Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters. They have only been borrowed for entertainment purposes only without any commercial gain.
Chapter One
"Today you are protected by Malkuth, the Angel closest to the wishes of all mankind, so whatever you asked for shall be granted to you without any conditions, because this Angel knows your doubts and your worries.
Nonetheless, you shall not get used to just ask but work by yourself, for all that you want."
"Ha!" -Laughed Kerry to herself.
She put the little booklet away inside the bag she had brought along with her, a fact that she was starting to absolutely regret. However, she kept on walking. There was really no point on trying to get back to the car when she was already so far ahead. No. She would just keep on walking.
And walking she did. The small beads of sweat slowly grew larger and thicker, engorged by the inclement sun that pounded over her silky, red hair. Her limbs started to give out under the humid heat that surrounded her every move. She tried walking faster; perhaps she would not feel the heat as much, she thought. No avail. It was too hot and if she wanted to make it in one piece, she would have to pace herself.
"Need some help, Dr. Weaver?"
The sudden voice interrupted her concentration and Kerry could not hide her surprise.
"Oh, I'm sorry, did I startle you?"
"Abby! Oh no, no… I was just…"
"Here, let me help you".
"Thanks. Thank you, Abby".
"You're welcome, Dr. Weaver".
"I didn't know you had decided to come at the end…"
"It was way too good an offer to pass on. I had some days due and decided to come and bake for a little while. I guess you made the same decision".
"And… Dr. Weaver? Don't worry. I won't be in your way. I guess this hotel is a big enough and it is not my intention to bother you…"
"Uh… I…"
"Oh Dr. Weaver, it's okay, really. I know you like to keep to yourself. So do I so, don't worry, I mean it, okay?"
A little taken aback by Abby's commentary, Kerry just let it passed and remained quiet. Again, she had not been given the chance to refute the generalized paradigm; that she liked to be alone. Period.
And alone she was. After the horrendous finale with Kim, Kerry simply had not had the strength to even try to engage in anything else. Yes, there had been Sandy. But Sandy could not fill, as much as she tried, the hole left in Kerry's life after Kimberly had left.
So yes, Kerry liked to keep to herself.
There was no point, she thought, she was just not cut out for that. No, she thought. She was better at being by herself, alone with her work, her intellectual curiosity, her travels, the few friends she had.
Besides, she was ill equipped to handle relationships. The point was well proven with the whole Kim incident and her lack of volition to step out and defend the one person she had grown to love.
So, be it. Alone she was.
Abby remained quiet when they finally arrived to the pre-selected spot in the wide, white sand beach. With strength quite surprising to Kerry at least, Abby unfolded the tent and proceeded to set it up as if she had been doing this task for years. When she completed the feat, she unfolded the chairs and the small magazine table that were part of the enormous beach bag that she had been carrying.
Kerry just stood there, speechless. She had always respected Abby's ability as a nurse; her resolution, her fierce determination in times of crises, her competency. But this was certainly not the ER and Kerry was just fascinated. She could not keep her eyes away from the young woman; her light brown hair shining against the sun rays, the concentration, the fragile smile she always displayed in her lips.
"You're staring at me…"
Again, Abby's words took her by surprise.
"I'm sorry. I was just… uh… I just never thought you'd b…"
"I'd be so good at things like these, right?"
Kerry just nodded.
"Don't tell anybody but I was, actually, a girl scout once".
Kerry could not help but chuckle.
"You're kidding… You Abby?"
"I'm serious. Why do you find it so amusing?"
Kerry regained her composure, that is, she became self aware, as usual. As a result, her grin left her face, giving way to a more subdued and controlled expression.
"I'm sorry Abby; I just never thought that…"
"Yes, I know. It's sort of dorky but, I enjoyed it, actually, very much. It was a way to be, you know, away from home…the situation with my mother… you know, the whole…"
"Yes, I know."
Abby just stared at Kerry for a couple of seconds as Kerry held her gaze. It was a silent way for the two of them to acknowledge each other's presence and most importantly, each other's weaknesses and strengths. Once the point had been made, Kerry broke off the moment by lowering her eyes.
