Hey everyone… Here's a pokemon fic for ya. I haven't typed much fan fics in a while so I'm a tad bit rusty here and there, especially on my vocabularies. So I'd appreciate some reviews later on…

I do not own Pokemon. That's an easy enough phrase to comprehend eh? So, let's get on with the show!

An Eevee Prince

-- Kingdom of Viridian, Kanto Region --

Viridian was a peaceful kingdom and harmony was everywhere… That's how every fairytale would start now, doesn't it? Well, yeah… It was fairly boring if I might add but hey, all living creatures, both humans and pokemon lived together under the ruling of the majestic and royal family of Oak. The throne was just passed down from a certain Samuel Oak, a brown haired king reaching his 60's to his son and daughter in law. And what does an old retired king do for a living? Well, this old king had a sharp mind and joined the elders as a sage, protecting the balance of the Kingdom of Viridian and foresees its future.

The current king and queen had two darling children, a daughter and a son but hey, let's not brag about them all since the story will be focused mostly on the handsome little prince named Gary. Well now, Gary was really cute even at the age of eleven. He had auburn brown hair that sparkled golden in the sun and mystical green eyes. This little bundle of joy was a gift from the heavens but came with a cost. The elders, including his own granddad Samuel Oak had foretold that this child would face many troubles, pain, suffering and agony in his future. However, everything is a blur to them as they sense a mystical force has blinded them from seeing his future clearly. That's where I come in. And who am I? That's a secret I'll never tell… hahaha, just kidding… Everything will unfold sooner or later. So, back to the story…

The royal family of oak had an old advisor, a wizard by the name of Giovanni. Everyone knew that Giovanni had awesome power. He was once said to have summoned rocks, thunder and so on from the heavens above to fight off raging charizards that threatens his life. Why was his life threatened? Well… let's just say pokemons sense danger and are very protective of the earth's peace and harmony. With great power, greed started o blossom in his heart. Everyone knew he wanted more power; the power to rule but there was only man that was in his way; Samuel Oak, the one that took him in and gave him high status in the Kingdom of Viridian. Sages have the power that could neutralize the doings of wizards but they need to be highly skilled to do so and as for now, only Samuel Oak has reached that very status. His son was more of a sword wielder than a caster who married a healer; the harmonious beings that acts in the name of the powers above.

Well, that was some introduction to the Kingdom of Viridian… Again, let's begin the fairytale that I promise won't have any damsels in distress, princesses or any sorts of maiden needing rescuing. It's about… Well, two princes. What will happen to them only time will tell.

One very fine day… one of those happy care free days that only existed in fairytales, Prince Gary was out playing with the king out in their royal garden while his sister and the queen was sitting around looking at the bird pokemons that nested in their garden's trees.

"Hey dad… Why don't we climb out of the castle's boundaries and explore the outside once in a while? Just us, with no guards… It's kindda boring with them around…" Gary suggested. This suggestion was also heard by his mother and sister.

"Well Gary…" his dad didn't think it should be disapproved. He just wanted to see what his wife had thought. He saw that his daughter too was thrilled with the suggestion that her brother came up with. He looked at his wife who looked a little disapprovingly at first. Gary and his sister went up to their mother and knelt on their knees.

"Owh please mum… please oh please can we go… just this once… or maybe more than once after this…" Gary and his sister begged. His mum, like all mothers have a soft spot towards their children's pleas. She hesitantly nodded giving her approval. Gary and his sister jumped for joy.

-- Viridian Forest Kingdom of Viridian --

"Wow… it feels so different without those guards around!" Gary shouted as he ran up the path and spun around taking in the feel of the forest.

"My oh my how your mood seems so different without the guards. You know, you can be such a snob sometimes… I heard numerous stories about you from…" his sister trailed off not wanting to reveal much of her sources of gossip.

"Spill it sis, I know you've always been hanging around your lil' boyfriend, that swordsman… what was his name? Owh yeah… Trac…" Gary couldn't continue as his sister held his mouth shut.

