Disclaimer: We do not own Code Geass… or Doctor Who… or My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic… or Skittles… or How Many of You Actually Read These Crazy Disclaimers we Always Have?... or Jumbotron… or NyQuil… or CodeMENT… or the Time Warp… or Mortal Kombat…

Author's Notes—You know it was only a matter of time for me to make a Doctor Who reference. Maybe I'll throw in some My Little Pony too. Who knows? A brohoof that transcends space and time! Doctor Whooves: to the rescue! Allons-y!

And now that I've successfully confused half of you and lost the respect of the other half, I would like to welcome you to the final chapter of Britannia Did it! Hooray! It's been one wild and crazy ride, my friends… and as you know, all rides must come to an end. I cannot thank all of you enough for the wonderful times you've given Jordan and me. You guys were the gasoline that fueled our craziness, and while Jordan and I may have drifted apart as friends throughout the years, this fanfiction will serve as an inseverable link between us. I don't know if you can imagine the fun and joy we had while writing this story. E-mails were flying constantly; there were late-night conversations that brought the entire room to tears of laughter; at times, our entire circle of friends was involved in constructing a chapter; and the summer in which this fic was born still remains the greatest summer of my life.

So to all of our favourites, alerts, reviewers, and even you lurking readers that have never made contact: Thank you. From the bottom of our Otaku hearts.

Tl;dr—Now let's get on with it! Chapter 30!

P.S. Whatever is not funny in this chapter will be made up for in absolute awesomeness. Or something.


Midday…. At the SAZ Opening Ceremony…

(People in the crowd are chattering)
: Will he come?
: Do you think Zero will show up?
: What does this mean for the Black Knights?
: If Zero doesn't agree to this…
: How will he keep the support of the people?
Euphemia: (Thinking) Please, Zero…
Random Guard #1: It's him!
Random Guard #2: Zero has appeared on a Knightmare!
(Zero flies in on the Gawain, piloted by C.C., of course. Suzaku looks nervous.)
Euphemia: (Runs up) Oh, Zero! You really came!
Zero: Yes, Princess Euphemia li Britannia. I have indeed. But first, I want to have a little discussion with you. Alone.
Euphemia: Alone? Hmn…. Okay!
Suzaku: Wait! Your Highness, that's far too dangerous! Please, allow me to accompany you!
Euphemia: (Smiles) Oh, Suzaku. It'll be alright. Trust me.
(Euphemia and Zero enter the mobile command center)

Meanwhile… In a dark and cramped space…

Jordan: Ow! Watch it!
Ashleigh: I can't! It's too dark!
Jordan: Are you sure this is a good idea? I can't even move!
Ashleigh: Just a little more…
Jordan: Just let Euphemia go crazy! No one cares!
Ashleigh: I care! This single event will turn Suzaku into a complete and total jerk for a year and 20 episodes. He won't be the same anymore. No one will.
Jordan: (Groans) Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. But you owe me Skittles. Lots and lots and lots of Skittles!
Ashleigh: Duly noted. Now hush! We're almost there!
(The two crawl a bit further until…)
Lelouch: (Laughs in the distance)
Jordan: (Whispering) I'd recognize that evil laugh anywhere! We must be close!
Euphemia: (Also distantly) Did you really think you could ever threaten me into shooting you?
Lelouch: (Distantly…) Oh, I wouldn't have to. You see, no one can resist and order I give them. I could make you do anything.
(The two silently crawl a bit more…)
Euphemia: (Giggles) Anything?
Lelouch: Yes. Even if I told you to-
Lelouch: (Raises an eyebrow) – to punch Suzaku?
Ashleigh: (Kicks Jordan. Whispering.) That wasn't what we planned!
Jordan: (Whispers as well.) I panicked!
Euphemia: (Wide-eyed) What? … Why would I? (Pause) Yes, you're right. I must punch Suzaku. Punch his lights out. He needs it. (Runs out of the room)
Lelouch: What the-? Wait! Euphie, don't!

