Chapter 44: "Our first date…"

Before I knew it, it was Friday morning… After school I will be on my first date with Riku! I'm supper excited and super anxious… I don't even know where we are going…

I came prancing down stairs to hear Cloud laugh at me. "So today's your date… Promise me something Sora. If for some reason things get… intimate, you will be safe okay?" Cloud spoke, making both of us blush.

"Um yeah… I… I promise." I answered. I'm starting to think telling Cloud about what me and Riku did was a bad idea on my part…

"Cloud you're embarrassing him. Sora do only what feels right, don't listen to anyone else okay." Leon counter acted.

I hugged Leon and he hugged me gently. "At least you understand… This is new to me." I whispered so only Leon could hear.

"Just don't let Riku push you into anything okay kid." Leon spoke as we separated. I gave Leon my trademark smile.

Before anything else could be said I heard Riku's cycle pull up… "Bye!" I yelled running out of the door.

Riku smirked and pulled me into a kiss when I reached for the helmet. "Are you excited for our date after school?" Riku asked.

"Riku. Excited doesn't even come close to how happy I am right now." I answered true fully.

Riku kissed me again, this time with passion. I almost fell right there. "You hold on to me. I don't want you falling off." Riku spoke as he slipped on my helmet. I could only smile.

All the way to school I was fighting my hormones to keep from becoming hard. That's very hard to do when I'm pressed up against Riku like this… but by a miracle I managed it.

School today seemed to take forever and Riku hadn't told me where we were going… By study hall I had enough…

"Riku please tell me something." I asked pouting.

Riku chuckled and put his hand on my inter thigh, dangerously close to my private area. "Sora it is a surprise, as much as I hate to see you pout I can't tell you… Just know that I'll be dropping you off at home so you can change and then my house to do the same… Uniforms just don't belong on our date." Riku spoke and explained.

How could I argue with that? I smiled and removed his hand from my thigh and kissed the middle of his open palm. Just a feather light kiss to let him know I won't ask again… Please let the rest of the school day to go fast.

Science class was a good day with just going over the next chapter and having to answer the questions at the end of it,… it seemed to fly by.

History on the other hand went on forever… We were freakin surprised with a pop-quiz on the statistics in the battle of 1812... All in all I think I at least got a B+… At least I hope so… I hardly ever get an A in history…

Again, before I knew it I was waiting at my locker with Marty for Riku…

"Hey So… I know I always seem ditsy and all but it's how I cope and well… have fun on your date. Hiroshi would-is happy for you… I can feel it." Marty spoke.

I didn't say a word. All I did was hug him. I know if I said a word, I'd start crying…

As I let go of Marty I saw Riku walking up. Before Riku had time to say anything Marty hugged him.

"You take good care of him." Marty said and again, before Riku had time to say anything Marty walked away.

"You'll get use to him…I promise." I told a very confused Riku…

Riku gave me a short sweet kiss. "Lets go to your house first to change."

"Okay." I answered, now very nervous… What if he goes into my room? I didn't clean up my room!

Riku took my hand and lead the way out of the school and to his motorcycle…

Before I knew it we were at my house, alone. Riku silently followed me to the door and inside… "Um I guess I'll be right back…" I spoke nervously.

Riku chuckled. "Relax Sora." I nodded with a smile as I went upstairs. I'm just happy yesterday after school Roxas, Cloud and Leon helped me pick out my date closes… All I had to do was put them on. My outfit was slightly baggy blue jeans with a medium green shirt. Nice, comfortable, but as Rox said, brings out my butt. With one last look in the mirror I went downstairs…

Riku was on the couch when I came down, watching me with a smile. Riku walked up to me and kissed my hand. "You look wonderful my blue eyed angel. That green brings out your beautiful eyes."

I blushed. "That's why Roxas picked it out…" I relied.

"Remind me to think him." Riku responded as we walked out and back to his bike.

When we got to Riku's I saw his dad's car there… "Dad took his bike, don't freak." Riku answered my unspoken worried question. I silently followed him inside…

As Riku went upstairs to change I got a better look at his front room, considering the last time I was in here, I was to embarrassed and happy to take the room in.

