Don't Make Me Regret (Part 2)

alright everyone! here is part two of the HUGE story, Don't Make Me Regret. If you have not read Don't Make Me Regret, then do not read this! Go read the first one!!

As for the rest of you, I hope you enjoyed part 1, and will continue to enjoy part 2. its been a joy writing it, and i cant wait to see it finished. (who knows when that will be lol).

so here it is! starting with the last bit of chapter 25 (for a refresher), then on into chapter 26! please R&R!


Chapter 25 The War Has Begun, last scene clips

The faces of his friends flashed through his mind. Everyone who was counting on him. If he died, he would be letting them all down...

Then he heard something he never expected...

"Stop!" Petunia screamed.

Her husband ignored her, completely in a zone of hatred. She reached over and pulled on Vernon's back, grabbing at his arms as he swung. He was too strong however and he yanked her forward. She landed on the ground with a thud next to her husband, then crawled between him and Harry, shouting all the while.

"Leave him alone! Vernon stop..." then he hit her.

Petunia was jarred back into Harry's chest. The second she hit his chest, Harry saw a blue haze emmit from her and fade into him. He knew he had gained the selfless love protection. His aunt just saved him.


Finally, he had him right where he wanted him.

With a triple casting, Draco was thrown to the ground in shackles, unprepared by the triple attack. His father laughed.

Lucius strutted to where Draco lay squirming on the ground. He kneeled down and grabbed him by the shirt.

"I will break you." came the hiss of Voldemort from Lucius' tongue.

He stupified Draco, then apparated away, leaving the rest of the Death Eaters and Aurors to battle it out.


Remus pulled Harry into his chest, rubbing soothing circles on his back. He locked eyes with a worried Severus.

The war had begun. The first attack had been made on Harry's life. A full blow out in a muggle town had erupted. Draco was missing. And no one knew what they were going to do.

Chapter 26 Longing for Stability

It was getting late. Most people had gone their separate ways. The Weasleys and Hermione went back to the flat; Hagrid and Minerva went back to Hogwarts; the other members dispersed to their own homes. Albus had gone upstairs to show Luna and Neville to the dorm hall where they could stay, then check on the Dursleys. The only ones waiting in the den were Harry, Remus, and Severus.

Harry paced the room, limping from the pain in his leg and stomach. He was on edge. He couldn't sit still. Draco was out there somewhere, and he felt like he could have prevented it. If he had just told Draco where he was going, maybe this whole thing could have been prevented somehow. He did gain the protection from his aunt, which he thought was the most important thing before. Now, he wasn't so sure. He paused and clutched his side, coughing up more blood.

Remus couldn't take it anymore. He had been sitting here for hours with Harry, watching him pace back and forth with worry. Sure Remus was worried about Draco, but the main thing on his mind, was how Harry had ended up so beaten..his uncle..the rapes.

"Harry, sit down. You're just bothering your injuries, please, rest is what you need." Remus pleaded.

"Rest? How am I supposed to rest!" Harry said. His voice laden with exhaustion.

"I think you will find it easier than you believe. Staying awake all night with your injuries won't bring Draco back any sooner. If you expect to live it out for him to come back then I suggest you do us all a favor and get some rest." Severus ordered.

Harry wanted to argue, more than anything, but he knew there was nothing he could do. It was the hardest thing to admit.

"We have Order members looking for Draco, trading shifts every few hours. We are doing what we can to find him. You are going to take a few potions, and go to sleep. You need to heal if you expect to help." Remus said gently as he walked to Harry's side.

Severus left the den to gather a few potions for Harry. The teen sighed when he was gone.

"I just feel like there is something I should be doing. I feel useless."

"Well, you will be useless if you don't heal up and get some rest. I'm going to make sure Severus gets rest too. He's been through too much today as well." Remus said, shuffling Harry's raven locks.

"I'm glad you're back Remus. I just want to know why you left."

"We will have a nice long talk about it some other time. Apparently there are a few things we all need to talk about. Dumbledore is not happy with any of us at the moment."

Harry looked down and nodded, knowing that he had to talk about the rapings. It wasn't something he was looking forward to. Severus came back into the den with a satchel of potions.

"Let's go." Snape ushered.

The three eventually made it up to Harry's room, having to pause a few times for both Severus' and Harry's sakes. Remus hated seeing them in pain.

Harry went to the bathroom to get ready for bed, while Severus picked out the potions and set them on the table and Remus got the bed ready.

"Alright, climb in." Remus said as Harry came out of the bathroom.

Harry did as he was told, pulling the covers around him.

"Take this, its a dreamless sleep potion. Then take both of these to help with the pain and begin the healing process." Snape explained.

He obeyed, knowing they wouldn't leave until he did.

"Please get some rest Harry. We will talk tomorrow, and maybe get some more information on Draco."

Harry nodded as the two men said goodnight and left the room. He could already feel the sleeping draught kicking in. Snape must have given him a double dose. Before he succumed to the blackness, he thought of Draco, and prayed for his safety.


Remus shut the door to Harry's room and walked back down the hall with Severus.

"Do you think he'll get any rest?" Remus asked worrily.

"I gave him a high dosage of sleeping draught, he will be out before we reach the stairs."

Remus sighed and followed the dark haired man down to the potions lab. They didn't say anything for the whole five minute walk, but both of their minds were racing.