(He's about to follow, but then the ceiling buckles and Jordan and Ashleigh land in a heap in front of him.)
Ashleigh: Damned air ducts aren't made like they used to be…
Lelouch: (Livid) What. In the world. Are you doing!?
Jordan: (Hops up) Saving your ass, is what!
Lelouch: Wha-?
Ashleigh: You mean you haven't noticed yet? Euphemia just left. That means…
Lelouch: (Looks at his reflection in the mask) My Geass…
Ashleigh: Yes. And just what in the hell were you about to tell her to do? To slaughter the Japanese? Come up with more innocent hypotheticals, man! Damn!
Jordan: (Nods) Mhm-mhm!
Lelouch: But if I've become like Mao… then that means…
(They hear chaos erupting outside.)
Jordan: Ooh! I don't want to miss this!
(Lelouch replaces his mask and everyone runs outside. They make it out in time to see Euphemia clear her own guards and lay her fist right into the side of Suzaku's face. He goes flying across the stage.)
(The crowd gasps)
C.C.: (In the Gawain) Hah. Good on ya.
Suzaku: (Now sprawled out on the ground, confused and a little embarrassed.) Suzaku… injured… Oh the pain… and hurt…
Jordan: (Falls over herself laughing)
Ashleigh: Not gonna lie, I'm kind of impressed. Euphie's got one powerful right hook!
Zero: … Well, Cornelia is her sister…

Euphemia: (Snaps out of it) Hm? Suzaku, what happened? Why are you lying on the floor?
Suzaku: (Dizzy) You don't remember? You just… laid me out!
Euphemia: I don't understand.
Suzaku: (Springs to his feet) You just punched me! In the face!
Euphemia: (Blinks… then laughs) I would never!
Suzaku: Oh yeah? (Points to the Jumbotron that's positioned above the stage. It's showing an action-packed, high-definition instant-replay of the punch. In slow motion!)
Darlton: (Off to the side with a microphone) And here's the replay… Look at that gorgeous preparation. The young Princess has a full backswing, her arm at a 90-degree angle with her shoulder blades. I haven't seen a hit this fine in a while… And here comes the acceleration. See how she puts her entire body into the forward motion. Her fully clenched fist is sailing through the air with all of her power—but it's controlled power. And finally, the connection. Just watch this! (The crowd cheers as Euphie's fist connects.) A nice, clean strike! The Princess makes full contact with Sir Kururugi's cheek—his cheekbone taking the full brunt of her assault. Watch as the flesh of his cheek begins to conform to the shape of her fist… before launching away! (Suzaku flies off-screen. The crowd cheers again.) Complete surprise, folks! His neck is snapped to the side and his entire body takes on the rest of the force, sending him flying! He gets a good two feet off the ground before finally hitting the stage about five feet from where he started! What a magnificent move by Princess Euphemia! (More cheering from the crowd.)
Euphemia: … Oh. I suppose I did.
Suzaku: (Rubs his cheek) There was no need for all the praise, Darlton.
Darlton: (Thumbs-up!) I calls them as I sees them, Kururugi.
Suzaku: So I see…
(The crowd begins to chant Euphemia's name.)

Zero: …. Well, this certainly didn't turn out like I expected it to.
Ashleigh: Nor I, but it was awesome.
Jordan: (Clapping) Yay! Pretty Green Eyes took it like a pro!
Ashleigh: I can see the history books now: "Euphemia li Britannia. The Princess that Punched God."
Jordan: That's very metal… but I still don't like her.
Zero: … Just what have you two wrought?
Ashleigh: I feel like you ask us that every other day, Lulu.
Zero: As do I. However, I truly mean it this time.
Jordan: Well, you should be thanking us! If we didn't jump in, Euphemia would have killed a bunch of people by now!
Ashleigh: This is especially true. And then, of course, to remedy it, you would have to-
Zero: Okay! I get it! I'm indebted to you… slightly.
Jordan: (Clings onto one of his arms) Hehehe, saaaay it!
Zero: Not on your life.
Ashleigh: (Clings to the other) Come on… Say it!
Zero: What? Get off of me!
Both: Say it!
Zero: Ugh. Fine. Thank you.
Both: Yaaaay! You said it! You said it!
Zero: But wait. I have a question. How is it that you two knew what was going to happen? I hadn't made the order yet, of course… In fact, I came here today with a completely different plan in mind…
Jordan: We know!
Zero: But how? How do you know?
Ashleigh: Oh, Lulu! You should know better than to expect answers out of us by now!
Zero: But-
(The ground suddenly starts rumbling. It lasts for a few moments, then stops.)
Jordan: Was that… an earthquake?
Zero: Maybe.
Ashleigh: That didn't feel like an ordinary earthquake… Jordan, come on! (Leaves)
Jordan: Okie dokie, Loki! (Follows)
Zero: … Those two are as suspicious as ever.

