I know it took a long time but I have been busy…I got a job so I have been very preoccupied with that. But anyway I really hope you like this chapter I personally really like it!
So anyway please review after you read it I would love to know what you think
I don't own anything.
I walk into the dance studio and see the secretary at her desk typing away. I arrived a little early hoping to get some alone time with Ashley.
As I approach the hallway leading to our classroom I notice her leaning against the doorframe. She takes one look at me smiles and then turns and disappears into the classroom.
I quicken my pace a little and as I reach the door I open it and come literally face to face with Ashley. She is right there standing no more than 6 inches away from me. I am a little startled I mean come on who would be expecting that but the thing that startles me even more is instead of backing away she leans in and kisses me. Not a long kiss but definitely long enough to get my heart racing. She pulls away quickly, leaning her head against mine and says, "I wish I would have done that last night."
"Would it be too cheesy if I said me too?" I say smiling
"Maybe just a little." She laughs and leans in again. Only this time I am not taken by surprise and am able to fully respond. I bring my hand up and take hold of her neck pulling her farther into me and deepening the kiss. I feel her hand on my side slowly but not without need reaching under my shirt gliding her hand up and down my back.
I push her backward breaking the kiss trying to completely enter the room, which she seems to understand, and backs up allowing me to shut the door. Once the door is shut she looks at me smirks and roughly but somehow still cautiously pushes me up against the wall. Now if any of you doubt that being pushed into a wall could be sexy then you all are seriously mistaken, especially if it was Ashley who did the pushing.
I go in to kiss her again and she puts her finger up to my mouth, "Spencer"
"Spencer" she says again.
"WHAT!!!" I yell opening my eyes and looking over toward my bedroom door.
"Mom told me to wake you up and let you know breakfast is ready… So get up!" boom he says pounding his fist on my door and going back downstairs.
What the hell! You know when you have a dream and you wake up and thank god it wasn't real….well this is not one of those times.
I sit up and wipe the sweat from my forehead crawling out of bed and going downstairs taking my usual seat at the table.
"So Spencer how was your date last night?" My mother asks me while spooning some eggs onto my plate.
Well she sure doesn't waste any time. "It was pretty good…" It was not only good but it was also successful in confusing the heck out of me. I mean who knew the lack of a move could be so unsettling.
"Yeah it was!… and I figured out why I didn't get that kiss,"
"Oh you did huh?" Ha this should be good.
"Yeah cause poor Ashley doesn't think she's good enough for me, and while I could see how she could come to that conclusion, all I got to do is let her know I'm into it and she'll fall right into the very beautiful open arms." He says and then proceeds to take a rather large bite of his pancakes.
I roll my eyes not even bothering to object to his clearly warped point of view because in the end it actually would be hilarious to see him make an ass out of himself.
I finish up breakfast and head up to my room; the thought of staying in all day and doing nothing is just too appealing to pass up.
I grab my laptop and plop down on my bed opening up the web browser and first thing I do is check my email. There is a few of those chain letters from friends you know the ones that are like send this to 10 people in the next twenty minutes or tomorrow you will die! Stupid stuff like that and then I notice an email addressed to me from the dance studio.
I open the email and its an announcement letting me know some of the new classes they will be offering this fall and below it is a link to their web site. I click on it and start browsing the page. It's what to be expected, you know the specials they are running this month and a list of everything they offer; and up in the top right corner is a little tab that says, "Meet the Staff".
I open it and I see names accompanied with photos of everyone who works there. I notice the secretary and a few other people I recognize but not the one I want to see. Finally I see her picture right above, her sisters I presume, she looks a little younger in the picture compared to now but still gorgeous.
There's a little bio next to her name and as I read it informs me that her and her sister co-own the dance studio together, that she is 18 years old, and she teaches jazz and hip-hop classes.
I quickly scan her sisters and then after looking through the site a little longer I click off. The next few hours are spent just going onto random sites and taking a few quizzes and hey now Glen cant call me dumb anymore because I took an IQ test and it said my IQ is 114 which is above the norm for my age group so HA!
I hear a knock on my door and Clay enters. "Hey Spence so tell me how was the date?" he says taking a seat next to me on the bed.
"Uhh it was pretty good except that I was on a date with the wrong person." I love talking to Clay he is the only one I can really let loose with.
"Yeah I hear that, Glen can't stop talking about it though."
