A View to a Wedding

Disclaimer: I do not own PotS, its characters, places, etc. Tamora Pierce is fabulous, but this IS my first fanfic, so please be kind - and honest.

A/N: (2009/06/07) This actually was the first story I ever posted on this site! :D Unfortunately, it had quite a few 'rough edges' so I've cleaned things up a bit and I hope it looks better now. Thank you for reading (or re-reading) my story. New reviews are always welcome! Enjoy!! :D

Wedding Day

October 31, 464 H.E., Fief Mindelan, Tortall, home of Lady Knight Keladry

Everyone stood up as the trumpet fanfare announced the upcoming procession of the bridal party. All heads turned toward the back of the Mindelan family chapel as the ushers, Kel's brothers Inness and Conal opened the heavy oak doors. Kel's oldest brother Anders escorted their mother, Lady Ilane, down the aisle to her place in the front left pew.

Next came Kel's good friend and matron of honor, Lady Yukimi of Queenscove, formerly of the Yamani Islands. Yuki was now the wife of her best friend Sir Nealan of Queenscove, who was the groom's best man. Yuki and Neal were the proud parents of the cute twin girls who were toddling behind their mother, carefully tossing flower petals all along the aisle. Neal's bright green eyes met his wife's dark sparkling eyes with a mix of amusement and wonder, as their daughters made their way toward the altar.

Finally, Baron Piers of Mindelan escorted his youngest daughter, Keladry, down the aisle toward the man who had won her heart.

Domitan of Masbolle waited, along with everyone else, as Kel seemed to float to the altar. His sapphire blue eyes sparkled and his face held a peculiar expression. His breath caught in his throat as Kel, resplendent in her cream-colored wedding gown, smiled at all their friends and well-wishers. A hand grasped his hand and he heard a soft whisper.

"Any regrets?"

Dom's sapphire gaze softened as he looked down and raised the hand to his lips.

"None at all, my love," he replied to his wife of seven months, Celise, formerly of Hollyrose, "None at all."

A/N: Let me know what you think! Thanks!!