The Doctor gets in the way of Harry Potter fans and discovers exactly why this is not a good idea.

The Doctor stood in the doorway of the bookstore with his hands on his hips, a smile lighting his face. "It feels good to have a nice relaxing visit once in a while, doesn't it, Martha?" he said to his companion.

Suddenly, he noticed the terrified look on Martha's face. "What is it?"

"We're in the doorway," Martha managed to squeak.

The Doctor gave her an odd look. "And?"

"And it's a bookstore."

The Doctor still looked confused.

Martha rolled her eyes. "Doctor, it's simple really. London, 21st July 2007. Midnight. The bookstore is wide open and the staff are glaring at you."

Realisation dawned on the Doctor, and he attempted to move out of the way. But it was too late. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, hundreds of crazed Harry Potter fans appeared. As one, they saw the Doctor in the doorway, and as one, they acted. Within seconds, the Doctor was crushed to the ground, the feet of adults and children alike trampling all over his body, not leaving an inch untouched. He cried out in pain as one woman in high heels trod on a particularly sensitive organ, and breathed a sigh of relief as the trampling stopped and the mob seemed to have made their way into the shop. Picking himself up, he began to dust himself off where he stood.

This was not the brightest moment in the doctor's career. The fans now had their books, and were rushing to get home in order to read them. It began again. A woman of about 60 lifted her handbag and knocked him down. As he fell, the Doctor wondered why she was carrying bricks around, but the thought was cut off by the mob once again stomping all over him.

As quick as it began, it was over. The Doctor was left lying on the floor. One would think he was dead, barring the occasional twitch.

Martha and the staff of the bookstore shook their heads in remorse. "He never had a chance."

Authors Note: Yeah, its crap but this came to my mind while I was anticipating my very own copy of Deathly Hallows, which was fantastic, in my opinion, by the way.