"Glen is a dumb ass!"
"Yeah he does seem to be missing those few important chromosomes that grace a person with their sensitivity."
"Haha you're telling me…"
"But really how did it go? Did you get the feeling she was really all that into Glen?"
"Well no not really but its so hard to tell…she didn't kiss him."
"There is that, which I have to say I would love to have seen."
"It actually was really funny he like leans in and right as he is about to touch lip she turns her head haha he looked like a wounded puppy it was hilarious." I say imitating the look of sheer surprise and disappointment that graced Glens face the night before earning a laugh from Clay.
"Nice! Well don't give up okay it sounds like she might just be your type after all." He smiles and gets up rubbing my head and leaves the room.
The rest of the day was spent doing pretty much the same thing…nothing. However halfway through the afternoon the boys roped me into playing a game of two on one basketball. Clay and I verses Glen and I REALLY wish I could say that Clay and I kicked his ass but regretfully we lost by five points. When I said my brother was an old fashioned jock I really meant it, though he may be lacking a lot in other categories he is quite skilled in the athletics department.
We had just finished up dinner and I was walking into my room when the phone rang. It was immediately picked up so I just dismissed it and went back to what I was doing. However a couple minutes later there was a knock on my door and Glen walked in throwing the phone on my bed.
"Here…its for you and when your done I wanna talk to her." He said before walking out.
Confused I picked up the phone, "Hello?"
"Hey Spencer its Ashley…" ok so I was not expecting that.
"Hey Ashley what's up?" I asked sounding a lot more nervous than I would have liked.
"Nothing I was just calling to let you know that tomorrow you will need to bring some tennis shoes, we will be doing some running tomorrow."
"Oh ok sounds good."
"Yeah and sorry it is so late I had to call all of the girls in my classes and you were one of the last on my list."
"Oh that sucks and it's no problem."
"Well anyway what did you do today?" Hum doesn't she have anyone else to call? Oh well I'm not complaining.
"Umm nothing really just hung at home and played on the computer stuff like that." And I went to your businesses web site and read all about you. Ok so that sounded a little creepy.
"Nice…so did you have fun last night?" She asked
"It was fun what about you?"
"Yeah I liked it but I don't think your brother and I will work out the way he wants us to though."
"Oh really?" I say hoping I didn't sound as excited as I actually was.
"Yeah I just didn't get that feeling…you know the one where every time you see them you just cant help but smile and you spend the whole day thinking about them and when you might get to see them next."
"Oh that feeling" You mean the one I get whenever I see you.
"Yeah anyway what about you and Patrick I saw that lip lock you two shared any sparkage there?"
Gosh I cannot tell how much there is not a spark. "Um not really he's a nice guy and all but I just don't think it's going to work."
"Oh too bad…you're going to break his heart." She sarcastically stated.
"Haha I hope not."
"Well I have to go a few more people to call and I will see you tomorrow."
"Yeah see you tomorrow." I said and listened to the phone line go dead as she hung up.
Smiling I got up and walked down the stairs to put the phone on the hook. I noticed my brother Clay sitting on the couch watching TV with Glen.
When Glen saw me he got up and walked over to me complaining, "Spencer what the hell you were supposed to let me talk to her when you were done!"
"Sorry Glen she had to go."
"Well did you tell her I wanted to talk to her cause I'm sure she wouldn't have minded."
Ok I am so sick of him and his stupid ego its time to take it down a peg.
"You know what Glen she didn't want to talk to you. Its high time you realize that not all girls are impressed by your so called charm and I'm sorry to tell you but the reason she didn't kiss you wasn't because she didn't think she was good enough…it was because she didn't want to. Sorry but I don't think its going to work out between you two." I said roughing putting the phone in its base.
I walked past him and noticed Clay sitting on the couch giving me the biggest grin. I just smiled back at him and then proceeded up the stairs and into my room.
There it is I hope you liked it…
Please go and review I really want to know what you thought.
Sorry it's a little shorter than normal but next one will be longer.
I am in a writing mood lately so I am certain the next chapter will be out fairly soon.
P.S. I would like to know how many of you have read any of my other stories and if you have which one so far is your favorite?
Hope to get your answer. Thanks for reading
Oh yeah thanks Ladytink2011, satincanopy, julesl, seyheystevierey, pendulum666, conscious, coachkimm, and Spashley89 especially you