(Another "earthquake" starts as Jordan and Ashleigh run out of the stadium.)
Jordan: Ash, what's going on?
Ashleigh: I was really hoping this wouldn't happen. We may have made a mistake, Jordy.
Jordan: Time to break out the NyQuil again?
Ashleigh: No, I'm afraid that won't work this time. We've screwed up the entirety of time and space.
Jordan: Hey, new High Score!
(Ashleigh pulls some strange-looking device from her mattress space.)
Jordan: What is that? Have you been Universe-Jumping without me?
Ashleigh: You know what Ten always says— "It's my Timey-Wimey Detector. It goes 'ding' when there's stuff." (The device dings.) Huh. There's stuff.
Jordan: What stuff?
Ashleigh: The universe is falling apart.
Jordan: Ooh, Super High Score! (Pause) Maybe Pretty Green Eyes can help!
Ashleigh: Well, he is God. Let's go find him!
(They go off)

In the stadium…

(People are freaking out because of the earthquakes.)
Random Man: What's going on?
Random Woman: Has anyone seen my son?
Random Old Man: What's happening? Are the Americans invading us again!?
Random Guy: No one ever knows what you're talking about.
Random Soldier: Everyone stay calm!

(Jordan and Ashleigh run up to Suzaku, who's still on the stage sporting a nasty bruise.)
Ashleigh: Oh, Suzy~!
Jordan: (Sees the bruise and laughs)
Suzaku: Oh no, not you two. I'm busy! (Tries to run away)
Jordan: (Clings to him) Wait, wait! The entire world hangs in the balance!
Suzaku: That's what you said last time! Turns out I wore that dress for nothing!
Darlton: (Overhearing, gives Suzaku a look.)
Jordan: But we mean it this time!
Ashleigh: And in our defense, how on earth would you wearing a dress save the world?
Suzaku: You presented a very convincing argument at the time…
Ashleigh: Regardless, we are serious this time. We need your God Powers.
Suzaku: And what's in it for me?
(Jordan and Ashleigh look at each other, then back to Suzaku.)
Both: Pizza Bagels.
Suzaku: LET'S DO IT!

Meanwhile… With the Black Knights…

(Zero finally rejoins the troops.)
Kallen: Zero! What the hell happened in there?
Zero: Something… unexpected.
Ohgi: From what I could see… the Princess just punched her own Knight in the face.
Kallen: What!
Tamaki: (Laughing) Yeah, it was awesome!
Zero: Well, Euphemia certainly knows how to win people over…
Kallen: Sarcasm isn't very becoming of you, Zero.
Zero: For a pacifist Princess… it was a bizarre move.
Random Terrorist #1: (Pointing) Hey, look!
(Everyone looks down into the stadium. A giant tear in the Space-Time Continuum as appeared above the seating area.)
Random Terrorist #2: What the hell is that?
Zero: I'm… not sure.

In the Gawain…

C.C.: (Laughs) You and Charles have been trying to bring about the end of time for well over ten years, and yet these girls manage to stumble across it without ever meaning to. Ironic, don't you think?
C.C.: (Frown) There's no need to get snippy.
C.C.: (Shrugs and starts climbing out of the Gawain) Well, as long as the world is ending, I have no more obligation to anyone. I'm going to get some pizza.
C.C.: With Lelouch's credit card, of course. What do you take me for?

