I know, I know. I've been gone waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long. What was it this time? 4 months? I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please forgive me! Please stay tuned for last chapter's reviewers…

Najika Tsubasa-chan


neenaame (x2)








Crystal Chime13





Alice Starr



Thanks guys! So many wished me a happy birthday! Now, please enjoy this chapter. My reasons for deserting you for so long are at the end! Hope you like it!

Disclaimer: Don't own. Wish I did. We gots a problem, peoples.

Previously on...A Reason to Live:


We have to talk about… You-Know-Who! (And yes, I mean your girl and mine!) Meet me in my room when you get this. I asked Hotaru—Sorry! I mean Imai!—to give it to you. But I had to pay her… Oh well! My room as soon as you get this! See you there!


Natsume peeked around the corner of the hallway, checking if there was anyone around. Nope. He sprinted to the door, his heart racing. He stood outside for a moment to catch his breath and knocked quickly, three times. The door opened and a hand shot out, grabbed the collar of Natsume's shirt, and yanked him in.

Now inside, Natsume looked around at the spotless room, taking in the animal posters that covered almost every inch of the walls. He glanced over at Ruka, raising a single eyebrow. Ruka blushed furiously and said, scrambling for words, "I, um, well... It's like this- Oh, they're... They're.. Gifts? Yeah, gifts! That's right! From my... My... My little sister! She... um... Well..."

"Ruka," Natsume interjected. Ruka looked up, face tomato-red. "Just give it up, man."

"Well, anyway!" Ruka blustered on, trying to save face. "There was a point for this meeting, remember? Yeah, there was. The Mikan and Hotaru dilemmas, remember?"

"How could I forget? So, what are we gonna do?"

"I'm not really sure... I've never done this sort of thing before. What about you?"

"Not even once. I've loved Mikan pretty much all my life. Who else could I have confessed to? My mom?" Natsume scoffed. "Hey, have you got anything to eat? I'm starved. Mikan being mad at me wiped out my appetite for a while there."

"Uh, yeah. Lemme see..." He walked over to his mini fridge, opened it, and rummaged around. When he came back up, he was holding a paper plate filled with several slices of cold sausage and cheese pizza. He grabbed another plate and piled a few slices on top. Passing it to Natsume, he asked, "Soda?" Natsume nodded. Ruka tossed him a Coke and took a bite of his own slice.

Natsume, waiting for it to be safe, opened the Coke and took a sip. "But anyway dude, you and Imai? So simple. Give her a crapload of money and then ask her out. Not that hard, man."

Ruka laughed, "Natsume, that's bribery!"

"What's your point?"

"I don't want her to be with me just because I'm paying her to! That's not the relationship I want!"

"Man, that's the only one you'll get with that witch."


Ruka threw himself at his friend, fists flying wildly. But the Bunny Boy was not strong. Natsume grabbed both his arms, twisted them behind Ruka's back, and pressed him to the floor. "Calm down. Calm down and I'll let you up. Got it?" He nodded slightly, face pressed to the floorboards. Natsume got up and sat in the armchair nearby. Ruka also stood up, but just stayed there, rubbing his face.

"Oh... Oh! Natsume, I'm so sorry! Crap! I didn't mean to- It was a reflex, I guess."

"It's fine. It's not like you actually did any damage. But you really like Imai, don't you?"

Ruka sighed. "Yes. I don't mean to. I mean, I know I have no chance, but, I just can't help it." He threw himself backward onto his bed. "What am I gonna do?" he moaned, rolling from side to side.

He was pulled up by his collar, looking straight at Natsume. "If you give up, I'll give up. And if I give up, I'll kill you."

Ruka gave an awkward laugh, unsure of what to say. Natsume's eyes narrowed as he threw his friend back. He's serious... Ruka thought, his eyes widening with the realization. He's really give up on the love of his life... for me. With determination in his eyes, he stood up, back straight, and declared, "I swear to you, Natsume, I will not give up."

"I haven't seen Hyuuga around much lately," Hotaru commented as she and Mikan walked to their next class.

"I know, right?" Mikan replied, brushing a strand of hair from her eyes, "Ruka-pyon's never here either. I wonder what's going on..."

"Maybe they're plotting," Hotaru suggested with a raised eyebrow.

"Plotting what?"

"To ask you out, obviously." She considered her words for a second and added, "Well, in Hyuuga's case that is."

Mikan laughed, "What are you talking about Hotaru? Natsume doesn't want to ask me out! Why would he? We're best friends! Silly!"

Hotaru rolled her eye. "Mikan... You're so stupid..." she mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, nothing..."

They walked the rest of the way to the classroom in silence. As they neared the door, it swung open and a wind carrying thousands of rose petals flowed gracefully into the hall. Mikan gasped and clapped her hands in delight. Hotaru stood there, eyes narrowed, arms folded. Once the flowers had cleared away, they walked slowly into the classroom. A slow, white mist curled on the floor. Mikan was confused, but Hotaru's eyes zeroed in on a single yen, which lay on the floor. She walked up to it and reached down to grab it. Suddenly, it sprang backwards. She glared into the fog, refusing to be a part of the stupid game which appeared she was expected to play. She reached into her pocket, pulled out her horse-shoe glove and shot into the whiteness.

A low groan of pain echoed through the room. "Hotaruuuuuu!" Ruka dashed forward, a red mark on his forehead. He grabbed her shoulders and gazed down at her still, surprised face. "Why? W-" "Why?" He was cut off by her voice, which rose up to intercept him.

"Why are you doing this, Nogi? I'm not stupid. I know what's going on. I just don't understand why you feel you have to do this. Explain it to me."

His face gained color, "I... I love you! I don't know how else to say it- or how to explain this stupid stunt. I had to tell you. Now. I love you, Hotaru." His chest rose up and down quickly, as if he'd just run a marathon.

Her violet eyes grew large. She processed what had just happened. He shook her by the shoulders, waking her from her thoughts. She looked up, stoic face in place. "Tell me, Hotaru. Whether you love me or hate me, just tell me. If you want to run, you can. After you've answered me."

She closed her eyes and breathed slowly. In and out. In and out. Ruka stared down, trying to slow his racing heart.

She rose onto the tips of her toes and pressed her lips to his, a blush dusting her cheeks. His arms wound themselves around her, holding her tight against his chest. A tear fell slowly from her closed eye, the only one drop you'd ever see. A smile unfolded slowly on his face as their kiss continued, her arms now draped around his shoulders.

Back in the doorway, Mikan stood, her hands up to her eyes, wiping the tears away. A hand pressed onto her shoulder, making her look up. Natsume stood there, his arm extended. He smiled a little warm smile. She looked back up, a grin on her face and the tears gently falling down. She turned back to her friends. "Looks like Hotaru got her happy ending," she murmured to herself. She looked back at Natsume. Will I ever have that? She thought, as her heart gave a twinge.

Natsume was surprised by the look of sadness in Mikan's eyes as she smiled at him. Someday, little girl, someday soon.

I'm finishing this thing. This story has been going on for far too long! About 2 more chapters than I am DONE WITH THIS STORY! Yay!