Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story, they have been created by wonderful Tamora Pierce. But I do own the plot, it was all my idea and if you don't like it tell me so I can fix it!

When Alanna and Neal Get Bored!

Summary: What happens when Tortall is at complete peace, and there is nothing to do? Alanna and Neal get very bored that's what, how do they solve their extreme boredom, and who is involved?

Chapter One – Boredom is Torture

Alanna was sitting by the fence in the practice courts. She had dueled with every single person that had entered or walked by the courts. She had beat everyone single one of them of course, and now she was more bored than she was when she first came to the practice courts.

Raoul entered the court with a group from the Own and Alanna's eyes lit up. She hadn't dueled Raoul in a while. Actually the last time she could remember dueling him was after she'd come back from the desert after killing Roger.

"Hey there Raoul," Alanna said as she stood up.

Raoul did a quick pivot and tried to get away but, Alanna was too quick for him. Raoul winced as Alanna attempted to swing her arm around his shoulder. Which was quite impossible due the severe height difference. She reached up and pulled him down to her level.

"So let's have a duel," Alanna said grinning.

"Not a chance Alanna," Raoul said moving away from his old friend.

"But I'm bored!" she cried as she grabbed onto him like a leech.

"Too bad," Raoul replied as he tried as he tried to detach himself from her.

"You are going to duel me!"




Alanna opened her mouth to yell at him when a familiar voice took her place.

"Alanna, Raoul stop acting like children!" Both friends turned to see another, Jon.

"Jon you have to help me! Alanna is bugging me," Raoul whined latching onto Jon's arm as Alanna latched onto his other.

"Jon tell him he has duel me!"

Such things were uttered for another twenty or so minutes before the king was driven mad. He ordered Raoul to duel with Alanna, and not to bother him anymore. Alanna grinned evilly as Jon started to leave. Jon chose to ignore Raoul's violent swearing as he left.

Hours later Alanna entered the mess hall for a late lunch. She was once again bored, for Raoul had done his best to lose to her every time they sparred. Glancing around for a place to eat, she saw Neal sitting with his cousin and decided that bugging him was quite fun.

"Hello there Neal," she said as she sat down next to her former squire.

Neal mumbled something that sounded remotely like a hello as well. But Alanna couldn't be sure. She gave a questioning look to Dom who was sitting across from his cousin.

"He's upset because he's bored," Dom replied exaggerating the bored.

"I'm not just bored Dom, I am extremely bored!" Neal cried out as he lifted up his head.

Dom rolled his and got up. He had a practice to go instruct his squad in. Picking up his tray and handed it over to the servants.

"Neal do you wanna spar with me?" Alanna asked, she just wanted to see how bored he was.

"Sure," Neal muttered as he made an attempt to get up.

Alanna put a hand on his shoulder. He must be really bored to even consider sparring with her. An idea popped into her head. What if she and Neal, who were the most intelligent of the knight-healers in the palace were to write and direct a musical.

"Hey Neal I know a way we can rid of this boredom," Alanna said grinning, "and not just our boredom, but that of everyone else."

"I'm listening," Neal told her.

The two knights sat at that table for hours. Servants eventually came to wipe down the table, and cleared away the trays away. By the time Alanna and Neal had finalized their plans, dinner was about to be served. They got up to leave when Dom, his squad and Kel entered laughing. Neal and Alanna walked past the group, Neal heading to his rooms and Alanna to the king's private study.

Jon was sitting at his desk that had a few papers on it. He was bored but was trying to find something to do. Looking down at the desk he could see all the sketches he had drawn. Most of them recollections of memories from when he had been a page, or squire or even as a young knight. There was one of him and Alanna riding towards the Black City. Another of his first meeting with Thayet, and one of Raoul trying to defeat Alanna with a sword.

The door opened up and soft padding was heard across the floor. He sighed and without looking up asked Alanna what she wanted now.

"How'd you know it was me?"

"You're the only person that wouldn't bother knocking," Jon said grinning.

"Well you no how I was very bored earlier," Alanna told her friend, Jon just nodded along with everything she said.