The walls were an earth tone with items on them like degrees and decorative swords, things like that. There was a leather couch with matching chairs and loveseat. There was a fireplace also with pictures of them on it with a big picture of Riku's parents wedding. His mom was really beautiful. I saw what Tifa said about Riku having her face right away… And by the looks, her smile too…

Riku came down with faded jeans and a yellow, black, and white shirt on. (a.k.a The outfit from KH2) The outfit made him look even more like a god than before, if that's even possible…

I removed the drool from my mouth before Riku gave me a very passionate and dominating kiss, which I happily gave him…

After our kiss Riku told me where we were going… "Dad has given the car today. We are going to 'Soul Reaper Town' and having dinner, my treat; then the movies, your chose of what. How does that sound?" Riku asked me.

I smiled. "I say that sounds like the perfect first date. I must warn though… I eat a lot." I answered then confessed with a blush.

Riku chuckled. "Don't worry dad said I can use the credit card and as long as its for food and tickets, he said he didn't care. Sora. Eat to your hearts content."

I blushed and bit my bottom lip, causing Riku to chuckle again and hug me flush to him. Strangely enough that calmed me down…

Riku opened and closed the car door for me before getting in himself. I couldn't help but smile the whole car ride to Gin's restaurant. Once again Riku opened and closed my door, even opening the restaurant door and letting me in first… Momo greeted us and took us to our seats.

One we were left alone I spoke. " in case I forget to tall you Riku, I had a wonderful date tonight."

Riku blushed as Momo came to get our orders…

"Um Gin said he has the perfect first date menu for you and he won't take no for an answer." Momo announced bowing her head.

"Heh, father warned me he might… Don't worry about it Mom, and thank him for us please." Riku responded as I could only blush. Momo left to get our food.

"Wow Gin can't stop himself sometimes… At least I don't have to feel guilty with what I chose." I spoke.

"Oh Sora.. I'd give you the moon if I could…" Riku responded reaching and holding my hand, making me smile up at him.

Momo came back with appetizers called Grilled Chicken Flatbread. A couple of minutes later she came back with creamy parmersan Portobello with linguine for me, and marinara with linguine for Riku.

"Wow Gin can cook!" Riku said after we finished.

"Yeah he sure can… Are you liking our date Riku? I mean I really suck at this…" I spoke.

Riku moved closer to me and gave me a passionate kiss. "Sora today is perfect."

When Riku got back to his original seat Momo came back with dessert which was called Zeppoli. Powdered doughnuts with chocolate dipping sauce…

As we waited for Riku's dad's credit card to come back to us we talked about what movie we were going to watch… We chose to watch Avatar which was in 3D.

Once again Riku opened and closed the door for me as we went to the theater…

The movie was amazing! Well at least the parts we watched when we weren't kissing and groping each other like crazy…

Once back in the car Riku dropped a bomb. "Sora I loved tonight… Spend the night with me."

I broke out in a sweat. "Riku I… I want our first time together to be… perfect."

Riku blushed. "Um I didn't mean have sex Sora… wow I guess I did make it sound like that though huh?"

"Oh wow! I'm a spaz! Sorry about that Riku!" I apologized.

Riku chuckled and leaned over me to give me a kiss. When the kiss was over, I was extremely horny.

"Maybe it won't be a good idea… I have no idea if I could control myself if we sleep in the same room alone… or the same bed." Riku spoke as he grounded his hips into mine, rubbing our clothed erections together.

I grabbed the back of Riku's neck and crushed our lips together, all the while grounding back into him making both of us moan and gasp.

I don't think I ever felt my heart pound so hard and fast in my life, but it was. Hearing Riku pant in my ear was so erotic that I prayed he had the brain function to stop us cause I defiantly didn't…

All at once Riku pushed himself back into the drivers seat gripping the wheel so tight I could see his knuckles turn white. "…I'm sorry!" I apologized finally realizing what I was doing to him.

Riku laid his head on the wheel. "No Sora, don't. Man I just want to fuck you so bad! But… I don't want to fuck you Sora, I wan to our first time to be complete love, not lust… I want our first time to be making love, not fucking." Riku spoke before looking at me.

"Oh Riku… that's what I want too… I just lost it…" I spoke almost crying with how much Riku's words touched my heart…

"I think it's best for both of us if I take you home… You know before I… jump you." Riku spoke blushing and turning on the car…