"Well..." –said Abby- "… you're all set… I better go…"
"Uh… okay… thank you Abby, this is great… you shouldn't…"
"It's okay Dr. Weaver, it was my pleasure, really. See you around then?"
"Sure, sure… thanks again, Abby".
Abby just smiled shyly at Kerry and left.
The small redhead just watched as the younger woman walked away. Despite the fact that she had known Abby for a while now, she realized she knew so little of the efficient, hard working, somewhat troubled co-worker. In fact, she knew so little of just about the rest of the people with whom she shared so many hours in that ER of hers. What did she truly knew about Malik or Randi or even Carter, with whom she even shared her own home?
Nothing or close to nothing.
But it was not the absence of real information what amazed her the most. It was the actual lack of interest on her part, to know more about these people. It was almost as they did not exist or did not matter for her.
But once again, as so many times before, she disregarded the thought and shoved it deeply somewhere in her brain. She had decided to take up on this offer from a nearby travel agency and she had come to rest or at least, try to. So, rest she would do. She turned around again to check the spot where Abby had settled down to. From the distance, Kerry was able to watch the young nurse's white, baggy shirt flowing in the warm breeze; her quiet demeanor as she sat, book in hand, basking in the sun.
She often felt intrigued by Abby. Friendly at times, at others, indifferent towards her made Kerry wonder.
However, she decided to focus on herself and breathing deeply, she realized that this was not the time to ponder that mystery. In a few days they would be back at County and maybe then, she would engage once again in such analysis.
Some four hours later, Kerry was ready to head back to her room. This time however, she had decided to leave the tent behind, picking up only her towels, her books and her bag. The sun had gone down a bit and the impossible blue of the sea had changed into a radiant copper. She had decided to go up, take a shower and go back down to catch the last rays of light of that one glorious day.
As she started walking, she realized that Abby was also, getting ready to go back to the hotel. Without realizing it herself, she started walking a bit faster in the hopes that maybe; she could catch up with Abby.
"Hey Kerry, ready to head back?"
"Yeah, you too, uh"
"Yup, enough sun for one day. I have to take it easy though, the last time I did this, I burnt badly".
Abby looked at Kerry noticing small beads of sweat appearing in her bosses' forehead.
"You're hot" Abby said to Kerry. "Here, let me help you" -And with one swift movement, took the bag from Kerry's hands.
Kerry just stood there, again, confused by Abby's behavior. She enjoyed it, she realized. She actually relished being the object of Abby's attention, albeit for a few minutes. Without wanting, she smiled and the warmth she felt, prompted her to approach the young nurse.
"Yeah, Kerry?" Abby answered.
"Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?"
At the moment the last word left her mouth, Kerry regretted having made the invitation. Abby probably had other plans and if not, Kerry was sure the nurse would not want to spend her first evening in a Caribbean resort with her old, tired, bitter and socially awkward boss who, besides everything else, was a lesbian.
"Uh… I'm sorry; you probably have better plans… I'm sorry…"
Abby stood there, watching the rise and immediate fall of her boss' spirit. She knew this was one of those rare moments she had been chosen to witness and that fact, again as in the past, filled her with honor and joy.
"No Kerry, I don't have any better plans… I'd love to have dinner with you tonight"
Kerry, once again, smiled. "Thank you…" She said.
And smiling shyly at each other, they started walking towards the hotel.
Once inside the lobby, the cool air welcomed them. "Ah… it feels so nice" said Kerry as they entered. "Yeah… A/C has got to be one of men's best inventions…" –Murmured Abby smiling sheepishly and waiting for her companion to make a remark. "Yup, that and hot water…" Added Kerry, jokingly.
They kept on walking until they hit the elevators. Instinctively, both of them stopped simultaneously, to examine the board and check out the list of restaurants.
"What did you have for lunch" -Asked Kerry without taking his eyes away from the board.