When Severus finished placing the other potions back and checking on his brewing ones, he rinsed his hands off in the sink and looked over at Remus, who was staring intently at him.

"Do you need any healing potions?" he asked, walking over and inspecting the man's pupils and palor.

"No, I'm fine, but don't you?"

"My body has built itself up against the Cruciatus over the years, but I already have a few at my bed side in case I need them." Severus reassured him.

"Thank you Severus. You risked so much by helping me. If I had just been more careful then it could have been avoided."

"I wasn't about to leave you in the cage to be tortured to death. I may have once enjoyed such an occasion, but I'll gladly say I am not so barbaric as I once was. You did well blocking your mind also. That alone saved us both. Either way, you shouldn't have gone to find the werewolves in the first place." Snape reprimanded him as he led the way back up out of the basement to the first floor.

They made their way back into the den.

"I..I felt like I needed to.."

"And why would you think that?" Snape asked angrily as he turned back to the man.

"I don't know Severus. I felt..I don't know. I guess I just felt like the only thing I was ever capable of doing was hurting you. I attacked you Sev, twice, in my werewolf state! The wolf controls me, so I just thought it would be best if I tried to do something good with this damn curse! Leaving seemed to be the only option!"

"It bloody well wasn't the only option Lupin! Do you know how hard I tried to keep you from being sent to the werewolves? Albus wanted to know information about them and was going to send you to them, but I told him to wait. That I would find out what he needed to know so you wouldn't have to risk your life! When I had finally convinced him, just because of that incident, you fucking went off on your own.." Severus hissed.

Remus stood, shocked at what he was hearing. He had no idea...

"And you say this damn 'wolf' controls you, but it doesn't! It only gains as much power as you let it! I told you to take the wolfsbane potion, but you didn't! That alone should have made you have no control over your own actions. But you gained your control back! You restrained yourself! You never bit me Remus, not then in Buckbeak's shed, and not all those years ago. That is the first instinct for a werewolf! Yet both times, you never bit me." Severus explained, grabbing Remus by the shoulders.

He saw the pain and fear in Lupin's eyes, the sorrow and the shame. The man's warmth, his presence, his was all too intoxicating. It felt like his heart was liquefying. He couldn't describe the relief and utter joy he was feeling just to have Remus safe...back in Headquarters... in the same room.

Severus knew he was cracking on the outside too. He fought to keep his emotions under check but he knew it was no use. He needed to just drown himself in sleeping draught...he could feel his muscles protesting the longer he stood down here with Remus. He was going delirious.

Snape closed his eyes and sighed, relaxing his grip. He hung his head, exhausted from the events, feeling his head pounding.

"I went through hell while you were gone Remus...The wolf's attacks were nothing compared to these past weeks." he whispered, broken.

Before anything more could be said, Severus turned and glided out of the room.

A moment went by before Remus felt his knees give way. He crumpled onto the sofa, burying his face in his hands as hot tears streamed down his face. He heard the shuffle of fabric near him and looked up to see a sorrowful Dumbledore sit beside him.

Remus ran his hands through his hair and forced his tears to stop. "So you heard the whole thing?"

"Only from what was said when you came up from the basement, so yes, nearly the whole thing."

Albus watched his former student and professor struggle with understanding as he flipped through the conversation in his mind.

"I know you probably don't believe it, but he was right about these past two weeks. I've never seen such a drastic change in him before. It was a gradual thing. At first it was just his attitude. He grew more hostile. Eventually it came to the point where he stopped eating, he wouldn't sleep. He destroyed his room, and yelled into the night. No one could do anything to stop it. Draco had finally been able to speak to him yesterday. I think it calmed him down, brought him back to reality. Just in time for the Dark Lord to call him in the middle of their conversation. He is a strong man if he was able to remain calm under that pressure. He knows in that situation what he has to do to survive. It woke him up I think. He hasn't acted remotely close to his actions since you both came back today."

Remus wouldn't have believed it if Albus hadn't told him and been there to witness it. He should have never left...he hurt Severus more than he could fully understand.

"I don't mean to tell you this to upset you, but to explain a little of what has been happening. I'll explain alot more tomorrow, but I figured I should at least explain this while we have this moment alone. The two of you have been through much, from your days at Hogwarts till now. The way this interaction between the two of you has changed over the years proves that you are connected. Through past and future, you will both always be a major factor in the other's life. How you choose to steer it is in both of your hands."

Albus said, a slight twinkle in his eye and a look of comfort to warm him. "Now you should get some sleep as well. We all have alot to discuss tomorrow. Goodnight Remus." he smiled as he left the room.

Remus said his own goodnight, and made his way to his room. There was alot he had to make right, to everyone in the house. Especially to Severus.

When he reached his rooms, he choked up a teary smile to see that Severus had left him a dreamless sleep potion and a pain potion for his head on the night stand. Even through this fight, the dark haired man still thought of him with care. Damn him, he thought as he chuckled, and damn himself for causing this huge mess. At least he was back in Peadmont, with Severus just a few doors away.


The next morning, Severus woke up with a heavy mind. At first he had assumed it was just the potion until he remembered his disastrous words from the night before.

Why had he said that! So what if it was true, Remus still didn't need to see that deeply inside of him! A pointless mistake that should have been avoided. He let himself get too caught up in the moment.

