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Chapter 1: Sakura's Return

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-"Mommy!" Little Nathan yelled. Sakura came out running.

-"What's wrong, Nathan?" Sakura asked. It's been a year since Sakura has left Konoha and went to California. Things changed like Carole gave birth to a baby and Sakura was now the adoptive mother of Nathan. Sakura's appearance changed a little too. Her long pink hair was now cut about an inch past shoulder and she wore some make-up to her. She was skinnier and grew to become a beautiful 17-year-old girl. She always wondered what Sasuke her other friends were doing since she hadn't kept any contact. But she always smiled at the idea of meeting them again.

-"I fell and hurt my knee." Nathan cried. Nathan was two years old and he was a fast learner for his age.

-"It's ok, sweetie. We'll go get a band-aid." Sakura said picking up Nathan taking him into the house. Daisuke was in the kitchen cooking up some breakfast while Carole was on the couch rocking Syaoran—the new baby—to sleep.

-"Did Nathan fall again?" Daisuke asked. Sakura nodded while sitting Nathan down on the counter. Joaquin and Alicia were in the kitchen too, talking. Joaquin grew his hair a little more that his bangs covered his forehead. Alicia grew her blonde hair and it even curled at the ends.

-"Where're the band-aids?" Sakura asked.

-"Under the sink in the bathroom. I'll go get them." Alicia said. Sakura nodded as Alicia left the room.

-"So…summer's ending." Joaquin said. Sakura shrugged. She knew here this was heading. It's been the same conversation for weeks now.

-"Are you going back for senior year?" Daisuke asked.

-"I don't know." Sakura answered. Alicia came back with the first aid kit.

-"But Sakura, you promised Sasuke that you'll be back before school ends for the both of you." Alicia said.

-"I know, but still." Sakura said.

-"I want to go back to Konoha too," Nathan said raising his hands. Sakura giggled and put the band aid on his knee.

-"I'll tell you guys my answer later. Right now, let me think about it." They all nodded but on the inside they were anxious to know her answer now.

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-"Ok! Spit it Sakura, what's your answer?" Joaquin demanded. It was now dinner time and everybody else was tired of waiting. Sakura frowned.

-"I'll tell you when you give some space." She said. Joaquin moved away from Sakura's face and sat back down in his seat.

-"So? Alicia asked.

-"So?" Nathan mimicked banging his spoon against the table. Sakura sighed.

-"Fine. I'll go back to Konoha." Sakura said. Joaquin and Alicia smiled at each other.

-"You're leaving?" Stephanie asked.

-"yeah. I really do miss my mom and my other friends."

-"But why?" Tim asked. Sakura didn't answer. Mark looked at Maddie and then at Sakura.

-"When will you be leaving?" He asked.

-"Soon. School's starting in two weeks." Joaquin said.

-"I'm really going to miss you." Maddie said. Sakura smiled at her.

-"I'll keep in touch. And I'll come visit sometimes." Sakura said. Maddie giggled and nodded.

-"Well, I also have an announcement." Daisuke said.

-"What?" They all asked.

-"I have also decided to go to Japan for the year with Carole."

-"Why?" Tim asked. Carole put a hand on his shoulder.

-"Daisuke thinks it would be best if I had some rest. But I'll bring along Syaoran too."

-"And us?" Stephanie asked.

-"You'll stay with your aunt and uncle until we come back." Daisuke answered. The kids sighed but they were happy. Sakura smiled and giggled.

-"Hey, we're not gone yet. So let's just enjoy this dinner and be happy." They all nodded and began eating. Sakura looked out the window and her thoughts drifted off to Sasuke.

Sasuke, are you thinking of me as I'm thinking of you?

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-"Hey teme!" Naruto exclaimed. Sasuke jumped up from his bed and bumped his head.

-"Ow! How did you get into my house?" Sasuke asked.

-"I have my ways." Naruto said sitting down in the chair frowning at a certain picture on Sasuke's nightstand. Sasuke rubbed his head and stood up from his bed.

-"Do you need anything?" Sasuke asked.

-"Yup, today we're meeting the guys somewhere." Naruto responded. Sasuke rubbed the sleep away from his eyes.

-"Where?" He asked.

-"Does it matter? Let's just go. Come on! Get ready so we can leave." Naruto left the room. While Sasuke started changing. He looked at the picture Naruto was looking at earlier. He shook his head and resumed to changing his clothes. After he was done, he went out. Naruto was sitting at the kitchen table. Naruto has completely healed from the gunshot and he was the same hyper-active midget.

