Yay here's the third chapter XD
I sure am glad you guys like it!!
(for I never even expected that :P)

Chapter 3 – On an Adventure Again?

Wendell shuffles back and forth with his feet, feeling uncomfortable. "Well... She sure put me into an awkward situation here..." Wendell mumbles, while looking at his feet. Anthony steps forward and reaches out a hand. He puts it on Wendell's shoulder. "Hey dude!" he says. Then they both burst out of laughter. Wendell scrapes his throat. "Well now, dear Anthony... I need to tell you something... Dude!" Again, Wendell laughs. Anthony keeps his look straight at Wendell, he can't laugh now... "He's going to tell me... What else would it be...?" Wendell looks at Anthony with loving puppy dog eyes.

"Anthony... Please marry me!" Wendell drops to his knees, taking off his crown. His right hand is put on his chest. Anthony is frozen. "Did he... Did he really just ask me... TO MARRY HIM?! IS HE INSANE?!" Anthony mutters some unintelligible words and then faints. Wendell stares at Anthony's body. "Goodness, Anthony! NOW what am I going to do...?" Wendell shrieks something, wich makes servants speeding up to him. "Please... Carry this man to his room." The servants obey and as they walk away, our beloved king Wendell follows. He keeps on muttering in himself: "I sure hope I didn't kill him now..."

Virginia takes a seat at the nearby bench and lets herself drop on it. She lays down as she looks at the sculptured bushes, made in shape of elephants, deer, rabbits etc. Cute animals that Wendell loves. Yes... Then, Virginia spots a wolf-shaped bush. It makes her think of her Wolf. She closes her eyes and lets her eyes fill with tears. "Where is he? He promised me he'd stay with me forever..." She pulls up her knees and sighs. When she opens her eyes, she sees the bush moving. "What?" She blinks with her eyes and now it doesn't move any more. "I must be imagining things..." She shakes her head and lets her head lean on the bench. She sighs and looks up at the sky.

Wolf swings his tail and ducks down. "Virginia..." he whispers. She has closed her eyes... Good! Wolf jumps up and grabs her head. Then he kisses her up-side-down. When he licks her lips with his tongue, he gets a punch in the face. Because of it, he tumbles forward, over Virginia, to the ground, on his butt. He gets up and rubs it. "Ouch... That hurt... Virginia... Why did you...?" As he turns around, he sees his beloved mate. Her deep blue eyes filled with tears. She presses her lips together, so Wolf knows she won't speak to him. He gently wipes off the sand of his clothes and walks to her. "Virginia... I... I'm sorry... But just WHAT happened back there?" Virginia turns her back to him when he goes to sit next to her.

"Our king Wendell just told me something rather unusual... And then you just burst out of the room, fleeing away from me! Why did you do that?!" She turns to him, her face bright red and filled with tears. Wolf puts his paw on her leg and strokes it lovingly. "I just thought... You know... As a wolf... Maybe you'd cheat on me... Or something..." Virginia stops crying and now is really really mad at him. "You thought I'd WHAT?! Wolf! As you being a wolf, I know BETTER!! I know wolves stay together for life, and I want that too... With you, but please... Would you just stop being so suspicious of me?" Wolf swallows and sighs. "It's not that... It's just a thought you know... I can't help it, it's my animal part that thinks that... I can't really control it... It..."

Wolf gets interrupted by Virginia kissing him on the mouth. Their tongues touch. A servant comes speeding up at them. "Milady... Monsieur... The king asks you to come inside... Something has happened to... Your father ma'am..." The servant sighs and feels uncomfortable. Virginia stops kissing Wolf, though he keeps going on with the kissing. "Tell him we'll be there... In just a little while..." She laughs faintly and turns her attention back to Wolf. He makes her lay down on the bench, with him on top of her. "You in the mood? My mate?" he growls. Virginia grins devilish and nods...

Wendell paces up and down in Anthony's room. "Where are they... The servant said they'd be here in a minute... Well, it's been more than a minute now!" he scowls at the wardrobe. Then he shakes his head. "It's no use... Just what am I to do with you... Anthony..." he whispers. He sees Anthony wriggling a bit in his bed. Wendell creeps closer and stares at him. "So... Anthony... You still suck your thumb?" he giggles. Anthony mumbles something and rolls to the other side of the bed. Wendell takes seat at the other side of the bed and sighs. While looking outside, he just simply hopes he didn't kill Anthony. As he watches carefully over his huge garden, he sees two people making out. "Goodness, that's... Wolf and Virginia!" he shrieks.

Anthony opens his eyes, mumbling something softly. He goes to sit up straight and looks around the room. Then he sees Wendell looking back at him. "Oh, it's you... Wendell..." he softly sighs. Wendell smiles "Yes, well I'm not some troll waking you up or something. But yes... It's me... King Wendell at your service!" Wendell makes a little dance of joy. "Anthony is not dead! Yay! Now he can propose again... Or better not yet... He might just pass out again..." Anthony gets up from the bed and walks to the other side. "Just what is it with the thinking face, Wendell?" Wendell looks at Anthony, though the bright sun blinds him. "It... It's nothing, really..." he mumbles softly.

