Epilogue: Gary, don't cry
Disclaimer: Okay, I'm sorry to have to say this, but to hell with Tam Pierce. This story is so far from cannon that I'm not even sure it qualifies as Fanfiction, the names just happen to be the same. Oh well, if anyone knows what actually happened with Gary/Cythera or Raoul/Buri I'd love to know, but it's simply been so long since I read the books!
A/N: Okay, this is the last chapter (hence the 'epilogue' thing)(and also, there might be a spin-off series) so I'd like to take this last chance to thank Buggie, Muse, and Dark Angel; you're my angels, muses and…. Bugs, I suppose.
"Uncle Rail!" A tiny, blond haired balled of excitement jumped screaming into my open arms.
"Cathy!" I laughed, pretending to stagger under her weight. "Look how you've grown! I shant be able to lift you any more if you keep growing like this!" Catherine laughed and wrapped her little arms around my neck.
Gary stood in the doorway, laughing at our antics. His hair was beginning to go grey at the temples, and he had to walk with a stick since he'd injured his leg on a hunting trip. But his hazel eyes still shone with warmth and his smile could have put the sun in shadow. With the same tender care I gave my own daughters, I let Cathy down and walked over to my lover. "Gary," I whispered, savouring the taste of his name on my lips.
The smile he gave me was tired, and a little sad. "Raoul."
"How are they?" I asked gently, fearing I knew the answer.
His lip quivered a little as he replied. "The child… died. Cythera's still bed-ridden."
How much I wished that he was in my arms at that very moment. How much I wished I could take away the pain that he must have felt. How much I wished that anything I could do would help him. "Will she be okay?"
At this he just shrugged and turned away. "I don't know. She should get better… if she wants to." He sighed. "Well, what matter? I'm happy you're here."
I was about to reply when I felt a gentle tugging at my hand. "Uncle Ray-ool?" I looked down into Cathy's sunny face. "Did Rosie come wif you?"
I shook my head. "Sorry Cathy, Rosie stayed home to look after her mother." Cathy's face fell, but she soon perked up and danced away to do some childish thing or another.
I glanced briefly around the courtyard to make sure all the tedious household tasks – stabling the horses, unloading the luggage, etc – were being done, then took Gary's hand in mine and led him away. "I'm so sorry about the child," I whispered, afraid to break the heavy silence of mourning in the house.
He shrugged. "It happens. I'm just glad you're here." Glancing at me with a tentative longing he whispered, "I think…" a sob filled his throat and he flinched away from me, as if ashamed. Immediately, I pulled him into my arms, smoothing down his hair as he cried. Through the heart-wrenching sobs that wracked his frame, Gary continued. "I think I'm in need of comforting arms again."
I wanted to kiss him then and there, but I forced myself to think logically. We needed a room, a private space, and I dragged Gary with me into my usual room. Somehow, my bags had beat us there, not that I noticed at the time. Gary's tears slowly dried, though he was still sobbing dryly.
I know there is no comfort for him now – with a dead child and a dying wife – other than my arms. There is no vanity or pride in this knowledge, more of a kind of loving desperation. Gary has to get better.
Our clothes were gone, not ripped but gently laid aside, and I slipped my arms around his naked waist. I lay him gently down on the bed, and spread his limbs wide. He watched me expressionlessly as I rose to my knees over his body, then sat down on the tops of his thighs. Gary was still fit, lean and muscular. He was still gorgeous. My hands played with his manhood, and my own, and then I leaned down to kiss one nipple, and he moaned.
I still love him after all these years with Buri. More importantly, he still loves me after all these years with Cythera. That is what matters, that Gary is mine, and I am his.
Our sweaty limbs tangled in the delicate sheets as we made love. Somehow we'd managed to stay together as I moved from my seat on Gary's lap, taking his pleasure at his will, to spoon up behind him, and fuck him mercilessly. For one bittersweet moment we were children again; insatiable, young, hot-blooded males each fighting for domination of the other's body.
Cythera died that night, and Gary's tears had been enough to break my heart ten times over. To loose a child and a wife of some decades in one fell swoop was unimaginable to me.
We lay in bed, exhausted from our lovemaking, and Gary cried in my arms. His pain over her death was a blow to me, but then, his pain was always a blow to me.
We are together, we are certain of our bloodline, we are wealthy, and we are in love; what more can we ask for than that?
A/N: Okay, this is a kiiinda random place to end it, but I hope it wraps up some of the loose ends. In case you were wondering, Jon and George also had a wonderful, prosperous relationship with each other outside of their marriage (but it's not an affair, because it's an open marriage) and they all live happily ever after.
Oh, and, what the heck, Thayet and Alanna had a brief but passionate relationship as well, and they lived happily ever after, too.
Please review this chapter! Please-please-please! If you do I might write a spin-off series, or another slashy fanfic of another story, if you have any suggestions.
And final thanks to everyone who reviewed but has not been mentioned until now.
That is: Mangacreation, personlikething, blip-chan, theycallmesquire, childofgallifrey, tigerpower494, Ali, teresadelay, shayrazor, taniaslc, activeingredient, masochistmuch and painelust; I love you all! Mila Wellman, thankyou for the spelling advice. That option seriously never occurred to me.