Gregory House stood staring. He watched as Lisa gently buttoned the long row down Abigail's dress and laugh, whispering something into her ear.

"Daddy?" Twenty year old, Abigail House asked in far off voice.

"Are you okay, Greg?" Cuddy asked.

"Oh, uh, yeah; I'm fine," he blinked. Both Lisa and Abigail were starring at him funny. Once they realized he was okay, they both started giggling.

"Hey now," he smirked.

"So," Abigail asked, "what do you think?"

"Beautiful," he said without hesitation. Looking at them side-by-side, he noticed how much Abigail resembled her mother; same wavy brown hair, some cheek bones, same smile. Everything was Lisa, except the eyes; she had his clear blue eyes

"Excuse me," a small girl of eight, wearing a flower girl dress, appeared at the door. "They said I should come and fetch you, Dr. Cuddy."

"Thank you, Allie." She turned to Abigail. "I love you, Sweetie."

"I love you too, Mama," Abigail kissed her cheek and went in for a hug.

"You don't want to crunch your gown."

"Oh, Mom," she rolled her eyes and squeezed her tightly.

"See you in a bit," she glanced at House once before slipping out the door.

"Almost time, Daddy," she whispered before returning to the mirror to check her make up and smooth out her gown. He still couldn't believe his little girl was getting married. It seemed impossible to him. Watching her apply the final touches, he couldn't help remember...


Limping into the private hospital room, House, stood over the glass bassinet, his clear blue eyes transfixed on a sleeping baby. Abigail yawned and opened her matching blue eyes, as House gently stroked her tiny hand and kissed her cheek gently. Picking her up, he sat in the rocker beside the bed, careful not to disturb his sleeping wife.

"Hey there, Beautiful," House whispered softly to his daughter. His daughter. He never realized the meaning and power behind those words, even during the past months, but holding her for the first time in the delivery room had changed everything.

Now, he couldn't seem to stop holding her, or looking at her, or thinking about her-- yes, the hard-ass, sarcastic, Dr. Gregory House was obsessed with his new born baby girl. Glancing over to make sure Lisa was asleep and comfortable he saw a look on her face he'd never seen before. Was it peace? Joy? Relief?

The pregnancy had been hard for Lisa, after two miscarriages; one early in the pregnancy and one in the seventh month, they almost gave up trying completely. As fate would have it, they were finally about to conceive again and although Abigail had been born a month early, she was in stable, but not excellent condition, which is why the doctors wanted to keep her overnight for observation.

"It's just you and me, Kiddo." House rocked her gently. "You really scared your mom and me, you know that? You sure where in a hurry to get here, but that's okay, we're glad to see you." Abigail responded by closing her eyes and yawning. "I can't believe you're yawning at me," he laughed when she did it a second time.

"Dr. House," a natal nurse appeared in the doorway. "I'm suppose to take Abigail back to the nursery." House nodded as he reluctantly handed Abigail over to the nurse, giving a her a quick kiss on the forehead before she was wheeled out.


House was startled awake by a poke to the eye. "Abigail." Opening his good eye, he looked up to see eleven month old, Abigail sitting near his head.

"Dada." House was awake now.

"What did you say?"

"Dada. Dada."

Breezing into the room, Cuddy was fully dressed and on a quest. "Have you seen my earrings? The ones you got me for Christmas?"

"Did you-- did she--"


"I think Abigail just said, Dada."

"House, she's eleven months old--"

"Dada," Abigail said in a more forceful voice. Cuddy flew to their side.


"I know!" House sat up and pulled Abigail to him.

"She would say "Dada" first, wouldn't she."


"A little."

"Abigail, say Mama," House coached.


"No, Mama."

"House, it's okay. She was 'daddy's girl' since the day she was born."

"She'll say it."

"I know."

"Com'ere," he pulled Cuddy into a kiss. Abigail, not happy at being ignored, screamed.

"Abigail Marie House," House said firmly, "No screaming." Abigail's eyes started to tear up as her lip went into a pout. In a more gentle voice he explained as well as you could to an eleven month old, "You can't scream, Baby Girl." He tired to pull her into a hug, but she pulled away. Lisa laughed. "She's definitely your daughter," she teased, starting to walk out of the room.


"Dad, PLEASE can I go, PLEASE." Nine year old, Abigail begged her father. "It's only for a week and everyone else from my class is going."

"What did you mother say?"

"I didn't ask her." House tried to hide his smile.

"Let's go talk to your mom, okay?"

"She'll say no. She never lets me do fun stuff."

"That's not true Abigail."

"Yes it is! Daddy, it's a special ballet camp and my class was picked to go. If I don't go I'll be humiliated."

"Where you get such words."


"Well, he would know. Come on."

"Ballet camp?" Cuddy asked as the pair walked into the kitchen.

"Yes." House kissed her quickly.

"Ewe. Get a room."

"Do you, or do you not, want to go to this ballet thing?" House asked.


"Well, let me talk it over with your mom and we'll let you know."

"By when?"


"What time."

"Ten till never if you don't stop whining."

"Fine." Abigail stopped off.

"What do you think?" he asked as soon as she disappeared. Stooping down behind the banister, she kept quiet and listened.

"A week camp?"

"A week to ourselves."

"She'll be over an hour away."



He sighed. "Is it true "everyone is going"?"

"Technically, yes. Abigail's class was invited because they're competition champions."

"What do you think?"

"I think she's never been that far away from home."

"Where is it?"

"New York. It's being hosted by American Ballet Federation."

"We could always go to New York for the week. That way if she gets homesick, we'll be there."

"I can't take off."

"Of course you can. With that new broad--"

"Dr. Mason--"

"Running the hospital, you have plenty of time. I don't want to say no, Lise, but I also don't want to leave her in NYC by herself-- at nine! Plus, we could use the time."

"Fine okay. I'll talk to Barbara tomorrow and get off time worked out for us."

"YES!" Abigail popped up from behind the counter.

"Ahem," House cleared his throat. "Young Lady."

"Sorry, Daddy." She ran to her mother. "So I can really go."

"Yes. You can go."