He ran his fingers through his hair. Of course, he was relieved that Remus was back at Peadmont Estate and under his watchful eye, but the worry that he might leave again left him on edge.

The ramifications of what he had done last night weighed heavily on his mind as well. He knew the Dark Lord would call him today. He would want to know how the Aurors knew to go to the Dursley residence. Severus knew better than to leave yet. He would wait until the Dark Lord called him, so he couldn't be accused of abandoning his position to watch Dumbledore. He could easily weasel himself out of that situation, but if he was found out to have freed Remus, then neither story would coinside.

It was a delicate mess he had woven himself into, but he had been involved in worse. He would get himself out, it would just take alot of thought and plotting.

Pushing the blankets off of himself, Severus crawled out of the bed and searched through his closet for his robes. After dressing himself and brushing his hair, he stared at his tired reflection in the mirror. Age was catching up with him. He could feel it in his bones and muscles. He just wasn't as strong as he used to be, so this latest attack of the Cruciatus was taking its tole on his body.

With a sigh, he strode out of his bedroom and into the hall. He hadn't even checked the time, but he was sure breakfast had already been made.

He saw movement come up beside him and turned to see that familiar bushy dark head.

"Good morning Potter. I trust you slept well."

"Yes Professor, thanks to your potions." he said dully.

He knew that alot had to be on his mind.

"Have you prepared yourself to talk to the Headmaster?" Severus asked cautiously.

Harry sighed, but nodded. "I have to talk to him about it either way. I'm just not exactly thrilled about going into detail like I know he will want me to do."

The potions master smirked. "He undoubtedly will, but you have Lupin to calm your nerves and ease the Headmaster's questions."

"How long have you known about it?" Harry asked as they walked down the stairs, gritting his teeth. His muscles were still slightly sore from the previous day.

"Since the day you told him. Are you angry with him for telling me?"

"No, I don't really care anymore, I just wish it had never happened."


They fell into silence as they continued into the kitchen. Severus couldn't help but think of his godson. What was happening to him at that very second? Where was he? He knew Potter was struggling with the same thoughts.

When he pushed the door open, they saw that the others had already eaten and the kitchen was empty. The leftovers were left on plates for the late risers. Severus merely grabbed a scone and a cup of coffee like he often did while Harry grabbed a large helping off of the plates of food.

"Potter, try not to worry over Draco. He is strong. When his life is on the line, I believe he will overcome what he needs to in order to survive. Dumbledore has the Order out looking for him as we speak, and I'm sure Aurors are already on the look out for him from when he went missing from Malfoy Manor. If they have no luck, then I'll find Draco. I can't promise you that I will bring him back right away, but I will find out where he is and do what I can to ensure his safety. He is my godson and I do care for him, but I can see that the two of you have grown closer; so I wanted to let you know that I won't just sit by and let Dumbledore take his time in finding him." Severus said, reassuring the boy and himself.

Harry looked up in surprise. He saw the sincere concern in the other's eyes and nodded his thanks. Severus nodded back, then exited the kitchen to relax in the den and go over what he was to say to the Dark Lord.

Harry stared at his plate after the potion's master left. Draco...where was he? Was he safe? Was he even still alive?

Sure Snape had said that he more than likely would be alive, but what if something had gone wrong..He didn't even want to think about it.

Sighing, Harry nibbled at his breakfast. He knew his meeting with Dumbledore would be soon. He had alot of explaining to do as to why he had never mentioned the beatings before. He really didn't see how it was anyone else's business. He had dealt with it for years, he could manage without them knowing now, but it was a little to late for that.

At least it was all over. Where was his uncle now? He knew that the Dursley's had been brought to Headquarters, but he hadn't checked in on them. He should at least visit his aunt and cousin. His Aunt Petunia stood between him and his uncle. It was completely unexpected. Had she been harbouring care and concern for him all along? The feelings had to be genuine in order for the protection charm to work, and it had. He wondered how everything would end up now. Would his aunt and cousin stay with his uncle, or would they choose to leave and find a better life elsewhere?

Finishing up his plate, Harry set it in the sink and strode out into the garden walkway. He took a deep breath of fresh air and calmed his tensed body. But no matter how relaxed he could get his body, his mind was always on one thing.

"Stay safe." he breathed into the air to wherever Draco might be.


An hour later, Remus was wrapping up his briefing on the werewolf uprising. Severus sat tensely in his chair, watching with mild interest; while Harry soaked up the information, grateful to be hearing this first hand.

"So how do you propose we attract the renegade werewolves who choose to remain 'indifferent'?" Dumbledore asked after hearing the explanation. "You spent time with them and each pack. Is there an approach you believe might attain them?"

"I truly think that if we seek out the former pack leaders who strayed, we can gather more followers. While I stayed with them, several seemed interested in our cause. Voldemort's been exterminating the ones who choose to defy him. With that strong of a hatred against him, it shouldn't take much to reach the ones in hiding."

"Surely they aren't in the same location? If they are on the run for their lives, they wouldn't stay in one place too long. Would we be able to find them?" Severus pointed out.

"I've thought about that. But in my weeks with them, I gained their trust. If an ally is in their midst, they will contact them. So I have no doubts in that."

"We will have to contact them within the week." Dumbledore said with a nod.

"Then what?" Harry asked.

The other three looked at him.

"I mean, do we have a plan? Are we jumping into battle when we gain their numbers?" Harry asked.