"Don't worry kids, I know about Tracy Sketchit. He's quite a gentleman I must say…" his mother slipped in. Gary chuckled as his sister gave a glare towards their mother while their father just looked on in amazement at how his family could be so… so hectic and hilarious with their majestic roles discarded.

-- Top Towers, Viridian Castle --

Samuel Oak was standing among the other elders around a levitated sphere that they conjured up with their magical powers. Suddenly, one of the elders fainted. A few others went to help them as the rest kept the sphere held in place. With a signal from Oak, they all restrained their magical outflow and the sphere they encircled disappeared.

Oak approached the elder that fainted, knelt down beside him and chanted a few spells as he held the latter's forehead. The elder sprung back to life with a worried look.

"Sam… it's approaching. The time is so close to happening. You need to act fast and save tat little prince. Someone else also knows something of the prince's future… With his pain, agony and sorrow, something else will also blossom in his life, someday making him…"

"Enough said… We are not sure of the future until the present is safe. Let's act. I think I have a feeling of who is behind all this…" Oak said and he and a few other elders left the enormous room form atop their tower.

-- Cave of Relics, Viridian Forest --

With an eager prince leading their way, the Oaks were led to a small cave. What was inside astonished them all. The walls had glowing paintings on them that looked so magical. No, it wasn't painting… It was writing, in some code-like language they have never seen before.

"Dear… have you ever seen this cave before in your outings with the maids?" the kings asked. The queen shook her head. The king looked in utter confusion. "Neither have I"

"It looks like we've uncovered something new today! I'm glad I suggested coming here… Let's name this cave… 'Cave Gary'. Sounds original don't you think", Gary said. The other three Oaks giggled at the young prince's thoughts.

"I'm sorry dear prince but we can't do something like that…" a voice came from an approaching dark figure behind Gary. Gary yelped and retreated behind his dad. His sister did the same to his mum. The king and queen stood their grounds, armed and ready to protect their young ones.

"Wow… we don't have to resort to violence now…" The figure was then hit by lights to reveal himself as Giovanni, their advisor. The king and queen had relieved looks on their faces. Giovanni smiled. For what it was worth, let me tell you that Gary was not fond of Giovanni from the very beginning so he still held his grounds behind his dad.

"Now, now lil' Gary… I won't hurt you… We're like… Family… Anyway, like I said earlier on, this cave cannot be named after you my dear prince".

"And why is that Giovanni?" asked the queen.

"It already has a name… It's the Cave of Relics"

"But isn't that only a myth? How come we've never seen this place before?" asked the king

"Well your majesty, this here cave has always been here… It just needed to be revealed and no, it is not a myth, it is very true indeed. You are standing in it right now"

"Cave of Relics? Never heard of it…" came a questioning look from the princess.

"Well my dear, it is said that there are secrets in this cave that goes beyond our imagination. It possesses the ability to grant the ones that understand it unlimited power… By the way, why are you here dear Giovanni?" the queen asked.

"My, my… Why else should I come here? It's been my life long quest in researching and looking for this cave… For that unlimited power"

"You believe in that crap?" asked the king. Gary snorted at how his dad is using rude words towards their advisor. Giovanni smirked.

"Well now your majesty, wouldn't you?"

"No…" At this point, the king had his hand on his sword, ready to wield it.

"Well, it's as real as THIS!" Giovanni sent a jolt of green light towards the king who wasn't quick enough to wield his sword out. However, the green jolt of light bounced off its target and hit the walls.

"What are you trying to do GIOVANNI!" the queen demanded an answer, her arms glowing from the shield she just conjured to protect her husband and son.

"That was quick thinking my dear queen… Well… You see, upon finding this cave, I've also found out about the prophesy that has been bestowed when you had that son of yours… How he'd suffer grief and agony, how that will lead to war and suffering to all across the land… And well, with you out of the picture and me having the secrets from the relics, well… you can put two and two together can't you?"

"Tell me… how long have you been plotting against us?" asked the king.

"Since the day your dad took me in… It was all part of my plan really. That old man didn't know what's coming to him. But he was a superior, his powers amaze me… I couldn't have overthrown him when he was ruling could I?"

