After a huuuuge delay, here is the last chapter!! I hope it's roughly satisfactory. I just wanted to get it finished .

But now my new akuroku fic is up!! Oh, the excitement! It actually has a plot! Crazy.

Hope you guys like it! Thanks for sticking with me so long! You guys are awesome!! :DDD





"… You're… sitting."


"And Leon will be here in less than an hour."


Roxas shook his head in disbelief. "What have you done with my brother?"

"Oh, ha-ha. I'm already showered, dressed, and I'm having an awesome hair day. What else is there for me to do besides wait?"

"I don't know. Freak the hell out that Leon is going to be here in LESS THAN AN HOUR." He emphasized the last part, hoping that he just hadn't heard him the first time.

Cloud shrugged and said, "I'm ready for this. And besides, shouldn't you be off modeling dresses for Axel?"

Roxas glared at his brother. "I don't see why I have to model them anyway. Axel's the one with the hips!"

"Well then you can pick out a pretty dress for him too. Be sure to pick colors that complement each other though. Especially with Axel's hair the color it is…"

"This is all one big joke to you, isn't it?"

"Pretty much. Now get to it or I won't pay you."

Roxas grumbled curses under his breath as he left to go meet Axel at the dress shop.

Axel was waiting for him, lounging with his arms resting on the counter, reading a book he had brought to pass the time. He looked up upon hearing the door chime signaling Roxas's entrance.

Roxas averted his gaze away from the redhead. The memory of yesterday's occurrence made the air thick with awkwardness. It didn't help that the redhead wouldn't take his eyes off of him.

Roxas got the dress he was supposed to try on off of the rack near the counter, still trying to ignore Axel's gaze, but he could actually feel it, dammit. He couldn't take it anymore. He went right up to the counter where Axel was and threw the dress down on it.

"Okay, what the fuck?" Roxas demanded.

Axel blinked-finally- and feebly responded, "W-what?"

"The staring! It's freaking me the hell out!"

Axel looked lost for a moment, then something in his mind clicked. "Oh! Sorry. I didn't even realize…"

"Yeah, well… Cut it out, okay?"

"Sure, Rox… I-I mean Roxas," Axel hastily corrected himself.

"Dammit, Axel!" Roxas shouted and hit the counter in frustration, the action causing Axel to flinch and back away an inch or two. "Can you stop doing that? I'm not mad at you, alright? Well, no, I am mad. I'm mad that you didn't listen to me, and I'm mad that you always beat yourself up over these things instead of talking to me about them! But I'm really mad that you can't seem to accept the fact that I fucking love you!"

"You…You mean that?"

Roxas exhaled in relief of getting all of that off of his chest. "Yes, Axel."

"… I KNEW IT!"


Axel's sullen face had transformed into a shit-eating grin. "I always knew you loved me! All the beatings and put-downs were just signs of your affection! You looooove me!" Axel hopped over the counter and scooped Roxas up in his arms and started twirling around the room.

"The hell!? Put me down!!" Roxas protested as he attempted to squirm out of the redhead's grip.

Axel chuckled and set him back down on the floor. Roxas huffed and smoothed his rumpled clothing.

"But I'm still mad at you about yesterday!" Roxas added.

"Right…" Axel scratched the back of his head guiltily. "I am really sorry about that, Rox. Can I… Is there some way I can make it up to you?"

Roxas thought for moment, then came up with a perfect solution. "Yes. Yes there is."


The doorbell sounded and Cloud couldn't help the grin that automatically found its way onto his face. He hopped up from his seated position and skip- I mean, walked calmly over to the door. He paused at the door, took a deep, steadying breath, then opened it.

There stood Leon, blushing ever so faintly, wearing a white button-down shirt with a black vest and black pants. It was like the two of them switched fashion styles to impress each other. He really hoped his own outfit change was having as good as an effect on Leon as his was on him.

Leon gave him a surprised look-over and uttered, "Wow… You look fantastic." Then he blinked himself back to reality with a startled "Oh!" and brought out his hand from behind his back. "I got you these, too. I know they're kind of girly but I still think it's a nice gesture…"

Leon had bought him roses? Cloud didn't know what to say. He was taken completely aback. Cloud didn't know what else to do. He threw his arms around his neck, crushing the roses between them and gave him the most heart-felt kiss he could manage.

After recovering from the initial shock, Leon began to kiss him back, a hint of desperation to his affection. He felt Leon's free hand move up to the top of his neck to tangle in his hair and pull him closer.

