Hey everyone

Hey everyone. Akiro Knight is back. Unfortunately, I have to put the Songfic Chronicles on hold because NO ONE HAS ANWERED MY CONTEST QUESTION!! But I'll try to think of something. In the meantime, you can enjoy this one that came to me while I was reading another fanfic. This one is called 'Moving on & Coming back'. Just like before, it will start out Sasuke/Sakura and will eventually become Naruto/Sakura. However, it will be for more than just one chapter. Also, Naruto and Tenten will be together at first as well, but that will become Sasuke/Tenten. There aren't many Sasuke/Tenten fanfics out there so I decided to make some. Don't worry. I wont make it too easy for Sakura to get Naruto back, she'll have to work for it. I just have one question for you, my faithful readers, do you want me to do a lemon for this one. If I do, it will be Naruto/Sakura, or Sasuke/Tenten, or both. Just let me know in a review. Well, I think I've said enough. Enjoy.


'Thinking.../ flashbacks'

"Kyuubi/Inner Sakura talking…"

'Kyuubi/Inner Sakura thinking…/ Jutsu'

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO… but I do own Naruto's pet fox Silver, heh.

Chapter 1

The day hadn't started out like this. At first it was nothing but happiness and excitement.


Naruto had woken up early this morning because he had an important meeting with baa-chan that morning.

As he made his way to the shower, a small whimper caught his attention. He looked down to see his small pet fox, Silver, named for the colour of his fur, at his feet.

"Hey there buddy. Are you ready for a bath?" He asked.

The small pup chirped in agreement as Naruto picked him up.

After showering himself and Silver, grabbing two slices of toast and an apple for breakfast (that's right, no ramen), since he was the pup's 'father' and that meant setting a good example, and feeding Silver his breakfast, he made his way to the Hokage Tower.

Knocking on the door, he waited for the call from baa-chan.


Walking in, he saw that not only Tsunade, but also Jiraya, Iruka, and Kakashi. This had to be important if everyone he considered family, with the exception of Rookie 9, in the room.

"Naruto, so good of you to grace us with your presence, and on time as well." Tsunade said, tempting the now 17 year old to start bantering with her.

"I thought it would be a good idea, considering that you expressed in no uncertain terms the consequences of being late, right, baa-chan?" He replied smugly, causing snickers to break the silence in the room.

Naruto may not have fallen for the trap, but Tsunade smiled anyway. She'd do this to him everyday so that she knew that he would be ready to take on the council when he became Hokage.

When all the laughter died down, the real meeting began.

"Naruto, you know about the fox's sealing by the fourth. But what you didn't know was that the fourth was your father, Minato Namikaze. Now, before you say anything, he did it because he knew that you could handle it. He meant for you to be viewed as a hero, and I'm sure he would be absolutely livid at the way you have been treated thus far. Do you understand?" Tsunade began.

Naruto was stunned. In less than a minute, he had found out that his hero was actually his father. He was overjoyed, a trifle upset at the Kyuubi thing, but overjoyed all the same.

"Hai, I understand." He said, a foreign calmness in his voice, as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. "What about my mother?"

"Your mother was from Whirlpool Country. Her name was Kushina Uzumaki. She was a very beautiful woman. As a matter of fact, your personality is exactly like hers: loving, selfless, generous, kind, all of it. But, unfortunately, she had complications during your birth. The last thing she said to me before she died was 'Save my baby.' She even got to hold you just before she passed. She'd be so proud of you now."

To know that his mother gave her life, as his father, to give him a chance at life proved too much for him to take all at once.

As the tears fell, Naruto's knees gave out on him and he fell… or would have fallen if Kakashi hadn't caught him in a hug. He may not have been much of a sensei to him, but Naruto was still like a son to him.

"I know it doesn't seem like it," he began, "but I am really glad I got to know you. I'm sorry I waited so long to train you. Just know that I am so proud of you."

This calmed Naruto dramatically and he looked at Kakashi and gave him a small, genuine smile.

"Thanks Kakashi-sensei, that means a lot to me."

After the effects of the heart-warming exchange between teacher and student wore off, Tsunade began anew.