"You are so sick!" Gary shouted from behind his dad. Giovanni gave a more evil smirk.

"And as for you young prince… you snotty little brat that has hated me since forever… take this!" Giovanni shot a few beams of spells towards Gary who only knew to shield himself with his bare hands. He was waiting for a hit when he felt nothing. He opened his eyes and saw his dad taking the hit. He ran up to the side of his dad while his mum and sister tried to heal the wounded king.

"Heal!" shouted the two females, a priestess and an acolyte at work. Giovanni just laughed. Gary cried. He hasn't been taught anything yet… He was helpless; he only had the ability to watch his dad suffer the attack.

"You two stay here… try healing you dad…"

"But mum…"

"I'm your last line of defense here… You'll just have to have faith in me…"

"But it's already too late for him…" Gary knew what his sister was talking about. He saw his dad lay motionless on his laps. His warm tears never stopped from pouring down his cheeks. He saw his mum was holding back tears but held strong to give her children courage.

"Alright, just back me up then…" Gary's sister clasped her hands together and began chanting spells, making white light appear around their mum. The queen then pointed her palms towards Giovanni.

"You know you don't have a chance…"

"It'll at least give us time…"

"Says you… Fire Wall! Napalm Beat!"

"Holy Light!" The queen's attack was countered by the fire wall that the wizard conjured while his napalm beat attack hit her straight in the chest, making her fly back a few meters crashing into her dead husband and their two children.

"Heal!" Gary saw his sister was trying to help their mum. He saw his mum looked him in the eyes.

"Gary, whatever you do… do not let pain and suffering envelope you… I know you are capable of being optimistic and discarding all the negatives out…" The queen then stood up again and started to aim for the wizard once more.

"But mum… death isn't something that can be ignored just like that… It's horrible… it hurts…"

"Try to heal your wounds with love Gary…"

"Owh shut up! Jupitel Thunder!" Giovanni shouted. Bolts of lightning came out of clouds that materialized above them.

"Angelus!" the queen shouted as holograms of angels came out, circled them and provided them a shield from the wizard's monstrous attacks. However, the queen had been weakened and the shield she conjured up slowly disintegrated. The attack hit her hard as she fell to the ground still trying to defend her offspring. Blood gushed everywhere out of her body. Gary looked in horror. His sister hugged him for what he thought she needed support that he could not give… but oh, was he wrong.

"Fire Ball!" The fire struck behind Gary's sister as she wailed in pain whilst holding him in her embrace. Tears poured down her cheeks as she saved a few last breath to calm the prince down.

"Gary… be brave. I know you are. Run away from here after I let you go. Don't turn back… ok? We all love you so much Gary and we are so sorry we failed in protecting you and can't go on living with you. Be a good boy now…" With those last words, the princess stood up and shot a powerful holy light towards Giovanni which he dodged easily…

"You're no match for a full grown wizard. Napalm Beat!" Then, Gary's world seem to disappear in front of him as he saw all his family members lying motionless in front of him, blood trickling out of them.

"Now my dear boy… IT's time for you to suffer… What you need is a few ancient spells to torture you… That'll make this prophesy come true much quicker and I will reign over the entire world!" Yellow beams trickled out of Giovanni's right hand and it caught Gary who tried to flee from the cave. The beams held him up against a wall. "So now boy, you're all alone with me, the on you hated so much!"

-- Somewhere Unknown --

"So now boy, you're all alone with me, the on you hated so much!"

"You know… I could have just swept in and save him from that guy" a white hooded figure spoke to a pokemon that was sitting on a chair, watching Giovanni and Gary. The pokemon shook its head disapprovingly. The hooded figure sighed.

"Ray… you know we are not to mess with these things. You have your assignments. That's all you're supposed to do. Do not interfere with the writing of time"

"But… but… look at him… He's helpless… He's too young to be suffering like that…" the figure named Ray argued. By the way… This is me, Ray Chong… The narrator that was at the beginning of the story…

"Stop doing the narration again… You know Gary has to go through all that… you are only assigned to help him after all this… You're not even supposed to be here to watch all this. You're supposed to teleport to mew already!"