"I've missed you," Leon managed between kisses.

"I missed you too, love." Cloud pulled him into a tight embrace, then pulled back, relieving the now smothered flowers. "Ehh… Sorry about that." Cloud said, taking the flowers from Leon to go put them in a vase. "They're beautiful. Thank you."

"Not too girly?" Leon asked, leaning against the doorway.

"Not at all." Cloud smiled in his direction as he arranged the roses in the vase in the most visually appealing way he could after their being crushed.

"Looks good." Leon commented as he strode over behind Cloud and wrapped his arms around his middle.

"Not as good as you." Cloud smirked. He held on to Leon's arms around him and turned his head to give him a kiss.

Leon let out a low growl of approval and bit Cloud's lower lip. Cloud groaned and turned around to face his lover, making sure to rub their hips together as he did so.

"Nn, Cloud, we need to talk." Leon begrudgingly pulled away.

Cloud tugged him back forward. "No need. We can use our lips for something much better."

Leon pushed back and held Cloud away from him at arm's length. "Really."

Cloud gave in, knowing that they did have a lot to discuss. Leon had been working things out with Kairi for the past week, and he was anxious to know the outcome. He had gotten swept up in just seeing Leon after being without him. "Sorry. Here," he gestured toward the couch from their position in the kitchen. "Let's go into the living room."

Leon nodded and followed Cloud to the couch. They both sat, but stayed rather rigid instead of sinking into the soft material. They were both pretty tense about discussing the matter at hand.

Leon took a deep, steadying breath and began telling Cloud his news.

"Kairi and I have been going over things. She was mad at first. Mostly mad that I didn't tell her. She was more… disappointed that our marriage wasn't going to work out. We had planned everything. As you know, she already had the dress and the time and place all worked out. Then I just went and ruined it all…" He shook his head sadly.

"You mean, I ruined it all." Cloud bowed his head, ashamed that he was the one that tore them apart.

Leon's hands were suddenly on either side of Cloud's jaw, tilting his head back up. "No, no, no, Cloud. It wasn't your fault. If it weren't for you I-… I… I would be alone. I mean, not physically, but…" He trailed off, unsure of how to finish.

Cloud met Leon's gaze and answered with a sad smile, "I know what you mean."

Leon tilted Cloud's head back down a fraction to give him a sincere kiss on the forehead before continuing.

"So we worked things out. We cancelled everything, but she obviously kept the dress. She likes it very much, you know." He gave Cloud a slight smile, complimenting his handiwork. Then the smile fell as he let out a sigh. "But I have yet to tell my parents… They won't be happy that I chose a life of supposed 'sin' over giving them grandchildren…"

"We could always adopt…?" Cloud offered.

"That's not really the point…"

"I know…"

Leon bent to rest his head on Cloud's shoulder. "Guess they'll just have to deal with it, huh?"

"Guess so." Cloud answered with a wry smile as he threaded his fingers through his lover's hair as a comforting gesture.

After a moment of comfortable silence, Cloud spoke up again. "So… everything's okay?"

Leon hummed in affirmation.

"So…" Cloud twirled his finger around in Leon's hair, "can we make out now?"

Leon chuckled against Cloud's chest and moved his head up slightly to murmur a "Sure," into Cloud's neck, followed closely by a kiss.

Cloud couldn't help the involuntary shiver at this. He angled his neck to give Leon more skin to kiss.

Leon happily bestowed a trail of open-mouthed kisses on the formerly unreachable skin. He paused at his pulse point to suck and nibble at the skin there, giving Cloud a perfectly shaped bruise.

Cloud mewled softly and tangled his fingers in Leon's hair. When Leon was fully satisfied with the hickey, he moved on to Cloud lips. Cloud responded instantly by shoving his tongue past Leon's lips and coaxing his out along with it. Leon was more than willing. He adjusted his position so that he was more on top of Cloud, shoving the blond back against the back of the couch. Leon was now on his knees, straddling Cloud's thighs while managing to keep his balance. Damn, this was hot. He even tilted Cloud's head up so he wouldn't have to break the kiss as he moved. He was so very considerate.

Searching hands wandered down Leon's back to his oh-so-perfect ass. Leon responded by deepening the kiss and letting his hands roam down his neck, across his chest, and to the bottom hem of his shirt. He slipped his hands underneath to trace the contours of Cloud's chiseled abdomen. The blond's skin quivered as Leon's wandering hands slowly lifted his shirt. But Cloud wanted it off now. He relieved Leon of his suave attempt to sneak his shirt off by yanking it off himself and tossing it onto the floor.