-"Finally! Let's go!" Naruto grabbed Sasuke's arm and they ran out of the house.

-"Where are we going?" Sasuke demanded.

-"You'll see." Naruto said. After running many miles they reached their destination. They were right in front of a house.

-"Um…Naruto? Why are we here?" Sasuke asked. Naruto laughed nervously.

-"You see…about that."

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-"Has anyone seen Nathan's shoes?" Sakura asked.

-"Right behind you." Joaquin pointed out.

-"Oh." Sakura slipped Nathan's shoes on his feet.

-"Are you worried or something?" Alicia asked.

-"No. Why?" Sakura asked.

-"Maybe because you're pouring coffee on your shoes instead a cup." Sakura stopped pouring coffee and looked down.

-"Aw Crap. Now I have to clean this up." Nathan giggled.

-"Is it about meeting up with everyone again?" Joaquin asked.

-"It's not that. It's just…"

-"Nervousness." Alicia and Joaquin said unison. Sakura glared at them.

-"Will you two shut up?" She asked. Both of them shrugged.

-"Mommy, I'm thirsty." Nathan tugged on Sakura's shirt.

-"I'll go get you some juice." Sakura said going to the kitchen. Joaquin looked at Alicia.

-"She's nervous." He said.

-"I am not!" Sakura yelled from the kitchen.

-"Hey guys, check this out." Mark came into the room riding on wheel chair.

-"Isn't this cool?" Mark said spinning around.

-"I guess so." Joaquin said.

-"Daisuke even put some sort of system on the doors to make the open and close by themselves." Mark said. Alicia picked up a remote.

-"What's this?" Looking at the red button.

-"Don't touch that!" Alicia pressed it and the door hit Mark's head.

-"Ow! That button activates the doors." Mark grunted.

-"Sorry!" Alicia apologized. Sakura came back into the room with Nathan in her arms.

-"Stupid juice. It kept spilling onto my shoes." She muttered under her breath. Nathan picked up the remote Alicia dropped.

-"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Mark cried over and over again.

-"Where's the remote?" Alicia asked.

-"Is this it?" Sakura asked picking up Nathan from the floor.

-"Yes! Now just take the remote away from him!" Mark yelled as the door hit him repeatedly. Sakura tried taking the remote away from Nathan but he didn't budge.

-"Try this." Joaquin said trying to yank the remote away. Sakura slapped his hand.

-"Don't do that! You'll hurt his teeth. Do it gently!" Sakura scolded.

-"Girls." Joaquin muttered. Both Joaquin and Sakura tried take the remote while the door kept hitting Mark's head.

-"Help! My brain's vibrating in wrong ways!" Mark screamed.

-"Just yank the remote away!" Joaquin yelled.

-"And hurt him? No way!" Joaquin and Sakura were both tugging onto the remote.

-"Just give it!" Joaquin yelled.

-"No!" Sakura yelled too. Alicia held onto Nathan as Joaquin and Sakura both fought for the remote.

-"Let go!" Sakura yelled.

-"Well then just hand it to me!" Joaquin yelled. They yanked it back and forth.

-"Guys! Just both of you let go!" Mark yelled.

-"Stay out!" The two teens kept at it until Joaquin fell backwards and the remote went flying through the air.

-"Crap!" They said. The remote kept flying until it splashed right into a cup of water.

-"Help me!" Mark yelled. Joaquin and Sakura both rushed to the cup of water. Joaquin picked up the remote.

-"It doesn't work anymore!" He exclaimed. Sakura smacked her head.

-"Great. What do we do now?" She asked. Alicia sweat dropped.

-"You know, you could just move him away from the door." She said.

-"You're right!" Sakura reached over to Mark and pushed him out of the way.

-"We're really stupid." Joaquin said. Sakura nodded.

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Sakura put in the last of her belongings into her suitcase. It was 5:00 a.m. and she was nervous. Today was the day where she would be returning to Japan. Daisuke and Carole would go with her too but they would be in a different part of Japan so they could have some vacation. Of course, Syaoran was going to stay with Sakura and Nathan. Joaquin and Alicia have decided to join Konoha Academy too but would be staying in a dorm room. However, Sakura has decided to live on her own in an apartment while she attended school.

-"Mommy?" Nathan asked reaching out of his crib. Sakura smiled and picked him up.