In the stadium…

(Jordan, Ashleigh, and Suzaku are still standing on stage when the tear appears.)
(The wind picks up.)
Jordan: What the-?
Suzaku: Whoa! You are serious this time!
Ashleigh: Only we would be Girls Who Cried Apocalypse…
Suzaku: (Yelling over all the chaos) So if I get rid of that thing, everything will be fine and normal?
Ashleigh: (Also yelling) I don't think it's that simple!
Suzaku: Got it! (Runs off)
Ashleigh: Wait! Suzy! You can't just Spinzaku all your problems away!
Jordan: Pretty Green Eyes!
(Suzaku sprints to the edge of the stage and leaps off. He does a marvelous spin-kick, but as soon as his foot touches the tear he disappears.)
Ashleigh: … Oh my Suzaku…
Jordan: What… what happened to Pretty Green Eyes?
Ashleigh: I think… I think he's… gone.
Jordan: Now what do we do! ?
Ashleigh: Lelouch killing Euphemia was a fixed point in time. Since we disrupted it, everything's falling apart.
Jordan: So, to fix it… we kill Euphemia?
Ashleigh: 'Fraid so.
Jordan: (Pulls a bat from her Mallet Space) You don't have to tell me twice!

With the Black Knights…

Kallen: (Gaping) Did… did Suzaku… Did he just-?
Tamaki: What the hell? What is that thing?!
Zero: (Watches Jordan produce a bat and gets some idea of what's going on.) Oh no… (He runs out)
Kallen: (Chases him) Zero, wait! Where are you going?

A few minutes later… In the stadium…

(Jordan and Ashleigh have found Euphemia within the mobile command center.)
Ashleigh: I'm sorry about this-
Jordan: I'm not!
Ashleigh: Hush! But there's really no other way.
Euphemia: You mean, Suzaku has already-?
Ashleigh: Yes. He's already gone. And everything else will be gone soon as well.
Jordan: So we have to fix things!
(Zero and Kallen suddenly run in.)
Zero: What are you doing!?
Euphemia: Zero?
Jordan: Don't get in the way, we have to do this! (Raises the bat above her head)
Zero: (Grabs Jordan) I won't let you!
Jordan: (Squirms) Euphemia has to die! It's the only way! Don't you ruin this for me, Lulu!
Kallen: What's going on?
Ashleigh: We saved Euphemia from being killed, but that's caused time and space to fall apart.
Kallen: … That would happen to you guys.
Jordan: (Still fighting Zero) But we're trying to fix it! So let me go!
Zero: And watch you kill Euphie? She's done nothing wrong! She doesn't deserve to die!
Ashleigh: It's Euphemia's life, or the entire world. You have to choose.
Euphemia: So, if I die, it will fix everything? Suzaku will come back, and nothing will fall apart? Everything will return to normal?
Ashleigh: That's the idea.
Euphemia: … Then I'll do it.
Zero and Jordan: What?
Euphemia: If it's for the entire world… I think it's for the best.
Zero: But Euphie-
Euphemia: My being alive is what's causing this. Therefore, it's my fault this is happening. I have to take responsibility for that.
Ashleigh: I'm glad you understand.
Jordan: Alright! Let's do this! Think happy thoughts!
Zero: No! Surely there's another way. There has to be another way!
Jordan: There is no other way!
Zero: You haven't even considered any alternatives!
(Euphemia falls to the ground, dead.)
(Everyone looks at Ashleigh, who is holding a gun.)
Zero: You… what are you doing!?
Ashleigh: Saving your ass, is what.
Jordan: (Throws down the bat) Damn it, I wanted to do it!

(Everyone waits for a moment. Nothing happens.)
Jordan: Something's wrong… Nothing's changing.
Zero: But you said killing her would fix everything! This means you just killed Euphie for nothing!
Ashleigh: (Shoots Zero in the leg) Hush up, I'm trying to think.
Zero: (Crumples to the floor) What in the world-
Kallen: What did you do that for? !
Ashleigh: The world is ending anyway. I mean, why not?
Jordan: And if everything was fixed, it would have never happened.
Ashleigh: Exactly. But it's not. Why is that?
Jordan: (Shrugs)
(Another earthquake starts.)
Jordan: Maybe we were too late?
Ashleigh: It looks that way. We'll have to go back.
Jordan: Woo-hoo! Let's do the Time Warp again!
Kallen: What are you-?
Ashleigh: Sorry Kallen, gotta go!
(Jordan and Ashleigh run away.)
Kallen: …
Zero: (Clutching his leg) AH, THAT SMARTS!