Anthony paces through the room. "You know... I sure hope you're not going to propose again!" He laughs out loud, but stops when he sees the stern face of the king. "Oh, you didn't propose? Too bad... Guess I've been dreaming again..." He stops and stares out of the window. Just in time to see Wolf and Virginia running towards the castle. "Hey... That's my daughter..." Anthony rubs his chin and turns around. Wendell looks a little less sad now, and tries not to be rude to his lover. "Anthony, you said you dreamt of me proposing to you... Is that a dream for real or just a plain nightmare to you?" Anthony sighs. "Hmm, I really don't know. For one thing, I don't feel uncomfortable by it, though I wouldn't see myself in a dress anywhere soon... I don't know what to think of it... It's just really awkward... I felt... Maybe even happy when you did propose..."

That's enough for Wendell to run towards him and kiss him on his mouth. Anthony first hesitates, tough gives in and kisses back. They hug each other tightly and kiss with their eyes closed. When Virginia comes rushing in, she screams. "Aaack, dad! What you doing?!" Anthony opens his eyes and sees king Wendell's forehead in front of him. He pushes him away softly and stares at his daughter. "Damn... Busted! And by my own daughter too..." Wendell shuffles himself behind Anthony and hugs him from behind. This time, Anthony doesn't resist even a bit. His voice does get higher though, when Wendell pokes him in his butt... And not with one of his hands...

"Virginia, what are you doing here?" he shrieks. Virginia stands frozen, watching it all happen. "I asked them to come... You fainted when we were... Talking..." Anthony raises one eyebrow and then looks at Virginia again. Wolf now comes bursting in, pointing at Anthony and Wendell. "How dare you, pervs!" Virginia slaps Wolf. "I told you not to use that word!" Wolf howls softly and then snuggles himself against Virginia. She pushes him away and walks up to her dad and the king. With a painfull face, Anthony toys with his mind: "No, noooo! Don't slap me!! ... Oh god, I'm starting to sound like a gay man now too..." Virginia sighs when she stands in front of her father. "You know... Do whatever you want, dad... I'm not your mother or something, so it's completely up to you. I do hope he makes you happy, for that's all that counts."

Anthony hugs his daughter and lets a tear flow over his cheek. Wolf howls: "Hey, let's not forget the series' hottie!" He storms through the room and hugs Virginia from behind now. He kisses her softly in her neck. Virginia looks at Wendell now, and blinks at him. Wendell blinks back. Wolf looks at Anthony now, faintly smiling. Anthony gives him the 'watch it, dude'-look. Then Wolf gives him the 'watch what'-look. "I'm too damn cute to get that kinds of looks!" he thinks, and he growls. "Okay, the hugging is now over!" Virginia shrieks as she can barely breathe. Anthony and Virginia let each other go, but Wendell clamps on to Anthony and Wolf still hugs his mate tightly.

Virginia looks at her father, being happy. "Well, I guess the emergency is over now?" she asks Wendell. Wendell stays silent. When Virginia turns away to leave, Anthony shrieks. "Virginia! Please don't go yet... You've barely arrived yet... Don't you want to see how your friends here are doing?" Virginia knows it's just an excuse to make her stay longer. Secretly, she wants to stay too. So she makes up her own excuse: "Well, I've never really seen any other castle than this... I'd like to see Red Riding Hood's or Cinderella's!" Wolf nods and lets go of Virginia now. "Yes, let's go to Red Riding Hood's castle! So I can EAT her!" Wolf grins devilish. He howls when Virginia slaps him in the face.

"Okay... Maybe not eat her... Just pay a... Visit then..?" Virginia sighs and shakes her head. "Wolf, you're unbelievable!" Wolf grins wide at her. Wendell lets go of Anthony now and shrieks: "Well, I do know how to get there... Just wait 'till I get someone to take over business here for a while..." Virginia gasps, as do Wolf and Anthony. "What? You don't expect me to stay here, do you? Oh no! I'm going on adventure along with you!" he laughs. Anthony looks stunned, confused and gasps at the same time. Wendell raises an eyebrow and pushes Anthony softly. Fortunately for him, he's close to the bed. For Anthony just falls backwards onto it. Virginia watches her father fall to the bed and when he has, she bursts out of laughter. Wolf and Wendell join in. Dear old Anthony...

When Anthony opens his eyes again, he is pulled up so he stands again. "Anthony, we're leaving... You ready yet?" Virginia laughs. Wendell smiles and jumps on Anthony's lap. "Come on, love! Let's go!" He kisses him in the neck and then jumps off again. "Come on now, love!" Anthony gasps and gets up. "What's all that about?" he asks his daughter. Virginia lifts her shoulders. "That's not for me to worry, dad!" And with that she walks back to Wolf. Wolf hugs her and kisses her. Anthony gets up and rubs his head. "Wow where'd I get myself into... I must've bumped my head really hard..."

And with that they take off on a new adventure!

Well? What d'you think?
Love R&R!!