-"Oh Nathan, if only everyone knew the truth about you. It's going to be so hard to keep it." Sakura sniffed.


-"Sakura, before you leave. I need to tell you something." Sonomi said.

-"But I have to go to the airport with Joaquin and the others now." Sakura said.

-"I know that, sweetie. But we need to talk." Sonomi looked very serious so Sakura sat down to listen. Sonomi sat down beside her and sighed.

-"Remember how I told you that Nathan belonged to my friend who died?" Sonomi asked. Sakura nodded not knowing where this was going.

-"Well, I lied. That baby is really your child."

End Flashback

-"About two years ago, a man related to the Uchiha family raped me. It was so scary especially when I found out I was pregnant. You were born but I decided to give you up for adoption. Apparently, you were adopted to my mother's friend. I've always wanted to meet you and hold you like this but I couldn't. I never told anyone and just acted like a regular teenager." Sakura cried. Nathan looked at his mom and used his small fingers to wipe her tears.

-"Don't cry mommy, I'm here now." He said. Sakura cried more and hugged Nathan's little body.

-"I love you Nathan. I'll protect you with my life and never give you up!" She said.

-"I love you too, mommy." Nathan said. They stayed in that position until someone knocked on her door.

-"Um…come in!" Sakura said wiping her eyes. Daisuke came in.

-"You ready, Spencer?" He asked. Sakura nodded. 'Time to face my fears.'

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-"Ok, so if there's any problems just call me on my cell." Daisuke said.

-"I know dad. Just relax and go ahead and have fun with Carole." Sakura said. Daisuke nodded but he felt uneasy. Carole kissed Syaoran's head one more and handed him to Sakura.

-"Please take good care of him." She pleaded.

-"Will do." Sakura responded.

-"Ok then, well I'll see you around and call sometimes to check how you are. Good-bye, I'll miss you, Sakura." Daisuke and Carole hugged Sakura and went into their car. Sakura was finally in Konoha and right in her new apartment. It was small and simple. Syaoran began fussing in his carriage. Sakura went up to him and put a pacifier in his mouth.

-"I guess I'm all alone now. School starts tomorrow, so what am I going to do with you and Nathan?" Sakura asked herself. Syaoran fussed a little more but then calmed down. Sakura wrapped her arms around herself and stared out the window.

-"And Sasuke? How will he react to seeing me?" Sakura was snapped out of her thoughts when she saw all the boxes.

-"I forgot about unpacking." She groaned.


The television played in the living room and Sakura laid Syaoran in his crib. She watched him sleep for a few seconds and then turned out the light in the room where both the baby and she would be sleeping. Sakura went into the living and shut off the television. Her hair was in a messy bun and she was only wearing a nightgown. She sat in the kitchen with a cup of coffee searching through her laptop for a baby-sitter.

-"There has to be someone." She mumbled taking a sip.

-"Mommy?" Sakura looked up and saw Nathan in his pajamas holding his blanket. Sakura rubbed her sleepy eyes.

-"Nathan, why are you awake. You were supposed to be asleep half an hour ago." Sakura scolded.

-"I know but…I don't want to sleep alone. Can I sleep in your room?" Nathan asked. Sakura shut off her laptop and picked up Nathan in her arms.

-"Tell you what; you can sleep with me in my bed. Okay?" Nathan nodded happily as they headed towards her bedroom. Sakura and Nathan both snuggled in her bed. Nathan yawned and closed his eyes.

-"Good-night mommy." He said. Sakura smiled at him and stroked his cheek.

-"Good-night." She whispered.

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Sakura groaned and turned off her alarm. She looked at it and sat up real quick.

-"Shit, today is the day." She said. Sakura got out of bed and began getting ready. She was wearing a yellow spaghetti-strapped sundress with a small sky-blue jacket. Her hair was in a low pony-tail with a few bangs hanging out. Sakura had her books together and backpack ready. She shook Nathan until he opened his eyes.

-"I'm sorry honey, but you have to take up." She said.

-"Why?" He asked sleepily.

-"You're going to daycare with Syaoran while I go to school." Sakura said. Nathan sat up.

-"I don't want to go to daycare! I want to stay with you!" Nathan cried.

-"Shh. Syaoran's still sleeping." Sakura whispered. Nathan wrapped his arms around Sakura's waist.

-"Please don't leave me!" He cried. Sakura laughed and ruffled his hair.