(Ashleigh leads Jordan onto the street outside the stadium. She goes up to a blue British police call box circa the 1960's.)
Jordan: What the heck is this?
Ashleigh: It's a TARDIS!
Jordan: What the hell is a TARDIS?
Ashleigh: Don't ask questions, just use it! (Opens the door) Come on, it's bigger on the inside!
(The two board the TARDIS. It is indeed bigger on the inside.)
Jordan: So we're going back in time to stop ourselves from stopping Lulu from ordering Euphemia to slaughter all the Japanese, right?
Ashleigh: …... yes.
Jordan: Okie doke! (Jumps up to the console) How do you drive this thing?
Ashleigh: (Flips a switch) I have no idea!
Jordan: My favourite! (Presses random buttons and turns random knobs.)
(They run around the console pulling levers and whatnot until…)
Vworp-vworp! Vworp-vworp!
(The light on top of the police box blinks and the entire thing vanishes into thin air.)
(Jordan and Ashleigh are thrown about the inside the TARDIS as it flies through the Time Vortex.)
Jordan: Wee! This is fun!
Ashleigh: And you say you don't like roller coasters…
(The TARDIS has landed.)
(The two run over and peek their heads out of the door.)

Late at night… in the Clubhouse…

Suzaku: (Sitting in a swivel chair the wrong way, slowly making his way across the room.) Suzaku scoot!
Jordan: Uh… okay?
Ashleigh: This can't be right.
Jordan: (From the other room) Suzy! Where'd you go?
Suzaku: (Bolts) Suzaku abscond!
Jordan: Was that me?
Ashleigh: Paradox! We have to leave! (Flips another switch.)
(The TARDIS takes off again!)

Midday… Outside the Clubhouse…

(This time they look out the door to see that the TARDIS has landed in a giant pile of snow… and also on top of Rivalz.)
Rivals: HELP. ME.
Ashleigh: Whoopsie!
(They take off…)

Morning… at the Clubhouse…

(They look outside and find Lelouch silently sneaking away from the rest of the group while no one is looking.)
Lelouch: (Spots them and their death-glares.) But, weren't you just-?
Jordan: We're watching you.
(They shut the door and take off again.)
Jordan: Ash, don't you think we're going in the wrong direction?
Ashleigh: I'm trying! This thing is impossible to drive!

Late at night…

(Before they can even open the door, Suzaku, covered in mud and pond scum, slams into it. He falls inside.)
Jordan: What the-?
Suzaku: Where did this thing come from?
Ashleigh: Don't worry about it okay bye! (Shoves him out)
(They take off.)

Morning… at the Clubhouse…

(There's a knock at the door as soon as they land.)
Jordan: Not again.
C.C.: (From outside) Long time no see, Doctor.
Ashleigh: Wait wait wait what? (Bursts open the door) C.C., you know The Doctor? !
C.C.: Are you really that surprised?
Ashleigh: Well, no- but- I- …. Ugh, when I get back—we're discussing this!
C.C.: Sure thing.
(Ashleigh slams the door and the TARDIS takes off again.)

Late at night yet again…

(The TARDIS has landed in an alleyway outside a familiar looking-bar.)
(The sound of a fight.)
Kallen: (Standing, albeit wobbly, above a pile of unconscious thugs) YEAH! Who else wants some? Huh!? Do you? Do you want some of this? You can't handle this! (She takes a swig of beer.)
Ashleigh: Hm. I don't remember this happening.
Jordan: Me either…
Suzaku: (Leaning out a window) KALLEN!
Kallen: What?
Suzaku: Suzaku is disappoint! Violence bad!
Kallen: What're you-?
Suzaku: (Leaps out of aforementioned window) Unless Suzaku involved! (Puts up his fists)
Kallen: Bro, do you even LIFT? (Swings at him)
Suzaku: Suzaku battle!
Ashleigh: Mortal Kombat!
(They fight)
Ashleigh: HOW did we miss this?
Jordan: Get'er, Pretty Green Eyes! Show her your God-Fists!
Kallen: (Knocks Suzaku in the head) Take that!
Suzaku: Hah! Suzaku feel no pain! Suzaku invincible! (Does some crazy ninja move)
Kallen: Oh-no, bro… (She's thrown to the ground.)
Ashleigh: FINISH HIM!
Suzaku: (Puts his foot on top of Kallen and pumps his fists in the air) Suzaku victorious!
Ashleigh: Alright, I've seen enough.
Jordan: Yay Pretty Green Eyes!
(They take off once more!)

