A/N: Well I'm thankful for the reviews I got, so I hope you enjoy this new chapter. I'm sorry if Shane still seems a little mean, but I'm not ready for him to be nice to anyone but Mitchie for now lol. So thanks for reading and please R&R.

Thanks to: djdangerlove-x (who gets the first review award for this chapter!), casey08, readergirl85, -, lilbambi2, daisherz365, 9996 characters, jajaja, Dani Mars, glossygirl125, Mizuki Anne and lilgrasshopper29. For all of your reviews they all made me happy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Camp Rock.


The noise had finally calmed down and Shane was at the dock for a good 10 minutes before he saw Mitchie approaching him. He smiled to himself and waited for her to get closer to him. He knew she wouldn't like it if he went over and helped her to him instead of letting her find her own way. He watched her as she got close to him, when she paused seeming to have sensed or heard him, recognizing his presence. "Shane?" She breathed out. He looked down at her and smirked "Yea, who else would it be?"

She grinned and enveloped him in a hug; "Hey" she said when she pulled away and looked up at him. "Hey, so how about another canoe ride?" he asked. She smiled and nodded in agreement. Shane took her hand and led her down to the canoe. He helped her get in first and he got in soon after, he handed her a paddle while he picked up his own. The rowed out to the middle of the lake in silence, when they got there Shane stopped rowing and Mitchie stopped soon afterwards.

"So how does it feel to be in another canoe ride with the one and only Shane Gray?" Shane smirked.

Mitchie laugh. "Shane? Man I was hoping you were Jason, dang! Wrong group member!" She joked. Shane put his hand across his heart and feigned hurt. "Wow Mitchie, you hurt me."

"Please, no one can bring down that giant ego of yours." She said then they both burst out in laughter.

"Mitchie?" Shane asked seriously


"Do you know what I look like?" he asked. "Not to be rude but I've just been wondering and it's totally ok if you don't want to answ…" Mitchie cut him off scooting toward the middle of the boat.

"Yes Shane I know what you look like." She smiled sweetly at him to let him know it was ok. "Before… you know, the accident, I used to see you on TV and on posters and stuff."

"Oh so you were a fan?" Shane smirked trying to lighten the situation, scooting towards the middle where Mitchie was.

"Oh please! You wish!"

"Oh I know you were the waiting in line all night for tickets, posters all over your walls; I wish he would marry me! Type of fan" Shane exaggerated.

"Oh my gosh, I never even…." But before she could finish that sentence Shane's lips were on hers. The kiss took Mitchie by surprise, so much so it took a moment for her to start responding, but as soon as she started he pulled away.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to do that. Well not that I didn't want to do that, I did, for a long time, and..." Mitchie smiled, she had never heard Shane nervously ramble so she let him continue. "I don't mean to pressure you, I really like you Mitchie and I would never do anything…." Now Mitchie interrupted his ramble by placing her hand on his cheek. He paused as to anticipate her next move. She ran her had across his jaw rubbing his lips with her thumb as to make sure she knew where they were. When she placed her hand under his jaw and brought his face towards hers. He let his face follow where her hand was leading it. When his face was closed enough she placed her lips on his. The kiss only lasted for a few seconds but it seemed much longer. Mitchie pulled away first, a little out of breath.

There was an awkward pause before Mitchie looked over at Shane and smiled. He returned her smile even though he knew she couldn't see it. He took her hand in his and starting tracing circles with his thumb.

"Was it…" Mitchie said nervously turning to him "Was it ok?" She asked now turning to look away from him.

"No" He started "It was great" He grinned. She turned around and smiled at him. "What time is it?"

"9:30, why?"

"Oh great, I told my mom I'd be back by then." She said glumly "I have to go."

"It's ok." He said while moving back to his side of the boat picking up his paddle. "So would you mind if I walked you?"

"I'd love that." Mitchie said.


"Well you back late." Nate greeted as Shane walked in. "Where were you?"


"Out where?" Nate asked.

"None of your business, but if you really want to know I went to take a canoe ride in the lake." Shane responded taking a seat on his bed.

"You, went out on the lake at night by yourself?" Nate asked suspiciously.

"Yea." Shane said getting annoyed. "Your point?"

"I'm just saying, you have been acting a little weird, and you get really defensive really easily..."

"Nate" Shane interrupted.


"Drop it." He stated flatly.

"Ok." Nate said smirking to himself.

"So" Shane said "Where is Jason at anyway? I haven't seen him around since the performance." Nate laughed to himself.

"Oh yea about that, I think that he found somebody to make birdhouses with or something, probably someone as retarded as him."

Nate and Shane laughed together.

"Excited for Final Jam?" Nate asked.

"You mean am I ready to have to sit through some shitty performances and try and find something nice about them. Yea I can't wait." He said sarcastically, but then he thought of sitting through Mitchie's performance, and smiled to himself. At least he had one good performance to look forward to. His smile didn't go unnoticed by Nate but he kept his comments to himself.

"Aren't you supposed to do a finale song with the whole camp? How's that going?"

"Bad, nobody at this camp can fucking dance, and I'm supposed to change that in a matter of a few weeks? It's bad enough that I have to teach them to sing so we don't sound like crap!" Just then the doors to their cabin burst open and Jason came hopping in with a big smile on his face.

"Look guys!" He said holding up his birdhouse "I made a birdhouse!"


The next day Shane went to Mitchie's cabin in hopes of asking her this question that's been on his mind lately. He went up to the cabin and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" He heard Mitchie ask from inside the cabin.

"It's me, he said, Shane." He yelled through the door.

"Oh! Come in, it's unlocked." She said.

He was confused as to whether he should just go in or not. He hasn't met her mother so if her mother was in there he didn't want to be in any awkward situations. But he went in anyway and thankfully her mother wasn't in there, just Mitchie sitting on the couch in the cabin. He looked around and noticed that everything was put up and even the beds were made, he was amazed at how clean it was. Hearing him walk in Mitchie patted the seat next to her and said "You can sit here if you'd like."

Shane sat next to her. "Mitchie I have this question I want to ask you, it's ok if you say no I just really want to ask you this before I lose my nerve.

Mitchie looked at him expectantly, so he continued.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"


A/N: Well I hope you liked it, if you have any ideas feel free to tell me. So please REVIEW! Even if it's just to tell me you read it. Oh and please excuse grammar mistakes, I might go and fix them later.