-"Don't worry; I'll be back when school ends. I promise." Sakura said.

-"Pinky promise?"

-"Pinky promise." Sakura and Nathan hooked pinkies.

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Sakura ran as fast as she could to Konoha Academy. She was not going to miss her chance to meet up with her old friends. When she reached it, she entered through the doors and ran to the office. Immediately as she entered, the room fell quiet.

-"Sakura?" A familiar voice said. Sakura turned and saw Tsunade there.

-"Tsunade-sama!" Sakura exclaimed as the two hugged.

-"You're finally back! I've got your schedule right here and the teachers are all excited to see you again." Tsunade said. Sakura grinned.

-"I'm glad. Am I late?" Sakura asked. Tsunade shook her head.

-"No, actually you can sit right over where the other new kids are sitting. I'll be right back" Tsunade then walked off to the front desk. Sakura sighed and walked to where Tsunade told her to go. Three kids sat there. One was a girl and the other two were boys. Sakura sat in between the girl and the boy who had brown hair. Sakura looked down to the ground and gulped.

-"Are you nervous too?" An angelic voice asked. Sakura lifted up her head.

-"Are you talking to me?" Sakura asked. The girl next to her giggled. Sakura looked at her and though she was pretty. The girl had gorgeous long light brown hair with the most amazing brown eyes. Her pale face looked so smooth and her smiled made her look even more beautiful. An angel couldn't resemble her looks.

-"Yeah. My name's Millie Hatake." 'Hatake? As is in Kakashi Hatake?'

-"I'm Sakura Haruno. Just out of curiosity, are by chance Kakashi Hatake's daughter?" Sakura asked. Millie smiled and nodded.

-"yeah, he's my dad. Oh! And this is my twin brother, Danny." Millie pointed to the boy next to her. Sakura's heart fluttered when she looked at him. He had hair that resembled to Hinata's hair color that matched greatly with his deep purple eyes. He was reading a book with a posture of a great thinker. And he sat so still like a statue.

-"Danny, say hi Sakura Haruno." Millie said. Danny looked at Sakura from the corner of his eye.

-"Hi." He said and did a small smile that turned back into frown when he turned back to his book. His voice sounded so beautiful. Sakura wasn't attracted to him like a crush at all but he did make her blush.

-"Don't mind him; he always treats everyone like that." Millie whispered to Sakura. Sakura nodded and shifted her gaze to the other boy next to her. He had brown hair and brown eyes that were much more attractive than Danny's. He was looking straight ahead at the wall, thinking. His right foot was on his chair to while his right arm draped over it. Sakura stared feeling heat overcome her face. The boy blinked and then narrowed his eyes at Sakura.

-"Is there something you need?" He asked sounding irritated. Sakura flinched and shook her head.

-"Nothing I was just…" Sakura didn't know what to say. The boy huffed and went back to staring into space. Tsunade came back and pointed to all them.

-"All of you come with me. It seems that you all have been placed in the same classes." Tsunade said. They all sat up and followed Tsunade out of the office. Millie smiled at Sakura and touched her shoulder.

-"It's my first day here, is it yours too?" She asked.

-"I've been here before. But I left last year and now I'm back." Sakura said.

-"And that's a good thing. It's about time our genius came back. It would be a pleasure if you joined our school's debate team, Sakura." Tsunade said.

-"Isn't the debate team a little overrated." Danny said. He didn't say it as question but as a statement.

-"Daniel Hatake, I know your father so if you don't want to spend detention with me, then I suggest you shut your mouth." Tsunade said. Danny didn't say anything but instead he was smirking. Millie looked sadly at him. Sakura wanted to say something but instead felt a lump in her throat when she saw that Tsunade stopped in front of a door.

-"It's daddy's class." Millie said.

-"Kakashi-sensei." Sakura said. Tsunade opened the door. Sakura felt like she was going to pass out.

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-"Class, today we have new students. One of them, I hope you welcome her back."

Kakashi opened the door and four people came into the room. Sasuke looked up from his math notes and his bored expression changed into a surprised one. His onyx eyes came to meet emerald eyes.

-"Sakura…" He gasped.

-"Sakura-chan!" Naruto exclaimed jumping up from his seat. Sakura looked about in the room and smiled at Naruto.

-"Same old goofball." She whispered.

-'I leave them in your hands, Kakashi." Tsunade said leaving them. Kakashi grinned at Sakura and then turned to his class.