"Not necessarily. But if we have their alliance, then the easier it will be to call upon them when the time comes. It could be at any moment that we face an assault from Voldemort. We know that from this most recent attack."

"Wouldn't he mention it though? I mean a full out battle has to be planned. He would have to ready the Death Eaters in advance."

"Not always. You see how he runs on a whim. He can be testy. We all have to learn to be ready for anything . Whether a full on war, or a small skirmish at all times." Severus explained to him. "But yes, usually he does plan. But as he is planning, so should we be. He is gathering his forces and alliances as we speak, so we in return must do the same."

Harry nodded his understanding.

"Remus, look into finding your contacts soon." Albus reminded him. "Right then, any other business on that matter?"

When nothing was said, he moved on.

"Now then, could you please tell us how you came to be captured by the Death Eaters?" Dumbledore asked Remus.

"It was a foolish mistake on my part. I had let too much guard down around a member of the pack that I didn't fully trust yet. He didn't have much information about him, and the others said he didn't talk much. I went to try to ally him on our side. I thought it went well; he seemed curious on what I had to say. Clearly he was, but only for the information I had. The next day I found that he had sold me out to one of the clans in alliance with the Dark Lord. The renegade werewolves scattered when the Death Eaters hit. I fought back, but it was useless with four against me. They blindfolded me and caged me over to their headquarters. After useless interrogation, I found myself wheeled in front of You-Know-Who and the other Death Eaters, Severus on his knees. I'm sure he's told you the story from there."

Remus nodded to Severus in a silent thanks.

"Yes he has. Well, we are glad to have you back Remus. Despite our worries, your efforts have possibly gained us numbers in the battlefront."

"As long as I did something right." he said quietly as he shifted in his chair.

Snape looked over at the man with a wilting glare. If he still blamed himself, so help him, Severus would snap him in two.

"And you have heard nothing since yesterday from the Dark Lord, Severus?" the old man asked, drawing attention back to him.

"No sir. I have a feeling I will be called very soon however. I have alot of explaining to do."

Remus cast a worring glance at the dark haired man.

"Do you know what you are going to say?" Albus asked.

"Yes, I've thought of every option and loophole I can think of. If I am found out, then I am found out." Severus said with determination.

They all knew what it meant. If he was found out, then he would die, unless he managed to escape, which was highly unlikely.

"I have faith that you will do just fine. You've seen much more than any of us can fathom and made it out alive. I trust you can do the same in this situation. Just mark your words and guard your mind as you always have." Albus assured him.

He nodded, finally returing the stare Remus was giving him. So much worry eminated from his eyes. He tore his eyes away, fighting the current of emotions welling up inside of him.

After a few moments of silence, all eyes shifted to Harry. No one wanted to talk about it, but they all knew it was time.

Dumbledore had heard the details from Severus and Remus earlier, so he wouldn't delve too deep. He did however, what to know why it was kept a secret, and only Harry could tell him that.


The raven haired youth stared at his shoes and sighed. He had to toughen up, and quick. Once this was over, he never had to talk about it again.

"What do you want to know?" he asked in quiet defeat.

"I know this won't be easy for you..." Albus sighed.

"Can we just get on with this?" Harry said, a bit too harshly.

Remus reached over and grabbed his hand, smoothing it over and giving him comfort. Harry took a deep breath. He appreciated Remus' gesture, but from the day he first mentioned this event to Draco, Harry had always imagined that it would be Draco there comforting him and giving him support while he talked about it. He closed his eyes.

It would be alright. This was Remus, the closest thing he had to a father now, besides Dumbledore. He knew the man cared about him and loved him, and he really needed that.

Harry squeezed his hand back and gave him a slight smile. He knew they all cared about him, even Snape, to an extent.


"Its quite alright Harry. Now, can you tell me when the attacks began?"

"Well, it was somthing that kind of happened over time. When I was younger it was just mild beatings, or not being able to eat any meals for a few days. Somewhere along the line, I guess right before third year, Uncle Vernon got bored with that and wanted more."

"Why didn't you ever tell us?" Remus asked.

"I don't know. I mean, you already knew things were bad, but you made me stay anyway. I told you all that they hated me, but you told me I would be safer there. You just didn't want to listen."

"Harry, you never told us about the beatings or the rapes. I would never have suggested you stay if I knew. The protection your aunt gave you was irreplaceable, so yes, even though I knew things were hard I had you stay. All you had to do was tell me what your uncle was doing and I would have found some way to keep you safe elsewhere." Dumbledore explained.

"Harry, was there any other reason?" Remus probed.

All eyes were on him. His blood was pounding in his ears. He didn't want to talk about it. He honestly didn't have a good excuse as to why he never told them. What made sense to him before, made no sense at all now. Harry stood up and faced them, anger building up inside of him.

"I never told you because it wasn't your business. I tried to tell you in the beginning when it was just mistreatment, but you turned a deaf ear. You just figured I was overreacting. By second year I was used to just being told that I had to stay no matter what. I knew you wouldn't have listened anyway without making me feel completely horrible by going into detail. I wasn't allowed to have any dignity by just saying that things were bad! I just wanted it to go away, to forget about it, not talk about it in detail with you. What happened was none of your business! You should have believed me enough when I said it was unbearable!"

"Harry..." Albus started.