Leon was taken aback just for a moment before a slight smirk graced his features. The brunet deftly removed his vest, but his button-down shirt proved to be a bit more troublesome. He wasn't used to wearing one and was struggling with the buttons. Cloud noticed his plight and aided him in his clothes removal, earning Leon the slightest bit of future teasing.

When the two finally got the accursed garment off, they didn't hesitate to make use of the newly exposed skin. Leon took the opportunity to completely press himself into Cloud, since he was beginning to lose his balance anyway, and elicited a longing moan from the blond.

Cloud then decided the couch was too constricting. He nudged Leon forward, hoping he would get the hint, but the brunet just thought the younger male was arching into him to create more friction. Cloud let out a low growl and muttered, "Floor," into the older man's shoulder before biting it to emphasize his motive.

Leon definitely got it that time. The two males less-than-gracefully made it to the floor, all the while struggling for dominance over each other. Cloud knew he would give it to Leon, but that wouldn't keep him from having some fun with it along the way. Leon needed to know that he would have to work for it.

Cloud moaned loudly as Leon's hand found its way into his pants. The blond's fingers dug into his lover's bare skin as the older man wrapped his hand around him. Leon did everything he could to please Cloud; to get him to cry out his name. As much as Leon wanted it, they lacked lube, and the last thing he wanted was to hurt Cloud.

Stars exploded in Cloud's vision as he reached his climax, Leon following not long after. Cloud slumped against him as he rode out the last of his orgasm. Leon's strong arms wrapped around him and held him close. They stayed there, basking in the tranquility and utter completeness of knowing that they could finally truly be together.

As Leon lazily drew designs across Cloud's skin, the blond turned to him. "Want to go to my room?" he asked, voice laced with intention.

A smirk tugged at Leon's lips. "I thought you'd never ask."


"I am not going out there like this, Rox."

"If you're not coming out, I'm coming in."

"Ugh. Fine, fine. Gimme a minute."

Roxas leaned against the counter, waiting for his boyfriend to come out of his dressing room. A smug smile had plastered itself on his face.

"Rox…" Axel whimpered from inside the room.

Roxas rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on. It can't be that bad."

"Oh, it can, and it is." As Axel spoke, he pushed the door open, slowly revealing himself to the blond.

Axel was wearing a slinky little black dress. To compliment his natural curves, Roxas chose to give him grapefruits to fill the bra he was wearing, to flush out the look.

Roxas did all he could to keep from bursting out in laughter, but he simply couldn't contain it. He doubled over in guffaws at the redhead's appearance.

"Shut it, asshole!" Axel pointed a threatening finger at him as he advanced toward him menacingly. Well, it have been menacing if it weren't for the fact that he was in a dress and after two steps he practically fell over due to his black stilettos.

Roxas wiped the tears from his eyes as he got over his laughing spell. "I don't know, Axel. I'd say you look pretty good in a dress."

"Ya think?" Axel bent and twisted to get a better view of himself.

"The grapefruit really helps." Roxas snickered.

"The bra was fucking annoying though. You better not get used to wearing them, Rox, because I'm sure as hell not going to deal with the task of removing them all the time."

"You seriously have that much trouble with them? It's not rocket science, hon."

Despite the stilettos, Axel was at Roxas's side in an instant. "Well maybe you could teach me. Let's start with you removing the one on me right now." Axel leaned in close and licked Roxas's ear suggestively.


… Axel blinked. "… Uh, I'm sorry. I think my fantasies have gotten a little out of hand and have somehow gotten out into the real world. What did you really say?"

"Sure, Axel." Roxas moved from his position to get behind Axel in order to save the redhead from the feminine enigma.

Axel was dumbfounded. His mouth opened and closed with words he couldn't articulate. In fact, he was so far distracted that he didn't notice that Roxas had pulled the material of the bra tight and was tying it into a knot.

"Um… Rox? I think you might have messed up. It feels a whole lot tighter now…" Axel looked over his shouler, but found that the blond was no longer behind him.

Axel spun around to make sure he hadn't just looked over him, considering his small stature, and called out again. "Roxy?"

No answer. No Roxas to be found.

Axel reached a hand up his back to figure out what Roxas had done. His eyes grew wide as his hands fell upon the knot.



Theeee Ennnd! Thanks again for reading, guys!! (Be sure to check out my new fic! :D)