"But celebi, you know how mew is… it's too… well… playful… childish… young… etc. You get the picture… I'm just buying time to have less time over at its place"

"For someone you are describing very immature, she runs that dimension quite well…"

"All right… all right… I get it… I'll go…"

"And remember Ray… No attachments, no regrets…" Ray was already gone. Celebi shook its head. "That boy is going to cause trouble again…"

-- Somewhere Hidden --

"Hey mew… anything new?"

"You are late Ray… I've been expecting you. I thought you were lost in the interdimensional pool or something!"

"Don't worry about me lil' kitty, I'm fine. You know I've done it before… Well, I'm ready for duty. Have you contacted my pokemons…" Ray then saw his friends were already waiting behind him.

"Aww… you guys have grown quite a lot since I last saw you… Eevee, you lil' thing… Jolteon, Vaporeon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Glaceon, Leafeon… You guys ready?" The eight pokemons nodded in unison. "Well then… you know what to do Espeon"

Espeon's eyes glowed purple and purple light surrounded all the pokemon and Ray. They floated out of the rock formation towards Viridian.

"Hey guys… don't worry about me much… go back to where Giovanni was starting to torture Gary" Ray reminded. The pokemons sighed.

-- Cave of Relics, Viridian Forest --

"How do you like that?" Giovanni whipped Gary numerous times with a magical whip he conjured out of his left hand. Gary was bleeding badly. He was loosing a lot of blood. He's closing to loose his conscious, or a matter of fact, his life…

"Giovanni, I knew that it had to be you… Now one else would be selfish enough to search for some myth and believed in its powers…

"Samuel Oak… my savior… you know… I knew you never trusted me from the beginning but you took me in… Why?"

"It was just something I had to do. It was fated. This was all fated. I had no choice but not to interfere…"

"That's good… Now watch as your grandson dies in my hands after he was put through all those suffering losing his loved ones! Hahahaha!" Oak looked down at the motionless figure of his son, his daughter-in-law and his granddaughter. His rage grew.

"Let him go! We've foreseen things up to here; the rest is up to me to write what will become history!" Oak shot a few beams which Giovanni was able to dodge and shield from. Giovanni countered with a few of his own spells.

"Cancelation!" Oak shouted as the beams that were headed towards him disintegrated. Giovanni smirked.

"Well then, try to cancel this!" Giovanni struck Gary with a spell Oak had never seen before. It was ones he had only read about. It was one of those ancient spells; ones that had very long term effects on its victims. "Well Oak… motionless are we now? Let me tell you… I've tortured him enough. I'm just trying to put him out of his agony once and for all… but I just had to make it slow to make you suffer! Hahahaha"

Oak closed his eyes. His tears rolled down his cheek Gary was shouting in pain. His shouts grew weaker and weaker by the second.

Out in the forest, a few figures were watching them closely.

"That old guy needs to do something quick, or Gary's a goner!"

"Ray… do not interfere!" Ray sighed…

Oak focused all his power into his hands. This was the last spell that he'd thought he'd ever use… and in fact, he had never used it before… He only read about it but time is against him and it was his last chance to save his remaining grandchild. "Inchantus Rewritus!"

Ray looked amazed. "That's one hell of a spell… but is it that useful now… let's see…"

White beams shot out of Oak's hands and enveloped around the beams that was coming out of Giovanni's. Gary's shout then grew louder, which was a good sign, seeing that life is returning into him. But something else was happening… Gary was shrinking.

"Interesting…" Ray muttered. The pokemons beside him watched in amazement.

Giovanni couldn't do anything. His hands were immobile until the spell finishes. Gary's hair grew shorter. His nose more pointed. He's skin started to grow hair and he was growing a tail. He was all brown and still shrinking.

"Hurm… he's turning into a pokemon… That's something new. Didn't have that in my job description…" Ray added. The pokemons glared at him. He chuckled at his optimism at times like this.

Both yellow beams and white beams then exploded, throwing the two old man flying backwards. As the smoke cleared, all were curious as to what had happened to Gary. Giovanni, Oak and even Ray and the pokemons tried to peek closer.

