Disclaimer: The following story does NOT belong to me! I have only Translated it! anyone who want's the original source (chinese) go to the first chapter and read the disclaimer.
Disclaimer's Disclaimer: D.Gray-Man belongs to Hoshino Katsura.

Translator's note: And now to the end...

Warning: AllenXLenalee fic. If you squint you may see LaviXKanda. AU and also little bit of OOCness.

(dedicated to promoting more AllenXLenalee! XD)

Part 22: Seeking the person at the end.

Three years flew by like the blink of an eye, but the person in waiting did not return. The days were hollow without meaning. Every day seemed to be the same…….

Sun rising. Sun setting.

The girl's hair grew long then cut short, then grew long again and cut short again……Her violet eyes were still shining, still with hope.

Her friends had not changed much, still playing, laughing, crying.

Apparently the bell tower will start on its restoration as from tomorrow because it was beginning to get old.

So today was the last day. But…….

No, it won't happen……. She shook the thought from her head, and weakly smiled to herself.

He will never do this to her. He wasn't the one to break a promise…..

She had to believe in him. Just believe……

But she had no control over the flow of her tears.


Falling to the ground and breaking……..

Just like the last of her hopes.


Snow fell.

Just like the day he had left. A quiet whiteness…….

"I wonder what would Lenalee be like when she sees me? I hope she doesn't really rush over and give me a punch." Somewhere, a white haired young man smiled to himself gently. His shoulders were already covered with quite an amount of snow making him seem like an angel which had just returned from heaven.


"Please come back today……" The dark haired girl prayed, her eyes closed, her hands clasped together.

"What if he doesn't return?" A young man smiled slyly. His gaze was soft on her, his heart was aching for her.

"Allen……" She softly spoke his name her voice was quivering.

"Today was the last day……but you came back……"

"Because I wanted to come back and tell you something." Allen chuckled deeply.

"Really?" She lifted her head and gazed at his shock of silver threads, secretly hoping.


"Dong……." The bell started to sound again.

The girl made a "Pochi" sound and started to giggle.

"You like me."

"Eh?--I haven't even said it yet--" The young man looked at her in surprise, "Has Lenalee learnt mind reading?"

"Baka." Lenalee sqinted with a big smile, the sparkle in her eyes were as always.

"Because I like you too."

"Oh oh." Alen nodded smiling, "Yep yep. I know. I knew that."

"Your angel…...has returned, my princess."

"Baka." Lenalee lifted her head still smiling, "You know what?"

"Many things." Allen smiled lowering his head at the girl he loved.

"For example……Lenalee is still beautiful."

"Al…………" she didn't finish what she wanted to say because her soft lips had been lightly sealed.

A kiss.

Gently…….like the snow melting away.

Words that couldn't be said. They can still be left in the heart, right?

"I am glad you have returned….."

"Okaeri." Welcome home.


For a person to be able to return, maybe never lost the right to stay…..

Maybe this is what they call a turning point….


Translator's Note: So this is the end of the story i wanted to share with all the AllenXLenalee fans that i have found. I hoped you enjoyed it as much as i did when i first read this story.

I know, I know, my translations are not perfect and compared to the original one, it could be very far off. But i am happy that i could do it...

Thankyou for everyone who reviewed and left comments, it was my motivation and a thought to the original author too! Thanks guys! Really.

I have another story for translation in mind already. So if you still trust me, Please come and read.

See you with another one next time.