Finally!!! I'm back from the craziness that is my life! I am so sorry for keeping everyone waiting. As a reward for being so patient with me, I am going to let you guys in on two small details of Naruto: the Rebirth. One detail is that this will be my first crossover fic, between Inuyasha and Naruto. The second detail is that Naruto and Sasuke will be raised as brothers. Hopefully, this will calm everyone down. Now, let's get on with the longest chapter of the book. Enjoy!

Chapter 6: Second Chances

After the touching scene, Naruto decided that the team and Tsunade would stay at his home until they were to leave for Suna. Shizune had to return to work at the hospital, so she couldn't accompany them.

At this very moment, Naruto, his foster daughter, and her new family sat in the spacious living room, astonishment permeating five faces.

"Before you ask, this is the inheritance that my parents, the Yondaime Hokage and his wife, left for me. I got it a year ago." Naruto stated, not wanting to be smothered with questions.

Something clicked in Sakura's brain. Was this what he wanted to tell her a year ago?

"To answer your question Sakura, yes it was." He said, as if reading her mind, before continuing.

"Now, I called everyone here because I am changing our departure date to a week from now. That way, we can get to know Hikari and she can get to know us. We will be raising her and caring for her as her new family. Sakura and I will be primarily responsible as her tou-san and kaa-san. Are we all clear?"

Everyone nodded. Tsunade was extremely pleased with the decision and the seriousness Naruto was showing when it came to this mission.

"Good, now if you could entertain my daughter for a few minutes, I need to speak with Tenten for a moment." He finished, rising from his seat and going into the kitchen.

Sakura nodded and began introducing Hikari to the rest of her new family.

Meanwhile in the kitchen...

"Tenten, I thought about what you said and you're right. We should only be in this if we love each other. I do love you, but not like I thought I did. When Hikari picked Sakura and me to be her parents, my heart did a back flip. That's when I realised that you were like a sister to me. I stayed with you because I was so thankful for what you did for me. After a while, I started to learn how to love you, but it never came automatically. I think it would be best if we ended our relationship, but it's still your call. Do you want to keep trying or start over as brother and sister?"

Tenten thought about it for a moment. She agreed with Naruto, for she only thought of him as a brother and she didn't think it was fair for her to keep him from happiness. But that didn't make it easier.

"I agree with you, it's just hard because we've gotten so close and I don't want to lose that. But I did make you promise, and it would be easier for Hikari. Just do one more thing for me."

"Name it."

"Look at me like you always would."

With tears shining in his eyes, he smiled, his pupils narrowing to slits but maintaining their cerulean hue. He hugged her close and closed their chapter together, opening another as best friends.

Upon returning to the living room, Naruto saw Hikari playing a game with her new family. He smiled at the sight.

"Hikari, can I borrow kaa-san and you can play with Tenten-oba-san?" He asked.

"Hai, tou-san."

Soon, Sakura joined Naruto in the kitchen.

"Before you start, Naruto, I want to apologise for last night. It was selfish of me to ask you to go back to being the Naruto I knew years ago. If I really loved you, which I do, then I'd take the time to get to know the new Naruto, the real Naruto. If you give me a chance to prove myself, I won't let you down." She said, opening her heart to him honestly and completely.

"Thank you Sakura. I really appreciate that. I'm also willing to give you that chance. Tenten and I just broke up, and it would help us in raising Hikari. I'm willing to work with you and put our differences aside. But proving yourself to me won't be easy. You'll only have a week to convince me."

Sakura was shocked. They had broken up? Guilt began to seep into her.

"I'm so sorry Naruto. It was my fault wasn't it?"

"Nah, we decided what it would be better to be loving friends than indebted lovers. We wanted each other to be happy. It's not your fault, so don't worry about it, ok." He said, smiling at her warmly.

Filled with happiness and relief, Sakura pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you, thank you so much Naruto! I promise I'll give you the love deserved so long ago."

Naruto returned the hug, happy that he had given her a chance. He made a mental note to thank Hikari when she was older and get the new Icha-Icha Paradise for Kakashi.

"Tou-san? Kaa-san?" A little voice called.

Naruto looked down at little Hikari.

"Yes sweetheart, what is it?"

"Can Hikari have a hug too?"

Both Naruto and Sakura smiled as Naruto bent down and picked the 3-year-old up.

"Sure you can sweetheart. You're part of the family now." He said.

Hikari gave a small squeal and hugged both of her parents.

"Tou-san and kaa-san love you Hikari." Sakura said, kissing her cheek.

"Hikari loves tou-san and kaa-san too."

The 'family' didn't notice the eyes of everyone in the living room watching them.

"Don't they look like the perfect little family?" Tsunade asked.

"Yeah, they do." Tenten said longingly.

Sasuke noticed her woeful tone and asked.

"Can I talk to you for a minute Tenten?"

She nodded and followed him into the corridor.

"I know this may be too late and Naruto may have already told you, but Sakura and I are no longer together. I wanted to tell you something that I should have told you a year ago. Maybe then you wouldn't be hurting like this. I love you Tenten, and I'm sorry for what I did. I wish there was a way for me to change it so that you didn't have to deal with all the pain. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me Tenten? I want you, I love you, and if it makes any difference, I swore to Naruto that I would never hurt you any more than I already have. I want to prove myself."

Tenten closed her eyes and cleared her mind. Thinking about what Naruto had said and Sasuke's soul-stirring confession, she made a decision.

"Alright Sasuke, but you only get one chance. If you mess up, that's it! No do-over. Got it?"

"Loud and clear, but I don't plan on messing up. One chance is all I'll need. You won't regret it."

Tenten blushed at the gesture and re-entered the room, hand-in-hand with Sasuke, only to come face-to-face with Naruto and Sakura.

Looking into Naruto's eyes, Tenten saw the fox-like slits and smiled. He would always give her that look, her look, a picture of strength in beauty, just like her.

Naruto was happy that Tenten had said yes to Sasuke. It would relieve a lot of the tension and strain on the four of them, allowing them to heal. He realised that it was all because of Hikari. She was what they needed. In healing her own wounds, she had also healed theirs.


Naruto spun around to see Silver standing over the trembling child while the others silently chuckled. He gave one himself before walking over.

"Silver, come here." He called.

Immediately, Silver walked over to him and jumped on his shoulders.

"See sweetheart, he's harmless. This is my pet fox Silver." He said, holding her with one arm and scratching the fox's chin with the other.

"Can Hikari touch foxie-chan?" She asked.

"Yes you can. Hold out your hand."

Hikari did as she was told and the fox started sniffing her hand.

Scared that it would bite her, she shut her eyes tightly, only to feel a wet appendage glide across it.

"See sweetheart, he doesn't bite."

Hikari gave a little laugh as the fox nuzzled into her hand, the gray fur tickling her skin.

Throughout the entire ordeal, from Tsunade's office to now, Kyuubi was watching with keen interest.

"She's a very cute little one isn't she kit? Take care of her and her kaa-san. I see great things in her future, talents that no other shinobi, with the exception of your children, will pass. Have her come visit me some day." He said, returning to the depths of his cage.

"Maybe, sometime." Naruto answered, watching his growing family enjoy themselves in the living room.

Now then, the first of many chapters in 2010. Sorry that it took so long, but I AM BACK BABY, and better than ever. I've almost finished Rebirth and I'm working on 2 others while still going to school and keeping my grades up. Hope you enjoyed this, and as always, please read and review. I enjoy reading them. Thanks guys.