She asked if she could put on a "show". Of course when he asked her she did not tell him what kind of show it was. He also asked him how much this "show" would cost him. Alanna told him it would cost him nothing at all. He mulled it over in his head, if it would cost him nothing than he did not see anything wrong with Alanna doing it. It would also keep her occupied and driving him insane.

"Go right ahead Alanna," he told her as he motioned for her to leave.

Alanna grinned and trotted from the room in search for Neal. They were going to have fun with this. Not only did her friend not suspect what she was planning he obviously hadn't realized he was going to be part of the musical. She found Neal in his room, writing a summary of their musical. Reading it over she said it was good. He had also written up a list of characters. The two promptly set to the tedious work of writing the script.

A few days later the a group of people met at the practice courts. They were all worried about what Alanna and Neal were up to. Raoul and Jon are getting suspicious about Alanna. She had disappeared after Jon had told her she could have her silly show. They were quietly conversing on the edge of the court while Neal's friends were in the center of it trying to figure out why he'd been so secretive lately. Yuki had even told them that Alanna had been arriving at the room at the crack of dawn each day and didn't leave until around midnight.

Dom came to a quick conclusion, "I think we should just steer clear of them, they're obviously planning something and I don't know about you, but I don't want to be a part of it."

Everyone nodded their agreement as they started their actual practice.

Two weeks later Alanna and Neal call their friends to a meeting in Alanna's study which is considerably larger than that of Neal's. The people present are; Kel, Dom, Roald, Merric, Seaver, Faleron, Yuki and Shinko, Raoul, and Dom's squad, Jon and Thayet, George, Numair, Daine, and surprisingly Wyldon.

"You are all probably wondering what Neal and I have been doing for the past weeks," Alanna told them, "Well as you all know Neal and I have been very bored, so we've decided to write and direct a musical!"

Everyone in the room scrambled to get up. Purple fire sealed off the door, and Alanna gave the all a very mean glare. They all sat back down, Numair rolled his eyes annoyed.

"As I was saying," Alanna said loudly, "Neal and I have been writing a musical, and all of you are going to be in it."

Before anyone could say a word Neal added quite loudly from the corner where he was writing things down, "I suggest you follow our orders, because if you don't Alanna will make your life miserable."

Alanna grinned, Jon, Raoul, Thayet and George all gulped. They knew what Alanna could do. Of course Neal's friends didn't want to find out what Alanna would do if they didn't do as she asked.

"Neal has a sign up sheet for you to write your name on, of course you don't have a choice you must right your name down," Alanna laughed, "but you do have a choice as to what time your audition is at."

Everyone hurried to go line up in front of Neal. Somehow, Kel and Dom had managed to get pushed to the back of the line even though were two of the largest people there. Eventually everyone had written their name down beside a time, when Kel and Dom finally managed to see the paper there was one spot left.

"Alanna there's only one spot left," Kel said as if the two had made a mistake.

"I guess you and Dom will have to share that time slot then," Alanna said as if this was part of the entire scheme.

Dom and Kel didn't seem to figure this out though and just assumed it was a mistake. They followed the others out as they went to go and prepare for their auditions the next day or so. Neal and Alanna looked over the piece of paper and grinned. This was going to be quite an interesting "show".

"The plan is going well Alanna, no one seems to suspect a thing!" Neal said triumphantly as he put down the paper.

"Of course it is, I am the mastermind behind this plan," she replied to him, "Now it is getting late and seeing as we're starting auditions early tomorrow I suggest you get some rest."

Neal nodded as he left the room in search of his Yuki. Alanna had already casted the musical, she just needed Neal to think he was actually doing something. Of course Neal and herself were involved in the musical, she was going to be one of the assassin spies, and Neal was one of the prince's friends.

Author's Note: So what did you think of this first chapter? I know that some characters are really OOC right now, but I promise that I'll put them back into character. I already have the general plot for the musical but if you want to give me some ideas for songs that could used in it please do. Well of course review it, even if you think it sucks big time.