Epilogue: Watching Sunset

Waking up next to Sakura was the thing Ino liked the best about her new life. They would always be cuddled together no matter what position they'd started in the night before. The smell of Sakura's shampoo was nice and soothing. Her steady breath in her neck was total bliss. Somehow she'd always wake up earlier than the pink haired girl, and was happy she could spend five or ten minutes just watching her savior sleep.

There was no more violence. Her and Sakura still fought – they'd been rivals for way too long to drop that habit. But it was harmless arguing, and playful poking. They got along better than Ino remembered, too. And neither of them had to step on their own pride or habits. They just magically fit together.

The alarm clock rang next to Sakura's head, who flung her arm over her head and crushed the thing angrily. Ino winced, it was the third the girl broke this week. "Saku, you have work, remember?" She whispered softly, smoothing the girl's hair. Sakura answered with a grunt and snuggled in closer to the blonde.

"I wanna stay with you!" Ino giggled at the childish behavior her friend always had in the morning. She allowed her to stay for a few more minutes, unable to resist it.

Sakura eventually rolled off the bed and stretched. Ino's eyes trailed on her very naked form all along, enjoying every curves as if it was the first time she saw them. She smiled when she saw the tattoo that had replaced the 'no Attach' mark. Two birds and a heart.

She stretched to a sitting position when Sakura started dressing up and rubbed her prominent belly with care.

"How long until I get my baby?" She asked out of curiosity. It felt like forever since the last time she'd seen her tummy flat, and she liked it flat.

"Um…" Sakura put her shirt on and then took a good look at her friend. "I'd say sometime this week, actually."

Ino's eyes grew wide. "Already?!" Yeah, she wanted the baby so bad, but so fast? Wait that wasn't fast. Damn that was all so confusing.

"Yeah, dummy. Nine months, remember?" Ino giggled and threw her legs over the edge of the bed in an attempt at getting up. She only barely managed to throw herself back onto the bed instead of stumbling forward and falling face first on the floor. The whole movement made her dizzy and she didn't really notice Sakura's gawking face until a few seconds later.

"I'm fine Sakura…" She said, frowning at how her friend's face was growing paler by the second.

"I rectify what I said earlier…" Sakura finally let out, immediately turning to the drawers and fishing for clothes for Ino, who's face kept crumpling in concern as she started dressing with the clothes Sakura was tossing to her.

"What did you say earlier?" Ino blinked and then looked down at herself, her eyes growing wide. "Oh shit."

"I think the baby's for today hun."


"Like, why can't I help her?! Be with her at least?" Sakura was frantic. Shizune wouldn't even let her in the room where Ino was. Tsunade was in there and sounded panicked, ordering nurses around. "At least tell me what's going on?"

Shizune's impassible facade suddenly fell as she prevented the pink haired girl form entering the room once more. Sakura's face contorted in disbelief at this silent admittance that something was indeed going wrong in there. But it couldn't be! Ino was in perfect health! She'd checked, and made sure of that herself, so many times!

"Just let Tsunade do her job. It'll be alright. You would only disrupt the activity in there. We're pros Sakura. Tsunade knows what she's doing."

Sakura knew Shizune was trying to help both her and Ino. She was just doing her job. But she couldn't hold the rage and anger back. She needed something to lash at. "For god's sake! I'm almost as good as Tsunade herself how can you keep me away from her! She means the world to me let me at least try to do something!"

She was about to just hit Shizune and get past her when both her arms were suddenly jerked back by two pairs of solid hands. Sasuke's face showed that he wasn't happy with the pain of his teammate, and Naruto looked close to tears. "Please calm down, Sakura-chan." His voice had a soothing effect on her, she still didn't understand too well why. But she relaxed a bit and her arms were almost immediately released, in favor of a meaningful hug from Naruto. "It's going to be fine, okay? Tsunade baa-chan is going to save them both."

Naruto wanted to promise, but he knew that was a bit risky. So instead he just tried to smile reassuringly. Sasuke leaned back onto the wall and scratched his beard pensively. He'd gotten used to both girl's bickering about him when they were younger – they still did it on occasions. He would miss that if something was to happen.

"This is so bothersome…" Chouji appeared at the other end of the corridor, dragging Shikamaru along with himself, apparently resolved to go and see what was going on.

"Hey, she's still our teammate, you could show a little concern." The slightly fat ninja pushed onto his friend, sternly looking at him. That's when he noticed Shikamaru was crying silently by his side. "Err, I mean, pull yourself together, Shika."

Sakura sniffled and looked up from Naruto's shoulder. On every side possible, people were coming to see if everything was alright. Some eager to see the baby. Some of them knowing the situation better and displaying grim looks. Inoichi was the first one to walk up to her and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Ino is strong, she'll pull through." He had a proud smile on his face, and Sakura somehow regretted not pushing Ino into trying to make up with her friends and parents. She sure would now, if the girl made it, that was. The presence of everyone gave her the bit of courage she needed to face it with all her might.

She'd failed to notice that Shizune had gone into the room hurriedly, and was surprised when the brunette came out holding something wrapped in a blanket. Her eyes lit up.

"The baby!" She nearly shouted, leaping in Shizune's direction. The woman bowed her head slightly and offered her the newborn, which Sakura took tenderly, taking a good look at its face. He had the purest emerald eyes she'd ever seen. As if both the ocean blue of Ino's and her own jade eyes had been mixed in together – which was impossible, considering the circumstances. His hair was of a slightly darker blond than his mother, and he had the same angel look that made Ino so cute. She wasn't surprised, she knew it'd be a boy all along. She hoped Ino knew as well.

