A/N: With it only being 8 days to the US DVD release of the fourth season and 9 days to the fifth season preimere I thought it fitting to send out a top ten list as to why season five is going to be 1000 times better than season four. Enjoy!

Top Ten Reasons Season Five is Going to Be Better for DL Fans!

10. No writers' strike to shorten the season!

9. No horribly long plotlines that take up too much time to deal with (aka: Mac's Stalker or the Cabbie Killer)

8. We here online are so upset about season four that the writers, producers have to understand what we want to see.

7. No Rikki Sandoval to get in the way!

6. Danny's going to have the big stick that's been up his ass since Child's Play removed and will go back to being the loveable, adorable Danny Messer that we all know, love and miss!

5. Anna's baby girl is older and is requiring less of Anna's time so she may be able to do a semi-normal shooting schedule.

4. Either that or she's hired a kick-ass nanny to take care of that baby while she's at work so she'll have more time to devote to our obession that is Danny and Lindsay.

3. There will be less single crime episodes so the team will get broken up more and be able to have Danny and Lindsay work together more.

2. The letters, angry message board postings and all around whineage that we have done this summer will have gotten through TPTB and they will make CSI:NY the show it was during the 2nd and 3rd season!

and the number one reason why season five will be better than season four is because season five is the "changing of the rules" season. Cases in point: season five of That 70's Show: Jackie and Hyde get together; season five of ER: Doug and Carol finally quit playing ring around the rosy; season five of Gilmore Girls: Luke and Lorelai get together...Although I am sure that I can come up with many more cases to point out but this list is getting rather long and taking on a slightly angry tone and I should quit before I make TPTB really mad and the take away DL all together like season seven of Gilmore Girls.