As soon as Hinata stepped into the middle of the training grounds, she was immediately attacked by at least a dozen bombs. She quickly jumped out of the way, activating her Byakugan and making sure to avoid any other clay creatures Deidara decided to throw at her. She didn't think he would start right off the bat like this, but at least she was prepared.
Hinata had run into the forest, hiding on a tree branch, when she heard something rustle the leaves next to her. She turned her head to the side and saw a clay spider sitting on the side of the tree. Her eyes went wide and she jumped back as fast as she could, unfortunately still getting caught in the blast. The blast was strong enough that it made Hinata go flying into a tree, her back hitting it hard. She let out a small groan and stood up shaking her head.
"This might be harder than I thought." Hinata sighed to herself. She tried looking around with her Byakugan to find Deidara, but she couldn't see him anywhere.
"Hope you're having fun. This is just the beginning, un." Deidara shouted to her, sounding far away. She looked up to the sky and saw him flying around on a giant clay bird. She saw that he had started to drop his exploding spiders, and she ran off into the forest, dodging the ones that Deidara dropped in front of her. Hinata didn't notice that one of the spiders had jumped onto her back until she looked behind her. Her eyes got wide again and it quickly exploded. Luckily, she did substitution jutsu right before it exploded.
This continued for a few hours before Hinata ran out of energy and collapsed to her knees panting. Deidara walked up next to her after landing his bird and getting off.
"You did well, Hinata." Deidara told her, helping her up. She smiled slightly and nodded.
"Thanks, Deidara-senpai." He shook his head in response.
"Just call me Deidara. There's no need for formalities." Hinata nodded in understanding.
"Alright, will do. But if you don't mind, I'm going to go get cleaned up. Will you be training me tomorrow, Deidara?" She asked him.
"No, I'm afraid I won't be. I believe that Sasori-no-danna said he would be taking over next."
"Oh, okay. Thanks Deidara. Ja ne!" Hinata waved as she walked back into the base, heading towards her room. She was so exhausted, she never once noticed that she was being followed the whole way. As soon as she opened her door and walked inside, someone grabbed her and shoved her against the now closed door. Hinata let out a small gasp once she saw who it was, none other than Itachi. She couldn't help but struggle against him, but he kept his grip on her tight, not letting up once. Itachi bent down close to her, close enough so that he could whisper in her ear, his hot breath sending shivers throughout her body.
"What do you see in him, Hinata?" He asked her, his tongue darting out and licking her ear, preventing any coherent thoughts from entering her mind. He smirked as he felt a shudder go through her as he licked her ear again, lightly biting it, making her squirm against him. He was liking the reactions he was getting, and he wanted to see more. Smirking, Itachi licked down her jaw, inching his way closer to her mouth. He felt her squirm again but paid no heed to it, as he placed a light butterfly kiss on the side of her mouth.
Hinata couldn't help but turn her head to the side, wanting to taste his lips full on. Itachi smirked again as he noticed this. He bent down to her and crushed his lips on hers in a bruising kiss, immediately loving the feel and taste of her. He ran his tongue across her bottom lip, making her gasp and giving him the access he wanted. He plunged his tongue into her mouth, searching all around, memorizing every detail. He broke away from the kiss first, leaving her panting for breath, and he smirked to himself.
Mission accomplished, she does like me. He thought to himself. He let go of her and leaned back down to her ear.
"I'll see you around, Hinata-chan." He whispered to her, licking her ear again, making her shiver. He smirked and walked out of her room, shutting the door behind him. Hinata felt her knees give out and she slid to the floor, leaning her back against the wall and bringing her knees up to her chest.
"Th..That was amazing." She said to herself while still trying to regain her breath, not realizing that Itachi was standing outside her door. He could only smirk to himself in accomplishment as he heard every word she said, turning away from her door, he walked down the hall and towards his room. Hinata slowly regained her breath and got up, heading for the shower. She took her time in the shower, she had nothing to rush for. When she got out she threw on some of her pajamas and crawled into bed. She was really worn out from her training session with Deidara today, she had to dodge a lot of his bombs after all. Almost as soon as she laid her head on her pillow, sleep overtook her.
6:30 A.M. Hinata's Room
"HINATA-SAN!!" Someone yelled from behind Hinata's door, startling her awake.
"WAKE UP, HINATA-SAN!!" They yelled again. Hinata groaned as she stood up, walking over to the door. She dreaded who she would meet when she opened it, but she took a chance and opened it anyways.
"Hinata-san, you're awake!"
"Hai, Tobi-san. What do you need?" Hinata said, while rubbing her eyes to get herself more awake.
"Breakfast is ready, Hinata-san. Come eat with us." Tobi said quickly, grabbing Hinata's wrist and pulling her along, not giving her a chance to respond or pull away. Luckily, she was wearing her Akatsuki cloak over her pajamas, so she was at least half dressed. Tobi pulled her into the kitchen and left her to pick her own seat. The only seat that was available was between Hidan and Itachi.
Great, this should prove interesting. Hinata groaned to herself, walking over and taking her seat, with Itachi on her right and Hidan on her left. Itachi looked over at her as she sat down and she couldn't help but blush as she remembered what happened last night.
"So, Hinata-chan, who are you training with today?" Hidan asked her. Hinata shrugged in response.
"I have no clue. Deidara told me that Sasori-senpai was going to be taking over for today."
"Deidara told you right, Hinata-san." Someone said from the kitchen door. Hinata turned around to see someone with bright red hair, making him stand out instantly. He had beautiful brown eyes which had a sort of glimmer of their own to them, making her want to stare at them forever. She quickly tore her gaze away, not wanting to get caught for staring too long. She turned back around to the table and started to eat some eggs and toast.
"When are we going to train, Sasori-senpai?" Hinata asked him as he sat down in front of her.
"Hm, after dinner tonight. I want you to be fully rested and have lots of energy, you're going to need it." Sasori answered with a smirk on his face. Hinata just nodded and yawned, wanting to go back to sleep.
"Aw, Hinata-chan is tired." Hidan said, noticing her yawn, and causing her to blush lightly. He stood up behind her and picked her up bridal style in one movement, making her yelp in surprise. She tried her best to get free of his grip, but he just tightened it, not letting her go. "Now, now, come on, Hinata-chan. Back to bed with you." Hidan told her while smiling, starting to carry her off to her room. She turned around the best she could to face everyone to say her goodbyes, as Hidan kept walking, giving up on trying to get free. Hidan was just too strong for her. Itachi was just glaring daggers at Hidan's retreating form, which Hinata saw. She smiled at Itachi and she saw him smirk slightly back.
"Goodbye, everyone. I'll see you later, Sasori-senpai." Hinata said waving, right as Hidan walked through the kitchen door. He carried her off to her room and set her gently on her bed when he got there.
"Now, go to sleep Hinata-chan. Sasori is a tough person to train against, so you will need all of your strength." Hidan told her, covering her up in some blankets as she started to fall asleep.
"Hai...Hidan...-kun. Ari...gatou." Hinata managed to say as she drifted off to sleep once more.