"It's a boy!" She shouted half-heartedly. The cheers she received were not really happy, but everyone still attempted to get a good look at the kid. Sasuke was the first one to walk to her.

"Can I uh… hold him?" Everyone within hearing range looked up to him, eyes wide in surprise, and a bit of colors crawled up to his usually pale cheeks. Sakura was just as surprised, but nonetheless gave in to his request.

"Sure, here." She handed him the baby, which he took carefully, taking a good look at his face.

"Hey there, cute little buddy." Naruto was watching this with his mouth wide open. Sasuke was showing interest in a baby. That was a first. And moreover, the baby looked happy in his arms.

He nearly jumped when Sasuke handed him the baby, the blush on his face an even deeper shade of red. A grin crawled up on his lips. "Hey Junior! Looky looky I think uncle Uchiha likes you."

Sakura couldn't help giggling as she witnessed Sasuke literally turning beet red. Then she sighed and shot an hopeful glance towards the door to the room where Ino was. 'Look, Ino. Everyone loves the baby. I think I'll make Sasuke the godfather. But… it needs you. I need you. Please make it through.'

"Sakura?" Tsunade was standing in the door frame and looking at her intently. The pink haired girl's heart tightened at seeing her mentor's expression. Her bottom lip trembled as she shot a glance at Naruto, who gave her the most comforting smile he could summon as he held the baby protectively. She then took a deep breath and faced what was to come.

"Is she alright?" Tsunade shook her head slightly, and motionned for the girl to get inside the room. And so she did, jumping slightly when the door was closed behind her. She gulped and looked at the silhouette of her friend, once rival, now lover, laying there in this hospital bed. The faint lighting coming from the window and a bedside table making the whole scene a little gloomy. But the blonde in the bed was breathing, although barely. And her arm was extended upwards, as if she was asking the girl to take it. And hold it tight until the end of time.

"Ino." Sakura's voice was a constricted whisper. She felt like crying, but managed to keep her composure as she grabbed onto that hand and squeezed it lightly. The blonde's eyes flickered open, and she smiled softly despite her condition.

"I love you." A tear ran down Ino's cheek. No, this wasn't a goodbye. At least she hoped so. Sakura let her own tears flow down at that, blurting out something along the lines of "I love you, don't leave me, don't do this, I need you." Ino made an effort to bring her free hand up as well and wipe a few tears off Sakura's face.

"I'll do my best, forehead. I'll fight, to the end. But..."

"No buts!" Sakura commanded. Ino giggled, she loved when Sakura gave her orders.

"If anything was to happen, please promise me something." Sakura nodded, she could do that. Even if she wanted so hard to believe that she wouldn't have to carry it out.

"Be happy." A lump formed in Sakura's throat, she couldn't take it. Ino, the one person that had made it possible for her to be the slightest bit happy, was asking her to be happy if she passed away. "I'll always be there, with you." She added, causing Sakura to sob. It felt so cliché to be saying this, but she meant it.

"Please don't go." Sakura was pleading in between sobs, and Ino couldn't help but cry with her, even though her body was too weak to even shake. She wanted to find the words that would make it all better - but they didn't exist. So instead she lifted her head a bit and kissed Sakura with all the love she had for her. And that was a lot. "I love you, forehead." She repeated, with a smile, before falling asleep.


"So that's what happened to mommy? That's why I don't have a little brother or sister?"

Sakura smiled bitterly at the memory, her eyes straying from the flowers she was watering and into the horizon. The sun was setting down and was sending a multitudes of light shards on the plants that covered the shelves of her flower shop. She'd listened to Ino and found what really made her happy. She returned her gaze to the five years old boy standing in front of her and smiled brightly at him. He was so cute, beautiful. And a miniature version of his mother in character. She loved him to bits. "Yes Inokai."

The kid nodded in understanding and then took on himself to help his other mother out with taking care of the plants, when footsteps were heard coming from the front porch. Sakura smiled, knowing who was there.

"Hey kai-chan? Do you want to go play with uncle Uchiha and Saraki?" The little guy's eyes lit up considerably at that offer. Sakura was certain he had a crush on the girl. "Well go on ahead! I'll pick you up in a couple hours okay? Or ask uncle if you can stay the night. I'm sure he won't mind." The kid pumped his fist in the air and took a running start towards the back door, intent on getting there as quickly as he could.

Sakura smiled once more and wiped her hands on her apron before entirely removing it and making her way towards the front door.

"So how'd that mission go?"

Before she'd even had time to see the person she was talking to, sweet lips were pressed against hers in a demanding, loving kiss. It lasted for a long moment, before the owner of these lips pulled away and looked at Sakura, smiling brightly.

"I missed you so much, forehead."

AN: Aww, it's over! Hey hey, I got you guys a little scared here didn't I? I almost decided NOT to show the last part and leave it without giving away that Ino was still alive. But I couldn't resist. This needed a happy ending. And I needed something if I want to ever write something else off of this story!

So yeah, wasn't sure if I wanted to write a happy or sad ending - I had ideas for both. And I ended up finally mixing up both without noticing it as I was writing. So much for being indecisive. And yes uh, that was quick haha. Thanks a bunch to everyone who read this again. It really touches me to see people liking what I do. Gives me a purpose and all.

So I guess I'll see you all next thing I post? I sure hope so!
