In every girl there's a Rapunzel

In every girl there's a Rapunzel

The wind carried the cherry blossom petals with it…

Waiting for their Prince…

Petite, skinny, pink haired girl standing on a chair under the cherry blossom tree..

When the Prince comes, she will let her long beautiful hair down.

From one of the branch there was a rope with a loophole in the end.

So she can see his handsome face…

The girl took the loophole and stuck out her small chins… As she gulped

She put her head in the hole… and exhaled then she kicked away the chair…

My name is Uchiha Sasuke…

Raven haired boy walking in the morning with half closed eyes.

I moved here in Tokyo from Osaka…

For now I'm in the stage of a dreaded teenager.

Definition of a teenager: Drama, girls, immaturity, maturity, stress, pressure from mom and dad, expectations, and love.

I'm not that excited about my new school or I'm not that upset. Our family moves pretty often because of our dad's business.

This year I'm going to be in 10th grade. School is just annoying…

I was walking down the streets of Tokyo to my new school, and the wind was pretty strong that day…

The wind blew in Sasuke face, pink cherry blossom petals hitting his face…

Then I saw something… a Shadow hanging limp from the tree.

Out of curiosity Sasuke went to tree and saw a girl from hanging eyes closed.

Sasuke's eyes widened for what he saw, he quickly dropped his back pack as he quickly grabbed the chair that was close and knocked over. He stood on it and tried to untie the notch, then her eye's snapped open…

Sasuke stumbled trying not to fall but sadly the chair lost his balance and Sasuke grabbed from the girls leg choking her…

"Ya-Yyamero!!" The girl screamed struggling with the rope around her neck, The notch wasn't so strong and as it undid. Both of them fell.

The girl fell on top of Sasuke, both of them groaning…

The girl slowly sat up as her short lustrous pink hair hung before her face hiding her eyes…

Sasuke leaned forward, he couldn't sit up or stand because the girl was still on top of Sasuke. Fixing her blue uniform skirt that reached her knees.

"A-are you ok?" Sasuke asked…

The girl blew her hair from her mouth as she fixed her hair. Then glared at him, with her huge green and gold eyes, fire imitating from it.

"WHAT IF I HAD DIED, AHOU?!" the girl screamed, Sasuke jolted…

"what?" He asked confused..

"Gahhh! You're not Neji-kun! He should be here soon!" The girl exaggerated whipping her head around to see if her special "Neji-kun" was there…

Then a handsome boy with white eyes stoic figure not to mention his long brown hair…

The girl gasped as she whimpered trying to reach for Neji as he walked past her talking with his friend.

The girls head dropped down when he passed her, blue mood on surrounding her head…

"o-oy…" Sasuke mumbled

The girl suddenly looked up at him tears forming in her eyes…

"It's all you're fault Chickened-hair-baka!!" She pointed him with her small finger, and ran off.

Sasuke dumbfounded still lying on the floor his back pack beside him, girls giggled at him… Sasuke blushed as he stood up…

And looked at the way where the girl has ran to…

'crazy…unhealthy… girl…' Sasuke thought and grabbed his back pack as he started to walk…

The girl still in his mind; how girls can be desperate to win a guy's attention.

Sasuke noticed that she was in the same school as him.

1st) She was wearing that schools uniform which is blue sailor shirt with a blue skirt. While the guys are all black.

2nd) She ran off to where he was headed.

Lets just see if they're in the same class…

Sasuke came in his class as he looked at the number…

Then a tan teacher with a scar on his nose smiled…

"Ah you must be Uchiha Sasuke… My name is Iruka. I'll be you're teacher" He smiled at him and offered his hand, as Sasuke shook it.

"Yoroshiku…" Sasuke's voice was low and deep. As if he wasn't interested…

Iruka entered the class…

As he smiled

"good morning class, today we have an new student who will join us. His name is Uchiha Sasuke…"
Sasuke entered the class while Iruka was deciding where he should sit..

Then he saw her. Sleeping on the desk her hair was covering her face…

'tch… that girl… she must be a Yankee, even her hair color says so. Ofcourse she would be sleeping, I bet she woke up really early to make something stupid like that…' Sasuke snorted inside…

"Ah there…" Iruka pointed…

Well there was open spot right beside that lunatic… but I'm sure he wasn't pointing it there…

"where??" Sasuke asked..

"There right beside Haruno…"

"Haruno??" Sasuke asked…

"Haruno please raise you're hand…" silence came… silent snorting…

"HARUNO!" Iruka screamed, then the girl stumbled and fell on the ground and everybody laughed at her… Sasuke sighed…

"ROGER SIR!" The girl did the salute…

"take care of Uchiha-san will you?" Iruka asked.

