A/N: Hello, I'm back. I took a long break because of my grandma, and she passed away on June 20th. It's still pretty hard to handle, but I've been writing another fic to deal with it. Now, I feel I need to finish this one. It's not fair to leave it hanging. I hope you guys will still follow it, because I intend to wrap it up within 3-5 chapters. I may go over that, depending on how many people tell me they're still following or if I get any ideas. This one has been In progress for too long. I'm basically done with Fruits Basket, so I need this out of the way for closure on this fandom. Who knows, maybe one day I'll want to write another one. But that's a huge maybe.

Thanks to anyone who reviewed, alerted, or favorited while I've been away. I appreciate all of your feedback and hope you all see this to it's finish.

Chapter Twelve: No Less Stress

For Tohru Honda, realizing that she needed to calm down and stop her stressing was good news. However, it was proving much more difficult to do than she was willing to admit.

Three weeks following her episode with the baby, a late April Sunday, she was standing in the kitchen at the home of Shigure, silently stirring some chicken soup in a large, silver pot. She had managed to avoid speaking too deeply to the two males causing her stress, and had been stolen away by Hana and Uo many times for 'get away from it all' days. Mine and Ayame had been so supportive, calling her constantly, always stopping by randomly. It was quite a bit of attention; more than she liked, if she was being completely honest with herself.

"Hey, Tohru," Kyo entered the kitchen, eyes guarded as he leaned his body against the counter to look at her. "How're you feeling?"

Tohru smiled, a smile that was beginning to annoy her every time it cracked across her lips. "I'm fine, Kyo-Kun, just like I was twenty minutes ago." She forced the kindness in her voice, feeling so unlike herself as she thought about throwing the soup on the floor. Maybe it's just the hormones. Hatori did say that expecting woman tend to act irrationally...

"Yeah, I know I asked you before." Kyo studied her appearance, his eyes softening as his gaze lingered on her protruding abdomen. "It's just, you seem so calm. I've been nuts worrying..."

Tohru lowered her head, not wanting him to see the tears threatening to fall. She had been hiding her stress from everyone, trying to sort her mind and heart out. Momiji had been sweet, but distant at the same time. Though it was horrible for her to think it, she was honestly relieved. Having Kyo around her 24/7 was not helping her decide what she felt. Yeah, she knew she loved Kyo, but what was she supposed to do about that? It wasn't like he loved her back.


She looked up, their eyes meeting and sending swooping sensations through her stomach. God, she loved him so much, but he couldn't feel the same. There was just no way.

"Then why would he do the ultimate act of love with you?"

The questions wasn't her own; it was Kakeru's. She had confided this thought to him, and that had been his retort. Another question. As though she hadn't thought about that a million times, asking herself that same questions for days after they had done it. What did it mean? Why did he do it? What was he going to say? What in the world is wrong with me? Why do I love him so much?

Frankly, she was getting tired of herself.

"Tohru, hello?" Kyo pushed away from the counter and grasped her shoulders firmly, looking from her left eye to the right, then back again. "What is wrong with you?"

Tohru shook her head, tearing her eyes away from his and blinking several times. "I'm sorry, Kyo-Kun, I was just thinking..."

Kyo nodded, not believing her for a second. He knew she was putting on an act, that was painfully obvious to him and few others. She still didn't remember what had happened exactly, but she admitted to being extremely stressed out.

He released his grip on her shoulders, allowing her to continue with the soup and fall silent. The whole situation was turning everything upside down. While everyone was fretting over her, they were also not really noticing how she was feeling. Kyo could see it. When it came to Tohru, there was nothing he couldn't see.

"Well, you can't see how much she wants to spend time with you, that's for sure."

Kakeru had said that to him when he angrily told him that Tohru was no mystery to him. He was starting to doubt Kakeru's confidence in Tohru wanting to spend more time with him. She had started acting this way, so falsely cheerful, only after Momiji had become distant. It was becoming obvious to him that Momiji was the one that she wanted.