"A burger…"
"Hmmm… Me too…"
"Seafood?" -The two of them asked at the same time, a fact that made them smile at each other, once again.
"Yeah… that sounds right… seafood will be, then". –Said Kerry.
Once the decision had been made, Abby bent to pick up her belongings. She handed Kerry her bag and made a motion towards the elevators.
"So, at what time would you like to eat, 7, 8… later, maybe?"
Kerry looked at her watch as Abby waited for her answer.
"Hmm… I don't know… how hungry you think you'll be?"
"I tell you what…" –Said Abby as she resumed her walk towards the elevators. "What do you think if we meet again at 7:30? That way we can maybe have a drink or so and then, we'll eat… how does that sound?"
Kerry Weaver lit up like a birthday candle. She was enjoying herself a lot more than she had expected and Abby's company, the casual and friendly exchange they were sharing, made her feel good, joyful. Abby, as perceptive as always, noticed the sudden change in her boss' face but as always, made no comment about it. She just simply waited for the answer she already knew was coming.
"Yeah… that sounds good, Abby, thanks".
Smiling, Abby just answered "Sure Kerry, anytime".
And with that, they waived goodbye and boarded different elevators.
Once inside her room, Abby lit up a cigarette and sat by the balcony. She was satisfied that her first day of this short vacation had gone so well and above that, she was feeling quite glad at having the opportunity to be with Kerry in a different setting, so far away from the hospital and their daily routines. But above all, she was simply happy to be with Kerry.
It was not a recent realization. Abby had always liked Kerry, ever since she first started working at County. She just liked her, simple. But most of all, she liked her because their relationship, albeit limited by the setting and the circumstances, had always been a good one.
And Abby knew that she was directly responsible for that because early on, she realized, she had a knack at dealing with Kerry. She knew. Due to some unfathomable reason, she knew the secret of dealing with the mighty Dr. Weaver… letting the woman be.
Let Kerry Weaver be whatever she was at all times was Abby's advantage and ever present tactic. Abby knew, as if she had been given a "Kerry Weaver's User Manual", that the temperamental ER Chief needed a lot of rope and a lot of space to move about in the world. Abby knew that Kerry needed to be taken as she was and her feelings and moods needed space to live and die out.
So, that is what Abby always did. She always let Kerry have enough space and enough freedom to be whatever she wanted or needed to be without pushing, pressuring or coercing.
And again, as in the past, Abby knew that whatever time she and Kerry were to spend together during this vacation, would be a good one.
And she smiled.
A couple of hours later, Kerry was ready to go. The restaurant was an open air bistro right at the beach front so she opted for a nice pair of linen Bermuda pants and a simple, navy blue T-shirt. Having tucked her shirt under her pants and having adjusted the belt, she reviewed her hair and light make up noticing that the sun had already given her a bit of reddish tan.
'Not bad…' -She thought to herself as she looked herself at the mirror, smiling.
Abby, in her room, had been ready for the last half hour but had decided to stay and flip through the channels to quiet the boredom and the little anticipation she felt tugging at her. Finally, after 10 minutes of aimless zapping she turned off the TV, grabbed her keycard, checked herself once again in the mirror and headed to the lobby.
Once the elevator's doors opened, she was greeted by a soft, upbeat music coming from the lobby and the beach front area and she felt good. She loved being at the beach and she relish at the fact that for once, she was free; free from her mother and the guilt, free from Carter and his constant demands, free from Luka and his never ending whining. She was just by herself, absolutely free to eat or sleep or read or smoke or even drink, if she wanted to.
And to make things even better, she was about to meet Kerry.
She walked a little further towards the pre-established meeting place, when she spotted Kerry who was standing there, examining the menu with her usual, intense concentration.
"Hey" –Said Abby, still somewhat distant.
Kerry looked up and was greeted by a very relaxed Abby; loose hair, jeans, crisp white oxford shirt and sandals.
