It's been a long way hasn't it?

I wanted to finish when I started--in 2008, but setbacks and writers block prevented me from doing so. Now, I am more than proud that I did wait, because I didn't think I could have thought of the ideas I did or wrote the things I did.

My ideas have changed throughout the story. By the time i finished writing chapter 10, I wanted the rapist to actually be revealed as Dean, and Darcy and Peter would get back together. Then, I started to innovate my signature twists into the story which called for drastic plot changes. I am glad that I surprised people for both the better and the worse.

I would not be writing if it weren't for the people who read, subscribed, and reviewed. Here's a list of everyone who has ever reviewed or subscribed to the story:

Nightcrawlerlover (especially for the many reviews)









Mayamora Malfoy

icaughtfire (an original reviewer, and loyal)







(sorry if I missed anyone!)

Compared to everyone else's stories, this might be a small amount but none of these people realize how much the reviews and support have meant to me. Without you, the reader, I don't have the motivation to write more, and the better review, the better the chapter has been able to turn out. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Next Monday is when I will start posting my new story. I'm already 10 chapters into it, so If I'm not lazy or busy, I should be finished with the whole thing by then. So as promised here's some early scoop on my new story.

The original plan was a story about Spinner and base it off of the chapter when he nearly kisses Darcy, but I have decided to take another route. The story is about Johnny DiMarco, and how he deals with everything, in particular the change in character and his relationship with Darcy.

The story begins directly after this one did, so it should be an easy read for anyone who has read this story. It's in the first person, which in my view is easier to both write and read. It does have some twists and things, but I think generally you all would like it. Remember, with your support, the chapters only get better and better.

It has been my honor to be able to write to all of you, and I thank you for giving my story a chance. The only thing I ask is that you decide the read my next story!

Take care everyone. And thank you.