A painful swelling loomed in his chest. Boy, I'm really screwed... I love her and she loves Momiji.

"Knock knock, hello."

Kyo grinded his teeth as Momiji's voice came from the living room. He hadn't even heard the door open. Damn my luck, the stupid kid shows up...

Yuki entered the kitchen, closely followed by the timid looking Momiji. "Hello, Honda-San, is that chicken soup?" Yuki stepped over to the stove, glancing in to the pot and smelling the air. "Smells good."

Tohru smiled. "Thank you Yuki-Kun, it should be ready soon."

Kyo settled a glare on Momiji as the blonde stood awkwardly in the doorway, seeming to debate whether or not he should chance stepping in to the kitchen. He had never liked Momiji much in the first place. Since they were kids he got on his nerves, but now he was slowly becoming the person he couldn't stand most in the world.

"Momiji-Kun, are you staying for dinner?" Tohru asked without turning around to look at him.

"Um, I don't know..." The blonde trailed off awkwardly, earning a concerned look from Yuki. "Do you want me to?" He asked hopefully.

Tohru turned around and smiled at him, a forced smile. "If you want to, you can."

The kitchen fell silent, the only sound was the spoon clinking against the sides of the pot as Tohru stirred the soup. The tension was thick, and each person could feel the pressure of the situation.

Kyo couldn't take it. He pushed away from the counter and walked past Momiji, who had moved from the door way. Smart kid... Kyo thought, knowing he was building up a mood and had the bad habit of taking it out on anyone in his path.

"I've gotta go do..." Yuki said awkwardly, searching his mind for an excuse to get out of there. "Pull the weeds." He brushed past Momiji swiftly, heading up the stairs rather than outside.

Once both of the boys were out of earshot, Momiji took careful steps toward Tohru, uncertain if he should even try talking to her. He placed a careful hand on her shoulder, and she tensed.

"Tohru, can I talk to you?" He asked, his voice miserable and pitiful.

Tohru nodded stiffly. "Sure, Momiji-Kun, what about?"

There was no need to beat around the bush for him, it was painfully obvious that there were some very confusing things they needed to discuss. "I want to talk about us."

Tohru reached forward and turned off the stove, then wiped her hands on a kitchen towel lying on the counter. Turning around to face him, she felt the weight of the situation. "Okay." She replied simply. There was no way she wanted to start the conversation.

Taking a deep breath and a small step back, Momiji glued his eyes to the floor. "Tohru, I need to know how you feel about me."

Tohru shifted awkwardly. "I like you Momiji-Kun, you're a wonderful person."

"No, no don't answer me like that." He shook his head, his voice rising. "I don't want to hear about being a great person or anything like that. I want to know if you like me the way I like you."

Tohru raised her brows. She was regretting agreeing to talk to him. "What do you...?"

Momiji looked up, his eyes meeting hers with a hard, cold look. "You already know how I fell about you. I like you a lot, I want to be with you, but I don't know what to think of you. One minute, we're having a blast and we kiss, then the next thing I know you're ignoring me for days."

"I do not ignore you." Tohru said defensively. It felt like an attack more than anything. "I never ignore you."

"Oh, yes you do!" He spat harshly, his stance changing from nervous to forceful. "You don't take my calls, you make up all sorts of excuses no to be around me. I thought you were different from other people, Tohru. I thought you were kind."

Tohru leaned back against the stove, physically recoiling from his words. "Momiji-Kun...?"

He turned away from her, shaking his head to himself. "I'm so stupid for ever thinking that you could return my affection. Kyo has always been the one, since we all met you and started getting to know you." He placed his hands on his hips, continuing to shake his head. "I'm not gonna wait around and be second choice to you, okay?"

With that, he seemed to be overcome with emotion, for he turned around and quickly walked out, leaving a shocked and upset Tohru behind.