"No! I'm done talking about it! I want this to go away. Its done, in the past, and its never going to happen again! So leave me alone about it!" Harry yelled, then stormed out of the room.

Remus stood to go after him, but Severus stopped him.

"Leave him." he said sternly.

Albus and Remus looked at him questioningly.

"He's right. It's over and done with, so there is no need to talk about it. Draco went through the same thing. The sooner Harry is allowed to put it behind him, the faster he will heal and move on." Severus explained.

"But he can't hold it inside!" Remus argued.

"And he didn't. He told Draco, and he told you. Its not as if he is ignoring the situation. He is trying to move on, and with others wanting to talk about it, he can't. The sooner we leave this behind, the better it will all be."

Remus and Dumbledore nodded in agreement. Just because they were curious as to what happened, didn't mean that they should push Harry for details about such a horrific experience.

A few moments of silence passed before Dumbledore sighed.

"I suppose I'll go to the Ministry and see if there is any progress being made on finding Draco. Severus, I'll let you know if there is any news. Be cautious with the Dark Lord."

Snape nodded as the old man grabbed his floo powder and stepped into the fireplace, vanishing to his destination.

The dark haired man glanced at Lupin, who was staring at the floor, his hand supporting his head. There was nothing he could do to ease his mind. Severus knew that Lupin would have to deal with it on his own.

"I had better prepare myself for the call. Some numbing potion should help." he said, standing to his feet.

Remus glanced up. "Oh, well do you need any help with anything until you're called?"

"No, I'd rather you not be there to see me called. Its a pain I don't enjoy showing to others."

"I've seen it before, when you were unconscious." Remus explained, standing to his feet.

"And I assume you didn't enjoy it then. It won't be any better with me being awake." Severus sighed, walking around the chair and towards the hall.

Remus sprinted after him, catching him by the arm. Severus turned, surprise etched in his face as he raised his eyebrows.

Color rose in the light haired man's face as he dropped his hand and lowered his gaze to the floor.

He stammered. "Um, just.. just be careful."

Severus saw the worry on his face. He couldn't honestly say anything to ease it however. There was a possibility of death everytime he faced the Dark Lord. Instead he chose to nod, a slight smile tugging at his lip.

He turned around and walked back down the hall, leaving Lupin standing in the hall. When he was almost at the foot of the stairs, Remus saw him double over.

Severus clutched his arm, grunting in pain. He took a deep breath and looked back at Remus. "Too late.." he croaked.

Remus started towards the man, but in a flash, Severus was out of sight. Lupin ran his fingers through his hair, willing himself not to cry. He never realized how frightening it was to understand that everytime Snape went to the Dark Lord, he had a large chance of never coming back.

If that happened, he didnt know what he would do.


It was nearly dusk, and Harry was out walking the grounds. Earlier in the day, he stopped by and paid a visit to Buckbeak then flew his broom around to clear his head. Now he came and sat in the field by the lake, watching the sunset over the hills.

His mind had been on Draco all day. After leaving Dumbledore's office in a bad mood, he just let the whole event push itself away and he focused on the blonde. He felt completely useless, having to stay at Headquarters all day and not helping in the search for Draco.

Harry lay back in the grass, staring up at the purple clouds fading above him. This was the very spot where he had seen Draco's cuts a few weeks ago. Where he had kissed him. It wasn't the first time necessarily, but it was the first time he had felt so strongly to do so...that it was a good thing.

His lips tingled at the memory of their harsh words, then the pleasure of the taste. He would have never guessed that their friendship would progress so far.

The growling of his stomach wrestled him from his thoughts. He should go inside and find something to eat. Maybe Tonks had stopped by to make dinner and bring some news. He stood up, brushing the grass from his pants.

He hadn't yet seen his relatives. Had they even emerged from their rooms? He decided to bring up some dinner for his aunt and cousin just in case. His uncle, well, it wouldn't kill him to miss a meal. Harry smirked as he hopped on his broom, ready to fly back up to the mansion.

A few minutes later, he stepped inside the kitchen door. Several people were washing up and getting ready for dinner. It had been awhile since they had all just eaten around the table. Tonks and Mrs. Weasley were around the stove, while Hermione, Ron and Ginny were setting the table. Luna, Neville, and Charlie were waiting in their seats having enjoyable conversation. Dumbledore swooped in from the hall a moment later.

"Ah hello Harry, might your aunt and cousin be joining us for dinner?" he asked aimibly.

"Oh, um I'm not quite sure sir. I haven't seen them. I don't really think they have adjusted yet, so I'll just bring them dinner afterwards."

"You're not going near that uncle of yours are you, Harry?" Ron asked defensively. "I don't think its a good idea."

"No, Ron, I'll have Dudley give him his dinner probably." Harry said as he washed his hands.

"Good idea." Dumbledore winked.

Harry was thankful that the Headmaster wasn't making this awkward. He had felt bad for snapping at him earlier.

"Everyone washed up?" Mrs. Weasley asked as she and Tonks set the food on the table.

"Where's dad?" Ginny asked.

"He's out on shift looking for Malfoy. He should be getting back to the flat a little before we do. I'll just bring him a nice plate home." she smiled, keeping conversation light.

Everyone seated themselves and began digging in, carrying on different topics. Harry looked around the table. Neither Remus nor Snape where there.

"Uh, professor, where are Remus and Snape?" he asked Dumbledore.