"Now, after much deliberation with the council, I hereby present you with your inheritance: the entire Namikaze estate, along with his library of jutsu and your mother's collection of books from Whirlpool. Here is the key." She said, reaching into the top drawer of her desk, and pulling out a solid silver key. As she handed the key to him, she continued.

"From now on, your name is officially, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze."

(End Flashback)

To say that he was happy would be an understatement, he was ecstatic… was being the operative word, for a couple of moments later…


Naruto was waiting at the bridge for the rest of Team 7 when Sakura came up, giddy with excitement. Seeing her, Naruto wanted to tell her the mews he had just received.

"Hey Sakura-chan."

"Hi Naruto, I've got something to tell you."

"That's funny, because I have something to tell you."

"Well, tell me."

"Nah, you first, I can tell you're really happy about something Sakura-chan. What is it?"

"Sasuke-kun asked me out yesterday. I'm so happy. And it's all thanks to you Naruto. If you hadn't brought him back, I don't know what would've happened. You're the best friend a girl could ever have. Thank you." She said, hugging him and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Although it didn't show on his face, Naruto was crushed. He had lost to Sasuke. But, if his Sakura-chan was happy, he'd try to be.

"That's great, Sakura! I'm happy for you." He said, his usual large grin masking the hurting heart that he held as a secret from the outside world.

(End flashback)

Naruto never told Sakura his news, for she had a date to go on. As he left the bridge, he failed to notice a masked face watching him from a nearby tree, its one uncovered eye looking sadly after him.

'Naruto, I'm so sorry.' The person thought.


As Naruto walked towards his favourite spot, atop his father's head, the fox decided to make an appearance.

"I'm sorry kit, truly I am. I wish I could do something for you." Kyuubi said a genuine tone to his voice.

"Thank you Kyuubi."

Kyuubi had stopped harassing Naruto after he had defeated Sasuke and had brought him back to the village. It had even granted Naruto its power without the fear of a takeover. Instead of wanting him to suffer, it now wanted Naruto to live a peaceful, happy life.

As Naruto neared the place, he heard a light sniffling. He took a peak and was surprised at what he saw.

"Tenten, are you alright?" He asked, sitting beside her.

"I'm fine." She answered softly.

"Then why are you crying?"

"I-It's nothing."

Naruto sighed.

"Tenten, we both know that someone doesn't cry over nothing. What's wrong?"

"I just had my heart broken."

Naruto really felt bad for her. He knew the pain of heartache, and he wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy.

"What happened?"

"Well, I've had a crush on someone for a long time and I finally got the nerve to tell him, only to overhear him telling another girl he loved her." She started sobbing again.

Gently, Naruto put an arm around her, hugging her to his chest and soothingly ribbing her back.

"I'm so sorry Tenten. I wish I could do more."

She gave him a small smile.

"It's alright Naruto; you've done more than enough already. If I wasn't in love with Sasuke, I'd be with you."

Everything came to a grinding halt as sadness consumed Naruto.

Tenten noticed a tear fall down his face.


"Huh! Oh, I'm fine."

"No, you're not. What is it? I want to help you now, like you helped me. Please tell me."

"I had the same thing happen to me just a couple of minutes ago. The girl I love is going out with someone else. But, she told me about it. She even thanked me for bringing him back. I've loved her since the day I met her, and now she's gone. Sasuke won."

Tenten gasped. She reached around his broad shoulders and gave him a hug. She now had an idea of who Sasuke was now with.

"I can't believe someone would be so cruel to do something like that to a guy like you Naruto. I'm really sorry. Is there something I can do to help?"

Naruto smiled at her genuinely.

"It's okay Tenten. Thank you."

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Naruto spoke up again.

"To tell you the truth, if I wasn't so head over heels for Sakura, I'd give you a shot."

Now that she knew the culprit, Tenten would be having a little chat with Sakura. There was no way in hell she'd get away with hurting Naruto like this.


As the hours passed, the twosome spent the day together, comforting each other. They laughed, cried, they even sparred together. It was the most fun that either of them had had in a long time.

Since Tenten had helped him so much, Naruto decided to tell her his big news, starting from the beginning.

"That's great Naruto! I'm so happy for you!" she screamed.

"Thanks Tenten, but it'd be better if I had someone to share it with." He replied, looking downcast once more.

"I'd be glad to share it with you… if you wanted to share it with me, that is." She said shyly, amazed at her own forwardness.

