Yello there! sooo anyone who reads my stuff must be wondering 'WHY THE HELL IS SHE STARTING ANOTHER ONE!?' well the answer to that is...I FELT LIKE IT! BWA HA HA!! so there... Now although i usually find this kind of fic boring, this fic is of me and my freinds Dano (sasukesgirl66) and Geebo(Geebo). Mostly just me and Dano - tehe- now i am writing this fic pretty accurately, so yes me and my friends are complete freaks AND PROUD OF IT!! now without furthe ado i give you CHOCOLATE POPCORN!! (the title will make sense later)
Danielle White was a 'normal' high-school girl. She was on sports teams, always had high marks, and wasn't a boy crazy twit like just about every other preppy girl at her school, Daikoku Private Academy. But her two best friends, Maemae Fam and Brandon Geebo, kept her from killing them. Maems and Dano lived fairly close and walk to school and back home together most of the time, unless Danielle had sports practice, while Geebo got to take the bus.
"Ugh." Danielle groaned, pulling at the brown ponytail she always wore. "WHY do our uniforms have to suck to bad?!"
"Yeah, I know what you mean." Maems, a shorter grade nine with mid-length black hair, black eyes, and a laptop bag, join in. "These stupid skirts aren't practical at all. Its winter! And it's freaking freezing!"
Geebo laughed at the two girls. "Ha-ha, have fun on the walk home!"
Maems smacked him in the back of the head. "Shut it Geebo!"
Now it was Dano's turn to laugh, Maems was always hitting stuff, and more often than not, it was Geebo. "Oh guess what guys."
Geebo looked up with tears in his blue eyes from Maems whacking him with her text book. "What is it fuku-taichou?" Maems asked, completely loosing interest in harming their friend. (Fuku-taichou means vice-captain)
"Maems you messed up my weave!" Geebo complained, trying to straighten his short brown hair. Maems cast a glare in his direction which shut him up.
"The new Bleach manga is out!" Dano cheered.
"Sweet!" Maems joined in. "That's awesome, now we'll have 1-22!"
"You haven't even read up to 15 yet, dobe-baka-taichou." Geebo laughed, earning another whack in the head.
"Shut up," Maems glared. "I'm busy, and you barely even follow the story line, negative 5000000 seat."
"Yeah." Danielle agreed laughing. "So taichou, we should go get it on the way home."
The group rounded the corner, Maems almost smacking into a door. "Yeah we-"
Before she finished her sentence, one Light Yagami bumped into her, sending her to the ground. "Hey watch where you're going."
Light just looked down at her and continued to walk. Danielle helped her up. "Wow, you got some good manners Light 'I'm A Gay'." Danielle used the randomization of his last name, mocking him.
Light turned and glared at them, but backed off when he saw Maems patented glare-of-doom.
"What the hell's up his ass?" Maems asked to no one in particular.
"Eh, probably a gerbil." Danielle laughed. Maems and Geebo laughed with her.
Light was one of the most popular guys at school, but that particular group didn't think he was that amazing. Sure he was pretty athletic, had the highest marks in the school, pretty good looking, and had helped with some murder cases, but he wasn't all that special.
"That Yagami kid." Maems mused as the group continued their way down the hallways. "He's been acting weird lately. I've noticed it since I saw him pick up this black notebook a few months ago."
"No kidding?" Danielle asked. "Well, now that you mention it, he has been acting weird."
Geebo nodded in agreement. Then looked at his watch. "Oh shit, we're gonna be late."
The group said their quick good-byes and ran to their separate classes. Maems had her grade nine art class, Danielle was in her grade 10 computer tech, and Geebo grade 11 science. The friends were an odd group in their school, usually only people hung-out with kids in their grades.
A few boring classes, and three lectures about chewing gum in class later, and the school day was done. Danielle and Maems waited with Geebo for his bus to come.
"We must find whoever designed these uniforms," Maems shivered. "And cause them great physical harm!"
"Death via large pointy stick." Danielle agreed. The two girls giggled at their little inside joke.
"Oh here it is!" Geebo announced as the yellow bus pulling into the lot. "See ya bitches!"
Before Maems or Danielle could smack him he had ran onto the safety of the bus. Zipping up their sweaters Danielle and Maems made their way home.