He shared a look with Tonks, then turned back to Harry. "Snape was called earlier today and hasn't come back. Remus is probably in his chambers or has gone somewhere to think I imagine."

The table grew quiet. After a moment, Charlie spoke up.

"Has anyone found any leads on Draco?"

"No pinpoint evidence yet, but there has been reports that someone has entered Malfoy Manor within the last twenty four hours. Aurors and Order members are looking for leads from there as we speak. That is actually where your father is located. So we should all have any new insights when he checks in."

Harry nodded. No sign of Draco yet, but some clues were being found and that would get them somewhere eventually. He wondered what Snape was seeing at that very moment. If he knew where Draco was now that he had been called.

And Remus, why was he holed up in his room? He seemed fine earlier today. He thought of the look between Dumbledore and Tonks. Did they know something he didn't? Harry decided that he would stop by and see him after he made his rounds to his relatives.

When Harry finally snapped out of his thoughts, he realized Neville and Luna were sharing a story of one of their escapades earlier in the summer. Knowing everyone wanted to keep conversation cheerful, he gladly listened in, putting the rest of the thoughts out of his mind for a little while longer.


An hour later, Harry found himself levitating three trays of food along after him as he wandered the halls to the rooms where Dumbledore said his relatives were staying. He was nervous. Had anyone even been to check on them yet? Probably not, trying to give them some room to breath.

Harry stepped up to his aunt and cousin's door, and took a deep breath before he knocked. "Aunt Petunia? Its me, Harry. I've got some dinner for you and Dudley."

He heard some shuffling, then a click as the lock on the door was shifted and the door cracked open. His aunt saw that it was just him, so she opened it a bit more and allowed him entrance.

As soon as Harry stepped into the room, he saw his aunt quickly shut the door and lock it. Yes, she was definitely still frightened of wizards, and for good reason. She had just gone through a battle with them! He turned and saw Dudley sitting anxiously on the bed.

"Hey, how are you both doing?" he asked weakly.

This was different for him. No animosity was in the air. He didn't know how to act.

"We're still a bit confused if you must know. Vernon's been locked in another room, we've been taken to this strange house. Its all a bit overwhelming!" she explained, ringing her hands.

"I'm sorry. Dumbledore had him locked up because they weren't sure if he was going to be a danger to anyone. As for being here, this is a safe place. We only brought you here because the Death Eaters destroyed your house, and terrorized everyone on Private Drive. We thought it would be best if you came here, at least for awhile." Harry said as he set the trays down.

Petunia nodded wearily as she walked over to sit beside her son and eat.

"I noticed you've stayed in the room for the day, but I hope you know that you are welcome to go anywhere on the grounds you want. You aren't prisoners, we just want to make sure you're safe from the Death Eaters."

"Safe? They were after you not us! I don't see why we can't just go home." Dudley argued as he ate.

Harry sighed. "Because Dudley, the Death Eaters won't hesitate to go after you to get to me. They will find you and get information out of you, or just hold you hostage. They won't hesitate to torture or kill you. That's why you have to stay here."

That quieted his cousin down.

"I'm sorry to be so blunt, but you are a part of this war now. You have to know what you are up against. We aren't expecting you to fight with us or anything, but we just want to keep you here till things calm down. Is that alright?"

Petunia nodded in understanding. She didn't like it, but she knew the best thing would be for them to stay, not that they really had a choice.

"About Uncle Vernon, if you really wanted him back with you, I suppose I could see if I could have him moved into the same room. But he won't be allowed to leave it. He is confined to the room till furthur notice, but you can still come and go without a problem."

"No its alright. I don't think I really want to see him just yet." Petunia said.

"Well, if you'd like, I'll have one of the other people staying here to give him his dinner."

"I'll do it." Dudley offered, a hint of anger towards his father in his voice.

"Okay. Well, did you need anything or have any questions?"

"Nothing I can think of right off." his aunt said.

"Right, well just find me or Dumbledore if you need anything. The others here will help too, so don't be afraid to ask."

The two nodded as he headed towards the door. Harry paused as he stepped out into the hall, peaking back in.

"Aunt Petunia? Thank you, for what you did back at the house. For stepping between Uncle Vernon and me. I know you really meant to protect me, and that meant more than you know."

His aunt looked up at him and offered a genuine smile. He nodded and closed the door softly to let them eat.

He still couldn't believe how much had happened yesterday; that his aunt really protected him. Harry passed his uncle's door, rubbing his side where the muscles still protested. Things were never how he had expecting them to be. He didn't know how he pictured his summer going, but it was nothing like this. In a way, despite all the bad things happening, he liked this outcome much better than what he had originally imagined it being. The only thing he would change at this exact moment, was to have Draco back, safe with him.

He sighed, remembering that he needed to check on Remus. Turning around, he headed back for the man's room down the opposite hall.


Remus sat on the floor, leaning on the old rickety bed in Siruis Black's old room. The dust coated nearly everything, and the particles floated gently in the beams of moonlight coming through the window. It was the only source of light in the room, so he had lit one of the lanters and brought it beside him.

After Severus had been called, Remus just couldn't stay in Headquarters. He was too ancy. He had to move around, his thoughts were consuming him. If only Sirius were here for him to talk to. And that's the thought that led him to Grimmauld Place.

It still wasn't safe to stay there, but it hadn't been raided by Death Eaters yet, so he decided it was safe enough.

