing up. He'd been caught peeking!

TenTen hid a smile, narrowing her eyes to seem angry. "Do you mind?"

Kiba jumped onto Akamaru, swearing a blue streak. "Come on! Let's get out of here! She's onto us!"

The dog and dog duo leapt to safety, and TenTen burst out laughing. Shino crept out of the bushes, looking at her and gulping. "They're gone?"

TenTen waved her hand. "Of course. I wonder what Kiba will ask you tomorrow, though…" She smiled at Shino, something flickering in her eyes. Shino just gave her a weird look, standing up and going out for his clothes. She watched him, crossing her arms over her chest. "You know…if you changed your diet and changed what you used to get clean…in two weeks Kiba probably wouldn't even recognize your scent…"

Shino groaned, putting his sunglasses back on and picking up his undercoat and overcoat. "It's not that simple, TenTen. Kiba's nose is like a dog's nose. Just doing that won't change how you smell … The only thing you'd succeed in would be to confuse him for a day or two. Trust me–I've tried that already."

She shrugged her shoulders. "Whatever you say. I'm sure you know him better than I do. Now, about our deal…"

Shino groaned, going back to the tree, all covered up again. "Sorry, but I'll have to pass. All I want to do right now is go home and try to take a break from this hectic day."

She shrugged, walking away. "Whatever you say… But…I'm always open if you're interested." She looked back at him, winking, before turning back around and leaving.

He gave her a look then went his separate way. TenTen was such a strange girl…so why was he interested in getting to know her? He was certain doing that would only cause him grief in the long run.