There, lying in the heaps of what the prince was wearing was a weakened Eevee. It's breathing was heavy and its eyes were still closed. Giovanni laughed at the sight and aimed another beam of spell towards the critter. Oak countered it with his own bag of tricks. The wizard and sage battled it out with beams flying towards each other every split second.

"Aww… I just have to do it… You guys are in this with me right?" Ray asked the pokemons. They nodded and smiled at their friend and knew his heart was at the right place even if it was messing with what was meant to be. "Espeon… channel my telepathy towards Oak" Espeon glowed purple while Ray closed his eyes.

'Hey gramps, I'm here to help'

'Who are you?'

'Just a friendly neighbour… Gary needs to get away from this place. Let me take him away…'

'I have no choice but to trust you… Take him somewhere far far away. He needs to get away from all this and hopefully just survive until the spell wears off…'

'You know gramps; I'll have to erase your memory about our little conversation and what happened to Gary from your brain'

'Why is that?'

'He is the child of prophesy. He'll need to carry out his duty…'

'Alright, just make sure he'll be safe…'

'Safer than being with you, that's for sure. That maniac's gonna hunt him down!'

'I know. Thank you stranger'

'You're welcome… That was easy…'

'What was?'

'Damn… this telepathy thing is still… Oh whatever. Bye gramps…'

"Now, jolteon, you're the fastest. Go fetch that little Eevee over there and we are out of here!" Ray instructed. Jolteon nodded and jolted into the cave and back out. "That was quick… Espeon, do your thing" Then they all floated into the sky.

"Sorry gramps, but I just have to do this…" Ray's hand glowed green alongside Samuel Oak's head. Ray then left them in the raging battle.

-- Above some weird forest in Kanto --

"Ray… Did you have to interfere when I deliberately told you not to do so?"

"But celebi…"

"No buts! Leave him where you are!"

"In mid air? Are you crazy? And I thought only Entei needed some fresh air" Ray then heard a loud roar from afar. He sighed. How does these legendary pokemons hear him so well… "Alright, I'll let it go…"

"Not quick enough" A bolt of lighting struck Ray's backside as he felt gravity full him down. Damn those pokemon… Another bolt struck him for that comment.

"I get it, I get it…" Ray sighed. He knew the other interdimensional beings didn't have a hard time as he had with Celebi always watching his back. Maybe it's because he always had to interfere. But that was him…

Ray tried to land as softly as possible trying not to hurt Gary which he held closely in his embrace. He sympathise the lump of fur that was in his hand. He petted in and placed it on the ground. He held out his hand towards Gary and it glowed green.

"Heal!" Ray muttered. Gary the Eevee than looked all in shape so Ray decided it was time he took off. The pokemons landed right before he departed.

"Hey guys… you know what to do… Just keep and eye out for him. He just transformed. He'll be confused. When he gets attacked, if you think he won't be able to handle it then appear out of nowhere and help him out… Don't do too much though or the one watching us might zap you" The pokemons giggled.

"Espeon, don't forget to lead him to our rendezvous place ok? Try not to make it obvious that you helped him" Espeon nodded and purred. "Jolteon, you're the fastest. Whatever happens, you know where to contact me right? Espeon may be psychic but hey, its powers are still limited!" Ray joked. Jolteon giggled while Espeon snorted.

"Flareon, keep him warm at nights. Leafeon, make sure he's comfortable. Vapoureon, help him out if he comes to your domain; a.k.a watered area. Glaceon… hurm… you take care of the rest with Umbreon ok?" All the pokemon nodded.

"Ee.. Eevee!"

"Don't worry lil' kiddo, you're coming with me…"

That's all for now folks… confused? I'll bet you are… hehehe… Wait for the next instalment! I think I'll be calling it 'A Prince's Desire'.

Wee… I'm in another story! Well, anyway, where am I headed to? Where will Espeon lead Gary? How will Gary take it being a pokemon? What is in store for him along the way? Why does Celebi zap me so much! Auch! Not another one! Find out in the next instalment of 'An Eevee Prince'

Owh yeah, don't forget to review! Your comments are really much appreciated.