He just wanted to be near Sirius, near his existance. Where he stayed, his memories..he needed to just feel him.

So here he sat, with an old scrapbook in his hand that Sirius had owned. It was full of pictures from their days at Hogwarts, newsclippings of things they had all thought were interesting, random snips of items that had meaning, and written down conversations. He couldn't help but laugh at some of the memories the book brought up.

It was painful at the same time; to stare at the pictures, and feel like it had all happened yesterday, then realize that they were all gone. Sirius, James, and Lily were dead, and Peter was in league with the Dark Lord. The only other friend he had that he could remember was Severus. The one they all hated. The one he never could hate.

Silent tears spilled down his face. It was too much, the emotions built up inside of him.

"Sirius, James, Lily... I don't even know if you can hear me but...I..I just don't know what to do. He's always on my mind. I care about him so much it hurts! And tonight only reminded me of how I could lose him again, but this time forever. I can't deal with that. I'm afraid of this...this feeling. Its so strong, I know it could destroy me..." he sighed, his head cradled in his hands.

He let the silence surround him. After a few moments, thoughts came to his mind like an answer to his plea.

Even after the horrible end that came between them and their friendship, a few years later, they were thrown together again. Like Albus had said, they were a part of each other, and would always play a part in the other's life.

Did that happen for a reason? There had to be a reason why, after all the heartache and pain they had both endured, that they could be like they were now. They hadn't forgotten by any means, but just the way that they were spending time together, worrying about one another, it showed that they were mending the break.

But still...yes, all of that was great, but the feelings...he was dying inside. No matter what happened he felt the pain. It hurt because he wasn't sure that Severus was even feeling these conflicting things too. He felt like he couldn't handle that. But it hurt to be away from him because he couldn't stand the distance. No matter what, he was troubled. It was driving him insane, and he was finally having his break down.

Remus didn't know how much longer he sat there crying and reliving the two past months in his head, but the sound of shuffling gave him a start as he quickly grabbed his wand and pointed it at the door.

When the messy mop of hair came into view, he relaxed. "Harry, what are you doing here?"

Remus wiped his eyes and calmed his heart.

"Sorry, but you weren't in your room, so I asked Dumbledore and he said you were here." Harry said, looking around his godfather's room.

"I'm surprised he let you come, considering the security measure on this place."

"He figured it would be alright this once. Are you alright Remus?" Harry asked, noticing the man's appearance as he sat down beside him. "And don't bother lying. I could tell from the moment I came earlier this summer that you were acting differently."

Remus gave a feeble laugh as he set the book down beside him and stared at the floor. "Can't get anything past you can I? Even with all the events that have been happening."


Lupin sighed. "I don't really know how to explain it Harry, or even where to begin."

"Are you upset because of Snape?" he asked, watching Remus' reaction.

The man's eyes widened for a moment before he smiled and looked at the teen. "Am I really that easy to read?"

"Lately, I guess, just with everything that's been happening, there's really no other reason I could think of."

"Oh there are other reasons Harry, like you yourself. I worry alot about you and get upset about everything you've been through." Remus said, wrapping his arm around him.

"I meant besides that. Just with you leaving, and how the two of you act around each other. I really can't tell if you hate each other or tolerate each other."

Remus laughed. "I can't tell either honestly."

That made the older man feel a bit better; he wasn't the only one to notice this clash of emotions. He just wasn't ready for Harry to know yet. Something like this he couldn't just blurt out.

"We are just in a rough spot. Trying to get past years of animosity isn't that easy. We've hurt each other without meaning to and have been on two different sides for as long as we can remember. I guess growing older showed us our mistakes, and we wanted to get past them. Its just proving harder than we had imagined. At least for me it is. Especially when this whole thing is unspoken and I don't really know if he's trying like I am."

"Well, I think its safe to say that he's just as confused. I mean, just from watching him and seeing how he's been acting this summer, its pretty obvious. I don't know him that well, I've always thought he was a git, but this summer changed my idea of him I guess."

Remus smiled. "See, I tried to tell you during term that he wasn't all that bad. You just have to get on his good side."

"Who knew such a side existed." Harry said sarcastically.

Remus pushed him playfully. They laughed and relaxed a bit.

"So it appears Severus and I aren't the only ones trying to fix things. You and Draco seem to be getting along well. Wasn't as hard as you thought it was going to be now was it?" Remus pointed out.

Harry blushed a bit as he chuckled. "You have no idea. He's still as stubborn as always, but since his life has changed so much, there's really nothing in the way."

"I can tell. We all can actually. The two of you have become inseparable, and its still a shock sometimes. He's really changed, even you in a way, but it really is for the better."

A moment of silence passed as Harry thought on his words.

"Do you think he's alright Remus?" he asked softly, staring at the floor.

Remus gave him a sad look and pulled him into his side. "I don't know Harry. We can only hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. This is war we are dealing with, no more child's games. Anything can happen, but we have to remember what we are fighting for, no matter what does happen."

"I just don't know what I'll do if anything happens to him. I won't be able to take it." Harry said.

Remus kissed the top of his hair. "You'll keep going. I'm sure Draco would want you to keep fighting, and win this, no matter what happens to him. But let's not think like that. We don't know anything yet. Like I said, hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst if it may come."

Harry nodded. It didn't make it any easier, but he knew Remus was right. He had to be strong. It wouldn't help anyone if he was useless with worry.

