Chapter 1 abnormal five year old


(bella is 17 and her mom Renee left charlie and met a big shot baseball player (phil) when bella was five. There for bella is homeschooled and a lonly child until seventeen. Bella moves with Charlie. Also Bella has three amazing powers)

Hi, Im Isabella Swan. Currently 17, and moving to forks. Lets start from the beginning Renee was just getting out of Highschool. She was head- over- heels in love for her shaggy haired boyfriend - charlie Swan. Charlie decided to wisk her away to Las Vegas and they said ' I do" to the marriage thing. What do you know nine months later out pops fabouls Isabella Marie Swan. They lived happy ever after. The end.

As nice as that sounds it's not true. They didnt live happy ever after. Well I guess the kinda did but not together. Other thing is I'm not fabouls. Hell Im not even normal. I first notice my curse when I was five.


"Isabella, do you want to go to the park?" Renee called. I ran down the stairs. I was never able to have daughter and mother time with Renee.Her schedule was jam packed so I rarely saw her. I had a schedule to. I know what can a five year old do other that eat and use the big girl bathroom and shout with victory when you made it in time. Like I sadi before I was not normal. I took piano lessons and dance. I was good at them but I had to be great to have Phil (stepfather) and Renee watch me. So I worked my telly tubby lovin butt off. So when I had any time left with my mother I would jump. I was at the last step ant the mansion we lived in.

"Yes mommy I would like to go to the park." I said. I was smiling so much you would have thought I had gotten the new Barbie and Ken doll penthouse.

"Okay, sweetie. I'll get Rosie to take you." She turn around and called for Rosie. Rosie was my nanny, she had been for a long time. I liked but I wanted my mommy. I sluched down the stairs and took Rosies hand.

"Yes, I'll have her home before lunch." With that we were out the door and in the black limo. I went to sit in the grass next to the big yellow slide and had a fake tea party with Mr. Cudles (my bear). Out of nowhere out pops an stupid snot nose pee pants boy about 6 maybe. He grabbed Mr. Cudles and bit his head off. I was so mad smoke was coming from my head. I was thinking how I wanted this dork in a trashcan. Out of nowhere he is gone and I here cries and see her is in a trashcan. HAHA! It was great then I saw that Mr. Cudles had his head bit off. I cried that was my only friend and the trees in front caught on fire. Crap. I didnt do that did I? Lets see if I can put it out. I thought how I wanted it to go away and it did. I was a fire starter and I could move things with my mind.. Telepathy. I could deal with those two. But then Rosie rushed to me to see if I was okay. When I looked into her eyes I saw her and her husband Jack coming home one day and he just started to beat her. She was begging for him to stop but he wouldnt. He just kicked her over and over.

"Isabella! Are you all right." Rosie said shaking me. I didnt say anything I just hugged her and sobbed into her. She made sure I didnt have and cuts or scrathes. I wanted to tell her but she might think I needed more attention. Aweek later Rosie died.

Now my mom thought it was time to make friends. Yea A freak cant make friends. Off to Forks I guess.