Disclaimer: In this chapter, I can actually say that I own almost everything except for a few of the characters. Makes me happy.

Chapter twenty-five: A favourite story.

Nine years later.

I carefully placed Rylee into the crib first and then placed Harper down next to her. I leaned down and gently kissed both of their cheeks as to not wake them up. When I pulled back I smiled at the two new born infants.

"Mummy?" A voice called softly behind me. I turned around to see my two-year-old son standing in the doorway clutching a story book. He toddled across the room and held it out to me. I bent down and patted his head.

"Mummy will be there in a second to read to you dear. How about you go keep daddy company for a moment?" He smiled and nodded.

"Okay mummy," he replied before toddling back out of the room. I smiled at how much he looked like his father. I turned my attention back to my sleeping twins and smiled before leaving the room. I walked into my son's room to find him already in bed with the book on his lap. He smiled up at me as I sat down next to him, cuddling down into the bed with him. I took the book and opened it.

Now, I suppose you're wondering who the father is, no? Well, let's go back in time for a bit, shall we?

"So how'd it go?" Draco asked me when I apparated into our living room. I sent a glare at him through my blood-shot eyes.

"How do you think it went?" I hissed. He held up his hands in surrender.

"Okay, okay. Sorry. Don't bite my nose off or something." I sighed and released a frustrated growl.

"Sorry! It's just frustrating!" He came over to me and gave me a soft hug.

"I know Echo. I know. He's obviously a bloody idiot." I didn't reply to him.

"I'm such a bloody idiot," George whispered to himself back in the flat.

"Yea you are," a voice sounded. He jumped up off of the sofa and looked around him.

"Who's there?" He called. A soft chuckling sounded through the room, and a transparent version of Fred spread out across the sofa. George's eyes widened. "F-Fred?"

"No, of course I'm not Fred! I'm the friggen Easter Bunny you wanker!" Fred laughed.

"H-How are you… here?" George asked, still surprised. Fred shrugged.

"Don't really feel like moving on yet. Might become a ghost at Hogwarts or something. Dunno yet. But that's besides the point! You need to go after her mate." George sighed.

"I can't."

"And why the bloody Hell not?" George sighed again and plopped down right on Fred's midsection, going straight through it.

"I just messed things up really badly, and we both know it," George said dejectedly.

"So? You mess things up all of the time. Go fix it."

"This is different though."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is!"

"If I wasn't dead, I'd kick your arse right now! And get off of my pancreas!" George shot off of the sofa.

"Sorry." Fred sighed at his twin.

"You're a blooming idiot George."

"I know…"

"Good. But if you don't want to fix this, then there's no point in me being here! See ya later!" Fred disappeared.

"Even as a dead guy, he's still a git," George muttered to himself.

"I heard that!" Fred's voice yelled back.


George plopped down on his sofa, and was suddenly hit in the head with a small black book.

"Fred!" George yelled, rubbing his head. When no one answered, he looked up to find Draco Malfoy standing in front of him, glaring at him.

"You do remember that your brother is dead, right?" Draco replied snidely. George sighed and cradled his head in his hands.

"Why are you in my living room Malfoy?"

"Well, I was originally going to hex you so you could join your twin, but I changed my mind when I found that book. Where did you get it?" Draco demanded. George picked it up. Echora Arabelle Selene Malfoy: Journal.

"Uhm, I took it from her room the night we saved her." Draco crossed his arms.

"Have you read it?" George shook his head.

"No, I haven't."

"Then you need to skim through it. Right now." George blinked at the blonde boy.

"Did you seriously just tell me to read your twin sister's journal?" Draco rolled his eyes.

"No, I told you to dress it up as a pixie and make it do the can-can. Of course I told you to read it you idiot. And I'd prefer you do it before Echo realizes I'm not there. So hurry up." George blinked at the boy again before opening to a random page.

26 December, 1994.

Draco is a great brother. He helped me through last night and healed majority of the wounds from that curse. I really love this journal he got for me too. It's really nice.

George skipped over a few more pages at Draco's impatient foot-tapping.