Evening… Some undisclosed location…

Jordan: That landing didn't sound right…
(They go to the door and look.)
(Random Terrorist #3 screams from beneath the TARDIS.)
Jordan: Oops! Sorry! It's not like it'll cut into your screen-time any!
Ashleigh: Hah!
Random Terrorist #3: MY ORGANS!
(Another take off!)

One day… outside the Clubhouse…

(Lelouch suddenly appears inside the TARDIS with a bat hoisted above his head.)
Lelouch: What the-?
Jordan: Lulu! How did you get in here?
Lelouch: You materialized around me! And who are you people? What on earth is going on?
Ashleigh: Jordy… I think we may have gone all the way back to the first chapter!
Jordan: (Gasps)
Lelouch: What are you talking about? Answer me!
Jordan: Shut up, Lulu. We're busy! (Shoves him outside)
Lelouch: (Continues beating on the door) Hey!
Ashleigh: Maybe if I turn this knob this way and this switch that way…
Jordan: Here, let me try! After all, I can drive the Lancelot!
Ashleigh: I don't think that's how it works.
Jordan: Well, we've got to do something! (Punches some buttons and spins some wheels. Sparks fly everywhere.) Now we're getting somewhere!
Ashleigh: Sparks are always a good sign. (Pulls some levers)
(The TARDIS starts to take off again with Lelouch still pounding on the door. It disappears in front of him and he falls backwards, flabbergasted.)

The morning of the SAZ opening ceremony… Before sunrise… At the Clubhouse…

Jordan: (Looking at a monitor) Looks like we made it!
Ashleigh: Okay, now we have to fix the future- er, the present- without causing a paradox. No running into ourselves.
Jordan: (Salutes) Aye-aye captain!
(They leave the TARDIS to sneak around the Clubhouse. They set several booby-traps, such as: removing and hiding the Lancelot's energy filler; moving Rivalz's scooter somewhere downtown; blocking the doorways of the Clubhouse with couches, tables, and other various pieces of furniture; stealing all the coffee from the kitchen; coating the hallways with syrup; putting Lelouch's hand in a glass of warm water; and covering all the exits with saran wrap.)
Jordan: I'd like to see us get through all of that! We're way too lazy for that mess!
Ashleigh: And without coffee, no less.
Jordan: But what did putting Lulu's hand in water accomplish?
Ashleigh: I dunno. I thought it'd be funny. Does that prank even work?
Jordan: (Shrugs)
Ashleigh: Anyway, let's get back to the present to see if everything's back to normal!
(They go back to the TARDIS and fly off!)