Glancing at a little slip of paper clutched between his fingers, Kyo walked down a quiet street, searching for a particular place he knew to be there. He was so glad that it was Sunday, and there was nobody around to see him headed in that direction.

He finally found the right address, and grimaced at the clothing shop owned by Ayame Sohma. If it wasn't for his need to speak with the obnoxious man, he would never go anywhere near the place. Just from the sidewalk he could see the sort of outfits the pervert sold, and it made his stomach turn.

He took long strides up the paved walkway, then pushed open the door, glad that there was no need to knock. A bell chimed as he allowed the door to close behind him, and he glanced around, relieved to find no customers shopping for such clothing.

"Hello, welcome to my shop, how may I-" Ayame strode out of the back room, cut short when his eyes found Kyo awkwardly standing by the door. "Ah, Kyonkichi, what an unpleasant surprise!" Ayame laughed and clapped his hands together. "Don't tell me you've come to buy something for little miss Tohru Honda?"

Kyo blanched, then spoke in a firm voice. "I need to talk to you."

Ayame studied the young teen for a moment, then turned around and shut the door heading to the back. He took careful around the counter and then toward Kyo, stopping only when there was four feet between them. "I'll talk to you, but do not yell; Mine is on the phone, and I don't want her to worry unnecessarily."

Kyo didn't really care about that, but figured if there was any chance of getting his message across, he needed to be civil. For a while.

He cut to the point. "What did you tell my Shishou to make him pull back from taking the baby?"

Ayame looked taken aback, crossing his arms over his chest. "What does it matter?"

"Because, my Shishou wanted another chance at raising a kid." Kyo stood erect, narrowing his eyes at the older man. "But then you went over there, and he said some crap about you wanting to be a dad more than anything. Now, that's my kid too! It seems like everyone has forgotten that, always going to Tohru and asking her about all the decisions."

Ayame nodded his head slowly, a serious side to him taking over. "She told us that you agreed to our taking the child."

"Yeah, well, I only agreed to make peace with her." Kyo fought the urge to laugh, amused that Ayame could actually think that he would honestly agree to such a thing. "I don't want you raising my kid, you're not parent material."

Ayame nodded again, patiently listening to Kyo's words. "And what makes you think that?"

Kyo's mouth fell open. "You're the most selfish, egotistical, attention seeking sponge I've ever known!" His voice rose, anger surfacing. "How could you pull your attention away from yourself long enough to raise a kid?"

"Listen, child," Ayame took a few steps closer. "How I act now, and how I act when I have the responsibility of a child are two different ways. I want to be a father, and I've sacrificed a lot so far in my life for the opportunity."

"I don't care!" Kyo shouted. He couldn't help it. That idiot wasn't getting the point.

"At the end of the day, it's not your kid."

"You don't have to say that, you know. It's very rude." Ayame said calmly.

"It's the truth."

"Since when has the truth always been the best way to go?"

Kyo scoffed. "You, Shishou, and no one else should have that kid." He pointed to himself. "I want to raise that kid, it's mine and Tohru's, and we should be the one's to do it!"

Ayame raised a brow, somewhat surprised at the outburst. Kyo, however, felt an odd feeling of relief flow through him. He had felt that way for a while, but could never admit to himself. He wanted to keep the child, he wanted it more than anything. The only thing stopping him was Tohru, with her insane desire to hand the kid over to Ayame and whatshername.

Ayame placed a gentle hand on Kyo's shoulder. "Maybe you should go home and talk to the little flower, huh?"

Kyo nodded, feeling out of it as he turned and walked back out in to the street. It was odd to know the truth, but at the same time be aware of how unrealistic his desire was. To keep the kid, he would need help. Tohru would help no doubt, but it wouldn't be right.

Deciding he should probably avoid the house for a few hours, he headed toward his Shishou's house, intending to clear his thoughts and decide whether or not he should tell Tohru.

A/N: I know it's short, but I'm trying to get back in the groove. Review please, let me know if you give a crap to follow this anymore.