28 December, 1995.

I don't want to go back to school. I feel so terrible that I'm going to have to lie to the twins about all of this. I hate that my father let this happen to me… Stupid Voldmort… Stupid everything…

24 January, 1996.

George and I broke up today. It hurts more than any cruciatus curse ever could. I feel absolutely horrible for lying to him, and I really feel like crawling under a rock and dying. I love him. I love him more than anything…

George flipped near the end of the journal and decided to read the last entry.

16 June, 1998.

I'm leaving for Albania in two days and I still haven't told George… I wish I could stay here, but I have to work things out with my family. I don't want to leave him, and I don't want him to hate me for leaving him. I love him with my entire being and would do anything in the world for him. I would gladly spend the rest of my life with him, but I know he's not ready… we're too young. I don't want to leave him now though… I wish I could put him in a box and take him with me, but I know I can't. It sucks having to let the things that you love go…

George's heart wrenched as he read one single line over and over and over again.

I would gladly spend the rest of my life with him, but I know he's not ready.

He tossed the book onto the sofa, hastily got to his feet, pushed past Draco, and made his way down the hall.

"Weasley? Where are you going?!" Draco called, following him into a bedroom. George pulled open a dresser drawer, pulled something out of it, and motioned for him to come nearer. Draco hesitantly crossed the room over to him. George looked at him seriously.

"I can't let Echo leave to Albania Mal- Draco. I love your sister more than anything in this entire world and would sell my soul to see her happy. I don't care what anyone thinks about it, and I'll scream it from the rooftops if I have to. I know you don't like me, but I need you to do me a favour." Draco nodded without hesitation.

"Okay Weas… er… George, what is it?" Draco asked sincerely. George grinned as mischief lit his eyes.

"Hey Echo, you ready to go?" Draco asked as he walked into my room. I looked up from locking my trunk sadly.

"Yea… I guess so," I replied unenthusiastically. Draco smiled at me.

"I have a surprise for you first though," he said mischievously. I blinked a bit sacredly, but slowly crossed over to him.

"Okay Drake… what is it?" I asked hesitantly. He grabbed my hand and began dragging me down the halls and stairways, nearly making me trip more than one time.

"Can't tell you yet, just come on."

We pulled me, quite violently, into our sitting room. Mum was sitting on a sofa, and my dad was in his favourite armchair. Draco went and sat down next to our mum.

"Okay Draco, you said there was a surprise. I see mum and dad quite often, so I don't think that's it, and if it is, you have issues. So where's the surprise?" He only grinned widely at me, which scared me slightly, and didn't answer me.

"Turn around," a deep, warm voice said from behind me. My nerves tensed, and I slowly turned around as my heart pounded against my ribcage. George was standing in front of me looking nervous and apologetic. He was wearing one of his black dragon skin jackets and jeans that didn't have any wrinkles in them. He looked really nice.

"G-George? What're you doing here?" I asked slowly. He walked closer to me.

"I came to apologize to you. I acted like a git back there, and you don't deserve to be treated like that by anyone, especially me. I'm so sorry Echo," he said sincerely. I smiled and felt part of my heart melt in happiness.

He then looked over my head to meet eyes with my dad. I turned around to see what would happen. My dad held his typical dignified, cold stare and lifted his chin slightly. I looked back up at George to see his stance much the same as my dad's except for the fact that George was standing up.

"Mr. Malfoy, my name is George Weasley, though I'm sure you already know that," he began confidently.

"Yes. One of Arthur's sons," my dad drawled coolly.

"I have come here today for two things." My dad nodded to tell him to go on. "I have come here to tell you that I am completely in love with you daughter." My eyes went wide and my mouth dropped open slightly. Did he seriously just say that to my dad?

He did Echo.

Get out of my mind Fred! His voice chuckled softly. I focused back on the scene ahead of me.

"Really?" My dad stated, more than asked. George nodded.

"She is by far the most extraordinary woman I have ever met in my entire life. She's intelligent, witty, fun, kind, and has the most amazing sense of humour I've ever known. I don't know where I would be without her in my life."

"So what exactly are you telling me this for, Mr. Weasley?" Dad drawled slowly.

I looked up at George when he didn't answer, and a certain shine of determination filled his eyes. He turned to me and smiled.

"Echo, I love you more than anything. If I had to list the most important things in my life in order, you'd be number one. You'd be ahead of oxygen even because if you weren't in my life, I wouldn't want to breathe. I would say that you mean the world to me, but don't. You are my world," He said looking deeply into my eyes.