"Come on, let's go back. Its getting late." Lupin said as he pushed himself off the floor, his bones cracking with age.

Harry brushed himself off as the man placed the scrapbook in his jacket pocket and blew the lantern out. They carefully made their way downstairs, and back to Peadmont Estates.


Several hours later, Harry tossed and turned in his bed, dreams plaguing his mind. Sweat poured from his body as he grimmaced at the images flying through his head, his eyes squeezed tight. The dream was coming in flashes.

He saw Draco, it was blurry, he was tied to a chair. Blackness. He heard the blonde's muffled shouts and cries. He saw three Death Eaters surrounding him. Blackness. He could hear their tauntings. He saw the flash of a wand. He saw Draco yell in pain. Sweat and blood coating his body. Blackness. He heard wicked laughter, and the hiss of Voldemort. He saw Lucius stand with a twisted smile in front of the other Death Eaters. Blackness. He heard gut wrenching yells as Draco struggled. He saw a flash of fire. Blackness. He heard Voldemort hiss. "I will break you." He heard Draco's screams as the blonde's tormented face came back into view, and faded into blackness for the last time.

Harry opened his eyes in a flash, his heart beat pounding as he got his bearings. "Draco..." Harry lifted his shaking hand to his face as he felt hot tears stream down his face.


The next morning, Harry went immediately to find Dumbledore to tell him about his dream. McGonnagal, Remus, and Moody were there too, so to make it simpler for everyone to see, Dumbledore helped Harry use the pensive. After the dream had been deposited and the other three watched it, they sat down to talk.

"Was it a dream, or do you think it was actually happening?" Harry asked.

Albus thought for a moment. "I can't be sure. We don't want it to be just another ploy from Voldemort like before."

Everyone immediately thought of Sirius. Harry nodded.

"We are all going to worry about the vision, but we can't face this without thinking and planning first. For good reason I'm sure we all agree."

Movement beside the door caused them all to turn. Blaise walked in and smiled.

"Sorry, hope I'm not interrupting something important." he said.

"Its quite alright." Dumbledore said happily.

"I just wanted to let you know that I ran into Severus at Hogwarts when I was getting those boxes out of the Entrance Hall like you asked. He was getting some potions from the dungeon and I helped him back; he's resting in his room now."

"Is he alright?" Remus asked.

"He's a little roughed up, but its the usual I guess. He's just tired." Blaise explained.

"Did he mention anything about Draco, or have you're teams found anything yet?" Dumbledore asked.

"No. He was only allowed to see the Dark Lord in the main hall of their headquarters he said. But he never saw Lucius while he was there, and no one mentioned anything. The only thing he was talked to about was Harry. That's all he knows. As for the teams, we have a few up at Malfoy Manor, and then one is split up and questioning people in Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley. Haven't checked in yet for any updates. My shift is coming up in a couple of hours." Blaise explained.

"I see. Well in that case, we will let Severus rest. Thank you again for moving those boxes for me. They are a few new files for the upcoming year, and the Ministry thought it proper to rummage through it, then leave it in the Entrance Hall. I'm sorry for the inconvenience of dealing with it." Dumbledore nodded in appreciation.

"Not a problem sir. I had nothing better to do anyway." Blaise shrugged.

"Well, I suppose that's all there is for now, I'll just go speak with the Minister and check on Arthur's report. We'll talk more later on the subjects."

With that, everyone went their separate ways from the office. Blaise caught up with Harry and smiled.

"How's things?" Blaise asked.

Harry looked over. "Do you really have to ask?"

"Worried huh? Yeah, I was too for awhile. But I guess its easier for me. Me and him grew up with that kind of stuff happening all the time in our families. We were prepared for this, so I guess we've hardened ourselves from caring too much. I don't really know how to explain it without sounding cold hearted, but I hope you know I don't mean it like that."

"Yeah I know. You really are used to this, with dark families and all. I'm just not, and it gets me a bit." Harry explained.

As they entered the den, they saw Ron and Hermione sitting on the couch.

"Hey Harry, Blaise. Want to join us?" Hermione asked.

It looked as if Ron was pressuring her to play a game of wizards chess, something she wasn't excited about. Blaise caught on quick.

"Sure, as long as I get to play Weasley." Blaise winked.

"You're on!" the redhead said enthusiastically.

Blaise ran over and immediately started playing. Harry relaxed on the sofa and talked with Hermione about things at the flat as Ginny came in from the kitchen with a drink.

"Hey Harry." she said, coming to sit by him.

Harry immediately felt his body warm up. He hadn't really spent time with Ginny for awhile, and he could tell already that she was going to take advantage of his vulnerable state, and that he was probably going to fall for it.

He tried to push the thought away, and started up conversation again with the two. This wasn't what he needed right now.

"What! You can't do that!" Ron shouted.

"It's legal mate, check the book." Blaise smirked.

That's how it stayed for awhile, till Blaise had to leave for his shift and Harry took his place. He began to loosten up, falling back into how it used to be when he spent all his time with them. It felt to always be there and normal, when everything else was messed up. And thats what he wanted. Stability.

kay, sorry it took so long! i hope most of you have stayed with me! and im sure this wasn't too excting of a chapter lol. but its getting there. R and R plz. lemme know what you think, how you think the story is going, and if ur even still reading it!