Midday… at the Stadium…

(The TARDIS lands outside the Stadium. Screaming and gunfire can be heard from the inside.)
(Jordan and Ashleigh run inside and grimace at all the carnage.)
Euphemia: (Standing amidst the fleeing Japanese people with a machine gun, smiling creepily. Tears are streaming down her face.)
Ashleigh: Well, I'd never thought I'd be glad to see a crazy Euphie standing atop a mountain of corpses.
Jordan: I'm still mad you shot her before I could hit her with my bat!
Zero: (Comes stumbling into the vomitorium) You… What the hell did you do? !
Jordan: Whatcha mean, Lulu?
Zero: I remember… something different happening… and yet, I remember what really happened as well.
Ashleigh: Two memories of the same event with different outcomes. Hashtag: Time Travel Problems.
Jordan: Is Pretty Green Eyes okay?
Zero: I'm not sure… But I have to go. There's something I have to do. (Leaves)
Jordan: Ash, I don't like this part.
Ashleigh: Neither do I, but apparently it has to happen. Damn plot device gods.
Jordan: Now Pretty Green Eyes won't be fun anymore!
Ashleigh: We'll just have to try harder, I guess. Look on the bright side: The Lancelot can fly now!
Jordan: True.
Ashleigh: And by the end of the day tomorrow, Lelouch will have his memory erased.
Jordan: Why is that a bright side?
Ashleigh: Because then I get to wear the cape! Hell, I could even become Zero! Wouldn't that be fun?
Jordan: For a year, anyway.
Ashleigh: Don't rub it in…
Jordan: Hmm…. Okay! Sounds good to me! But we'd better get out of here for now. Things are about to get cray-cray.
Ashleigh: The most cray-cray. Not even the Clubhouse is safe. Better lay low until the heat dies down. Maybe a week. Two, tops.
Jordan: I'm thinking… Australia?
Ashleigh: Fine by me!
Jordan: If only London wasn't a warzone…
Ashleigh: Beggars can't be choosers, I suppose.
Jordan: It's all Britannia's fault!
Ashleigh: Well, duh. After all, if we've learned anything from all of this, it's that Britannia did it! Everything. All the time. Forever.
(An explosion goes off down the street.)
Jordan: That's my cue to leave. (Runs off)
Ashleigh: My thoughts exactly. (Follows)
(They run to a nearby parking garage and hop onto Rivalz's scooter, driving off into the distance and leaving behind a trail of destruction and Skittles.)

Shin no Owari
True End


Author's Notes— References. References everywhere.

I apologize if you cannot read the Japanese text above, but it is our final chapter and I just couldn't pass it up. Technically the final character can be read as "shuu" rather than "owari" since it's a shortened version, but I went with the familiar meaning when transliterating. Both words mean "end" anyway. But I digress. That's not what's important here. What is important is that this is The End. The final end. It's kind of sad. Ending this fic is like tying a bow on the wonderful memory that is this story and its creation and life. I'll miss it, but I realize that it's gone on long enough, and I'd rather end it with some dignity than let it trail on forever. I could reference so many movie and video game franchises with that last sentence, but I won't. We've had enough references for one chapter.

Despite all of my meandering thoughts, I want to thank you guys again for sticking with us and encouraging our insanity. We hope you've enjoyed reading this madness as much as we've had writing it. Trolling fictional characters is surprisingly satisfying. I'm sorry that is chapter isn't necessarily "wacky, crazy fun" like they usually are, but I've found that I can't produce that zaniness on my own. Jordan and I come together like some bizarre chemical reaction that results in the most mindless silliness that can only be described as outrageously fun. We're like Lelouch and Suzaku if their main objective was to create happy-spastic-chaos. Regardless, I think this chapter is fun in its own way—and not just because I get all the references!

And for added fun: I actually managed to get ahold of Jordan for this final soirée! Here are her Notes as a farewell message to all of you:

Author's Notes— Hi everyone! I'm sorry to say that this will be the final chapter of Britannia Did It! Yes, yes, I know this is sad but all brilliant things must come to an end. I'm sorry it took this long to finish it but college has made me, shall we put it, less crazy. But let me give a try one more time… (Maybe someone should bring me skittles :) ).

Writing Britannia Did It! was a highlight of my life. Me and Ash even had plans on selling all our old books with the side notes and original ideas once we made it big—but we've had to live miles apart with mean cruel monsters called professors who make you work till your fingers are numb and you have at least twenty paper cuts. But I ramble. I'm a media studies major right now and I plan on—if I ever make it to where I have a little extra cash and Ash agrees—I want to make this into a movie. Granted it might be 30 years down the road but I will make it!

I did not help with this last chapter because I work now when I come home and I keep busy between my insane family and school. But I hope you all enjoy just the same and enjoy my last words. Perhaps in some far-off land we never really stopped and Jordan and Ashleigh are still running around with Lulu and Suzy somewhere... Driving the Lancelot through walls, eating pizza, wearing a cape, snuggling with Cheese-Kun, and just annoying the crap out of Lulu!

I've appreciated everything from all of our readers over the years, and if you've stuck with us long enough to read them all: Thank you!

Happy Holidays!

Sorry for the Wall o' Words here,


You guys have all of our thanks and absolute gratitude. Seriously. Stay awesome.
Love, Ashleigh & Jordan