Title: I love the time

Note: I don't know why I wrote this I just did it's kind of pointless but anyway.
I would recommend you to listen to the song first before you read the fic, the link to the song is on my profile
and as always English isn't my main language, so I'm sorry if my spelling and grammar sucks

Disclaim: I don't own anything

Summary: Her eyes caught the black grand piano that was placed in the living room area. She hadn't played in years...

She couldn't sleep. She stood next to the open window with a glass of ice water in her hand, the ring on her left hand was shining in the moon light. The moon stood high in the cloudless sky with only the stars as it's company, and the wind that came from the ocean played with the fabric of the white curtain She looked around in the white painted room, Dominic was sleeping . She loved to watched him sleep it was soothing just like the ocean. Her eyes caught the black grand piano that was placed in the living room area, she slowly walked pass the bed and up to the piano. She hesitate for a couple of seconds before she placed the glass and sat down in front of it. She hadn't played in years, last time she could remember was when she was 11, just before her mother died she stopped playing after that.
She hold her breath as she pressed one of the white keys on the piano, and then other one, she exhaled. She could hear Dom move in the bed, but he didn't seem to be awaken by the sound of the piano.

" I love the time and in between" she sang quietly and slowly played the notes that belonged with the words.
"The calm inside me
In this space where I can breathe
I believe there is a distance I have wandered
To touch upon the years
Reaching out and reaching in
Holding out holding in

I believe
This is heaven to no one else but me
And I'll defend it long as I can be left here to linger in silence
If I chose to would you try to understand

Oh the quiet child awaits the day when she can break free
The mold that clings like desperation

Oh mother don't you see I've got
To live my life the way I feel is right for me,Say it's not right for you
But it's right for me

I believeThis is heaven to no one else but me
And I'll defend it long as I can be left here to linger in silence
If I chose to would you try to understand"

She let the last note die out into the black night.