Title: Arguments all roun: The other side

Warning: Rated M for later chaoters. Strong language in places and insinuations of hot naked man sex.

Disclaimer: I, sadly, do not own any of the characters sob

I hope you like this! Sequal to Arguments all round. My first sequal yay! This story will be longer than two chapters so I hope you enjoy all of it!

Allen's POV

It had been a longer day than I expected it to be. Kanda, Lavi and I were sitting in our small compartment on the train that would be taking us to Paris. Well, the train should have been taking us their but instead of our intended destination we were heading for Nantes then taking another train to Paris because I may have accidentally bought the wrong tickets… Anyway I knew Kanda would forgive me eventually if left to his own devices but Lavi just had to interfere didn't he?

'Well I hear that Nantes is nice this time of year so I'm sure our little unexpected adventure won't be too bad….' God I wish he wouldn't call it an adventure. Kanda hates fairy tale crap like that.

'C'mon Yu-chan lighten up a little it's not the end of the world!' Lavi you know Kanda doesn't like being called by his first name.

'Why don't you look at the scenery like Allen-chan. Ooooh French sheep.' Lavi suggested while pressing his nose against the cool glass of the window. That was when I realised something very very important. Kanda was a ticking time bomb and he was about to explode if something wasn't done quickly. Throughout the one sided exchange Lavi was having, Kanda had become redder and angrier. To stop the inevitable carnage that was about to ensue I quickly and subtly kicked Lavi out of the compartment. He landed with a light 'thump' on his ass next to the finder Toma who was accompanying them who looked quizzically at the red head but said nothing.

It seemed Kanda and I had had the same thought because he jammed the handle with Mugen effectively stopping Lavi getting back in.

'Hey guys?' His penitent voice called from behind the ornate door. 'Was it something I said?'

I sighed softly. I would apologize later. I didn't often get angry with my friends but Lavi could be a tad too obnoxious sometimes and even I had a fuse. It was admittedly a little longer than others but still…

Kanda looked across the table that separated us and gave me a grudging look of thanks. Wow we managed to so something constructive together for the first time since we met. Kanda unwittingly took some of Lavi's advice and stared out of the window at the quickly passing scenery.

And peace reigned once more upon the train and throughout the entire land.

'Guys! Please let me in I'm really really really sorry!!' Lavi banged hard this time, rattling the fragile glass. Kanda managed to ignore his best friend's desperate apologies but I wasn't as immune to Lavi's emotions. Guilt piled itself heavily on my shoulders until I couldn't take it anymore and opted for sleeping for a few hours.

A shadow walked past the door, one of the conductors, and took Lavi to one end of the train because he was disturbing the other passengers.

Oh today had started out so well…


The morning light cheerfully spilled through the windows of the Black Order's head quarters. The new day brought many things for me, a good morning smile from Lenalee, a small extended trip to the mess hall (Allen refuses to admit he got lost) and the most wonderful, fantastically great thing of all, a meal cooked by the head chef Jerry.

Nearly everyone I've met in the past, which was quite a lot considering how much I travelled with Master, have said my appetite was abnormal and kinda disgusting. The few people who didn't were Lenalee who was too polite to comment, Jerry who was delighted I ate so much of his food, and Kanda who just didn't give a damn. Maybe that was why I liked them all so much…


So with a little encouragement from my stomach I made my way to the mess hall and weaved my way through the massing throng to Jerry's window.

'Ah my dear Allen! Good morning! What can I get you?' The Indian man asked me joyfully.

'Well, can I get gratin, fries, dry curry, mabo tofu, beef stew, meat pie, carpaccio, nasi goreng, chicken, potato salad, a scone, kuppa, tomyankun and rice? And mango pudding and 20 mitarashi dango, large porchens if possible.' I gave him my most winning smile and he putted of to make me my food. A few seconds later he magically came back handed me the extensive plate calling 'have a good day dear' after my retreating back.

Once I reached an empty table I let myself have a moment to just smell the delicious food and to savour the sight of it. Every piece was perfectly prepared with love and care. It was so amazing that I was filled with vast respect and love for Jerry and his food. Especially his food. Then I began the large task of stuffing my mouth with his heavenly cooking.

Kanda walked past me and we shared a secret smile that know one else saw. Yes today would be just perfect. Our plan was set in action and within a week we would be in the most romantic city in the world shagging each others brains out. Yes, just perfect.

When Reever came to collect me to bring me to Komuii's office I gladly discarded my now empty plate and followed him to the paper littered room. Kanda was already sitting on the plush sofa opposite the Head of science department's desk. He didn't look up when I entered.

'Well have fun,' Reever said sarcastically and without waiting for an answer left the office. Taking a seat on the far side from Kanda I looked at Komuii expectantly.

'Hang on a moment Walker-san I know you're eager but we just have to wait for Lavi who'll also be coming with you.'

Huh? Both Kanda and I shot our heads up at this. We asked specifically to go by ourselves.

'I know its a little last minute but he really wanted to come with you and as they say the more the merrier!' Kanda's eye twitched.

The apprentice bookman chose that time to bounce merrily into the room exuding the kind of happiness that could get a guy punched if he wasn't careful.

'Hiya guys!' Neither of us answered.

Komuii started to explain our upcoming mission but I think only Lavi was really listening. We had spent ages plotting all those rumours so we would be sent to Paris. All by ourselves. Were we could fuck without being interrupted by the bunny boy. Now he's coming with us!

Today definitely wasn't my day.

End of flashback

So that's how this disaster began and I highly doubt that Kanda and I will be able to get intimate in a long time now. Of course I try and look on the Brightside of life, every cloud has a silver lining and all that. However it does get a little hard to be optimistic when your very hot boyfriend is just begging to be humped.

Well, the train journey shouldn't go to waste at least I thought, a feral smile gracing my face. And so hoping that Toma wouldn't hear anything I jumped on a very surprised Kanda and began the enjoyable task of shagging his brains out.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll update soon and don't forget to review!