He slowly reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. My heart skipped a beat and tears pricked my eyes when he kneeled down on one knee. He took my left hand gently.

"George," I whispered as my other hand went to cover my mouth.

"So today, in front of your family, I'm asking you to spend the rest of your entire life with me. I want to marry you Echora Arabella Selene Malfoy," he said, popping open the box revealing a white gold ring encrusted with small rubies and emeralds. A perfectly clear and sparkling diamond shined brightly from the band. Tears slid down my cheeks and George looked back over to my dad. "And that, Mr. Malfoy, is why I have told you all of this." He turned back to look me in the eyes again, and smiled softly. "So will you Echo? Will you marry me?"

I couldn't find my voice at that moment, so I smiled widely and nodded fervently. He smiled just as widely as me, and slipped the ring onto my left handed ring finger. He stood up and hugged me tightly before leaning down and kissing the top of my head.

My dad cleared his throat loudly, and George let go of me, but kept one arm around my waist. I looked over to see my dad on his feet. He walked over to stand in front of us. He stared at us intently for a few moments and I gulped slightly. He looked over to me.

"This is what you want Echo? He makes you happy?" he asked seriously. I nodded, partially surprised by his questions.

"Yes. More than anything in the world dad," I replied. He nodded at me and looked back to George. They stared at each other intently before I saw the edge of my dad's mouth twitch up into a smirk. He held out his hand to George.

"Then you both have my blessings." George broke out into a wide grin, unwrapped his arm from around my waist, and shook my dad's hand firmly. I smiled widely.

"Thank you sir, thank you so much," George chimed happily.

"Just don't make me regret this," my dad threatened. It didn't faze George.

"You won't sir." I looked over to Draco and my mum. She stood up from the couch and swooped me into a hug. I noticed tears in her eyes.

"I'm so happy for you dear!" she cooed in my ear. She let me go and turned to George. To my surprise, she smiled happily at him and hugged him too. He looked shocked, and I couldn't help but grin. "You better take good care of her!" she told George.

"I will ma'am. I promise."

I looked over to Draco as my parents continued talking to George. I smirked and strode nonchalantly over to him. He smiled up at me.

"You have something to do with this?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Not really. Just yelled at him a bit and threw a book at his head. You know, the things an older brother does," he replied casually. I rolled my eyes.

"You're only five minutes older than me." He pointed a finger at me.

"Yes, five minutes that you'll never have." I shook my head but smiled. I sat down next to him.

"So why'd you do it?" I asked, admiring my ring. He shrugged again.

"Eh, you know, got tired of your whining, and wanted you out of the house." I laughed and hit him with a throw pillow. He glared at me, but smiled soon after. He took the pillow and hit me back. I laughed again.

"Seriously though, why'd you do it?" I asked again.

"Honestly?" he asked. I nodded.

"Honestly." He smiled, and looked me in the eyes.

"I want you to be happy. I want you to be the happiest person in the entire world just because you deserve to be. And if you're happy with Weasley, I'm happy too," he said seriously. I grinned and I felt more tears prick my eyes. I leaned over and hugged him.

"Thanks Drake, that's probably the nicest thing you've ever said to me." He shrugged again.

"Yea yea, don't mention it." I smiled.

"Love you Draco," I said. He grinned.

"Love you too Echo." I leaned forward and kissed his cheek. He made a disgusted face and wiped his cheek. "Gross," he said. I chuckled and nudged him with my shoulder. He smiled and nudged me back. "Now go save your boyf- excuse me- your fiancé from our parents," he said, gesturing over to where the three stood. I smiled and nodded, getting up from my spot.

"Hey Drake?" He looked up at me.

"Yea?" I grinned.

"You're a great brother." He smiled, and I almost swore I saw a few tears rim the bottom of his eyes. I walked back over to George and my parents just in time to hear one of the most amazing things in my life.

"You said you came here for two reasons Mr. Weasley, but you only stated the first. What's the second?" My dad asked George. He grinned.

"To beg you not to go to Albania," he said. And then, My dad, of all people, my dad, smiled, and laughed. I grinned widely at the sound. He clapped George on the shoulder.

"I don't believe that will be necessary anymore." My heart swelled with happiness at the sight.