Naruto thought about this for a moment.

"Take her up on the offer kit. It would be better to move on anyway. Start over and begin a new chapter. Only this time, I implore you to stop acting like a cast iron idiot. Let people see the real you that they tried to destroy all these years, be it intentional or not. I can already tell that you are attracted to her, and she's been through the same thing, so you'd be helping her like you wanted to in the beginning. She's even accepted me! For crying out loud kit, don't just stand there! Go for it!" Kyuubi suggested.

Naruto couldn't help but agree.

"I see no harm in that. It'll be good to actually have someone around. And we could help each other move on. It's about time I moved on from Sakura."

"You are right, Naruto. If they couldn't see what they had, too bad for them."

Naruto smiled, for he had been thinking the same thing. But then he thought of what the fox had suggested. He decided to go for it.

"Maybe we could do it together… as a couple."

Tenten froze out of shock.

"Are… are you asking me out?"

Naruto took a deep breath and began again.

"Look Tenten, neither one of us has been with someone because we have been pining after people who weren't interested in us. Believe it or not, I am attracted to you Tenten. You're smart, funny, very beautiful, and you have a great personality. I'm not the goofball idiot that I act like. I'm tired of hiding behind a mask. I'm moving on and starting over, and I'd like to do it with someone who's been through the same. It makes it easier that way. So, will you give us a try, because I want to?"

To say that Tenten was stunned was an understatement. She was gobsmacked. She hadn't thought about it before, but Naruto was very attractive and had a heart of gold. She may not have moved on completely, but she was willing to try.

"We'd have to take it slow Naruto. I don't want to rush into this blindly. I can be moody at times, I can be controlling and there are times I just need my space. I don't know if it would…"

"I'm not perfect either Tenten. Sometimes I don't pick up after myself. I can get childish at times. I need my space too. But I'm willing to try, and that is what counts. I'm not asking you to run away with me and get married right now. I'll take it as slow as you want. If it works out, that'll be great, and if it doesn't, we can still be good friends afterward right?"

It was hard not to follow his reasoning.

"I guess we could try, if we take it slow."

"Of course, I'll be the best boyfriend ever.

"I'll be the judge of that Naruto." Tenten said, smiling.


After going to his old home and picking up his things and little Silver, they spent the rest of the day at Naruto's new home: a 3-floor mansion with 5 huge bedrooms, each complete with a full bathroom, a kitchen, great room, an onsen in the backyard, and a library stacked full of books that his parents had acquired over the years.

During this time, they set boundaries of each other. Naruto wouldn't let his hands roam anywhere above or below her midsection, with the exception of her head and neck, and she wouldn't let hers wander anywhere below his waist. They also agreed to let each other know when they were uncomfortable with something.

Once the rules were set, Tenten asked the all-important question.

"Are you going to be okay by yourself?"

"I'll be fine, but I'd be netter if you stayed here with me. This is a big house and I do get lonely from time to time. You can use the room next to this one. I'll loan you some of my clothes to sleep in if you want. We can go get your stuff tomorrow."

"I'd like that. Also tomorrow, we are going shopping. That orange suit has got to go."

"Oh I like this one already; I've been saying that for years! It's about time! Burn the sucker, bow it up with a tag; give it to those youthful buffoons, I don't care! Just get rid of it!" Kyuubi ranted.

Normally, Naruto would defend his jumpsuit, but it was a part of the old persona that he was trying to change. If he was going to move on, he'd do it all the way.

"Sure, we can go right after we finish moving all your stuff." He said, handing her a pair of his boxers and a t-shirt. "I'm going to take a shower. Goodnight Tenten."

He pulled her close and softly kissed her cheek.

"Goodnight Naruto," Said a blushing Tenten.

Silver chirped as Naruto passed him. Naruto picked him up.

"Good night to you too buddy." He said as the pup licked his face.

There it is y'all, another story well under way. Don't worry; this will be a Naruto/Sakura and a Sasuke/Tenten. It'll just take a while. I have everything planned out up to the break-ups. Run some ideas by me in a review. Who knows, I may just use one. Please R&R and have no fear, the Naruto/Sakura will happen. Please don't forget about the poll.

Lemons? Yes or No? Until next time… Akiro Knight is out.