Okay, first of all, no this isn't a joke, I really added a new chapter. Let me explain, this story has been dead for a long time. It was the first story I ever wrote for fanfiction. I started it when I entered college and since then my writing style has drastically changed. I tried for many years to redo this story and update it, but it's hard when you lose interest and you want to move on and try something new.

But you guys haven't given up. I haven't updated this story in years and I still get reviews from my faithful reviewers encouraging me to go on because I'm still here and able to write. Well, I hear you. I hear all of you. I'm going to finish this story, it's almost done. Hell, it's almost been done for years, but I just couldn't do it, but I will for you guys. I'm sorry and thank you for being there.


"Beast Boy? Beast Boy I can hear you, please hold on!"

Raven… it hurts, I don't know if I can…

"You can, I know you can, you've made it through the worse you just need to hold on a little bit longer."

How can you be so confident… how… how can you know… there's so much pain…

"Because Beast Boy, I've felt the pain too, and I know you can make it, I believe in you, you need to hold on, I can't do this alone. I can't go on if you don't survive this." Raven's voice cried inside of Beast Boy's head.

Rae… I'll try, but don't be mad if I can't…

"No, you can Beast Boy, I know you can, and I'll never be mad at you, just try, you can make it, please hold on!"

Love you Rae…

Raven's body fell out of her meditational stance and she hit the floor.

"Beast Boy!" she cried as she sat up.

Her eyes went dark and in that moment she fell to the floor.

Somewhere amongst the pain of death and denial, there is a place almost akin to limbo. A place where all time and relative matter stands still. When you're dying you have a choice to make.

Do I want to live?


Do I want to die?

The questions are quite simple, but answers hold complication.

When you're fighting for your life you sometimes need a moment to decide if the life you have is worth fighting for and with all those thoughts swimming around its hard to sort out the pros and cons.

Raven didn't know what he would choose, and she was afraid he wouldn't choose to fight. So she did the only sane thing a half demon could do. Right when she heard those words, right when she felt their connection breaking she grabbed onto the last bit of his consciousness and pulled it inside of her mind.

Beast Boy's body laid limp on the bed. Unmoving, unresponsive, flatlining.

There was nothing more anyone could do or say. Starfire held her legs as she wept uncontrollably in the corner. Robin turned to Cyborg and then they turned their eyes to Raven. She was lying on her back as still as death. Her eyes were wide open and a set of dark black pupils were staring up at the ceiling unmoving and uncertain.

But she was alive. Robin approached her and grabbed her hand. Cyborg came up behind him and clamped a hand on his shoulder.

Raven began to stir. Something was wrong, something was horribly wrong and she needed to find out what it was. Her eyes snapped open. She was in Nevermore, but it was nothing like it had been the last time she was here. Dark clouds hung over an eerie wasteland of vast and infinite destruction.

"Good, you're finally here. Come on, we need to go." Came a bland tone which normally was so confident now held a bit of fear and uncertainty.

"Knowledge, what's happened here?" she asked.

"No time to explain, come one. We need to get somewhere safe and then I'll explain everything." Knowledge said sounding irritable as she grabbed Raven's wrist and tugged her hard.

Raven stood her ground.

"No, you need to explain now."

Knowledge opened her mouth ready to protest when a voice she prayed would never haunt her again resonated in the wind.

"Raven, I won't let you go so easily."

Raven stood frozen in place. Fear consumed every ounce of her being. She thought she had defeated him. She'd destroyed him. She saw it herself.

"How…" she choked out.

"We don't have time for this!" Knowledge exclaimed as she pressed her finger to the gem on Raven's forehead. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos," Knowledge exclaimed.

A giant shrieking Raven appeared and swallowed them up in an instance and transported them to a land full of bright colors mainly dominated by pink. The two stumbled out of the Raven and fell to the ground.

"Ugh, never thought I'd have to resort to that, but you gave me no choice." Knowledge said as she sat on the ground with Raven.

"How is he here, how did he manage to get inside my head?" Raven sputtered, "That wasn't my imagination that was him. I'd know his presence anywhere. It was real. He's really here."

"Someone else is here too; he's been waiting for you to show up." Knowledge said in a gentle tone.


Raven swallowed hard. She felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes. She jumped to her feet as she turned to face him.

"Beast Boy, you're alive." She cried as she ran to him.

He quickly swept her up into his arms.

"Well, sorta. I feel different."

Raven pulled away.

"What do you mean what's wrong?"

"I don't know how to place it, Rae, I just don't feel like me." Beast Boy confessed sheepishly.

"That's because you're not fully here, your conscious thought is, but your body is lying on a bed in the medical wing of Titan's Tower. In a last effort to save you Raven pulled you into her mind."

"But I'll be okay right?" Beast Boy asked.

Everything slowly started to coming back to Raven. All the events that had lead up to this moment.

"That depends on you Beast Boy. You're in really bad shape. Slade… he really hurt you and you need to fight it, but I couldn't… I can't… I was afraid what you would choose, so I brought you here so you had time to decide."

"Decide, decide what? If I want to live, of course, I do."

"That's easier said than done. If you want to live Beast Boy you need to fight. And you need to decide now. Your body." Raven gulped and she grabbed at his arms roughly. "You need to get back to your body. If you want to fight you need to go back. You can only stay here for so long."

"Okay Rae, I'll go back, but are you coming back with me?"

"I will… but I have to take care of something first." Raven admitted.

Beast Boy cocked his head as he felt his presence slowly fading from Raven's mind. His eyes flashed from her eyes to right beyond her. They widened and he opened his mouth to protest when another voice cut through.

"Raven isn't leaving here."

Raven smiled up at Beast Boy sadly. She placed a gentle kiss on his lips and then placed her finger to the center of his forehead.

"I promise I'll be back." She smiled weakly. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos."

Beast Boy's presence faded and the bright pink and fluffy landscape soon turned to a world of desolate pain and suffering. It was the world Slade had created on the day of her sixteenth birthday.

"You didn't think I'd give you up without a fight did you?" Slade asked as he swept in and closed the gap between them. His arm curved around the small of her back as Raven was still frozen in shock. "There isn't enough room in this world for him and I. So let's just stay here where I can keep you forever."

Slade looked down. Raven's eyes were closed tight. She was mouthing words, but nothing was coming out.

A small devilish smirk crawled onto Slade's lips.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos can't save you from me," Slade said as he held Raven close.

Life seemed to stand still in Titan's Tower. Beast Boy had woken up, it was a miracle. Everyone was in shock. When he awoke the first person he asked for was Raven, but she wasn't there, not mentally at least. His recovery was hard. It took months of physical therapy and numerous surgeries. But he had fought hard. He'd chosen life. He'd chosen Raven, but it seemed Raven was still fighting and this time there was nothing he could do to help her.

Slade's body had been transported to Arkham Asylum where he was placed in isolation. Even though he was comatose he was still a threat. He would always be a threat.

Raven was held in the medical wing for a few weeks, but Beast boy fought to have her moved to her room. When she awoke he knew she would be more comfortable that way. Beast Boy spent every waking moment he had with her. He knew she was coming back soon. She said she was.

She promised.