The girl looked slowly looked at him. Sasuke made an audible gulp.

Then her face turned white and screamed top of her lungs pointing at him.

Sasuke's eye brows twitched…

'loud… crazy…'

"SENSEI! I CANT!" Haruno screamed holding her head and shaking it.


"I have my reason!!" Haruno screamed again…

"Sakura there's no open spot…" Iruka complained…

"well move somebody else!"

"the seat is perfect already!" Iruka shouted back…


"No more question!"



That shut her up…

"Ok… Uchiha-san please have a seat" Iruka smiled at Sasuke…

Sasuke cleared his throat and sat beside her. So did Haruno unhappy mumbling…

The whole day it was uncomfortable, Sasuke felt a very dangerous aura. It was time for lunch time…

Sasuke didn't bring any lunch he heard the class room door close, when he looked at it a pink hair flashed. Then he noticed "Haruno" wasn't beside him anymore…

Since I our family move a lot I don't bother to make friends, in another year or half a year we're gonna have to say bye anyway…

So at lunch time I always go to roof and sleep for a while…

Some girls were looking at Sasuke giggling and talking about him…, Sasuke ignored them.

He went to roof, and heard other two people talking…

"Sakura-channnn I'm hungry!" one of them whined. Sasuke didn't care about them so he laid down on his back closing his eyes…

"Urusai Naruto! Why wont you bring your own lunch" The other growled it seemed like a female.

Other's stomach growled…

"fine… u can have some…" Sakura mumbled…

"Sakura-chann!! You're so nice!!" Then something clacking on the floor..

"Naruto!! Stop you fool!" Then bang…

"ittaiii…" whine.

Sasuke grunted they were getting annoying…

"Sakura-chan you hit so hard!"

"It's you're fault baka!" They kept bickering and bickering…

"Can you two shut up?" Sasuke lost his temper…

"Huuuuh?" The two looked at Sasuke…

"Hey you!" Sasuke didn't know which one was calling him…

"Hey you!!" Called again.

Sasuke opened his eyes, there the pink haired, girl was standing above him. Sasuke could see up her skirt but he had no interest…

"oh figures it's you…" Sasuke mumbled..

"Naniii?" Vein popped on Sakura's head.

"What do u want?"

Another vein…

"you told us to shut up, and asks me what do I want??" –ROAAAAAR- kill him!!


Three veins.

"If you tell anyone what happened today morning I will rip you're head off!" Sakura snarled…

"why should I obey a tiny little pink haired girl?" Sasuke raised his one eye brows…

He could see a smoke huffing from her nose like a dragon…In any moment she could spit a fire at him…

"can you get off me? I don't want to see you're underwear…" Sakura madly blushed and quickly moved away…

"I don't have any interest that involves you…" Sasuke stood up and walked away.

Sakura's short little pink hairs stood up, 'kill him!!'

Sasuke went back to class…

"GahhH! Whats with that Jackass!!" Sakura stomped one foot..

"Sakura-chan you know him?" Naruto asked…

"nope but its obvious that he's a jerk" Sakura huffed and sat back.

After school was over Sasuke was walking to his house….

Then he saw bunch of girls running out of a corner and screaming…

"Ugly forehead!"

"Don't bother with Neji-kun again!"

"Nya-ha Uglyyy Loser!!"

Sasuke didn't really care but he had to pass that corner…

When he passed he titled his head a little as he looked at it, and there was Sakura…

Sasuke stopped, staring at her.

She stood up and cleaned her skirt…

Then she looked up and saw him, her delicate eye brows furrowed…

"what are you staring at?"

Sasuke noticed everything

The bruise on her knee, on her elbows cheeks forehead.

That little droplet of blood on her red lips, she looked messed up…

"If you're pitying me I don't need any!" Sakura spat, as she started walking he noticed that she was limping…

And she fell….

"ittai…" She whispered to herself…

Sasuke slowly walked to her and offered her a hand, which she slapped away.

"I don't need you're pity porcupine-kun!" Sasuke sighed and started to walk away…

Sakura limping walked…

They're houses were both in a same direction So all this time Sasuke didn't walk so far away, Sakura tried her best until she fell.

Sasuke turned around, and he was getting annoyed…

He pulled on her hand roughly as she winced

"what are you doing?" Sakura asked angrily…

"Urusai-" Sasuke spat.

Then he put her on his back, and he started to walk…

"Mou! I didn't need you're help" Sakura whined as she tried to get off…

"stop struggling baka! You're already heavy as it is!" Sakura blushed and bonked in the head…

Then she stopped struggling allowing him to get her to her house…

Life throws you a lot of shit.

But Life decided to throw her at me.