-"Everyone, these are my children, Millie and Danny, who would be joining us." Kakashi said pointing Danny and Millie. Many of the girls began looking at Danny with hearts in their eyes.

-"This is Alex Dasani." Kakashi said to the brown-haired boy. 'So his name is Alex'

-"And as you may know, Sakura Haruno is back with us." Kakashi said. Naruto cheered jumping up and down. Gaara, Neji, Shikamaru, Ino, Tenten, Hinata, and Matsuri looked at Sakura with tears in their eyes, smiling. Many of the boy classmates cheered and whistled at Sakura.

-"Looking good Haruno!" They all said. Sakura blushed. She looked to see Sasuke but he wasn't looking at her.

-"Sasuke." Sakura whispered feeling her heart hurt.

-"You can all sit where there are empty seats." Kakashi said. Naruto and the others pointed to a seat right behind Ino.

-"Sakura-chan! Over here!" Naruto yelled. Sakura smiled and walked over to them. She sat in the seat and immediately was tackled by many hugs.

-"Idiot! Why didn't you tell us that you were back?" Ino asked.

-"I wanted to surprise you all." Sakura answered.

-"The plan worked, right Sakura?" Gaara winked at her.

-"Wait a minute, Panda boy! You mean that you already knew?" Tenten asked. Gaara nodded.

-"That's mean!" Matsuri said playfully punching him.

-"Sakura-chan, we really have to catch up on things." Hinata said.

-"I know. I know. But first things first. Let me breathe!" Sakura yelled. The girls let go giggling.

-"Good to have you back, Sakura." Neji said.

-"It's good to be back." Sakura said.

-"Are you staying this time?" Shikamaru asked. Before Sakura could answer Naruto pushed Shikamaru out of the way.

-"Sakura-chan! Check out my scar!" Naruto pulled up his shirt to show Sakura his scar from the gunshot wound. Sakura frowned and touched it with her fingertips.

-"You got hurt because of me." Sakura said. Naruto pulled down his shirt and hugged Sakura very tightly.

-"It's not your fault. It was for your sake anyway." Naruto said. Shikamaru glared at Naruto and pushed away too.

-"So answer my question. Are you staying?" He asked.

-"Of course! I have decided to live here now. I have my own apartment and even taking care of Syaoran."

-"Wait a sec, who's Syaoran?" Ino asked.

-"Carole's new baby?" Gaara guessed. Sakura nodded.

-"And Nathan? How's Nathan?" Hinata asked.

-"He's with me too. He's at daycare with Syaoran." Sakura answered.

-"What about Joaquin and Alicia?" Matsuri asked.

-"Are they with you?" Tenten asked too.

-"They're living in another apartment than me but they're here. They're coming in tomorrow because they have things to do since they are from a different country." Sakura said.

-"Sakura-chan, there's something you need to know about Sasuke." Naruto said.

-"What? Is he ok?" Sakura asked.

-"He's fine but…" Neji trailed.

-"Just please promise me that you'll relax and not get into a heart attack, ok?" Gaara asked.

-"I promise."

-"Ok well…" Before Naruto could say something a girl came into Sakura's view. She had mid-length blonde hair and purple eyes. She smiled at Sakura and held out her hand.

-"Hi, I'm Sayuri Komoto. Sasuke-kun's girlfriend." Sakura's heart felt like it shattered to pieces.

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To Be Continued…

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A/N: Oh…My…God! I finally got the first chapter of the sequel up! I'm SO sorry for the long wait. It's just that I've been so busy with things such as the swim team, aikido, and trying my best to keep up with some of my friends. Anyways, I sincerely hope that you all like it read it further. And as for Nathan, who's his father? Read further into the story and you'll find out. By the way, for anyone who has a YAHOO account, you can email me for any questions and we can keep in touch by chatting and emailing. Look on my profile for my e-mail address. Hope you liked the chapter!

Please Read and Review

Here's a preview of the next chapter: Sayuri, Friends, and Enemies

-"He broke his promise! I'm such an idiot!" Sakura cried. Millie held her hand and hugged her.

-"It's ok Sakura, I'm your friend and I can help you." Sakura kept on crying. Danny stared at her and then touched her cheek. Sakura looked at him.

-"Are these tears worth for this worthless fool?" Danny asked. Sakura stared at him and then shook her head.

-"I guess not. But why did he do this to me?" Sakura asked.

-"Maybe I can help." A boy's voice asked from the shadows.