Hey everyone! This is my very FIRST attempt at an Alvin and the Chipmunks fic! So please keep that in mind while you're reading...I hope you like it!

Just so you know I do NOT own Alvin & the Chipmunks or any relating characters. But I do own a whale named Freddie (he lives in my bathtub.) This story's for you Freddie!

Now lets go on with the show! :)

Chapter 1

It was a beautiful Friday afternoon, the sun was shining, the birds were singing; the brownies were baking. Well maybe only in the Miller household where Eleanor was busy making her famously delicious brownies. While Ellie did love baking just for fun, these brownies were being made especially for her friend Melissa's sleepover that night. The food-loving Chipette thought the girls would perhaps enjoy a midnight snack.

Just then the phone rang. Eleanor moved to answer it since she was the only one home besides Jeanette (though the brunette Chipette was probably too wrapped up in a book to hear it ringing.) "Hello?" she asked politely.

"Hi Eleanor! It's Theodore." It came as a surprise to the youngest Chipette that he recognized her voice over the phone. Even Miss. Miller couldn't tell her three daughters voices apart. Almost forgetting that she needed to respond, the Chipette said "Hi Theodore! How are you?"

"Fine, thanks! I was wondering if I could borrow a cup of sugar? I have a new recipe I want to try but Dave forgot to buy sugar," explained the youngest of the Chipmunks on the other line.

"Oh sure!" Replied the brown-eyed Chipette, eager to help.

"Great! Then I'll be over in ten minutes!"

"Okay, see you then!" Eleanor added before hanging up. 10 minutes! She looked down to evaluate what she was wearing and discovered that her clothes were completely covered in flower! Theodore can't see me like this! Thought Ellie desperately. Why do you care? She asked herself. Theodore and I bake together all the time, it's not as if he's never seen me messy before!

Still she didn't want to be seen like this. Quickly she threw on an apron over her white powdery clothes and checked her reflection in the microwave- just to be sure there wasn't anything on her face. Next she scooped out a cup of sugar and placed it in a container with a lid so it wouldn't spill out on the way back.

As if on cue there was a knock at the kitchen door. Ellie opened the door and invited Theodore inside.

"Sorry for the mess," she apologized, "I was making brownies."

"I can tell, they smell great!" the green-clad Chipmunk commented.

"Would you like one? I made plenty!"

"Yeah! Thank you!" He bit into one of the brownies that Eleanor handed him, "This is delicious!"

"Thanks!" For some reason his complement made her checks burn. "You can borrow the recipe sometime."

"Yeah that would be great," Theodore said looking around the cluttered kitchen, "well I better get back. Thanks again for the sugar. And the brownies!"

"You're welcome! Let me know how your recipe turns out!"

"Okay I will. Well bye!" With that the slightly chubby Chipmunk turned and left through the open kitchen door.

Eleanor let out a sigh as she watched him leave and closed the door behind him. What had gotten into her? Since when did she sigh when someone left the house? Especially when that person happened to be her best friend. The pigtailed Chipette returned to the task at hand. She had one last batch of batter that needed to go into the oven and then she could focus on cleaning up the kitchen. Had he really meant it when he said he like her cooking? Or was he just being polite? It doesn't matter! She told herself, quit over thinking it! The timer went off which let her know that the batch in the oven were done and she should put the second pan in. As she did so, Eleanor thought about how green Theodore's eyes were, she didn't know anyone else whose eyes were that shade of green! Ugh! Now I'm thinking about the color of his eyes? What's wrong with me! But the more Ellie tried not to think of Theodore the more thoughts of him filled her mind. Had he always been so sweet and kind? Why had she never noticed how cute he was when he got nerves? Finally she broke out of her trance when she heard her sister come down stairs.

"Eleanor, have you finished packing yet? It's almost six o'clock." Jeanette asked.

"What? Oh yeah, I'll be up in a minute." Replied the blonde Chipette. Her sister was not fooled by her answer. "Ellie are you ok? You look kind of funny. Maybe I should call Miss. Miller and Brittany and tell them to come home."

"No, I'm fine. Really Jeanette. I was just thinking."

"Oh, about what?" About how I think I'm in love with my best friend. "Nothing really, just about what I need to pack for the sleepover." Eleanor hated lying, particularly to Jeanette, but the truth was just something she couldn't admit. Not now, anyways.

I know the first chapter is kind of slow (I wrote it after all.) However it DOES get better, just wait!

I'd love to know what you think! But since my mind-reading powers aren't working today the only way I'll know what you're thinking about my humble story is if you REVIEW! (Pretty please, with a cherry on top?)