"Hi Abby"
Kerry smiled and waited as the young nurse approached her. 'She looks so different…' –thought Kerry- '…so relaxed, unhurried…'
"Hi" –Said Abby once again standing now in front of Kerry. –"Are we ready?"
And they both started walking not exactly knowing where they were going.
"So… what do you want to do? Wanna have that drink or wanna go and eat right away? –Asked Abby trying to appear calm as she felt a sense of warmth invade her body.
"I'm a little hungry but I can wait. How 'bout you?"
"I'm good too so, let's have a drink…"
Kerry kept on walking and said nothing.
"And Kerry…?"
"I'm not going to 'drink-drink' so, don't worry".
Kerry nodded and kept on walking surprised at Abby's uncanny ability to read her. She had noticed that before, a trait she found absolutely endearing in Abby but had remained quiet about it, just taking it in and accepting the gift but this time, she wanted to approach Abby about it.
"Abby… how do you do it?"
"What, Kerry?"
"That… that which you just did…"
Abby knew what her boss was referring to but wanted to hear Kerry talk.
"What?" -She said smiling and looking directly at Kerry.
"That amazing ability you have to read my thoughts sometimes…"
Abby smiled broadly but shyly, as she always did. Those words were a compliment and she knew it and she savored the moment.
"Uh… I don't know Dr. Weaver… I don't know…"
"Oh, come on Nurse Lockhart, sure you can do better than that".
Sighing deeply, Abby went on.
"Oh… I don't know Kerry, I guess… uh… I just know. I could tell you a lot of things but the truth of the matter is that I really don't know… I'm perceptive..? Uh… I don't know… I just pick up on things…"
"And you do this with everybody..?
"Oh God no… Most people I couldn't care less about… just a few…"
"And I'm… one of them…"
Abby turned to Kerry and smiled, and making an expression of defeat, calmly said: "Caught me".
Kerry, genuinely surprised at the revelation, decided to pursue the matter.
"But… why? Why me?"
Abby just chuckled.
"Well Kerry… you're my boss! I mean, if I am not going to pay attention to you, who am I going to pay attention to, then? Isn't that a good reason?
Kerry just shrugged and kept on walking. Abby knew her boss found the answer logical but less than convincing. Or perhaps she had found it convincing but somewhat disappointing.
"Plus…" –Continued Abby- "… I find you…"
Kerry stopped in her tracks and looked at Abby.
"Really..? Interesting?"
"Yeah... interesting. Don't you think you're interesting, Kerry?"
Kerry resumed her walking and Abby followed. They finally made it to the restaurant and headed straight to the bar. Kerry was the first one there and after taking a seat, positioned her crutch close to her and padding the seat next to her, called Abby.
"Seat by me"
And it was not a demand, it was a nice, warm invitation that Abby accepted immediately.
Once seated next to Kerry, Abby took in the festive atmosphere of the place. The warm air was filled with music, conversation and a subtle aroma of grilled seafood being cooked nearby.
"Oh Kerry… this is great…"
"Yes… it is…"
"Thank you for inviting me to have dinner with you…. I would have probably stayed at my room and would have ordered a grilled cheese sandwich…"-Smiling, Abby went on-"Thanks…"
"You're welcome Abby…"
Ordering a couple of sodas, they settle on small talk for a while covering the necessary latest happenings in the ER and County in general. Once dinner was over, they decided to move to a small table right by the dance floor where a few couples were trying very hard not to fall as they danced the limbo.
Both women were in good spirits and the music, the good food and the energizing conversation had left them smiling and content. Abby sat facing the dance floor with a smirk on her face and abruptly, in the midst of it all, faced Kerry.
"Do you dance?"
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me… do you dance?"
Kerry, somewhat puzzled, tried to gain some time by finishing a sip of her long forgotten drink.
"So?" –Pressed Abby.
"Uh… yeah… eventually… once in a while… I do…"
Kerry did not know what to make of the unexpected question. For a moment there in Abby's expression, Kerry thought she saw a potential invitation from the young nurse but Abby settled back to watching the dancers move in front of them.