"So Dano what do you think of this Kira guy?" Maems asked, getting impatient and inching into the traffic.
Dano pulled her back. "If you get run over, you'll never know."
Maems gave a nervous laugh, as the lights signaled that it was safe to cross. "Well?"
"Hmm….I think that the guy it nuts to be honest." Dano mused. "I mean yeah the crime rate is going down, but all this 'I am the GOD of the new world' stuff is just really really well-"
"Stupid, conceded, crazy." Maems finished her sentence. The two laughed, although the subject was pretty serious. "Yeah, I feel the same."
The duo walked into a small book store, where they were regular customers. They were even friends with manager, who looked strangely like Urahara from Bleach. He even wore the same hat, and even the same first name. The only difference was that he wasn't a fictional character and didn't wear the green robe.
"Hi Kisuke." Maems greeted cheerfully, leaning over the counter. Truth be told even though he was almost twice her age, Maems had a slight crush on the Urahara look-a-like.
Dano jabbed her in the side. "Quit flirting taichou."
Maems face went bright red and Kisuke chuckled. "No, no, its fine." he smirked, causing Maems to blush darker.
"W-we'd better find the mange before someone else does." Maems said standing up straighter, fighting her blush.
"Don't worry girls," Kisuke smiled pulling out two copies of Bleach 22. "Couldn't let down my two favorite customers."
Maems grabbed one copy of the oh so awesome manga and cheered. "Thanks Kisuke you're the best!"
"Cough, flirt, cough." Dano laughed. Maems glared and blushed, muttering 'shut up' under her breath.
Kisuke chuckled. "Oh and one more thing."
He stepped out from behind the counter and pulled out a different manga from his jacket. He handed it to Maems, who uncharacteristically squealed and hugged him. "Kisuke, you are officially the best!"
"I know." Kisuke chuckled, kneeling down hugging her back with one arm.
Dano gave a fake cough and Maems immediately let go and stepped back, blushing brighter than a Christmas light. "So what manga is it?"
Maems straightened her skirt, and cleared her throat. "If you must know, it's the last Fruits Basket."
Dano looked at her blankly. "….What?"
Maems grinned. "It's the last Fruits Basket."
When Dano continued to stare at her, Maems decided to explain. "Me and Geebo have this long standing bet. Who ever collects all the Fruits Basket manga's gets the Fruits Basket DVD's."
Heaving a sigh Dano pulled out her wallet and paid for her manga. Maems did the same, putting the amount for two manga on the counter.
"Ah ah ah." Kisuke waved his finger back and forth. "The Furuba is free of charge."
"You are the absolute best Kisuke!" Maems cheered again.
Dano sighed and dragged her friend away. "Bye." They called, walking out of the store.
They rounded the corner and walked past a group of middle-school girls who were fighting over something about Kira. "You do know that's really creepy right?"
"What is?" Maems asked back innocently.
"You know what I mean!" Dano yelled "He's like twice your age."
Maems chuckled. "There's nothing wrong with a little innocent flirting now is there?"
Dano pulled her face long and sighed. "There is when he's twice you're age."
"Oh and if Byakuya were real you wouldn't do the same?" Maems retorted. Dano opened and closed her mouth trying to come up with an answer. "That's right. Taichou is always right."
"Oh shut it." Dano pushed Maems.
Unfortunately Maems was pushed into Light Yagami again. Light stumbled back, while Maems fell hard on her ass.
"Hey watch it. Oh it's just you two." Light smirked down at Maems, who picked up her manga. "Back from your old lover I see."
Dano had to hold Maems back from strangling the life out of him. "I may be against Kira, but if I could have him kill anyone it'd be you, Yagami!" Maems seethed. Light had found out about Maems little not-so-secret two weeks after she entered high school, and even though it wasn't his style he teased her every chance he got. "You're lucky Dano is here or you wouldn't have to worry about Kira!"
Light laughed slightly at her. "Why would I have to worry about Kira? I am a law abiding citizen, unlike you." Light teased. "I think it would be wise to check the age of consent again if I were you."
"Why you little BASTARD!" Maems had had enough. And so had Dano.
Danielle let Maems go and she swiftly punched Light in his smug little face. Without missing a beat Maems kicked his stomach and he fell to the ground. Maems then sat on Light's stomach and punched him in the face again.