After I managed to convince my parents, George and I got married at the Burrow. Ginny, Hermione, and Luna were my bridesmaids, and were each overwhelmingly happy for me. Ginny, more so over the fact that I would be her sister-in-law.

Lee Jordan and Ron were George's best men. I knew he was a bit sad over the fact that Fred couldn't be there, but we both knew that if he could've been, he would've been, and we probably would've had the most chaotic wedding in the history of the world… I'm not exactly sure if that would've been a good thing or not...

My parents were actually abnormally accepting and sociable with all of the Weasleys and it made me really happy and grateful.

The moment I got to say 'I do' was probably the happiest moment of my life. My heart soared as George kissed me passionately: the first kiss of the rest of our lives.

When we pulled away from one another, I looked up above the crowd and saw Fred; grinning wolfishly and giving me a thumbs-up. I grinned happily at him, and he disappeared with a wave. I looked back to our guests. Two opposing families; the Malfoys and the Weasleys finally shared a common bond.

During the reception, I walked over to Draco and sat down.

"You do realize you have six brother-in-laws even though one's dead, and one sister-in-law now, right?" He shrugged.

"You're happy, so I don't care." I smirked.

"In some way, you're connected to Harry and Hermione now too. I don't know how exactly, but you are." He quirked an eyebrow.

"How you figure?"

"Well, Harry's going to marry your sister-in-law, and Hermione will marry your brother-in-law, so in some weird way, that makes you all connected." His eyes widened and he glared at me.

"I hate you," he said. I laughed, and grabbed his hand.

"I love you too, now get up and dance with me." He smiled, and got up.

So there you have it. I, Echora Arabelle Selene Malfoy, did the seemingly impossible. I rejected family rules and beliefs, openly defied a dark wizard, got stabbed in the back by my own family, lived through a torturous month locked in my own cellar, fought in a war, made up with my family, fell in love, and still managed to smile after it was all said and done.

I proved that names didn't matter and that a person could be whomever they wanted to be. I proved that it is indeed possible to balance love and family and enjoy the pros of both. I proved that it's okay to fall in love with whomever makes you happy regardless of what your family will think. Because in the end, all your family really wants is for you to be happy.

"The end," I finished. My son smiled as I finished the story and a deep laugh came from the doorway. I looked over and smiled at George. He grinned and walked over to the bed. He sat down at our feet.

"Are you telling him the story of how we met again Love?" He asked me. I smiled.

"But of course. It's his favourite. Isn't it Freddie?" I asked our son. He nodded enthusiastically, his bright red hair swishing with his movements. His bright blue eyes gleamed with happiness. George chuckled.

"It is a good story, huh? Probably my favourite too," he replied, sending a wink in my direction. I smiled as Freddie began bouncing up and down.

"Can we read it again, huh huh? Can we, can we? Please?" he asked hopefully. I glanced over at George.

"Well, only if daddy helps me read it this time," I said. Freddie looked over to George with his signature puppy dog face. I leaned over and mocked his face. George laughed.

"He gets that face from you." I smiled. "Alright, let's read the story again."

"Yay!" Freddie exclaimed. I handed George the book, and he opened it.

"Chapter one: Second born, second best." I smiled and hugged my son closely as George began reading the story.

I had the best family in the world and would never ask for it any other way.

I pulled my head up from my pillow as a wailing echoed through the halls of our home. I shook George violently.

"George, Harper's crying again… it's your turn," I said sleepily. He groaned and pulled himself from our bed, mumbling something unintelligent on the way to the door. I flipped over a grinned cockily.

It wasn't his turn, and you know it!

Shut up and go back to your hole in the ground Fred!

I happily fell back to sleep.

Yes, it started with a name. It started with the name Malfoy.

Yes, it ended with a name. It ended with the name Weasley.

Two completely different names, finally connected by two daring, rebellious people.

A/N: It's finally finished! Tear tear. It makes me happy, but sad all at the same time. I have a few ideas for a sequel, but I probably won't write it for a while. I have a few other small ideas I want to get out of the way before I start on something big again. Thanks to all my readers! I hope you liked it! Keep leaving me some reviews, and make sure you read some of my other things when I post them. Thanks again!!

--A.M. Foxe.