"I feel like dancing… I have always enjoyed it…"
'Ok… hmmm… aaannddd..?' Thought Kerry as Abby muttered those words. Nonetheless, she went on.
"And… do you know how to dance to this music..?" –Asked Kerry referring to the fact that it was Latin music and somehow she could not imagine Abby dancing to a merengue song.
"Hell no… But I would like to try it sometime though…"
Kerry sighed deeply. 'To do or not to do… To say something or not…'
"Do you know how..?" –Said Abby pointing to the dance floor. –"I mean… I thought that maybe Sandy…"
"Yeah… I danced with her a few times but I already knew a little…"
"That's good…" –Added Abby again, turning to the dance floor.
The music changed into a much slower, calm, melodious tune in Spanish.
Out of nowhere, Kerry's words burst out of her mouth.
"Would you like to try it now..?"
Abby turned in disbelief.
"Really? You don't mind?
"No, it's ok…"
Immediately Abby stood up and extended her hand towards Kerry, smiling shyly and mumbling, mostly to herself- "I can't believe this…"
Kerry took Abby's hand and stood up.
"Tell me about it…"
And so they stood up in front of each other.
Abby not knowing what to do, extended her arms.
"Ok, this is the thing…" –Said Kerry- "You have to support me because of my hip, ok? Otherwise, I can't do it".
And taking Abby's right hand, she placed it in her own left hip.
"Like this. Your hand is my support, ok?"
Abby just nodded.
"And this one…" -Kerry took Abby's left hand- "You hold right up, got it?"
"Got it". –Answered Abby, not quite believing she was about to actually pretend to dance with her boss.
"Just follow my movements… it's not complicated really… just let yourself go with the rhythm and follow me if you feel lost, ok?"
And so they began dancing. Abby kept staring down at their feet and watched in awe as they move together, quite nicely, actually.
"See..? Nice, uh?" -Asked Kerry as to cut the obvious tension among them.
"Yeah… are you ok, I mean, am I supporting you right?"
Kerry chuckled –"Yeah Abby, you're doing fine… just relax…"
Abby heard the last words and felt a bit more at ease. She moved her hand a little higher as to hold Kerry tighter, and felt her gone confidence, come back to her.
"Can you dance to the faster ones?" –Abby asked, leaning closer to Kerry.
"Yes… but I need more support and I need to get used to the person I am dancing with…"
"I guess you danced a lot with Sandy…"
Kerry did not answer immediately.
"I'm sorry Kerry, I should not ask you about your personal life…"
Kerry separated herself a bit from Abby and waived a hand.
"No, it's ok, Abby. Yes, we danced often. She liked it and I enjoyed it…" –Answered Kerry with a faint smile in her face. "But I have not danced in a while and hmm... maybe I already forgot how to do it…"
"Naahh… Dr. Weaver… I think you do it great…"
And Abby just let that phrase hang between them as the song faded. When the song was over, Abby stopped and separated herself from her boss.
"Thank you, Kerry…"
Kerry looked at her young companion and for the first time since she had met Abby Lockhart, she found her beautiful.
"Your nose is all red Abby… got to put some lotion tomorrow…"
Abby just smiled and nodded.
"I'm feeling somewhat tired so I am going to head back… are you staying? –Asked Kerry.
"Yeah…" –Answered Abby not really paying attention to Kerry.
"Ok.. so I'll see-"
"Kerry, I was thinking about going into town tomorrow, would you like to come along?"
Again, Abby had caught Kerry off guard.
"That would be nice… actually"
"Ok, then… Shall we meet for breakfast, say at 9:30?"
Kerry marveled at Abby's aloofness in the manner she approached her; as she did not have one care in the world when it came to Kerry. But despite of it, Kerry decided to again, take the gift that was being presented to her and this, made her sense of peace grow exponentially.
"9:30 will be fine… thanks, Abby"
Abby looked up, grinned and just said: "…Sure, don't mention it…"
And with that, they headed back to the elevators, waived goodbye and left to their rooms.
(End of Chapter 1)